
Yellowstone: The Return of the Lost Brother, a Yellowstone Fan Fiction

Follow the story of Rips younger Twin Brother as he takes the fall for the death of their stepfather.

Test_The_Water · TV
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13 Chs

very rough Draft chapter 3

This is a Rough draft of chapter 3

2010 - 2017

2010 - 2011

This firest part is a call back yes

I was on the mac book I bought in early june and saw this think called bit coin was cheap and i bought alot os stupid shit for a laugh and i may have been a bit frunk with brother from Vietnam as I called him now I had alot of money so I bought $20,000 of this bit coin I didn't know at the tine but that was a very good thing

Yes mcs going to be rich but not stupid

(ps from author I'm not a bit coin guy not an investor at all I was trying to find out how to make the mc rich here it was a drunken mistake with old grandpa Vietnam)



We were called into assistance for troops clearing villages in Sangin it was a rough place we were engaged in a fire fight nearly every day during this tine we use cinder for nearly every operation I was on we were clearing a stretch of road

After clearing it it took 8 days and 50 ieds fuck them things, after this we started raiding know enemy locations


Camp bastion

Mc was station at camp bastion and was conducting a perimeter check with cinder when she alerted and took off I trusted this dog with my life so I immediately called it in over the radio

While running after cinder she was well trained not to engage till given a command she was layed down waiting for me I gave her a rub and whispered good girl as soon as the response came over the radio that no one was supposed to be near the harriers I open fired and told cinder to burn em she took off like a rocket after engaging the 5 enime combatants explosions went of around the base and the harrier we were close to exploded

I immediately tried getting up but I fell back down I think I shit myself from the blast wave i just saw one guy trying to stand and I engaged him with my knife I couldn't shoot straight after that inwas seeing 2 and I remember opening him up from balls to brain I staved him near the pelvis and just lifted with all I had he started screaming and I remember deciding to just keep going and I went up into his chest and the throat, cinder was up chewing on a leg she found and someone was groaning I called in my position there was fire fights happening around the base After 2 minutes of stench and listing to cinder chew on a leg more marine came to release us I went back into the main building to report to the colonel and I walked straight into hus office some blonde hair guy washing their looking stressed out I laughed at him and told him it's all good and then gave my report and stood at attention to fuck with the blonde guy the colonel knew this

Colonel " well don't just stand there dripping blood all over my clean fucking carpet clean yourself"

Mc "yes sir " I turnd and saw the blonds eyes look at me in shock I walked of with bloody footprints and a happy cinder chewing something I took it off here it was a bone and I threw it at the blonde and told him to keep it as a souvneir the colonel laughed and as I was leaving he asked to see what it was blwhen I was down the hall I could hear him laughing


For the next 5 years we were in and around Afghanistan and Iraq breaching and clearing gathering Intel in my by my final year off my contract the letters from Samantha stoped completely in her finale letter she said i would want to see her anyeays and that she was to tired to keep up the farce thanked me for being a friend

I wass still talking writting to Motega and alice i told them about each other while writing over the years Alice sent a few pics of her and her child being happy I sent some money when I could get a proper connection just to help her with bills she didn't like takeing hand out s and said the $5k she got all those years ago was all she needed to get on her feet and leave her ex

and that she's happy now I was happy for her, motega was sad that he couldn't finish his whole deployment because he had gotten a really bad stomach injury during an ied

There main events over the last 5 years

I was to busy that blonde guy turnd out to be a prince I found out a week or so after 2012 when the colonel told me I laughed in front of him and he started to laugh as well I got a few medals but no one was their for me when I got them cinder got some as well.

It was January 2017 now and I was infront of that colonel again discussing a new operation I was about to lead on a compound I was to capture the target and bring them back for questioning

April 2017

We were going down the streets in heavy armour vehicles I was not getting ambushed again and made it to the compound we got there stacked up cinder was ready to go we enterd and dogs started going barking the first 2 I see chaind up I put down moveing up on the the back door we stacked up I can hear voices inside ask what the dogs where barking out when they were at the door from what I could hear he opened it and was immediately detained I covered his mouth and stuffed with a roll of gauze into his mouth to shut him up

Bound his hands and passed him off I heard some one call his name everyone was ready and we went in hard and fast with no mercy everyone here but the kids were enemies already confirmed and detailed it was on-site if we could get them alive we did if not then it is what it is,

as soon as we reached to top stairs we move up to the last hall way as I opend the door to breach it opens first and I shot him in the head as he dropped I pulled and then shoved him into the hall way it was then we all noticed the grenade he had dropped I went into the doorframe to kick the grenade as soon as I stepped infront It felt like I got punched in the chest but I kicked the grenade back into the room ab it went off when I came to I was on my back and felt cold I heard yelling and then I was dragged back I then remember being basically thrown down the stairs and then dragged out side where I remember looking up at the night sky and was watching the stars I then tried to sit up but was pulled back down I was there again looking at the stars and saw how they twinkled it was very quite I don't know why but I felt alone I called out but I didn't hear anything and I didn't want to attract anything but I was alone looking at the stars flicker like they were plucked from the sky o was mad and tried sitting up and that's when a face came infront of me and yelled "stay the fuck down" it was the only thing I heard and it pissed me of it was a thing that they told me in prison to get down on my knees and stay there but I fought then and I'll fight now, I growled put a silent to me but to everyone around a loud gravely yell off fuck off, cunt, and I hit him. In the jaw.

After that I tried to sit up but was pulled back by now my vest and shirt were off to check for bullet wounds and then my pants where cut all the way up to my thigh on bother side and removed, then it all cam back like a flood of deafening sound people were given orders and others talking next to me a ringing in my ear and a pain in the leg I try shaking it of thinking it was a fly, I asked the guy next to me

Oi if your not going to let me sit up at least scratch my leg for me he looked at me like I said something wired and he pulled a face like what the fuxk is wrong with you, then a chopper came and I was put on it I was mad and looked at the medical team and said arw ypu going to scratch mlthe itch on my leg and they started laughing I didn't know it but I was on some crazy amount if shit and I only know I said that because during the debriefing we watched the recording back.

July 2017

When I woke up the world was spinning I was strapped down and couldn't move I freaked the fuck out and started to pull on the straps and grunting I could hardly see it was blurry I had to gag but couldn't something was in my throat I yelled as much as I could and thrashed and out of nowhere I heard a door slam open and a team of people rush in ordering incoherently I couldn't understand I was pissed where was I what the fuck happened when we cleared the compound

I felt somone touching my and unwrapping it I let them after I started calming down

I could finally see and what I saw I did not like my right leg I couldn't feel it I sighed and put my head back and told everyone to leave me alone for a while

August 2017

August came and I was still in recovery I was fucked up they had to operate on my right leg it was crushed and my left was okay just needed some physical therapy my right leg I had some bone below the knee and told the to take it out that parts not growing back just get rid if it and I'll deal with it tomorrow but I told them I want the bone and laughed when the looked at me

September I was recovering feom when they took the rest of the bone below the knee and cleaned up the muscle it was painful recovery but the best choice now I don't have a painful shard of bone when I can finally walk with a prosthetic during physical exercise befor I could take my first step the doctors asked if I had anyone to call because they didn't see anyone on emergency contact list I chuckled and said yeah I called the storage locker place I made sure during my deployment that all my things were still there even hired a layer to go and take invintory after a few rings someone picked up it was nice young girl I asked her where the ild man is and they said he was at home to old to come in to work now I asked if I could speak with him she gave me the phone number of the house i called and asked if i can come over and see him and I that we knew each other and I see him like a father they said yes and I started to tear up I told the nurses and they were happy I had at least one friend, I collected all my medals in a box from the storage she with some help the old laptop was still there all shiny and new

While I was at the storage locker collecting alot of stuff I found the old laptop and opend it and checked on how much bit coin I had I nearly died when I saw how much it was worth I immediately called a lawyer and a financial manager and a tax manager and told them to deal with it and get me half of the witch was 200 mil and keep the rest where it was I the pyed each a nice 500k bonus and kept both on call for investments and other issues everyone was happy

October 2017

October came quick and I wheeld my way to brother from Vietnam house with a nurse trying to keep up we got there and I banged on the door I heard someone inside get starteld and a man the same age as me answer and asked why I knocked so hard I apologised and said it was a force of habit being a breacher in the military he fumbled a thank you for your service and helped me and the nurse in

When I enter I saw brother from Vietnam in his chair he had from the office we used to sit in he recognised me immediately and offered me a seat the cheeky basterd

I laughed at it and the nurse was smiling and recording we talked for half an hour about each other own tours I didn't say anything confidential just a few ambushes and fire fights I asked if he would be my first friend to see me walk he had tears in his eyes and said go on get ready then

I wheeld into a bedroom and got changed into my full ceremony uniform and had everything presses and perfect and I walked out he was in one of his jackets with medals on it as well I walked up to him and saluted and he saluted back and then we hugged and the nurse was recording everything we talked for a bit longer and then I left wearing everything and walking all be it slowly

After leaving I heard brother from Vietnam curse me out and call me a little basterd and laugh I gave him 600k to pay off the house and anything else also told him to get a tax man after that he did.

I payed the nurse 120k

November 2017

November was more therapy and I finally found out where cinder was she was alive and well and waiting for me as her handler to pick her up or surrender her witch wasn't going to happen

December 2017

I retired from the military at age 42

And ready to start my new civilian life

I was going to celebrate Christmas alone but a phone call interrupted me it was Alice

Mc " I said oh Alice how are you are you OK? "

Alice " I walker someone took my lilly and I dont know what to do"

Mc " donyou know who"

Alice no I think it was my ex who's her biological father I left him befor she was born"

Mc "okay I need all his details"

Alice gives detail okay I'll se what I can do

Mc then then hacks into the man's phone and traces his last ping to heading out to the reservation I get into my military hummer that I rebuilt without the guns sadly but it drives and is bullet proof.

Mc leves immediately and is off tracking this guy down he has a long gun, a rifle and a pistol with his knife

All the guns are useing the same kit as what he did in the military

His driving through the reservation when he passes the school he keeps going though now looking for any sign of the Alice's exs car he sees it parked at the front of a bar Alice who went with him was worried

Mc walking into the bar and can see lilly (Alices kid) he sees that alices ex is there with 2 others they looked tipsy like they were celebrating something

Lilly looked obviously uncomfortable mc goes up the the bar and orders a drink the bar keep says they only serve natives and mc replies in crow that he is, the bar keep laughs and pours him a drink he starts a conversation on why the walker is here here, walker says he is looking for someone the bar keep sweats and get antsy and asks who and

mc replys Motega.

and bartender says that if he sees him he'll let him know and ask why his looking for him he tells them that his his buddy from the marines and everyone relaxes he leaves a phone number and say to call him if he shows up mc leavs his wallet and walks away goes to hummer tells Alice what happend is now going to go get her he tells Alice to stay in the hummer no matter what and that it can take anything this ex has on him

Mc pulls into the parking spot near the front door and grabs his pistol and knife and puts them in their holsters,

Mc get out and head back inside and to the bar keep and says I left my wallet behind can I grab it barkeep goes to reply but is cut off when Alice ex says that the wallet is his now and that he likes the dream catcher and he might keep it mc asks for his things back but the guys

Shape up and the lilly gets under the table as soon as the girls under the table the bar fight begins and the mc hit the target while his friends are stund not expecting that mc to throw the first punch during the bar fights he grabs the ex and cuts of his ear and puts it in the targets mouth everyone sees and hears this and is shocked no one knows what to do but the door busts open and Motega rainwater walks in and yells out to walker what the fuck are you doing, mc just laughs it off and puts the ear in the exs mouth and makes him hold it in there for a bit before letting him go he then grabs the kid picks her up off the floor shes only looks 12 and

Mc says "mums waiting for you in the car the ex spits out his ear and says " that if that whors is here then where is she

Motega kicks him in the face before he can finish with his boots and the mc smiles and say that

Mc "Motega you under stand me hahahaha:

Motega " thanks walker let's get out of here I'll drive yas home"

Mc "nah all good just a bloody nose it's allright but I do have a request that's for you look after this one and the mum"

Motega " is she yours?"

Mc "gosh no but you already know the mum and shes your age, she's a nice young lady only this one here and she needs siblings"

Lilly " as if unfazed by the violence just hums a yeah"

Motega " chuckles and says both to walker and lilly that they will talk later allright"

We go out side and Alice climbs out and checks on her lilly asking if shes okay

Mc " you will go with Motega for a little bit he will help you and your little family for a little while won't you motega"

Motega "oh, aam yeah sure, yes "

Mc "nice, okay see yas"

Just before I leave I yell out thanks for sending letters and they both at the same time go

"ooohhh that's where I heard your name from" I laughed alot at that.

Mc drives off and leaves heading home.,