
Yellowstone: The Return of the Lost Brother, a Yellowstone Fan Fiction

Follow the story of Rips younger Twin Brother as he takes the fall for the death of their stepfather.

Test_The_Water · TV
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13 Chs

very rough Draft chapter 4

This is the rough draft of chapter 2

Yellowstone 4

While driving home he pulls into the school and knocks on the door no one answers he was about to leave but he heard a whimper and he knocked again and no one answerd so he calls out and asks if Principal Littlefield was still in, and he got a reply of a lady saying go away and that school is closed at the moment, he then asks if something is wrong and she laughs a mocking laugh and says if ypu can bring back the dead then stay he's shocked to hear that and chuckles and says I wish and sits down at the door he asks do you want to come for a drive? He dosent get a reply so he gets up and starts the car and goes back to the door come let's go for a drive we both need it

He head a muffled okay

She comes out and mc taked her into his car and drives off and then takes the wrong exit and gets lost they dont care and he has a full tank of fuel and more in the back he also has his guns and ammo,

It's around midnight and the drive has been good but he dosent know where the fuck they are he would ask the lady but she is asleep and tldosent eant to wake her

The issue with all hummers is what happend it over fucking heated...

He pulls off the road and onto a small rest spot, before he gets out he puts on his old NVGs and looks around for bears there no bears but a few guys on horses in the tree line, so he wakes up the kady and says thry broke down out the back of sone ranch and she just nods numbly he tells her that some people are in the forest line warching so he gave her the pistol and he explaind that they dont have anything to get inside so its safe she just nods again he gets out and calls out asking if they can give him a hand he received no reply so he starts pulling things out tarp 8 bricks and a big bucket to catch all the hot radiator Flued

Before he got down he l, hears a horse so he turns around and sees someone trotting up to him

Mc "hey guys"

Kayce "what are you doing here so late"

Mc "came out for a drive got lost and just decided keep going we where enjoying the nice calm ride and we needed the quiet but not the solitude of it. "

Kayce "what happend to it"

Mc "oh you know the usual overheats I think the radiator is cracked again "

Kayce " no I know that, that's commen but the damage"

Mc " ah yes that tends to happen when you're driver hits an IED going 40mph fucking dick he's lucky we lived"

Kayce "you served?"

Mc " Yeah 22 years would have kept going but you know I fucked my knee up mc then lightly kicks the hummer and a metal ting rings out [laughs]"

Kayce " also laughs come follow us we don't have a spare horses so you'll have to walk but you marines should be used to that ... even with one leg he laughs again"

Mc " laughs as well and says I'll need some help seting up the tarp and stuff, and the lady might need help on the horse lead the way"

Mc let Kayce open his hummers rear doors to help walker with the lady

Kayce asked " who is she"

Mc " not sure I was in the reservation handling business then on the way back in recognised the school so I pulled in to talk to the principal but found her whimpering and crying instead I offers to take her for a silent drive and now where here

Mc "can I bring my pack and rifle I feel naked without it"

Kayce "sure just keep it in its case"

Mc " but of course "

After an hour treking we come up on a few houses the lights are on and people are about quite but awake they seem to be celebrating something

Mc "is this us"

Kayce "Yeah for now"

Mc "oh where are we?"

Kayce "Yellowstone"

Mc "Fuck"

Kayce stops and looks at mc with an eye raised " what ypu have issues with us"

Mc "no just a creditor but I should be good I can pay when ever they want "

Kayce "hhhmmmm well see"

By now we were closer to the bomfire and mc can see in the distance by a fire is rip mc stops and just stays still like he looking at a ghost

Kayce notices this and stops and let's you have a moment after a bit he pats and holds your shoulder " you good?"

Mc "*clears throat* yeah, yeah let's go just thought I saw someone in the distance sorry "

Kayce "that's alright, I get that sometimes as well"

Mc replies with a solem nod

As they walk down to the fire mc says to Kayce that his prosthetic leg is sore and that he should not be on it this roughly kayce the takes him to the bunk house and says he can sleep there and leves mc, goes into the showers and starts having a quick shower after laying in radiator Flued he was half way through cleaning whe someone walks in an older man with a brand across his chest.

Mc " hey old timer"

Old man " and who are you"

Mc " I'm walker kayce just brought me and another here after my hummer broke down"

Old timer " who's this other one?"

Mc while washing still " I'm not sure, I went to got to the school on the reservation to meet an old acquaintance but found her instead crying so I offersld to take her for a drive and we just drove till we broke down out back "

Mc than grabs a towel while still in the water and covers his genitalia he than

Mc " hey old timer can you do me a favour"

Old timer " whats that"

Mc " help me take this off it hurts "

Alright then the names Lloyd by the way

Thanks Lloyd names walker

Alright let's do this

We undo the buckles and loosen some straps and slowly start pulling it off I feel the pieces of bone grind against the prosthetic and grunt, Lloyd pulls some more and I feel some more pain, and yell fuck me dead you old basterd fuck it pull the bitch off Lloyd chuckles and says allright then son hold on, and Lloyd pulls the prosthetic off, it wasn't as painfully as eating up bit god did it hurt everytgung eent white for a second and when I looked down there was blood and I swear I saw that basterd, I embraced the pain like an old friend and welcomed it and took a few breaths and looked at Lloyd who stepped back a bit to see what I would do when I exhaled the the pain came in and my God was it a bitch I grunted and accepted it and asked if he could get me a bucket, a rag and some betadine.

while I was sitting there on a stool old Lloyd gave me the water turnd cold and I heard laughing from out side I just put up with it and started wahing my stump I made sure to clean all of it there were blisters and probably half a layers of skin in the end of the stump it stank a fair bit not as bad as the guy in Afghanistan who was on fire after an ied of course but still,

because I never put a sock while i was rushing to help Alice and lilly my stump it was rubbed raw and cut and bleeding and twitching it was painful but it needed cleaning Lloyd put the prosthetic next to the door thinking of getting the supplies needed I didn't mind it wasn't on purpose I'll clean when he gets back but then I heard laughing from out side the door and I saw someone reach in it was a fat hand with a long red flannelette sleeve

They laughed and took it then dropped it on the floor and gagged and said what the fuck and walked off he then heard more laughing mainly but the flannelette shirt guy I turnd the water off and waited for Lloyd for 2 minutes and got bored I dry already so I wrapped my self in tla towel and called out nothing then said fuck it I wrapped up my stupid because it was fresh I wrapped it in towels after I slowly and steadily made my way out the door, to my prosthetic the juices in the cup of it spilt on the floor so I took the spare towel and threw it onto it Lloyd came back and asked

Lloyd " what happend"

Mc " some fat fuck with a long sleeve flannelette turned of the water and took the leg out here and dropped it spilling its contents"

Lloyd was pissed even i who only know him during from one conversation knew but he called dow and said allright let's get you fixed up we sat on the edge of the lounge and unwrapped my stump that's when the fat fuck walked on Lloyd told him to fuck off and the fat man laughed I didn't like that so I threw my still covered in blood and anything else at him one got him in the head and cut him he turnd around and charged I laughed slow fuck had to go around the lounge so he took a bit to get to me when he ran put me I pushed lft and slipped him h was belly down on the lounge and sides exposed I hit him like a punching bag to see what sound it made and it didn't disappoint i laughed as he yelled for help I targeted his liver and hit it as hard as possible and he shit him self.

Lloyd told him to clean himself and he had to take a cold sower because he turnd the hot water off Lloyd then found an some crutches sai

Lloyd " here use these they were Rips when he fell of a horse when he was younger you can extend the length by and he then stopped and thought about it and looked at me and then the crutches and back to me the out side he said no"

Mc "yeah but we will talk with Jhon about that let's gobefore he comes to check you "

Mc gets dressed and uses the crutches to walk to the main house and into jhons meeting room I stayed their for 5 minutes and Lloyd and jhon came in

Jhon "hey kid"

Mc " not anymore were all grown up now old and war torn"

Jhon chuckled "indeed, so why are you here after what was it 21 or 22 years since court retrial and I'm looking at it now it only says from 96 to 04 where have you been you didn't come back then why now"

Mc "Well I'm not back fully that is I live in bozemen close to Montana State University

I also renewed my contract while still serving outside of the marines I had nothing a house gone and sold I checked in 04, my brother as good as dead no letters nothing scince I was in prison didn't even come for the retrial I laughed we were old enough to know we were 21 while he was free sure it was tough on the ranch but I was raised by veterans in prison the trained me up to go into the marines and I thank em every day a pitty most of them are dead, sorry for rambling anyway after that and I remember that imet a that Samantha she was one of the only 3 people who wrote then she stoped sadly wanted to check on her at the school that's why I'm here I was coming from the reservations school the lady was in there and now where here.

Now enough of my life story I'm here to repay you for what you have done for my brother I signed a $150K check cand gave it ti jhon if yous need anything come get me oh and one more thing because I notices that everyone calls him RIP I'm walker, I never ment to show up broken down but I'll be gone in the morning thanks again for all the help"

In the morning I they said they'll take care of the lady I said allgood and after putting his leg back on he gets up says goodbye and starts walking he grabs his pack and his rubbish and walks up to jhon and shake hands and thanked Lloyd and spat on the fat fucks shoes who had on the same flannelette and laughed.

Mc followed the road to where his hummer is He decided to just call the a heavy tow trucks to transport his hummer back to his mechanic shop oh yeas he moved out of the storage container and bought a mechanic shop and installed heavy duty lifts and pullies and other things he makes it back to his house it looks like a hanger the bottom floor is open and to the left up stairs the bedroom and downstairs is office and toilets.

After a couple days Motega calls and says thanks for setting him up on that date with Alice she is really kinded and her kid is nice as well and that she's half native american mc replies that's awesome to hear man I hope it all works out after that he calls out for cinder and takes her for a walk when he gets back he has a shower and comes out and sees

He has a customer oh hello what can I do for you she hummed and said a little yeah hi my car won't start and this was the closest mechanic place to the school I had to walk here mc had no shirt on he had to go up stairs to change he

Mc "alright give me a bit to change and I'll be back down then I'll fix your car and just fill that out"

Mc is dressed and ready to go he gets in his everyday driver witch is an Australian 1973 ford xb falcon gt 351

after driving to the universeity teachers and student stop and look to see her get out with him at the University of montana she said she had an interview

While talking about random subjects I was checking out what was wrong with the car I think you need new spark plugs and an oil change

She agrees and I give her the recept and then tow it home she's still with me do you want to wait for it or have someone pick it up later she said she'll just sure shouldn't take to long maby an hour, hour and a half layer it's fixed and its normal pay no over charge shit I give he my card any issues just give me a call the first call is free to come to you

1 week later and he received a call from Monica hi walker it's Monica the car is dead on the side of the road in the reservation and i need to get to work can you come get me I'm teaching at a school in the broken rock Indian reservation I said shes pushing her luck with the free pick up use he joked.

Instead of driving his 1973 ford xb falcon gt 351 he only drove it that day to keep the engine moving and warm, thus time he going to use the 2017 Ford F-150 Raptor

With a inclosed car trailer hooked up so he can move the cars and enough tools inside trailer to fix the car, once all set up in about 20 minutes to make sure he has everything and spare fuel he gave Monica a call and went to go fix the car.

After reaching the spot on the road he finds Monica sitting on a next to a tree in the shade with a kid with her, I got out and Said hi and asked for the keys so I can check what's wrong I turn it over and immediately there's a knocking and mc stop get and

Mc " said it ain't good there's aloud knock and I'll have to tear it down I'll need to bring it to my shop and honestly your better off just buying a new car"

Monica "fuck, okay can you drop us off at the school in the reservation"

Mc * after thinking about it for a bit he concedes and say fine I'm heading back that way anyway jump in*

While driving mc gets a call it's Alice and because his phone is connected to the car it pops up and the ceneter console ye asks Monica if she can answer it when she dose.

Mc " hi Alice is everything all good "

Alice " hi walker yeah it's really good just that Motega he's so kind but he wakes up at night sometimes anyway if you going to is rere anything I can do to help"

Mc " Yeah I guess if he's not violent than just sit back incase he junks up just talk to him play soft song or something should probably go to therapy as well I'm meeting up with Motega later so I'll ask him how he's going thanks for the heads up"

Monica " who's Alice she a sister "

Mc laughs "honestly yeah I probably see her that way shes a sweetheart to kind for her own good and been through some stuff"

Monica " and motega, war buddy I meet while deployed on base after we got back from a operation he's a good guy he was you when I meet him probably 20 something"

As we were pulling into the school a fight broke put and Monica was out and was already running to break it up I also got out but Monica was already running to stop it, I jogged adter her just to see her falling and hit the floor I snap who the fuck did it they singled the 2 boys out and I picked up Monica ran for the car put her in and ripped the bolt for the trailer of and took of

I left the trailer behind

and then took off like a maniac I gutter jumped the baracade over a newly planted tree and teard up the grass on the lawn and I took off rushing for the hospital I called John Dutton he was the only number I had but it was old so I didn't know if he'd pick up I called a few times but no answer

After the last call it answerd and a lady asked who it was I told them asked them if this was the duttons she said it is and I told her I have Monica and that she has collapsed,

I then called Motega and asked gim to go to the school and look take my trailer and explained what happend.

I make get on the phone with the ambulance and none where close so we decided to meet up on the highway and do a handover I agreed and drove as fast as possible I was dancing on the speed limit as soon as I saw the ambulance we pulled over and changed cars I said I will follow them to the hospital they agreed while on the way to the hospital I got a call from an unknown number I answered and it was kayce he wanted to know who I was and where his wife and son are I told him it was walker and that were on our way to the hospital I'm not sure witch one but that he should start heading into the city.

I was in the waiting room when kayce ran in through the doors and asked if there was an update I said not yet still waiting but that I had to go.

He thanked me and I told him to take care of him self and his family

While I was leaving Motega pulled in with the trailer hooked up I thanked him Alice and her daughter lilly where with him I asked if they wanted to go get something to eat we all left and had lunch while Alice and her daughter went to the restroom I was. talking with motego i didn't dance around the topic and was straight forward with him,

Mc " Motega, Alice told me that you are having trouble sleeping I understand I do as well sometime it's normal but not healthy it could be a any number of things but you should go to a psychologist and talk about what happend he said okay he will look into it I thanked him and said that to many have fallen to ptsd and i didnt want him to go that way i gave him a hug he was like a little brother to me.

Alice came out and then Motega suggested they go to therapy to learn how to deal with the ptsd she agreed and then after lunche I got my trailer back took it to the shop found out Monica's car issue the piston slapping witch is fine on its on annoying and not recommended but liveable but when you try and reverse it slips n out so I think It needs a transmission.

(Warning mentions of DV, and other deplorable acts, not graphical just mentioned I hate that shit)

After fixing it with spares someone walked in and said ther were here to pick up a car for Monica I knew thar voice it sounded familiar I froze and she yelled out hello, I got out and Said hi

And now she froze she started to have tears in her eyes and then she tried wipeing her eyes then she broke down and started crying all out I walked infront of her and held my arms open and she looked at me and just cried ahead hugged me and she just cried for 5 minutes sobbed for another 5 and just stayed hugging me for a while after that, once she calmed down I took her upstairs into the room and we sat on the longe watching a movie after she started talking about what happed how she was out with a friend and got a little drunk and then woke up with Robert and freaked out after a few weeks ans said that's when she wrote to you about what happend I remember it hurt I thought she moved on I didn't interupt and let he talk, she said she took his details and left then 2 months later she was late and had morning sickness that's the after that he wanted an abortion she wouldn't do it he wouldn't let her go so they married and then there was no intimacy his mother wanted more kids and so he got her drunk and it happend again after that she said she never drank again until I few weeks ago she went on to explain how he was ranting about the duttons and Yellowstone and than blamed me and git me for something that's when he saw that a letter arrived from you and he though I was cheating he hit me alot more and told me to never write to it you or he would kill the kids than me so I did and then she cried even more and then said the last one she didn't want but he forced him self onto her with threatening people she loved after he finished he left for a week and came back drunk he told me to quit my teaching job and stop makeing shit jewellery and things and when I didn't he forced me too I was thinking of about abortion to try and hurt him for 1 day I considered it but that would have made him happy that he won and I wouldn't do that to her even if he was an arse hole that's when I rememberd your tattoo and I did what you said you did when he tried again I cut half his ear of and shoved it into his mouth and slaps him I then made him chew and eat it infront of me with an open mouth while I hade a knife to his throat

2 too 3 months later he died while on active duty but that's when I realised I had no job no money no friends no family because Monica was at Yellowstone and no car or phone I was going to kill my self then I heard someone talk about how someone made someone eat there ear and it reminded me off you and out time together as the only time I was ever truly happy ...

After that I was so angry, proud, and happy I didn't understand

It was my turn and I said I don't blame you I feel rage at what he did to you, you being controlled and manipulated to think like that, he had isolated you from everyone then he isolated your independence by takeing your job and income than he took your freedom and librity by force,

But the proud that you over came his controll and fear and tormenting and finally standing up for your self and I love that you made him eat his ear hahaha

And happy that you are here now with me

I looked down at her and told her to follow we went into my room and we layed on the bed and I rolled over to grab something off the night stand and rolled back she was looking at me

I showed her the dream catcher

She laughed and said it was blue when I gave it to you why is it red I chuckled and said I never let it leave me since I got it she started crying again and hugged me so much we didn't do anything other than hold each other and sleep like we were sleeping away everything she'd wake up sometime but would snuggle closer to me.

She came to pick up the car at 2 and its now 7pm and we had missed all phone calls and i was fixing some cars and she was watching a movie upstairs i heard knocking on the door she sat up and realised the time and I aswerd and saw kayse was here with a gun I asked what wrong he asked if I seen the girl that was with me the other night I said no and than it all clicked and

said yes she's watching a movie come and we went inside and Samantha was laying down all snuggled up in blankets and things he asked what she was doing here she replied watching a movie as, she then said whi are you looking for and what girl did ypu have over the other night I immediately shot that question down and said it was you I picked you up from the school, she looked gob smacked and said something like I'm not leaving you ever again, I felt a shiver crawl up my spine, we than talked and they called home saying she's safe her kids are have a nice time playing with Tate, I said that's good after what they all went through they need time to heal.

After kasy left she asked if I wanted to date her properly I said sure but sign this prenuptial she laughed and said fine she signed and I signd i then made a copy infront of her gave her a copy and put my one into a safe and sent it to my lawyers never trust anyone when it comes to money people can change,

I didn't want to see that with Samantha by this point I have diversified my income and expanded I now own property and stocks and and am makeing money,I also created a company we do a bit if everything my original lawyer, taxperson and financial manager are now head of thir own departments whe have made a very stable business, along with building up a company I built up a personal portfolio of wealth with my own money was set up throughout 2017, with the company foundation set I set out next goal oil as much as possible I bought as much stock and everything to do with Armco I flew out to meet them and invest in them and we grew massively together, during this time a new company called Tesla started up I invested alot into it as well I was almost bankrupt I had enough to keep everyone working and the lights on it was very stressful but once everything went through we started makeing money and boy did we make it back and it was just the turn over into 2018