
You Stole My Heart, And I Stole Yours

******* Updates will be when I have time, may become more often once summer hits and I'm off of school ******* Jameson Cooperation: A international car company. (Brianna's sister is the heiress of the company)  B. J Empire: A national insurance company, soon to be international. (Brianna is the CEO of the company)  Harrison Cooperation: a shopping mall international company. (Silvia is the heiress of the company)  Jay's Empire: a billion dollar international company for shopping malls and hotels. (Jason is the CEO of the company)  Brianna Jameson, a CEO of a new company. She is from a wealthy family and was the heiress. She didn't want to rely on her family, she always wanted to be independent. She gave up her spot to her younger, less mature twin sister and left to go start up her own company called B. J Empire.  Jason Jay, a CEO of an international company (Jay's Empire). The exact opposite of Jenna. He is chill and relaxed and a total playboy. But he has yet to find his first genuine lover.  **Volume One: Brianna and Jason ** Learn about Brianna and Jason, including how they first met, what they do for a living, and meet Jason's family. Go with Brianna and Silvia as live and move in Los Angeles to expand Brianna's company into something bigger.  **Volume Two: First Everything** There is always a first to everything in life. Travel with Brianna and Jason as they experience the first part of their relationship and having some jealous girl, following the couple and waiting for the right time to expose them to the public eye. It is unbelievable who the culprit is.  **Volume Three: Playing Detective** Follow Brianna and Jason as they dig deeper into the case. Help them find clues to help lead the couple to the culprit, the mastermind behind the little scheme. Will the two find all they need to prove Brianna's assumptions and will they bring the culprit to an end, or will the culprit live another day in the open.  *************  “Bri baby, what are you doing- aaachooo - this early?” Silvia asked with a sneeze, interrupting her in the middle and a few sniffles in between. “I’m pretty sure Jason has plans to kill me after what I did to him yesterday. I want to be wide awake for when he does so I can hopefully get it on camera and post it on social media.” “If he is going to kill you, then how can you post it.” “Well, that is going to be your job. I am going to send you where the phone is so you can post it for me.” Brianna said matter-of-factly. She turned around to look at her sick friend who was sitting in the bed, “How do I look?” She asked flashing a charming smile and dramatically flipped her hair. “If you are going to be dying… why does it matter about your appearance?” “Well, if this is going to be going on social media, then I am going to need my last impression worthwhile.” Silvia rolled her eyes, “Well, you look great Bri.” She yawned. “Now rest. Keep your phone on because when I send you the location, I am going to need you to wait for Jason and then go to the location to post the video.” Brianna explained and Silvia nodded her head. “Bye bestie.” Brianna said, turning around and walking out the door.

Miss_Pokerface · Urban
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26 Chs

Don't Mess with Brianna Jameson

Brianna was sitting on the tan color bench at McGilliCutty park. Her eyes were closed as she leaned back on the backrest of the bench.

There were kids running around of different ages, all of them seemed to have fun and enjoying their time at the park.

She looked in her purse and took out her blush pink bluetooth earbuds and connected them to her phone. She opened up Spotify and played one of her playlist, turning up the volume full blast, she sits there listening to her music.

Around ten minutes later, a young boy, no older than the age of ten, came up to her.

The boy had curly red, short hair and different sized freckles on his face. He had a fair skin color and cute hazel eyes. He wore blue denim short overalls with a cherry red shirt underneath. He was adorable.

"Excuse Miss!" The young boy poked at Brianna, trying to get her attention.

Brianna opened her eyes to see who was trying to wake her up. The corners of her lips turned up in a smile when she saw the little cutie.

"Hey there, do you need anything?" She asked, taking her earbuds out and pausing her music.

The boy looked up at her face and smiled to see her eyes opened, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay Miss, your eyes were closed and you weren't moving." He responded.

She felt touched by the young boy's words, "well, I am okay." She said in a kind, sweet assuring voice.

"That's good, Miss. You are also beautiful." He complimented her.

"Thank you. You are a very handsome and cute boy." She returned, causing the boy's smile to widen.

"Thank you, Miss!"

Then Brianna's phone rang, and the boy climbed on the bench to sit next to Brianna. She looked to see the number. 'A unknown number?' Thought Brianna. Frowning as she guessed it was her friend calling her, 'Silvia should know not to call me.' She thought and declined it, then slid her phone back into her bag.

The boy watched her, "why are you frowning." The boy had concern in his voice.

She shook her head and looked back at the boy with her smile, "It's nothing, just someone who I don't want to talk to." She answered.

"Did they do something bad to you?" He asked, "I promise I will protect you from them." He said, jumping off the bench and going into a fighting pose, his fists held in front of him as he threw a few punches at the air.

She giggled, "Wow, aren't you a brave, daring young man." She commented, "I will call you when I need someone to save me." He looked at her, happy about what she said.

"Okay Miss, my number is 123. I am available from 9 to 8."

"Okay, I will make sure that I will remember that."

As she said that, a woman that looked like she was in her mid-thirties came up to them. The lady was big and round. She had red hair like the boy's hair and fair colored skin. Brianna guessed she was some kind of relative to the young boy.

"There you are, Xander!" She exclaimed, walking to the boy that she called Xander, "Don't run away from me again, you almost gave me a heart attack." Then she looked up at Brianna realizing who she was, "OMG, Miss Jameson, I am truly sorry if my nephew was bothering you. He wanders off and talks to random people."

"That's fine. He wasn't a bother. I actually had fun talking to your nephew. He is an extremely cute boy."

The lady smiled, hearing that her nephew had behaved in front of one of Jameson's daughters.

Then Brianna's phone started ringing again. She rolled her eyes and answered it before waving Xander and his aunt bye.


"I already told you one hundred times, I knew her all 25 years that she was on earth. She is throwing a fit and not-"

"Shush, she answered." Whispered Jason to Silvia. Silvia was shocked. She answered Jason, but not her? How rude!


Jason winced and held the phone away from his ear and closer to Silvia. Silvia was about to laugh until Jason spoke and Interrupted Brianna, "Chill Brianna. It's me, Jason, not Silvia."

"Not much better."

"Wow, I'm hurt."



"Anyway, why did you decide to waste my time and call me?"

"Well, uh…" He was now getting nervous, "Selena wanted to know if you wanted to come over to our house to have some dinner." He also wanted her to have dinner with him, but didn't include that.

Brianna thought about that for a moment.

"I guess…" She wouldn't mind another chance to hang around Selena. She enjoyed Selena because she slightly reminded Brianna about Selena.

He smiled hearing her answer, "Great."

"What time?"



Then they both hung up as Jason's car stopped in front of Brianna's and Silvia's apartment.

"Thank you for the ride." Silvia smiled, getting out with her bags, and walked into the building.

Jason nodded. He watched her walk in and then drove off.

He looked at his phone and searched up Selena. After two rings, Selena picked up.


"Hey Selena, Brianna said that she would join us for supper. Let mother and father know."

"Really!?" She asked with excitement, "I will do it right away!"

He nodded and then hung up as the car drove off back towards his office building.


Brianna smiled and put her phone back in her purse before standing up.

A group of girls walked up to Brianna. Biranna turned to look at the group and immediately recognized the red-head in the middle.

"Hello, do you need-" Brianna started before Kaylynn cut her off.

"Shut up bitch, you man stealer."

Brianna raised her eyebrow, "man stealer?" Brianna asked with a chuckle.

"Yes, you stole Jason from me."

"No, I didn't. It's not my fault that Jason would much rather prefer a beautiful, smart, intelligent, independent girl instead of a needy, fugly, rich, spoiled brat." Brianna smiled innocently.

"Who do you think you are? You can't talk to her like that." A girl with brown hair asked.

"Well… I think I am Brianna Hannah Jameson, the old heir to Jameson corporation and the CEO of B. J Empire and I think I am the bitch that you don't want to mess with. Oh! And I thought I could talk to the rich, spoiled brat however I want. Guess I was wrong." Brianna had a smug smirk, "But I also never did what was I supposed to do." Brianna shrugged casually.

Brianna's smartass reply infuriated Kaylynn.

Kaylynn walked up to Brianna and raised a fist to punch her.

"You bitch!" Brianna shouted at Kaylynn when she punched her.

Brianna punched Kaylynn back, and the two got into a bitch fight.

Pulling hair, punching, kicking, clawing at each other.

The girls who came with Kaylynn stood back, watching. This would not end pretty.

After a few minutes, Brianna and Kaylynn stopped.

Brianna's hair was a rat's nest and the bottom of her shirt was ripped and torn. There were some cuts on Brianna's arms that were bleeding because of Kaylynn's sharp nails. Brianna was slightly panting.

Kaylynn was still on the ground. She couldn't stand up as she was heavily panting. Her Red hair was also a mess, and all knotted. She had some grass and dirt stains on her clothes along with some bruises and scrapes.

There were some strands of hair from both of the girl's heads on the grass. Brianna was the winner, she was the only one standing out of the two.

"Remember this the next time you want to fight me. You will always lose sweetie." Brianna gave Kaylynn a sweet, creepy smile before picking up her purse and walked away.


Silvia was sitting on the white sofa in their apartment as Brianna wobbled through the door and fell face-first on the floor. Her feet were still halfway out the door.

Silvia looked over at Brianna with a confused expression, "Uh… Rough day?" Asked Silvia.

Brianna nodded and turned onto her back.

"What fight did you get into now?"

"Just some fight with this annoying spoiled ass." Brianna responded.

"Is the bitch dead?" Silvia asked as she reached for the remote and looked back at the television. Searching through the channels.

"No, not yet. At least I don't think so. She might be if an ambulance hasn't come for her yet, tho."

The two girls were acting as if this was an everyday thing.

It was like the two girls never got into a fight this morning. Brianna just went for a walk to the park, and Silvia just left for the mall to go shopping. That is what they did in Canada.

"I need to go get ready now." Brianna said standing up.

Silvia nodded, "call me if you need anything."

"Probably wouldn't." Brianna said as she limped into her bedroom and began getting ready for dinner with Jason and his family. The last and only time she saw Jason's family was at the ball.

Brianna took a nice cold shower, then got out and changed into a red mid-thigh dress that hugged her skin and covered the cuts on her arms.

She looked into her mirror and started doing her hair, leaving it down and wavy, then started on her makeup.

She applied a bit of black metallic eyeshadow with black eyeliner and mascara. She searched through her lip glosses and found some cherry red CoverGirl lip gloss.

She pressed her lips together to evenly spread the lip gloss and admired herself in the mirror for a moment before walking out of the room and into the living room.

Jason was already there in a navy blue suit waiting for Brianna. Even if it was just a family dinner, they had a guest coming over, Brianna, and it was only right to look nice in front of their guests, wasn't it?

Jason looked over at Brianna and his jaw almost dropped, 'and I thought she couldn't get any beautifuler, she looks like a goddess.' He thought before composing himself, "you look beautiful Brianna, I never thought that you could look any better than you already did."

This flattered Brianna, the blush on her cheeks turned darker.

"T-thank you." Brianna said.

"OH MY GOODNESS! You two lovebirds, go get a room, please. There are other people here." Silvia complained, interrupting the two. Brianna rolled her eyes as Jason chuckled.

"Ready to go, Brianna?" He raised an eyebrow.

Brianna nodded, "Yep, I can't wait to get there. Then I can escape from you and go hang out with your sister the whole night." Brianna commented, plotting out her plan, walking out of the door and outside of the building to his car.

"..." He was left speechless as he listened to Brianna's plan. He wanted to hang out with his sister instead of him? Rude!

Read my new story Awaken

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