
You Stole My Heart, And I Stole Yours

******* Updates will be when I have time, may become more often once summer hits and I'm off of school ******* Jameson Cooperation: A international car company. (Brianna's sister is the heiress of the company)  B. J Empire: A national insurance company, soon to be international. (Brianna is the CEO of the company)  Harrison Cooperation: a shopping mall international company. (Silvia is the heiress of the company)  Jay's Empire: a billion dollar international company for shopping malls and hotels. (Jason is the CEO of the company)  Brianna Jameson, a CEO of a new company. She is from a wealthy family and was the heiress. She didn't want to rely on her family, she always wanted to be independent. She gave up her spot to her younger, less mature twin sister and left to go start up her own company called B. J Empire.  Jason Jay, a CEO of an international company (Jay's Empire). The exact opposite of Jenna. He is chill and relaxed and a total playboy. But he has yet to find his first genuine lover.  **Volume One: Brianna and Jason ** Learn about Brianna and Jason, including how they first met, what they do for a living, and meet Jason's family. Go with Brianna and Silvia as live and move in Los Angeles to expand Brianna's company into something bigger.  **Volume Two: First Everything** There is always a first to everything in life. Travel with Brianna and Jason as they experience the first part of their relationship and having some jealous girl, following the couple and waiting for the right time to expose them to the public eye. It is unbelievable who the culprit is.  **Volume Three: Playing Detective** Follow Brianna and Jason as they dig deeper into the case. Help them find clues to help lead the couple to the culprit, the mastermind behind the little scheme. Will the two find all they need to prove Brianna's assumptions and will they bring the culprit to an end, or will the culprit live another day in the open.  *************  “Bri baby, what are you doing- aaachooo - this early?” Silvia asked with a sneeze, interrupting her in the middle and a few sniffles in between. “I’m pretty sure Jason has plans to kill me after what I did to him yesterday. I want to be wide awake for when he does so I can hopefully get it on camera and post it on social media.” “If he is going to kill you, then how can you post it.” “Well, that is going to be your job. I am going to send you where the phone is so you can post it for me.” Brianna said matter-of-factly. She turned around to look at her sick friend who was sitting in the bed, “How do I look?” She asked flashing a charming smile and dramatically flipped her hair. “If you are going to be dying… why does it matter about your appearance?” “Well, if this is going to be going on social media, then I am going to need my last impression worthwhile.” Silvia rolled her eyes, “Well, you look great Bri.” She yawned. “Now rest. Keep your phone on because when I send you the location, I am going to need you to wait for Jason and then go to the location to post the video.” Brianna explained and Silvia nodded her head. “Bye bestie.” Brianna said, turning around and walking out the door.

Miss_Pokerface · Urban
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26 Chs

The Confession!

Once she was seated in the passenger's seat, he walked around and came to the driver's seat and drove off.

Jason drove tonight and give his driver a break. In reality, he just wanted to spend some time with Brianna alone. At first he looked at her as his next target and had thoughts of playing her. But even knowing that they knew each other for a small amount of time, he started viewing her as something else, something more important than just a victim to play, possibly love?

Brianna was happy to spend some time with him. Yes, he can be utterly annoying but that was one thing that she liked him for. She never liked someone's annoyingness around her. She felt a sense of comfort and warmth when she was around him. 'What is this feeling?' She asked herself.

"So, why do you want to spend time with my annoying baby sister?" Asked Jason as he moved one hand off the wheel, placing it behind Brianna's seat.

Brianna looked towards him before resting her head on the headrest and closed her eyes, "Why do you want to know?"

"Because, I think I may know."

"Really? Why would that be?"

"Are we playing twenty-hundred questions?"

"I don't know, why"

"I don't know, you keep answering my questions with questions."

"I am just curious why you want to know, are you jealous?"

"Pfft, me jealous? Never!"

She laughed, "Then why would it matter if I spend time with your sister instead of yourself?"

"Because… uh, just curious?" He said in a questioning tone.

"Is that so? Only curious?" She asked.

"Yes, now shut up."

She giggled and then stayed quiet the rest of the ride to his home for dinner.

The sun was still up because it was still the summer months. She looked out the window on her siding, clicking the small button with a small white picture of a window on it. The button made the window roll down. Brianna held the button until it was fully invisible. Wind came into the car blowing Brianna's hair all over the face blocking her sight.

Brianna enjoyed it, her childish mode was on.

He looked at her with the corner of his eyes. Confusion spread all over his face. He had never seen the childish side of Brianna; she was good at hiding it.

After an hour had passed, the car pulled up in front of the enormous mansion belonging to the Jay's.

Brianna looked out the window at it, and her jaw dropped.

Yea, her family mansion was enormous, but this mansion in front of her, It was a whole new definition of big. It was humongous, massive. There were not enough words to explain the size.

Jason looked over at her, getting out of his car. He chuckled as he walked around the front of the car and opened the door for her, "Are we going to go in or are you just going to stare at my home, hm?"

"You live here?" She asked with a shocked expression as she got out of the car and stretched. He nodded.

It was now past seven, and the sun was now setting, causing the sky to be a mixture of reds, oranges, and yellows.

"Let's go, shall we?" He asked to hold out a hand for her.

She nodded and took his hand before walking in with him.

Inside was even more luxurious than the outside. It was very modern. There was a 200 inch wall television to the right. A white and black living room set sat in front of the television. then in front of her, there was a grand staircase and behind the staircase looked like a dining room with a family sized dinner table. Then the doors to the kitchen were on the left of her. It had a neutral color theme to it which helped make the home calming and relaxing.

Maids wondered around the rooms, dusting, mopping, sweeping, etc.

Jason watched Brianna study the mansion with an amused smile on his face. He could tell that Brianna never went to a house as big as his.

"Ah, finally the two of you had made it!" Exclaimed a voice coming towards them. The voice sounded as it came from a young female.

Brianna looked in the direction that the voice came from. She smiled at the person the voice belonged to.

It was Selena! Her brown hair was in a neat bun, and she had bright red lipstick on. She had on a beige blouse and blue skinny jeans.

"Ah, looks like your sister is her. I need to go hang out with her now." Brianna went on her tippy-toes and whispered in Jason's ear. He turned to look at his sister glaring at her.

Brianna giggled as she watched Jason's glare, "Is someone jealous?"

He rolled his eyes sarcastically, "I don't get jealous Brianna." He replied in a sarcastic tone.

She giggled and reached her hand and brushed his front hair off of his forehead, "You don't need to lie, Jason." She assured him with a wink.

They weren't together… yet, but his family believed that they were still dating, so Brianna still needed to use her acting skills which were spot on.

Selena stood there watching them. She was always in the mood to watch a good show.

"Okay, lovebirds, I understand that the two of you love each other. But I have to break you two apart because dinner is ready. Honestly, I hate interrupting a good show, but I have to. You can continue it after dinner, I would love to continue watching the two of you." Selena chimed in.

"Shut up, Selena." Jason grumbled.

Brianna and Selena laughed at him.

"Anyway, let's eat now, I'm hungry." Selena chirped, taking Jason and Brianna's hands before leading them to the dining room.


After dinner, Brianna left Jason and went to go talk with Selena just like she planned.

Brianna and Selena were sitting on the soft neutral colored carpet talking about wedding plans for a wedding that will never happen.

"How big do you plan on having your wedding dress?" Inquired Selena with a curious facial expression.

Brianna smiled at the girl's questions. She knew she would never get married to Jason, especially because he got her into the mess of acting as his girlfriend.

"Well, I did always admire the big puffy ones that I saw on television, so…"

"Hm, excellent choice. Personally, I admire those dresses too, but I don't think that I could walk in them without falling flat on my face." Admitted Selena.

"How big do you plan on your wedding dress being?"

"Well, I want my wedding dress to be a fishtail dress." She answered, "I need my feet to be showing because I will need to show off my high heels and the pedicure job I will be getting."

Brianna looked puzzled.

Selena noticed Brianna's puzzled look, so she continued, "there are many people in the world that will judge you based on what your feet look like. And I don't want to look like I am ashamed of my feet by covering them up so I want to show them off."

"I understand what you are saying… but I don't think that people at your wedding will judge you based on your feet." Brianna responded truthfully.

Selena shrugged with an innocent face, "you never know."

"I guess I will have to agree with that," Brianna nodded in agreement.

"What's you ladies talking about?" Asked Jason who was standing behind Brianna. Brianna jumped when she heard Jason's voice and turned around to look at him, "Um, where did you come from."

Jason winked at her, "wouldn't you like to know my dear Bri baby."

Selena broke out in laughter.

Brianna glared at Selena and then looked back at Jason

"But are you going to answer my question? What were you two talking about?"

"Your and Brianna's wedding." Selena answered honestly.

"... why are you guys already planning a wedding? It's still a bit early, don't you think?"

Selena shook her head.

"Whatever, but right now I need to steal Brianna."


"Something important."

"Fine." Brianna stood up and looked at Selena, "I will be back." She promised before walking off with Jason.

Jason led her out the back through the garden. It was dark outside now. The light reflecting off the moon was making the pond sparkle. The cool night's breeze was calming and felt nice. It blew through Brianna's wavy hair. She closed her eyes and tilted her head up, enjoying it.

Once they were in the middle of the garden, Jason stopped and turned to her. Brianna also stopped and looked up at him, waiting for him to speak, "So, what is it you wanted to tell me?" She prompted.

"Brianna… I need to get this out of my chest so please bear with me as it might take a few minutes." She nodded and waited patiently.

"Brianna Jameson, I think I am in love with you." He bit on his bottom lip as he closed his eyes and prayed that their feelings were mutual.

She left her mouth opened in complete shock, her eyes wide as she stared at him, wondering to herself if this was real or a complete joke. He looked sincere and honest, all she could do was smile and hug him tight.

Just like he did to her, she left him in complete shock from this unexpected hug.

"I love you too." She mumbled.

He returned the hug.