
Yamcha new fangs

yamcha will reach is true potential

xues17 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

chapter 9

"EEEEEHHHH!? PREGNANT!?" Yamcha shouted.

He had come back to the clan only to find out that he had impregnated all 13 women.

He tried to feel if they were laying, but he soon could feel two Kais inside each of them.

Yamcha wanted to faint.

How many kids would he have now!?

"Lord Yamcha seems shocked" Said, one of them.

No kidding!

But Yamcha wasn't planning on running away, he was the one who let his desire overwell him, and now he fully intended to take responsibility.

"Your all pregnant. That's great" he said, "I can't wait to see the babies, and I fully intend to support you all in your pregnancy and he raising of our children."

Thank God for his clan income.

But then he remembered.

The Tournament of power.

If his universe was to lose that, then everything he had ever obtained would be gone and he would never get to see his own unborn children be born.

It was now important than ever to win.

Yamcha left the room and told Puar.

"EEEHHHHHH!? PREGNANT!?" Said Puar, having the same reaction as he did.

"I planned to full support them, but I can't do that if I or the universe no longer exists," said Yamcha. "Its more important than ever for the universe to win."

In his mind, Yamcha did not believe that he could win such a tournament.

He was pretty sure that the finals would be between Goku and whatever monster was lurking in another universe like always.

If he can outlast Krillin, the only other human who did not have a none human ancestry like Tien or used to be an Android like 17 and 18.

Than Yamcha could say, he was the first ever human that had gotten so far and that you didn't need none human blood in you to get so far.

Yamcha was planning to sleep on it, so he did.

#The Next Morning#

Yamcha was woken up by his screaming two kids he had adopted. Apparently the news that all the woman were pregnant had reached their ears.

Soon they would no longer be the youngest of the clan.

"Calm down you too," he said. "I'm sure you can't wait to teach the children all sorts of cool stuff."

"Lord Yamacha were do babies come from?" Kila said.


Yamcha was up and said. "Well, look at the time. I better get ready for the journey ahead."

His suddenly change confused them both.

He walked around them and went immediately to his private shower room where he met Puar.

"Good morning, Yamcha," said, Puar.

"Morning Puar," said, Yamcha.

When he took off his clothes, his body looked fantastic.

Sure he wasn't ridiculous ripped like Vegeta, but his body had a different sort of strength to it.

When he was done going about his daily duties, he found the clothes the clan tailor prepared for him to wear, in the tournament.

The uniform that was in his hands was inspired by his old uniform before he became a student of Master Roshi.

The uniform that he could say was truly his own, but it was something different entirely.

The Clan Emblem was on his cuffs in gold and big on his chest; the clothes were pieces of green and gold.

Yamacha tried it on and shows it to Puar.

"Wow!" Said, Puar.

Yamcha looked good.

Really good.

Never before had he looked so impressive?

Yamcha was grinning inwardly at the stats that was on his uniform; the tailor did a remarkable job making it light and making sure he was protected.

Yamcha went out and immediately caught the attention of everybody in the hallway.

Yamcha kept walking and behind him was Puar.

"He's so handsome" he heard, and Yamcha tried to ignore it.

"Lord Yamcha you look amazing," said Killua.

"The real props should be the tailor," Yamcha said, he planned to give that section a bigger budget.

Finally, Yamcha looked like a powerful head of a clan.

His normal clothes and his usual training clothes weren't doing him justice.

Yamcha gave both of his kids a kiss goodbye and then gave his pregnant ladies a kiss goodbye and one on their stomachs.

And then him and Puar flew off.

He wants going to instant transmission it, he wanted to see the world he was protecting, and that meant it would take him hours to get to Bulma house.

"Where is Yamcha?" Said Krillin back in his fighting suit as everybody was here.

He thought he would be one of the first to be here due to excitement.

Even dead Frieza was here.

Not that many of them liked the feeling of Frieza near them.

And that's when they felt Yamcha Kai.

When Yamcha touched down, he impressive to look at.

"Somebody got a new wardrobe," said, Tien.

"Do you like it?" He said. "My clan made this for me."

"You look good," said Bulma.

"Hmph. No matter how good he looks, its wasted if he doesn't have the power to back it up" said Vegeta. "He is still the weakest out of the whole team. While we were bleeding from training, he was sleeping."

"Oh, it's seems somebody is jealous," said, Frieza, ready to attack Vegeta emotionally.

The blow struck.

However, Piccolo and some others were thinking about how Yamcha was going to battle in something different.

Could it be that he no longer acknowledges Master Roshi as his master?

The wolf was striking out on his own.

"Um, let's talk about strategy," said, Shin, the East Supreme Kai.

"I don't need it," said, Vegeta. "I'll take out the strongest ones first."

"I agree with Vegeta." Said, Frieza much to Vegeta irritation. "This strategy is fine for me as well."

"I am not surprised," said, Piccolo.

Everybody saw the two go at it like cats and dogs, solidifying that there would no strategy in place.

"It's time," said, Whis.

"Lets hold hands to Teleport," said, Beerus.

And then they all did, but nobody but Goku would dare hold Friaza hand leaving Vegeta with the option.

However, Vegeta refused to hold the alien's hand, and Beerus had to step in.

Yamcha left Puar behind as he teleported.

They all found themselves on the stage and found out that none other than the other universe Gods of Desstruction were fixing it.

Yamcha felt like he was in a dream when he saw the realm that was created.

He was here.

He was actually here.

They all looked over the stage and saw nothing but darkness until Whis announced nobody could fly unless they have natural wings.

Goku tested it out only to fall onto his backside.

Yamcha would have been devastated if not for his skill, air walk.

He had a safety net incase he went over.

And then the universes started arriving; each group appeared more incredibly than the last.

Yamcha could feel it, everybody on the stage was strong.

Incredibly strong.

And than Universe 11 showed up and Yamcha felt like he was staring at a black hole of nothing but bottomless power.

A power, he could never hope to obtain.

Every single person in that group was a whole new type of monster.

What on earth was he doing here?

What gave him the right to stand on the same stage as every one of them?

But then he looked at Krillin.

He was a human being and yet he stood on the stage with confidence.


He can not allow the feeling of strength to overwhelm him.

What had he been training for, if not for the right to get on this stage?

If he didn't feel confident than he would fake it until he did.

Yamcha watched as Goku without fear went to introduce himself to Universe 11 who blocked him from their leader immediately.

But Goku could tell the biggest monster on the field was their leader and wanted to immediately greet the strongest one.

Only for a part of floating rock to come at the both of them, Goku dodged, but like the monster he was, the person named Jiren did not even flinch, and the pieces of rock passed safely over.

It was in that moment Yamcha, and many others knew that they had to avoid that person.

Goku and Jiren were destined to fight each other, and it would decided which universe is the most dominant.

And then the High Priest spoke, introducing each universe to each other, each universe posing and Universe 11 struck a pose that wasn't terrible like the Ginyu force.

The power was unreal, and then they all began to wait for the manufactured sun to go down and the Grand priest to do his thing.

The gods, angels and Kai's teleported out and sat in the spectator's seats.

His hand went up and then down.

The tournament had started, and everybody but Universe 7 began to fight with each other.

It was like being in the middle of a war zone where bombs constantly where going off.

But these bombs came from people, so it was an impressive show to behold.

"Everybody's really going at it." Said Goku, before his Saiyan blood took over and said. "Oh, there he is!"

Goku left.

"Dad!" Said Gohan.

But Goku was heading for Toppo only to be obstructed.

"Dad! Teamwork! Teamwork!" Gohan tried to convince his father.

It was falling on death ears.

17 flew away, and seconds later 18 and Vegeta did as well.

"I'm off to enjoy myself as well," Frieza said, before opening fire on whoever he wished.

"T-The plan," said, Gohan.

Yamcha honestly felt sorry for Gohan.

Beerus in the stands was facepalming.

"Why did we bother planning for?" Said Shin.

"Good grief," said old Kai.

"Damn every last one of them," Beerus said.

And than it wasn't long before somebody went over the edge and plummeted.

They all heard her scream, but then she was suddenly sat in the spectator stand.

So it, not death, then? Yamcha thought observing.

"Liberu-san of Universe 10 has dropped out," said Grand Priest.

Not before long, everybody who wasn't reckless and itching for a fight from Universe 7 was surrounded by fighters from universe 10, 6 and others having smelled weakness.

But there was no panic.

Gohan had briefed everybody on the plan.

The moment they lunged, everybody jumped.

"SOLAR FLARE!" Shouted Tien, and a blinding white light came down on everyone below.

"SPECIAL BEAM CANON!" Said Piccolo, blasting.

"DESCRUTO DISC!" yelled Krillin.

Gohan fired Kai.

Yamcha fired nothing because his Wolf Fang Fist wasn't an aerial attack.

They touched down and waited to see if it had worked.

The smoke cleared, and it revealed every fighter was perfectly fine and laughing.

Suddenly they heard.


The fox jumped back, just when what could only be called a large purple sumo wrestler charged at him.

Yamcha watched the fox activate his feet and then turned to the enemies around him.

Wait a minute.

Could he just...

It only worked if the power level was a certain threshold below his own.

Suddenly Yamcha disappeared, and then Gohan and the group saw him appear behind Universe 6 Botmato in what could only be instant transmission.

He touched him and activated a skill.

[Location Reverse Instant transmission]

The bear was gone, and soon they all heard him screaming as he plunged over the edge of the stage.

Beerus, Whis, the Kais, Gohan and the group looked on with wide eyes.

But Yamcha wasn't done.

He instant transmission to the rest of them and every single person on the stage including Vegeta and Goku heard the sound of 5 conservative people plunging out of the stage and to the dark abyss below.

Every single one landed in their own universe spectators.

"Eh? What happened!?" Said, one of them, as their respected gods and angels look at them with wide eyes.

And then the grand priest announced all fix names out consatively and the two Zeno-sama looked interested while they cancelled all five out.

Everybody was looking at Yamcha with wide eyes.

"Huh. So I can do that" said Yamcha, in a very good mood while everybody stared at him with wide eyes.

He may have lost the advantage of drawing first blood, but Yamcha had obtained so much more.

He obtained fear.

The Wolfs new fangs were coming out.