
Yellowstone: The Return of the Lost Brother, a Yellowstone Fan Fiction

Follow the story of Rips younger Twin Brother as he takes the fall for the death of their stepfather.

Test_The_Water · TV
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13 Chs

very rough draft chapter 5

Very rough draft of chapter 5

2018 start of Season 2

Before I left for Saudi Arabia I bought 20k acres of land near the duttons property I then ordered construction on a new house from the new house it's about a 2 hr drive to Bozeman and 1 to Darby and 30 min to the duttons,

the land I own stops before the mountain range the only reasons why the duttons didn't own this land yet is because there where other intrested biyers and i bought the duttons out nd paid of jamie ho i knew was weak to money I did want to buy those mountains though but didn't want to push my luck being able to look at them and is still good though.

I hired a building company to build a nice big log house with a nice lake in the front.

(Here is the link to the house (https://onekindesign.com/2018/07/24/timber-frame-house/))

It has been a few months now that I have been away with my development team proving that our new technology is use full and works we have focused on macine learning and development in this sector o technology to implement it not only in oil and gas but also in other industries,

After showing and explaining the new development in technology to the board of shareholders off Armco in Saudi Arabia after the meeting and a long discussion of how this will be beneficial they said to come back in 2 days and they'll have an answer 2 days later and they agreed to partner with use in the development of technology in the oil and gas industry.

While in the airport in traditional white garbs while I was getting it on I needed help so I asked one of the older armco guys to help me and how I should ware it with the new prosthetic leg, we started talking I have known how to speak arabic for a while and this whole venture was done speaking it,

The old man laughed softly and agreed saying that many are too stiff around him now because he from the royal family l, I laughed and then told him off the time I freaked prince Harry from England out woth my dog after a close call and alot of blood, he laughed I said that he should have sceen him he was frozen,

We had a nice laugh while he helped me I thanked him and asked what to do about ny hand tattoos I had naughty and nice writing down my arms with traditional native american symbols around it,

He asked about some and others he skiped probably knowing what they were,

He said just don't take your shirt off in public and it'll be okay, after the next meeting He invited me for dinner I accept and showed up as best I could He came to greet us and fixed a few things I thanked him after dinner we were all talking about America and I made a joke about me spending more time of my life in Afghanistan than America and we all laughed after a while a fare few people leve and it was me and a few others we all started smoking the hookah and getting a little buzzed we then left I didn't want to make a fool of my self so I went to sleep in one of the guest rooms I woke up screaming about a fire and when i came to there was a few guys in the room with the old man watching over me i thanked them for letting me go through the motions of comeing out if it on my own andthe old man sent away the other men once they left the old man came over and sat next to me as i was weeping silently as if that would stop the nightmares, after a while he said that it is okay to talk about it and after that I just fucken broke and trauma dumped onto him about everything starting from being a kid to the night with the stepfather then through prison and then the army and all the fucked up shit that happend there i spilt everything and when I was done I told him a feel ashamed of what I have become and fearful of becoming. He sat there and hugged me and became a rock for me and I wanted to look after gim as best as possible he said I could marry one of his grand daughters or daughters and I said maby later and he laughed and said I don't need to do that just being present will do and I tried to be.

After that I started telling him about the Yellowstone Dutton ranch and the beauty of the world in that part of America away from all the noise he said that he would like to visit this ranch and maby buy a house with a good view i said ypud have a better chance at stealing meatnfrom the tiger and we laughed i tgen told him off someof the history i know of the place and added a change of heat would be welcomed and he laughed on the way to the hotel with the old man i thanked hin profusely for the care he showed me I told him im flying back to America tomorrow and that he's welcome to visit me anytime and not to expect anything thike the duttons ranch but a nice house on the side of a hill looking at the mountains he laughed and said not to worry to much, I waved as the car drove off and l waved when they were gone I went into the hotel and slept I woke up to a phone call when I answered it was a marine checking my identity and then told me to go to an American embassy I went to the embassy in Saudi Arabia and the called the embassy in Afghanistan and they said that there was woman with a birth certificate with my signature and my old contract information. I was stund and I said OK so and the guy said well they wanted to get into contact with you

They said I can go in person noy respond and that it's now a civilian matter because we're civilians now

Now before I got on the next flight to Afghanistan which is is 1 hour i called Samantha and told her what happend and 2005 and thatvi moght have a kid she saidbthats fine and that she has 3 so it would be hypocritical if she was mad she told me to go meet them if i am comfortable with it i thanked h and got on the plain to Afghanistan for the next 5 hours,

I remember the night I had gotten drunk in 2005when a marine snuck it in I got verey tipsy enough to temember I remember meeting a girl didn't force myself onto anyone it was mutual affection she took me back to what i thought was her place.

but when I woke up she was gone we meet one time since than and I apologised I couldn't stop necause we were on patrol and I was being rotated out I gave her a hug and and a kiss on the forehead goodbye I never asked her name I rememberd and turnd around but she was gone.

I was their and on my way to the embassy in Afghanistan I was on guard, being in the streets as a civilian with no gun felt wrong and exposed l whe I then enter the embassy and see a lady in a full hijab with a small girl in her own waiting and then.

As I walked in with wet eyes I saw a few people but 2 stood out a woman and a child in a burqa the Lady stood up and hugged walked over to me and huged me and said i knew you would come,

I then hugged her back sand she than called over the small child and said this is farah she is12 years old now i looked at her and gasped in amazment wow look how big you are now I heard giggling a little she's so small you grew up so fast

Mc "*I looked at the lady * "I didn't know I'm sorry "

Lady " why do you think I got you to sign those things? the marriage between us helped me alot for starters I didn't have to marry someone I didn't want to and i could work without suspicion hard to feed farah and me as well as i got our farah to keep me company"

Mc laughed "I'm glad it worked out 'wife' I would have came back earlier if I knew"

Lady "she blushed and said well your here now"

Mc gives her a another hug and wispers what was your name again I can't seem to remember for the life of me"

Amina "my name is amina walker, husband"

Mc " Amina that's right I remember how could I forget and I squeezed a little and lifted her a bit she squeald in delight and we laughed I hope you were faithful like your names sake"

Amina " gasped of course husband no one before since or ever but you and she laughed"

Amina asks " and what off you? She asked with a suspecting amused glint in her eye

I did not lie I was honest and told her about Samantha and explained a little bit of what happend and why she's special to me

amina didn't mind and said " I don't have an issue as long as we are not forgotten and thrown out"

Mc "Never wife"

Mc I laughed again and went to the embassy reception and asked what to do, well I had to sign a buch of stuff saying yeah she is my kid and she was we had to do a blood test anyway and a day later it was confirmed that she was in fact my daughter I cried a bit and apologised for missing everything and that I would love her and amina forever farah smilled and said I have a daddy in broken English and my heart broke as I kneeled down and huged her and Said yes sweetheart for ever and cried a little and she cried quietly after registration and everything I was going to register amina as well for my wife and she said no because she's registered here in Afghanistan as my wife it's legitimate and if I want to marry Samantha in America latter she would have to be divorced and she isn't going to do that she's close to getting her citizens ship online u stayed in Afghanistan with amina and farah until it came and we flew back to Saudi Arabia and showed her to the old man I called him and he laughed he said that allah has given me a family at this time from design i was happy and he was happy I found a family I lost without even knowing i lost it and I agreed and i hugged him we spent a while woth him catching up and talking over everything.

We were saying good bye were going to America now I have been talking with motego and alice and Samantha I told Samantha that we had to discuss things as a family unit she said she was scared ill leave her I said it's not happening just an addition and she laughed and said it's fine.

When we landed I sent everyone a message saying we're back and that qe landed safely Samantha was the first to respond enthusiastically and said that her kids where intrested in meeting me

I was happy I said sure I'll come over to the farm soon. While leaving the airport it was hot i was wearing a full 4 pice white Thawb with a white scarf and black cord, the girls were wearing a baby blue abaya these were gifts from the old manand we had more spares.

While we were waiting for our car to pick us up someone yelled out oi terrorists we ignored them kept walking he called out again and laughed while walking I pulled out my phone and started to talk loudly on arabic and the guy left I aughed our car pulled up and it was a fully blacked out SUV I let the girls in first and then went I to the passenger side and we took off we went to the ranch witch was finally completed when we went inside I turnd on the air-conditioning and we all went to bed for the day.

During this time the company made a insane amount if money and we focused on being the moast advanced technology for oil and gas as well as any our technology can be sold or adapted too.

I decided to tell Samantha how rich I was and to introduce myself to her family witch are the Twin boys and the her daughter

The two boys are twins born in 2006 they are the same age as farah wi5ch is 12 and then there is her daughter who is 6 years old and her name is Istas meaning snow the boys names are the older twin is Ahiga meaning fighter and the younger twin Ahanu meaning laughter.

Then on my side of the family meeting is my wife from Afghanistan Amina meaning honesty and my daughter Farah meaning happiness who was also born in 2006 makeing her 12 years old the same age as Samantha's boys.

While mc was putting up cameras on his driveways and a few good ope ln spots between his land and the duttens as well as the preservation just in case and if the picked up any motion hed get notified he also set up cameras with motion detection out side his house on all sides so if anyone approaches hell be notified, if you're wondering about cinder well she has became a very relaxed dog though she has some episode witch big crashes or bangs but otherwise she's good while she was at Yellowstone with Samantha I told her about it and someone was using practiceing with a whip and it set off cinder and she walked hid down while growling aggressively it wasn't till rip came she calmed down a little probably because he looks like walker, he stopped being on edge when Samantha came running over yelling cinder why did you run off then she saw the commotion and called cinder, rip gave Samantha a warning that if the dog but anyone it will be put down, she glared at him and mumbled you woldent.

After a day or so after the phone call with walker she had thought through what the other lady did and understood why she did what she did so she could pursue a career and a family without having to marry someone she didn't want too and live with theme for the rest of their life.

Samantha's thoughts on the matter was that if only she had the courage to be like that when she first met him but than she wouldn't have her kids and her kids where her reason for living she even seriously thought of ending it so they could be better taken care of but walker saved her again all be it both of them didn't know who the other was he was still kind to a stranger and that made her happy and fall for him even more.

after this it had been 2 days and she decided to have another serious family meeting which was just her and her kids,

*flash back*

The first meeting was to discuss that she had infact started dating another man and he qas someone she know before their father, she explained that he is a nice man but can have terrible night mare if he hears loud bangs like cinder, she then explained that cinder was his dog and that they were looking after her for the time being.

*flash back end*

Now that we have all gathered let's talk about recent events, they discuss how they feel about the ranch and everyone on it as well as enjoy playing with Tate they then talk about other things until it's her turn to talk about stuff,

So as you know that I have been dating someone named walker and the reason you haven't sceen gis is that he is very busy at the moment and is only now just finishing up his business deals in another country now let's talk about the main thing

When he gets back there will be 2 people with him and that's his family we will be going to meet with them at their house in a few days to meet each other, the kids ask is he nice and will he be like *he passed the says* "Robert " *he said as if he spat it out*

Samantha replies with yes he is very kind and loving I'm sure you will get along he has a daughter so be nice she's the same age as yous also his wife will be there be nice to her as well they may dress differently and that's okay.

The two boys looked at each other like something in what she said was weird but didn't pay it any thought they wanted to go play with Tate.

The twins "can we go play now"

Samantha "yes but please be careful"

After that she spent an hour makeing lunch for thw kids and made more than she thought she would she wasn't sure what they could or couldn't eat so she made some basic things for a picnick small finger sandwiches, she stopped eating pork also and never touched it because he bought it one with walker and he gagged at the smell said it just reminds him if something unfortunate and it's not that the smell along he knows is fake but the big slab of white meat is what gets him he says it looks close to what one of his friends arse and part of his leg looked like befor he cought fire an after he saw him burning and turning golden brown to black it looked like a roast pork, i apologised and put it back and asked if beef was okay he said yeah and the smell disent bother him it's just when he sees a large price of meat or cooked roast it gets to him, I gave him a hug.

So after preparing ingredient to make some sandwiches tomorrow she got a phone call and it was walker telling her that they just lnded and that there going to there home at the ranch he bought and said that there tired so we can come over tomorrow sometime I confirm quickly that if they were infact Islamic I then sad good night and said good night and I love you I said it back and hung up I didn't want to try and force him to say that he loved me infront off his wife it feels weird being in a relationship like this i haven't meet the other lady, I looked up online good Islamic friendly sandwich recipes and prepaid a few more cheese and tomato I wast to sure what else to make on hand that I know was halal I make our own cheese and grow the tomatoes

As well as the cream cheese dip, I then started makeing some honey bread I like honey bread with Istas help, I made an extra loaf after putting it in the oven I turnd around and saw the twins the saidninwas smiling alot more today I thanked them and said I was happy and if they were finished playing go chose what to wear tomorrow because well be visiting Chris and his family tomorrow they said they will wear what they usually wear and left after getting a football I reminded them to be careful.

The family meeting

Samantha pov

It was the next day and I got up at 7 am and prepare an early breakfast and started wakeing the kids up Istas was up wuick and excited to see walker the boys however where sceptical they never have never meet with walker there on the fance but happy that their mum is happy so they get ready and have breakfast it's 9 : 30 and Ahanu just finished his shower so I took Istas to jumped into the shower quickly while there i taught her how to shampoo and condition her hair properly she is still a chil and I helped ofcpurse after everything I sent her to get ready in clothes she like after wards I took off my now saturated cloths and have a quick shower and get ready the boys look lie twins ine is wearing blue the other red and Istas is in a bright yellow sundress with white flowers and black shoes I'm wearing blue Jean with a tucked in white button up shirt with a white singlet I was also wearing normal white top and bottom undergarments,

I then brushed and plated Istas hair and then put mine in a ponytail as I was getting Istas in her seat when I asked the boys if they can get the food I prepared for today and bring it to the car its all marked with blue tags I then explain that the food with the blue tags are safe for them to eat they may have allergies we don't know off yet as well as it's food that they can eat because it followes their religions belief and they nod takeing me seriously I then thank them for all the help and support they simile and do their task I gave them

After that I pack the tarp and some think square camp pillows and I hear a horse and see kayce comeing over

Samantha "I ask him what's up"

Kayce " what I'm packing for ?"

Samantha "walkers back and I'm going to go see him and introduce his family with mine"

Kayce smiled and said " that's good im sure the kids will enjoy it, now where are you haveing the picknick if it's on Yellowstone you should have told us beforehand

Samantha "it's on his land where going to his house on his ranch"

Kayce stooped looking aroud and looked back at me he was supprised and said " what he owned his on ranch *kacye hums* hmmmmmu asks how did he offord that? Is he ranting hiw dose a marine gain that amount of capital and he was just a mechanic"

Samantha the phone goes off I look at it its the alarm it 10 am OK I say I got to go I'll se you latter I get in the car and drive off

While driving I call him and say hey walker we are on our way and we leave the ranch and go down the road After 25 minutes I call him and ask to meet me on the main road because I've never been to his house so he comes down and got to follow him up to his ranch.

We pull uo to thr front of the main house and it looks beautiful we all hop out and he introduces him self l

Mc " hi everyone i am Christopher Walker but everyone calls me walker yous can call me what ever you feel comfortable with Istas cuts in and says daddy mc laughs and says for the little one anything is fine as long as the mums agree I said with a nod and a smile"

The twins are confused mums surely he had missed spoken and then 2 people came out of the house one is wearing the older one wearing a solid black Abaya with golden embroidery down the fron and the child who looks 12 is wearing the same design but solid white with gold embroidery down the front. Everyone is stunned how elegant they looked.

Mc " hello love, I said to Amina and then I went too Farah hello darling the patterns are very nice today" she gave a happy nod and smiled at me I can tell she closes her eyes weh she gives a big smile

Author warning about the book skip if you dont care

[because this is their first meeting the hijab is on and they are wearing face coverings now I'm not off any faith and as such if i offend anyone sorry i do not know the intricacies of all cultures depicted i am trying to research and qrite and makeing up the story on the spot as well as trying to formulate a time line of births and build a friendship between all characters its quite hard writing about relationships when you're autisticand cant communicate well so i apologised anyone is offended especially at how Farah was born that would be like heretical however i explain why later. Im alsi dyslexic and im writingon my phone so my auto correction is bad ]

while the kids sat around and ate a little bit of food ista was finally opening up like a child and talking animatedly with the twins and playing with Ista she sounded so happy and i could see the tension leave Amina when she sees farah enjoy being a kid,

Amina startes to open up about he past to us both sbout how Amina was an orphan at 21 her family was killed and their was an exsplosion and only se lived so she wanted to and tried to avoid marriage but her aunt wated to make her marry so when she was 31 and after years of trying the aunt was going to marry her off she married the mc instead so it was her decision and had a farah when asked about the father she said she didn't know and that he said he'd be back the auslnt went and got the document checked they were true she was allowed to rest for a while and work for her self when her aunt died it was her and Farah they then ran out of money and went to the embassy for safety because people were becoming intrested in the small families house and kyher assets of witch were not and amina didn't like the little security the house offered.

Mc " I'm sorry you had to go through everything like that "

Samantha agreed

Mc get a notification that someone is coming down the drive way he tells everyone to stay inside and Samantha and Amina to look after them

Mc goes out side and get his gun ready.

Mc standing waits for the truck to pull in and out hops the duttons jhon gets out of the passenger and rip out of the driver

Mc " did yous take the wrong turn? Why are you here?"

Rip "Is Samantha inside?"

Mc "why do you care who are you to her?"

Rip "I'm her brother in law"

Mc "really? I'm her boyfriend why are you here

Rip "we need to talk to her"

Mc with a cheshire grin replied knowingly " she is inside talking to my wife"

It goes quite

Jhon "what

Rip "What

Kayce in the back of the truck, sputters a what"

Monica "yells what the fuck did he just say

Mc "indeed Samantha is currently speaking with my wife you can all leave now"

Rip " no call Samantha out here"

Mc "No way am I turning my back to yous do you think I'm stupid" well wait for them to finish there conversation and then we'll go from there leave they may be a while and I'm not takeing anymore guests today come back latter tomorrow, I'll have Samantha call Monica when she can.

Rip takes a step forward the barrel of the rifle comes from laying just out thir view to up infront of them I aim at kayce to shoot first cause I know he can absolutely get me from where he is sitting but the logs of the house will catch moast of the rounds his sheet metal roof though won't save him and he knows this

Mc "I reaffirm she will call after her conversation is over now vaycate my premises for today and tomorrow we will talk again with cleared heads and then I when John was about to leave o said jhon can stay if he wants.

A quick reminder of who's in who


Older 12 boy Ahiga (fighter) Long 2006

Younger 12 boy Ahanu (laughter) Long 2006

And het daughter

girl 6 Istas (snow) Long 2012

And for them to meet my family which is

Amina (honesty) i married in Afghanistan in 2005

Farah (happieness) 2006 walker biological daughter