
You Are Mine (English)

COMPLETED She is an unknown actress Edie Lara, who had a one night stand with the Noble Prince and the CEO Of L.N Group, Stuart Yates. He is every woman’s dream but not for someone like Edie. Stuart was said to be gay, but people behind him don't know the tragic past that pushed him to change into a different man. Stuart offered Edie a contract marriage after the passionate night they shared. He told her it would only last for six months until his family and shareholders could prove that he is not gay. Suddenly, Edie discovered the truth that Stuart is not gay but he had a rare type of phobia. She then fell in love with him. He did everything to let her stay beside him. One day someone pretends to be Stuart’s ex-fiancee after he met an accident, would he still remember his wife, Edie? Would their story ends tragically, or their love will remind him of the woman who is bound to be his fate from the very beginning? Would he still remember how deeply he loved her? Can Edie stand all the struggles along the way when she felt alone and unloved by her husband? Special Note: If you are looking for a sweet contemporary-romance genre, this novel doesn't have that kind of plot. Most plots of my novel talk about mystery, suspense, and a slice of life. Often FL starts a slow pace of development, from weak to strong. Wanna know more about the story follow me at Instagram: annashannellin

AnnaShannel_Lin · Urban
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Chapter 55: Frigid Man

Sensing the dignifying and distant aura coming off Stuart, not one person attracted by his look dared to approach him. He arrived at the parking lot shortly after. There were indeed thirty thousand dollars' worth of cash in the storage box.

Stuart took out a stack and put it into an envelope. He turned around and walked back towards the flower market. A white BMW blocked the entrance of the flower market. The flower market had stored on both sides of the path.

The path was already very narrow, being occupied by flowers. There was no way that any car could drive through. Since the market entrance got blocked, so many people gathered around the entry.

The people outside couldn't get in, and the people inside couldn't get out, but the white BMW still insisted on driving in. There were two people in the car, Victoria Greg and her best friend, Polly Hill. Victoria honked her car horn, impatiently, "So annoying! Are these bumpkins blind? Why aren't they cleaning up the entrance for me?"

Polly comforted her in a soft voice, "Vic, you don't want to bother yourself arguing with them, they're all just country bumpkins, you know. They probably have never seen such a good car in their entire life."

"Humph! I wouldn't have driven such a good car to such a dirty place if I hadn't decided to order the flowers on the spur of the moment. Now, I have to wash my car when I get back."

The car window was being knocked on, Victoria rolled it down and saw a middle-aged man with stubble all over his chin.

"What's wrong with you, young lady? Haven't you seen that you've been blocking the road? You're not allowed to drive into the flower market. Move your car to the parking lot."

Victoria noticed the man was in shabby clothes. She scorned him inside. She rolled her eyes and said, "So what, did you build this road? I'm going to drive in, no matter what. It's so dirty inside. If my clothes and shoes get dirty, can you afford to compensate me?"

The crowd was already whispering, having heard her words. They started commenting even louder.

"Where's she from? She's so rude!"

"Yeah, acting so rude and driving such a good car at such a young age. She's probably a mistress."

"Exactly, her face looks like it belongs to a bad woman."

Victoria never expected to hear such harsh words. Her, the only daughter of the Greg family, had never been insulted like this. She became furious. She was going to unbuckle her seat belt and get off the car immediately to argue with them.

Polly stopped Victoria instantly since she knew her temper, "Vic, you have such a high status. Don't bother yourself arguing with them."

Victoria lost her temper. She couldn't control herself anymore. She pushed Polly's hand away and unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car. She stood in the middle of the crowd.

Her high-end branded dress made her stand out. She looked around scornfully, "You rich haters, spontaneously relating a girl to a mistress when you see her in a nice dress. Unfortunately, I have a good dad, and we're not from the same class."

Hearing her words, the crowd got angry.

"Watch your words, young lady!"

"You're taking yourself too seriously just because your parents are rich?"

"You can't drive in the flower market. That's the rule. Just because you're rich doesn't mean you can break the rules!"

Victoria said arrogantly, "Yes, I am breaking the rules. If you get on my nerves, I'll buy the whole flower market and kick you all out!" Even Polly was embarrassed at her words. She felt that ever since Victoria came back from Thailand, her temper had worsened.

There were also many shopkeepers around that heard Victoria's words. They became even more furious and started swearing at her instantly. Everyone suppressed their thought of beating her up just because she was a woman.

They were the appalling insults Victoria could have ever imagined. She was shocked. It never occurred to her that anyone would dare to treat her which such an attitude. She was going to take her phone and call Stanley Greg.

"Move." Suddenly, a cold and deep male voice appeared behind her. Victoria subconsciously turned her head and froze. It was a really handsome man! Also, a really frigid man!

The man was tall and had exceptional facial features. He wore a casual shirt unbuttoned to his clavicle. The aura of asceticism coming off him made her heart skip a beat.

The man, who was cold and dignified, had the vigor of a nobleman and the confidence of an upper-class person. He was a formidable man. He talked to her without looking at her as if everyone was trivial to him.

He gazed from a distance at the store inside and frowned with impatience in his eyes. Victoria felt breathless. He was definitely the most good-looking man she'd ever seen. Especially his vigor. He is no ordinary man.

Compared to those gallants chasing after her, this man is her best match! Victoria couldn't help stepping forward. She recalled his words and thought of an idea, "Sure, if I move, will you tell me your phone number."

Stuart was already impatient since he didn't want to keep Edie waiting. Having heard her words, he took back his gaze and gave her a blade cold stare. "You don't deserve it." When he looked at her, there was raw disgust in his eyes as if he was looking at a pile of rubbish.

No one ever talked to her like that! Victoria was infuriated into suffocation. Suddenly, she remembered that she hadn't told him her background yet. That must've been the reason why he was so frigid towards her.

Everyone who knew her background rushed to please her. Victoria suppressed her anger. Her voice was brimming with raw arrogance, "I'm guessing you are unaware of my history.

My dad is the president of the Greg Group. I'm his eldest daughter. My name is Vic…" "Did you hear me?" Stuart interrupted her frigidly. He stopped suppressing his vigor and released it entirely as if he was on a conference table.

Victoria felt the man in front of her became even more superior. She felt enormous pressure and was afraid to look at him. Suddenly, she couldn't even speak in front of him.

"I'll give you three minutes to move your car." His voice was flat. It was evident that the man was accustomed to making commands. It had the power of making people subconsciously obey his order, irresistibly.

"Yes," Victoria replied instinctively. When she realized what she had just said, she was shocked. This man's vigor is incredible. He is definitely no ordinary man.

Polly had gotten out of the car long ago, feeling the vigor from that man. She was shocked as well. She walked over, pulled Victoria's arms, and said, "Vic, let's go, my mom just called me. I have to go home."

Polly's family only owned a small business. They were not as rich and powerful as the Greg family. She was a timid girl and felt that this man wasn't the kind that could be messed around with. So she used an excuse to call Victoria away, in fear that she might cause trouble for her.