
Young Master Liu, Pamper Your Little Wifey

A day in early-winter, Xun An was passing by and heard a man's groaning.. The man was God like handsome and injured on his back.. As a doctor, Xun An felt a strong sense of responsibility and saved him.. Two years later, Huff! Huff! Panting Xun An collided with a man, as she was drunk, she couldn't see his face properly but felt that she saw his face somewhere.. "Please save me.. " A group of thugs were vying behind her. When they were chased away.. he said, "Woman, I have let you go before, but this you came by yourself, I won't let you go.. " Hubby, do you like this? " "No baby, it's too revealing, let's change." "I've already changed 105th dress." "Hubby, they bullied me earlier, so I taught them a lesson, ain't I good? " "Yeah, my baby is best. " "Hubby, let's have a little riceball." "As you say wifey.. " Like that two persons in different world meet each other by fate and never let go off each other.. curious? want to know more! then read the story! Don't forget to support!

Dawn_003 · Urban
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14 Chs

Pain of Poverty

Zhou Zimo dragged her out and made her sit in his sports car. 

"Here." he passed a bottle of water to her, "Have it, you will feel better. "

"Thank you. " she took the bottle and drank some. 

"So, sorry.. " Zhou Zimo's expression was gloomy. 

"Huh! ``She was kinda confused, "Why? "

"Well, for me you have lost your job. " he was biting his lower lip and was very guilty. 

"No way.. " she smiled bitterly as she replied, "actually even if it wasn't you it would be someone else but he wouldn't let me stay there. "

"Why? " he was stunned. 

She couldn't say anything for a moment and looked down, "Actually, he wanted to snatch my pride the other day and I refused. I just don't want to give up my self respect because of money even if I need so much. That's why he is angry with me and took revenge. "

Zhou Zimo didn't know how to comfort her.. 

Our society was that cruel, they always wanted to take advantage of those who was poor like his senior teacher in school. 

Just exchanged some books, she actually wanted too.. 

It was a mental trauma for him! 

He didn't know what to say! 

So he changed the topic. 

"So what's your name? " he asked. 

"Tao Ruan. " she replied. 

"Wow!" he smiled, "you have such a good name. "

She smiled but didn't say anything. 



Her stomach growled. 

As soon as the sound had left, her cheek burnt in embarrassment. 

She was so shy that she became completely red. 

When Zhou Zimo noticed that he chuckled a little and made Tao Ruan blush more. 

He started the car.. 

After a while, he stopped in front of a large Western Restaurant. 

"Let's go. " Zhou Zimo said, "Let's eat something, I'm hungry. "

Tao Ruan understood that he was saying this because he didn't want to embarrass her more but eating with a stranger even if he saved her today was a bit inappropriate, so she politely declined the offer. 

"Well, you can go ahead. I'm used to eat this kind of restaurant so I'll only embarrass you if I go there."

"Is that so? " Zhou Zimo raised his brownish eye brows. 

Tao Ruan didn't say anything, she just blinked her big eyes once or twice. 

"oh! " Zhou Zimo said like he was also reluctant, "Then let's go somewhere else. "

"Where? ``She was confused but the only thing she could know was that this fair and skinny man with a handsome and gentle face was so stubborn. 

On the way, she peeked at him a few times. 

His body was well built, that's why the deep gray shirt he was wearing suited his gentle temperament. 

His brownish brows were sword-like , deeply knotted and eyes were sharp as if it was implying he had gone through many hardships and was intelligent. 

His thin pinkish lips with sharp jawline gave him a perfect look like those manga boys. 

Who said anime didn't exist? 

If someone saw this man who could be twenty six or seven year old was the perfect example of that. 

"Are you done looking? " he chuckled as he stopped the car. 

She was still in a daze and said, "No."

"Am I handsome? " he leaned near her. 

"Yes, " she said without thinking twice. 

"Oh" he smirked, "You are the first one who said that kind of thing to me. "

As he said, he went near her more. 

At this distance, They could hear each other's breath and feel the warmth. 

Zhou Zimo noticed that a sweet smell was lingering around her, it was not any perfume but her own body's odor. 

It was smelling like faint mint and pleasing for one. 

He wanted to sniff her. 

Before he first saw her, he really fell for her. 

He didn't trust in the concept, 'love at first sight' until he met with her today. 

She was truly beautiful.. 

Even though he had seen so many beauties over the years because of staying beside Liu Junxi, it was his first time to see someone who didn't have that aggressive beauty but she was meek and mild. 

He really loved this kind of girl, who always struggled with the situation rather than gave in. 

Even if he noticed her before, he was seeing her now more closely as he leaned near her. 

Her face was round and little, her eyes were big and sparkling like the star at night!

Her soft pink lips were like a ripe strawberry that he wanted to chew hard. 

Her brownish black hair was sliding upon her little face, so that she was looking more pretty. 

He stretched his hand and tugged those hairs behind ear. 

He wanted to kiss her badly and keep her with him forever. 

When he was coming near her, she was in daze at first and the next moment, she snapped out! 

He was still in a daze and when he was about to kiss her, she held him, "Mr. Zhou.."

She called him out. 

When he got an obstacle in his way, he came out from daze and understood what he was going to do! 

He felt ashamed of himself! 

He was so guilty that he quickly got down to his own seat and didn't say anything the whole way anymore. 

Even though Tao Ruan could understand that he didn't mean to do anything with her or he had no intention to take advantage of her, she was still afraid because she had faced this kind of situation before. 

There were so many types of pain and the most terrifying pain was poverty. 

No one would give you priority if you were poor, you had no one and no one had you. 

Even if you were with everyone, you were invisible. 

They both know the pain and Zhou Zimo not only sympathises with her but could feel the pain. 

That was why he wanted to protect her. 

In the meantime, they reached in front of a small stall. 

"Get down" Zhou Zimo said as he unfastened his seat belt. 

While getting down, he saw the girl beside him was still struggling with seat belt to make it loose. 

He chuckled as he helped her to unfasten the belt. 

"You can ask my help when you want. " he said. "Come out. "

He extended his hand. 

"What is this? " she said. 

"Take a look at yourself. " he smiled gently. 

His smile was so gentle that Tao Ruan couldn't help but blushed. 

"Woah! ``Her mouth was wide open, "You also come here?"