
Young Master Liu, Pamper Your Little Wifey

A day in early-winter, Xun An was passing by and heard a man's groaning.. The man was God like handsome and injured on his back.. As a doctor, Xun An felt a strong sense of responsibility and saved him.. Two years later, Huff! Huff! Panting Xun An collided with a man, as she was drunk, she couldn't see his face properly but felt that she saw his face somewhere.. "Please save me.. " A group of thugs were vying behind her. When they were chased away.. he said, "Woman, I have let you go before, but this you came by yourself, I won't let you go.. " Hubby, do you like this? " "No baby, it's too revealing, let's change." "I've already changed 105th dress." "Hubby, they bullied me earlier, so I taught them a lesson, ain't I good? " "Yeah, my baby is best. " "Hubby, let's have a little riceball." "As you say wifey.. " Like that two persons in different world meet each other by fate and never let go off each other.. curious? want to know more! then read the story! Don't forget to support!

Dawn_003 · Urban
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14 Chs

She Is My Fiancee

After getting ready, Xun An left the room and went to the lobby to return the key to them. 

When she came out she saw a black Bentley was outside and the man who was standing beside it was someone she knew too well. 

She wanted to walk pass from there and wait for Liu Junxi's driver. 

When she was passing there, the man came forward and held her hand. 

Xun An was so angry that she wanted to explode.. 

"Chang Jing.. " she said in a cold voice, "What do you think you are doing? "

"I.. " Chang Jing's expression was changing as it became more pitiful.. 

He really didn't know what he was doing! 

Why he couldn't sleep for a whole night after seeing An An dancing with Young Master Liu. 

He had never thought that one day she could finally let him go and move on.. 

He.. was just feeling terrible.. 

His heart was bleeding like someone chopped his heart off! 

He tossed and turned for a whole night and finally came here today just to ask her whether or not she really loved him anymore! 

Too bad.. 

if only he cherished her back then. 

When Xun An saw the dark circles under his eyes, she felt a little sad while thinking about the past good times. 

Back then, he was really a campus hunk, a sunny boy.. 

who had a pair of sparkling eyes.. 

When she thought about those days, she actually wanted to laugh.. 

Who knew that the boy, who was so gentle with others, turned out to be a scumbag! 

She was so naive! 

She shook off his hand forcefully and said, "Chang Jing, have you really forgotten what I said to you back then or do you think I can't do anything to you because you are with the Mayor's daughter now. "

Who did he think he was? 

He humiliated her two years ago.. 

He just broke their relationship within 2 days, now he was forcefully holding her hand.. 

Tsk! such a bàstard! 

She really had a bad choice.. 

When Chang Jing heard the name of Gu Lingsha from Xun An, he felt his heart sink.. 

He had mixed feelings! 

It was true, he was engaged with Gu Lingsha now, she loved him! 

But from the deep down, he knew that he only saw her as Xun An's substitute. 

Like she was when they were younger, Gu Lingsha was also that cheerful.. 

Whenever he saw her playing around, he felt good as he found his An An into her! 

He sighed and said in one go, "An An, are you really with Liu Junxi? "

Xun An furrowed her brows as soon as she heard the question.. 

She didn't answer but mocked him with a sarcastic smirk, "Chang Jing, don't you think you are being ridiculous?"

He was indeed being ridiculous! 

or how could a person think that even after he cheated on her on the second day of their relationship, had the guts to ask her that type of question! 

She sneered.. 

Huh! if it were she in his shoes, she would have never shown her face to him but this guy was indeed shameless to poke his nose on her business.. 

Chang Jing felt she was right. 

He really didn't have any right to ask her that things but he was still too reluctant to let her go and wanted to hear from her mouth at least for one time.. 

if she would tell him that she really didn't love him anymore, she really could let go of him completely, he might feel a bit of peace.. 

"An An.. " he again called her, but this time there was a hint of pain.. 

If it were in the past, Xun An might have felt heartache and coaxed him until he smiled but now she felt nothing.. 

Like they had never met! 

Xun An was on the verge of depression back then, where was he at that time? 

The things he wanted were only privileges! 

"An An.. " he felt his throat became dry but still said, "Liu Junxi is not someone who shows to others, he... "

"Yeah I know, he is so gentle in private. ``Before Chang Jing could complete his words, Xun An stopped him and said with a little smile.. 

She didn't say anything wrong. 

Liu Junxi was indeed someone who was gentle and moralistic in private life.. 

After all, if it were someone else, he sure took advantage of her while sleeping! 

The more she thought, the softer her expression became. 

Seeing her like that, Chang Jing really felt pain like his heart was being sliced by a sharp knife but no one could see that. 

He.. was really at a loss! 

Only if he  could change everything, their past, he would never be a scumbag and cherished her like a gem. 

but unfortunately, there are no ifs.. 

What was done was done!. 

Even after we repented for everything, we couldn't possibly change the fact and gave in to the time.. 

Like now, this same girl had smiled for him two years ago, but now she was smiling so tenderly just because of a person whom she met a few days ago.. 

He... really couldn't take it anymore! 

He was so afraid that he might lose her forever! 

He hurriedly saud, "An An, Liu Junxi is not a good person, it is just his facade.. 

Do you really think a rich young master like him is so pure and will always be loyal to you.. 

I bet Liu Junxi has many toys on the outside.. 

he.. " Chang Jing wanted to say more. 

But Xun An interrupted, "Chang Jing, can you not be so shameless at least? 

Tsk! You are really a terrible person! 

How can you slander a person like that whom you don't even know properly? 

Or by saying that, you are describing yourself.. 

Chang Jing, you are really disgusting! "

"An An. " he really wanted to cry at this moment.. 

He had never thought the girl who liked him when they were little, actually told him disgusting! 

It was too cruel! 

too much.. 

"Are you really with him? " this was the last thing he wanted to know from her.. 

in his mind, he was pleading his heart out to know that! 

But before she could say anything, a manly deep voice came from behind, "She is my fiancee.. "