
You Are Mine (English)

COMPLETED She is an unknown actress Edie Lara, who had a one night stand with the Noble Prince and the CEO Of L.N Group, Stuart Yates. He is every woman’s dream but not for someone like Edie. Stuart was said to be gay, but people behind him don't know the tragic past that pushed him to change into a different man. Stuart offered Edie a contract marriage after the passionate night they shared. He told her it would only last for six months until his family and shareholders could prove that he is not gay. Suddenly, Edie discovered the truth that Stuart is not gay but he had a rare type of phobia. She then fell in love with him. He did everything to let her stay beside him. One day someone pretends to be Stuart’s ex-fiancee after he met an accident, would he still remember his wife, Edie? Would their story ends tragically, or their love will remind him of the woman who is bound to be his fate from the very beginning? Would he still remember how deeply he loved her? Can Edie stand all the struggles along the way when she felt alone and unloved by her husband? Special Note: If you are looking for a sweet contemporary-romance genre, this novel doesn't have that kind of plot. Most plots of my novel talk about mystery, suspense, and a slice of life. Often FL starts a slow pace of development, from weak to strong. Wanna know more about the story follow me at Instagram: annashannellin

AnnaShannel_Lin · Urban
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Chapter 54: Romance Blue

The shopkeeper could not stop when it came to introducing his plants. "Metasequoia and orchid are suitable for putting on the lady's dresser. Dwarf champaca and Scindapsus are ideal for putting in this gentleman's study. I also want to introduce this flower to you, which we have newly developed.

It is called romance blue. This flower is spectacular, and it blooms into the shape of a heart. We sell them in a set of two. One is red and another in blue. It symbolizes the love between two people. It is most suitable for newly-married couples like you."

That was a huge misunderstanding, and she had to explain.

"You've mistaken us; we're not a newly-married couple…"

"Yes, we're not, we've been married for a long time." Almost a month, pretty long for him.

She didn't expect it at all, someone as wordless as Stuart just cut her off. "Stuart!" Edie couldn't hold back any longer and stared at him fiercely. They are in a fake marriage. Why does he keep making others misunderstand their relationship?

Stuart's black slim eyes looked at her and said in a deep voice, "Huh?" That was so sexy! Under his broiling gaze, Edie held back her words.

"Sorry, my wife is a bit shy," Stuart said lightly to the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper saw them trifling with one another. He felt as if he was watching a TV series. He shook his hand and said, "I understand, ha ha ha."

Edie blushed at the words "my wife" and didn't know how to refute. So, she caught his last two words and said, "You're shy; your whole family is shy!"

"Yes, and you're a part of my family too."


"Don't forget, we are now a legally married couple."

Stuart smiled at Edie's unhappy, not reconciling face, patted her head, and said, "Good girl." His voice was gentle and sincere, which made her heart skip a beat. Edie felt all the blood in her body rushing towards her face, and her face was entirely red.

He's way too good at hitting on girls! Stuart looked as if completely unaware of what he just did. He walked away and started picking some potted plants.

"This, this, and this…Wrap these up for me. No, not these ones, deliver the rest to this address." Stuart handed the shopkeeper an address. The shopkeeper had never seen anyone buy plants like this before. He was startled and asked, "All, all of them?"

Stuart had no patience for anyone except for Edie. His cold slim eyes lifted and asked lightly, "Is there a problem?" The shopkeeper felt the temperature around him drop at once. He was being stared at by those eyes; he immediately replied subconsciously, "No!"

"Stuart," Edie was shocked by his spending habits too. She pulled his sleeve and grabbed him aside, "do you always buy like this? It's such a waste of money, why do we need so many plants?"

Same as him buying clothes. Picking the ones he didn't like and buying the rest? Such a waste of money!

"Yes, the balcony is too bare, I'm thinking of turning it into a greenhouse, Carol will do it, what do you think?" Stuart gazed at her meaningfully.

Balcony? Something flashed through Edie's mind. It was a vague vision. She couldn't make sense of it, so she ignored it and nodded, "Sure."

Whatever, it's not her money, who cares. The shopkeeper calculated quickly and walked over to them with a smile. "Sir and Madam, It's a total of six thousand three hundred and fifty dollars. I'll give you a discount, so it's six thousand and three hundred dollars."

Edie frowned at once, "You're too tight-fisted. We bought six thousand dollars' worth of plants, and you only give us a fifty-dollar discount?"

"Madame, I have a small business and look at you two. You are so elegant and generous. I'm sure you wouldn't care about a few dollars. Don't be so harsh on me, Madame."

It was all Stuart's fault being so high profile, and the shopkeeper was trying to rip them off. Well, if Stuart doesn't care about money, she cares.

Edie lived a frugal life. She started bargaining with the shopkeeper right away. It was something new to Stuart. He always has disdained trade as far more valuable than the small amount of money being bargained off.

Looking at Edie bargaining with the shopkeeper in a serious face, he didn't for a bit think of her as a philistine. Instead, he thought she was cute, so very much adorable. After a while, Edie walked over in gloat.

"Done, six thousand dollars, and no delivery fee!" Her big eyes sparkled, "compliment me" was written all over her face. Stuart' s mouth curved into a smile and said, "You're really good at it."

"Sir, Madame, card, or cash?"

"Card." Stuart took out his black card and handed it to him. The shopkeeper took the black card. He noticed it was a foreign credit card and shook his head, "Sorry, sir, we don't take foreign credit cards. We're only a small store."

Stuart frowned. He overlooked this, and he had never been to such a small shop before. He was unaware that black card couldn't be swiped here.

"Don't worry, use mine." She said in a carefree way and shook her hand. Edie guessed that he probably always brought Mr. Bates or the secretary with him. Therefore, there was a small chance that he would have cash on him.

She never expected ever getting the chance to spend money on Stuart, and it felt so good. She opened her bag and rifled through. After a while, her movements slowed, and then she looked up in awkwardness, "I seem to have forgotten my wallet." Edie gazed at the shopkeeper, her eyes giving off her thoughts.

The shopkeeper smiled, "Sorry, we're a small business; we don't give credits."

"The storage box in the car should have thirty thousand dollars in it." Stuart suddenly said.

"What? Why do you keep money in the car?"

"That's Todd's car. He has a habit of putting thirty thousand dollars in every car of his. That one probably has it too."

Edie was confused. He was putting cash in cars. What kind of habit is that? Why are all these rich people so strange? "Let's go get the money first." Stuart calculated the distance between them and the parking lot in his mind, and he said to Edie, "Wait for me here, I'll go get it."

Edie startled, Stuart, doing the legwork for her? The mayor wouldn't even get this treatment. `If Mr. Sampson knew, he would be covered in tears again.

"No, no, no, I can go with you."

Stuart insisted, "There are too many people outside; I'll go by myself."

The path outside was too narrow when they first made their way through the crowd; some people tried to squeeze into them. Stuart quietly blocked them away, suppressing his anger. Of course, he wouldn't want her to squeeze through the crowd with him again.

Edie didn't give up and wanted to say more. Stuart patted her head and spoke with a definitive tone, "Be good."

Edie had no resistance to his pampering attitude. So she said in a quiet voice, "Okay then, I'll wait for you here."