
You Are Mine (English)

COMPLETED She is an unknown actress Edie Lara, who had a one night stand with the Noble Prince and the CEO Of L.N Group, Stuart Yates. He is every woman’s dream but not for someone like Edie. Stuart was said to be gay, but people behind him don't know the tragic past that pushed him to change into a different man. Stuart offered Edie a contract marriage after the passionate night they shared. He told her it would only last for six months until his family and shareholders could prove that he is not gay. Suddenly, Edie discovered the truth that Stuart is not gay but he had a rare type of phobia. She then fell in love with him. He did everything to let her stay beside him. One day someone pretends to be Stuart’s ex-fiancee after he met an accident, would he still remember his wife, Edie? Would their story ends tragically, or their love will remind him of the woman who is bound to be his fate from the very beginning? Would he still remember how deeply he loved her? Can Edie stand all the struggles along the way when she felt alone and unloved by her husband? Special Note: If you are looking for a sweet contemporary-romance genre, this novel doesn't have that kind of plot. Most plots of my novel talk about mystery, suspense, and a slice of life. Often FL starts a slow pace of development, from weak to strong. Wanna know more about the story follow me at Instagram: annashannellin

AnnaShannel_Lin · Urban
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Chapter 56: Unwilling Look

Victoria gave an unwilling look to Stuart. It didn't matter what he had to do, but he was going to stop her. She secretly clenched her teeth and got into the car with a bit of anger. When he realized who she was, he would regret it.

The silver BMW quickly left. She watched from the rearview mirror, and Stuart didn't even look in her direction. Victoria violently stepped on the brakes with anger. Polly did not fasten her seat belt and fell ahead uncontrollably.

"Oh, my head! Victoria, why did you suddenly put your brakes...?" Polly's forehead hit the windshield. She immediately felt dizzy and screamed, covering her head. She wanted to complain but just held the words back, seeing Victoria's angry expression.

In some way, Victoria was her friend. But she hit her head, and Victoria didn't even care about it. Thinking about her family and how they still needed help from Victoria's family with the new business. Polly had to suppress dissatisfaction in her heart and flatteringly smiled at her,

"Victoria, don't be angry. They are just impolite people."

As long as Victoria thought about how the man treated her like she was not existent, her heart was burned with fury. Her right hand slammed on the steering wheel, and the car horn screamed sharply.

"How dare he talk to me like that?"

"Victoria, he must not be clear with your status, or he would not have treated you like that."

Victoria slightly narrowed her eyes, which flashed with the light of fierceness. "I will get this man." Victoria was now buried in her anger and just honestly spoke out what she was thinking. Polly listened with her face slightly changing.

She deliberately said, "Victoria, hasn't your family found a husband for you? It is said that he is from the Yates Family. It is a good marriage. Why not accept it?"

"Why? The Yates is just a family with some money." Victoria said sarcastically. Polly kept a calm face. She looked at Victoria and could see her right hand on the side of the leg was clenched hard into a fist. Victoria could always get what she was longing for, but she never cherished it.

The Family Yates status description was not exaggerated to say it was the secret king of the city. Greg's status was not high enough to be matched to the Yates Family. It was a secret how Stanley Grey achieved Yates Family's approval.

If they could form a marriage with the Yates Family, the entire status of the Greg's would definitely increase by a level. It was a pity that Victoria was just an idiot who had no brain and only did things that were shameful. If she could marry someone from the Yates Family, then she thinks about this, Polly's eyes slightly became cold. When she turned to look at Victoria, her face twisted into a look of concern.

"Victoria, it is okay for you to say these words in front of me, but not to others?"

Victoria did not mind Polly's abnormal behavior. She just sneered, "I knew it. I will not marry the man right now. I just want to see what it will look like when such a proud man kneels in front of me." From childhood to now, there was nothing she couldn't get. That man was the same.

Stuart soon returned to the flower shop. He walked into the store, only to find that the boss was counting money alone. Edie was gone. His eyes immediately became cold, and he asked the boss, "Where's my wife?"

The boss inexplicably felt that the atmosphere in the store was colder and shrank his head and then pointed to the door. Stuart frowned slightly and walked out of the flower shop. He looked around and finally found the little figure in the crowd.

Edie was squatting in front of a stall. She was concentrating on something so deeply that she didn't even notice that her skirt was touching the ground. His tense nerve had relaxed the moment he saw her.

Stuart slowly walked over without letting her know. He stood behind her and wanted to see what she was so fascinated with. It turned out to be a goldfish.

It was a small stall selling birds and fishes. There was a variety of colorful newfangled fish and jellyfish, but Edie wasn't looking at them. She was just staring at a small goldfish in the corner.

Her white face was slightly raised with her eyes focused on it absentmindedly. As if from this goldfish, she thought of a very distant memory. "Pretty?" The low full-bodied voice sounded behind her.

Edie did not notice who was asking and nodded subconsciously, "Yes, it's as pretty as the one my mother bought for me."

"Then, just buy one."

Edie shook her head, "No, I am so busy with my work. I have to keep running around, and there is no way for me to take care of one."

"Let's just keep it at home."

Edie finally realized that the voice talking with her was a little bit special. She turned her head back immediately and was in a trance with her eyes straight to Stuart's black pearl-like eyes. The eyes were not as cold as usual, and there seemed to be a bit of pampering and spoiling in them.

"Oh," Edie came to herself and stood up with a little bit of embarrassment, "You are here too."

"Do you like it?"

"I can't keep it..."

"What I am asking is, do you like it?"

Stuart never repeated his words for the second time, but he asked again patiently. As if he would keep asking until he got the answer he was looking for. His eyes stared at her face, intently, which seemed to give her a little courage. Edie slowly nodded, "Yes."

Hearing her answer, Stuart immediately said to the boss, "I want all these goldfish..."

"Not all!" Edie finally had an opportunity to stop him this time and quickly said, "Goldfish can't be kept too together, or they will fight for nutrition. Is it the natural selection that the weak one will be eliminated?" Stuart was somewhat puzzled. Edie was stunned. Was it necessary for him to keep his cold-hearted business elite style in raising a fish?

Was it an enjoyable thing to watch the fish raised by himself kill each other and die one by one and day by day? She had to persuade him.

"When I was young, my mother bought me two goldfish. My mother said to me that one stood for her and one for me. So today, we only buy two, one for you and the other for me."

Edie finished and looked up at him. The big deer-like eyes blinked twice and seemed to be waiting for his answer. These words were too lovely, which made Stuart feel warmth in his heart, and a slight smile appeared on his thin lips.

"Okay, we will buy two. You and me."

Stuart, who had been born to be honorable in a family almost as rich as a country, was pleased so easily by these two words. Edie carefully selected a round fish tank and then caught a red goldfish personally. Stuart was in a good mood and rarely pocketed his pride and picked one too.

After paying the money, they went back to the flower shop and spent the money on the potted plants. The boss promised to deliver them the next day. Edie was holding the fish tank and could not help but watch the movements of the two fish. Her face was smiling uncontrollably.

On the way to the parking lot, she almost hit a pedestrian several times and was hugged in the arms of Stuart.