
Yamcha new fangs

yamcha will reach is true potential

xues17 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

chapter 10

"I wonder how Lord Yamcha doing?" said, Kila as she and her brother was stuck in class.

"I bet he's been total awesome," said, Killua.

"Do I hear talking?" said, there teacher with a strange aura around him.

Both Kila and Killua shut up.

They weren't afraid of what the man could do to them; they were afraid of what he would tell Lord Yamcha when he got back.

And he will get back, everybody at the clan, had completely faith in their leader.

How can somebody produce such an aura and not be strong?

#Tournament of Power#

Gohan and the group blinked.

[Reputation Level up!]

Just like that, five fighters that surrounded them and made them all worried and afraid, were gone.

The one who delivered the blow was none other than Yamcha who used instant transmission and something else.

"Why are you guys staring at me?" Yamcha said.

"Yamcha...what did you just do?" said, Krillin.

"Oh, that? I used Instant transmission" Yamcha said, shocking them. "And then I used Location reverse Instant transmission. Like this"

And than Yamcha instant transmission away, shocking those who were watching and then he appeared behind a blue fox.

"What?" Said, the fox feeling a suddenly Kai behind him.

[Location reverse instant Transmission]

The fox was gone, and soon they heard him plummeting out of the stage to the darkness below.

The fox appeared in his universe spectator seat.

"Nani!?" Said the fox.

"So that guy was weaker than me?" Yamcha said, shocked.

Does that mean he could take down all three foxes as well?

"Damn you!" Said, Lavender, the light brown fox, getting revenge for his brother.

The fox spat out Poison.

[Poison did no damage due to high-level poison resistance]

Really? Yamcha thought, suddenly grateful for the days he had the runs.

"Now you're to-" the fox began cockily but didn't get to finish.

Yamcha was suddenly in front of him and activated.

[Location Reverse Transmission]

Suddenly the wolf was plunging into the darkness and screaming.

"LAVENDER!" Shouted both brothers before he found himself in the spectator side.

"Lavender from universe 9 is out," said, Grand Priest and both Zeno's cancelled him out.

And than Yamcha turned slowly to Basil

There was silence.

The message was clear to everybody.

He planned to get rid of all three brothers!

Basil's eyes went wide.

"Basil! Don't let him touch you!" Said the god of destruction for Universe 9. "Run if you have to!"

What the hell were they dealing with that even poison wasn't effective!?

Yamcha bent his knees, and then he leapt forward.

Basil didn't have time to widen his eyes when Yamcha was suddenly in front of him.

[Location Reverse Transmission] Yamcha activated as he touched the fox.

The fox was gone and plunging into the darkness below.

The fox was back into the spectator stand.

"Basil of Universe 9 is out," said, Grand Priest.

Both Zenos opted the wolf out.

"That was cool," said, the Zeno on the left.

"Touch of plunge," said, the Zeno on the left.

Yamcha had gotten the whole battlefield attention.


Hearing his voice, Beerus came out of shock.

"Eh?" Beerus said, suddenly cocky. "Do you honest think I would show you all my universe monsters for a tournament as small as that one?"

"What was that!?" Champa said.

"Champa, you blood pressure," said, his angel.

"Quiet you," said, Champa.

I'm just as surprised as you are. Beerus thought, to think Yamcha was hiding such a thing from him.

Just like that universe, nine trump fighters were gone, and all of this was done right in front of Goku and Vegeta.

Yamcha walked back to his team, and those low-level guys did not dare bother him as he did so.

He made his way to the stunned Gohan and the group.

"So what's the plan Gohan?" Said, Yamcha, surprising them.

"Your kidding right?" Said, Krillin. "You sent eight people over the edge like it was nothing! By all right, we should be following you!"

"You should?" Yamcha said, he hadn't counted how many he had sent over, he was just used to haunting down animals.

In fact, he was the worst person those foxes could have ever encountered, countless foxes have fallen and were skinned under his hands.

"But I'm not the intense planning type like Gohan and compared to the Pride Troopers I'm ridiculous weak," said, Yamcha. "I would have never had the guts to introduce myself to their top fighters like Goku did"

That guy was something else.

"You kidding right?" Said, Piccolo wondering when Yamcha got this strong and how like everybody else.

Wasn't he sleeping while they were training!?

Wasn't he supposed to be a couple times stronger than Master Roshi?

What is this!?

It seems Yamcha did not notice the fighters who were looking their way cautiously, his very presence made them rethink how to attack them.

Who would dare attack them now, recklessly when Yamcha proved to be such a powerhouse?

Both Vegeta and Goku were suddenly surrounded by the rest of the Universe 9 fighters.

Their top fighters may be gone, but they were confident in the power of their numbers.

However Saiyan powerhouses weren't kept at bay for long, with the brothers not there, there was a big hole in the formation, which both Vegeta and Goku took advantage of.

Universe 9 was done.

Both Zeno's began to touch out all of them, and the emblem for the team went lifeless.

"Universe 9 is gone," said, the Zeno on the right.

"Yes, all gone," said, the Zeno on the left before they both started creepily laughing.

Suddenly the Grand Priest appeared and said. "Universe 9 has dropped out. They've been wiped out so", and then he said, ominously. "Therefore Universe 9 will be erased."

They all heard a cry of despair from none other than the Kai from that universe begging for mercy.

But there would be no mercy.

Both Zeno raised their hands up and said. "Yes," they shone.

Everybody witness the demise of everybody from universe nine but the angel before their very eyes.

"A-Are they really gone?" Said, Beerus, before he said. "What. What about Universe 9?"

This checked.

"Oh, my. Everything is gone" said, Whis checking.

"They are really erased Universe 9," said, Beerus looking up and so heartlessly as well.

Everybody stood still when they heard what had happened to Universe 9.

Everybody on team suddenly felt the reality around them.

If they lose, it would be the start of a countdown for their universe.

Yamcha knew he had to survive.

, renewal

Survive, so that he wont be a burden on the team.

Everybody but the bash ones stood close to each other.

Piccolo noticed Krillin shaking and so did Yamcha too.

So Krillin was scared after all...

Yamcha felt so much better knowing that he wasn't only human that was terrified of screwing up but putting up a strong front.

"What's wrong? Get Cold feet?" Said, Piccolo to Krillin.

"I'm just a little rattled," said, Krillin.

"Is everybody okay?" Said, Gohan being considerate.

"I have no complaints," said, Yamcha.

"Having a universe erased like that is unsettling" said Gohan

"Yes," Tien said.

"There is no question about it," said, Yamcha before decided to do Gohan a solid.

Yamcha suddenly went up to Gohan and said. "Gohan. You're going to thank me" much to the confusion of Gohan and everybody else, suddenly Yamcha hands began to glow and he them on Gohan clothes.

[Temporary Clan member Gohan boost.]




Gohan clothes began to glow before all their eyes.

"Something interesting is going on over there," said Zeno on the right.

"Hmm," Zeno on the left said.

The clothes stopped glowing.

"W-What did you just do?" Said, Gohan.

"You'll find out soon," said, Yamcha said before he walked to a surprised Piccolo.

Piccolo didn't fight it, and his clothes began to glow.

[Temporary Clan member Piccolo boost]




"I don't know what that guy is doing, but I don't like it," One of the god's said, looking at Yamcha with disdain.

Suddenly it seemed the hot blood got to much and the assassin Hit began walking to both Goku and Vegeta.

Vegeta lunged forward ready for round two.

It was when Yamcha was doing Tien that a green bird fighter decided to attack them.

"DIE!" Yelled the bird shooting a blue beam.

It almost hit Krillin, but Gohan was there to intercept it.

With one hand raised up, Gohan instantly felt the difference when the beam was reflected back, and the bird quickly dodged it out if fright.

"If one of us survives to the end, we win," said Gohan before he fired his own Kai blast.

Everybody who had seen Gohan blasts noticed instantly when the explosion was bigger than normal, but it contained the same amount of Kai.

"Huh?" Gohan said, looking at his hands.

Piccolo was quick to pick up on what Yamcha had done and took of his heavy cloak to better fight.

They all dodged the blast.

"Since when did I feel so light?" Said, Tien shocked by how light his body as he got off the ground.

Piccolo and Gohan noticed immediately, but unfortunately, Krillin hadn't gotten it.

When they landed all three looked at Yamcha for some reason, and Yamcha pretended not to feel their stares.

The bird kept firing, and they all dodged, four of them were unusual light on their toes but not Krillin.

Krillin stop dodging and said. "Beerus-sama said we should stop running away."

"Destruto Disc!" Krillin yelled before he threw the disc but what nobody expected was the beam to separate into 3 part, each piece had a different timing.

The bird dodged the first two but the last one hit the bird, sending it off course.

Yamcha not wanting to show Air walk just yet, sprung into action and instant transmission before he appeared to touch the bird when it was close enough to the ground.

[Location Reverse Instant Transmission] he activated.

The bird disappeared and was soon falling into the darkness fast.

The bird came to its senses in his universe spectator stand

His elephant God of destruction was there to 'greet' him.

"Good work, Krillin," said, Yamcha as Krillin blushed.

Than Yamcha did Krillin.

Little did he know the buffs would end up saying Krillin from a lot of pain coming up.

They watched as 18 dominated a green wolf fighter to the point they thought she had killed him.

It turns out he was a pro at playing dead, and before Krillin even realised what he was doing, he went to save his wife who had been forced off guard off the stage, completely breaking away from the groups formation.

As a result of the buff, he was there much quicker than he normal would.

"Wow. Yamcha must have given me some kind of Buff" said, Krillin as his wife looked at him with wide eyes as they fell off the stage together only for Krillin to activate a Kai blast to propel them back.

They landed, and the gods of their universe gave a sigh of relief and faced the wolf that was a trickster.

Together they defeated him as a couple and had a moment until a cat with shut eyes suddenly appeared and both Krillin and 18 tagged went to tag team him.

But Yamcha wasn't worried about Krillin or 18.

He decided to sit down and wait for his lost Kai to be restored, despite the explosions going on around him.

The higher the level the fighter, the more Kai he needed to buff them.

Everybody else was shocked that he was sitting down.

Was he that confident in his abilities here?

Meanwhile, Krillin quickly discovered the joys of Yamcha buff when he was sent flying and didn't feel a thing despite the terrible landing.

18 kicked the cat.

"Are you okay?" She said

"I think so," said Krillin. "I didn't feel a thing" before they faced their opponent together.

They both were told that the cat was blind too late, so he was not effected by Krillin flash, so his plan failed.

But like all cartoon villains, the cat gave away how he saw, so Krillin used his head against an opponent that relied on smell by throwing a shoe that he hadn't washed in years on his nose.

The effect was instant, and Krillin blasted the Cat off by a bigger than normal Kamahamha.

Krillin did not have time to be shocked like the rest of them when they saw the size.

The cat was out.

"That was huge..." 18 said since when could her husband produce such a thing?

"What has Yamcha being doing for the past year..." said, Krillin.

If the both of them could have trained together...

"Your really on fire today!" Said, Beerus as everybody from Universe 7 was celebrating his clever thinking and win.

"I'm on top of the world today!" Said Krillin getting a big head from the praise.

Yamcha felt like he was watching an old version of himself and suddenly had a bad feeling.

His bad feeling had proven correct, when with a tail whip, Krillin was knocked out of the stage by none other than Universe 6 fighter Frost.

Frost had learned about Yamcha instant Transmission and didn't stay around to chat instead he used smoke to run away instead of staying to taunt.

They were all shocked as Krillin appeared in the spectator stand for their universe.

It had been Krillin.

Krillin was the one to start Universe 7 doomsday cloak.

And scene!

Next chapter, the awakening of the Saiyan Monster and Jiren shows his teeth. The awakening ends up brining Universe 7 fighter together, and Vegeta has more than a few questions for Yamcha but before anything can happen the rest of the Pride troopers show up wanting a fight. Review/ fav and follow!