
Yamcha new fangs

yamcha will reach is true potential

xues17 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

chapter 11

Universe 7 first blood had been shed and much to everybody's secret surprise, Yamcha wasn't the first one who was out and was actually helpful.

"So Krllin, fell off," said, Piccolo.

"You would think watching me, he would learn better than to get cocky" said, Yamcha. "My buffs only help a little bit. It's nothing against those who are several times stronger than you"

"I think you should have said that before Krillin moved," said, Tien.

"We still have nine people," Gohan said, as the explosions ran deep in all their ears. "Everybody let's pull ourselves back together"

They all watched 17 and 18 barbate Krillin on his loss, especially 18 since Krillin spent so much money on training equipment only to lose so fast.

Of course, Champa who was in the spectator stand had to rub salt in Beerus wound.

"Hey Beerus," said, Champa after laughing.

"I don't have time to bicker with you," said, Beerus.

"I guess not," Said, Champa. "The countdown to universe 7's erasure has finally started after all!" his tone was mocking.

The god of destruction had every right to be smug, they were now even in terms of lost fighters.

Beerus irritation rose seeing Champa smug face.

Champa noticed something and said. "Check it out! It looks like the next victim is lined up!"

Beerus turned to find he was talking about Vegeta, who was under a hellstorm of fire shot by Auta Magette.

"Vegeta! His weakness is being insulted!" said, Beerus.

Vegeta heard him and yelled, "Stupid scrap metal! You Piece of crap!"

And without Botamo to block his ears, Magetta soon felt the insults and the robot fell apart under Vegeta vicious tongue, realising it was working Vegeta insulted him to the very edge and beyond.

The robot man fell and now it was Beerus time to laugh.

"What were you saying?" said, Beerus, seeing the new fighter added to Champa side.

Champa said nothing, but was clearly irritated as he cursed the day Yamcha was born.

Meanwhile, Yamcha sneezed out and was notified.

[A curse has been cast on you by a God of Destruction. -3 Luck]

"Nani!?" said, Yamcha.

Wait, he could fix this...

Yamcha opened up his profile and saw his skill points, he couldn't get the Saiyan gene but he sure as hell could pump up his stats, like crazy and it was when he was bumping them up that, everybody suddenly felt something.

Something powerful awakening.

Everybody could see it in the direction of where Goku was and Yamcha thank god that whatever it was, was clearly occupied with Goku.

But it was safe to say, everybody could not be aware of this fight, when the wall blocking the view was destroyed, they were shocked to see a buff female with golden hair and Goku had turned Super Saiyan blue.

She beat him and seemed to go insane.

"She can't control how power!" said, Piccolo.

They were all suddenly aware of the gathering power going into her body as she rose and screamed.

She opened fire and those who were smart, ran as soon as the light show started and the team split up to avoid being hit and blasted out of the stage.

Yamcha saw the firing of the blasts, in slow motion and with his trained light feet it was very easy for him to dodge with minimum effort, he was by far the most impressive when running away.

Somebody was knocked off the stage and smoke descended onto the stage.

The stage was a mess and many took shelter under rumble and so did Yamcha.

And before all their eyes, the woman was defeated by Jiren with the guy doing the bare minimum.

Such a monster...Yamcha thought.

"This place is crazy," said, Yamacha getting up from the rubble and still looking irritatingly impressive.

Suddenly he came face to face with a green-skinned fighter that reminded him of Cell.

"Y-Your" said, the guy.

"Goodbye," said Yamcha before he appeared before him and gave him the move that finished so many fighters off.

[Location Reverse instant Transmission}

"HHHHIIIIIEEEE!" the fighter plunged into darkness only to appear in his spectator's universe, his gods looked at him with wide eyes.

Thus, Yamcha added another guy to his hit list.

"Man. This is tiring," said, Yamcha taking a sit down.

"You make defeating fighters look easy" said, Tien flying down towards him.

"I got lucky. Performing it consumes Kai" said, Yamcha. "I can't do it too many times and the fighter has to be weaker than I am by a certain amount"

Weaker than?

"...how strong are you?" said, Tien.

Just then they all heard.

"Yamcha-san. Tien-san" said, Gohan running to them. "Where are the others?"

"We got separated when that Saiyan girl want on a rampage" said, Yamcha and then he felt Piccolo Kai drawing close.

"I'm right here" said, Piccolo as he landed on a stone and they looked at him.

"Right now, we should find the other-" Piccolo began only for them all to hear.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting" said, the voice of none other than Frieza who laughed while confidentially walking towards them, in his hand was a fighter that was clearly unconscious and in extreme pain.

"Frieza!" said, Vegeta suddenly appearing from behind. "That's my target. No stealing"

Frieza only laughed raising Vegeta irritation level even more as he said. "First come. First serve. Vegeta-san" and then with his tail, he kicked the fighter out of the stage and into the darkness below.

Vegeta tch.

"That leaves only No 17 and No. 18," said, Tien.

"And Dad," said, Gohan.

"He's fine, but Goku is in trouble." said, Yamcha, getting all their attention and surprising all of them.

Meanwhile, the Zeno's were eliminating those who were just got forced off the stage.

"More people are getting eliminated," said, the Zeno on the right.

The Zeno on the left agreed.

"Where is Goku?" said, the Zeno on the left.

And then several explosions went off.

"He's being attacked," said, Zeno on the left.

"I'm going," Yamcha said, getting up and that's when he instant transmissioned before everybody including Vegeta's very eyes.

"Who are you?" said, Goku as he was being held.

"You let your guard down," said, the fighter wearing the pride uniform. "I can control my weight at will. Let's see how much you can take"

And then Goku was squeezed down and they all saw craters appear as the fighter got heavier.

Suddenly the smirking fighter felt something behind him and then in a move that showed Yamcha was actually doing something, he grabbed the fighters arms and ripped it from Goku body.

"Huh?" Goku said, not feeling the pressure anymore.

The fighter who was now concrete blinked.

"If you can control your body than you're my opponent" said, a voice from behind.

And then two arms were wrapped around the fighter and he was lifted with almost ease.

Goku blinked when he saw what was going on.

Yamcha smiled at Goku before he started walking his way to the edge of the stadium.

The fighter was freaking out, his weight was all he got!

"L-LET GO!" said, the fighter, panicking as he struggled but to no avail.

"How about no?" said, Yamcha as he continued to walk.

Everybody stared as Yamcha showed his strength.



"GET OFF!" said, the fighter kicking and punching, even biting him, anything to get Yamcha to let up but Yamcha ignored it.

They all saw Yamcha visibly sink due to increased weight, but he ignored it and continued to the edge and that's when he said.


He let go and before everybody very eyes the man plummeted like a stone.

The man found himself the second fighter of universe 11 to be kicked out and was now in the spectator stands.


"He really didn't have anything other than weight," said, Yamcha as everybody looked at him like he was some kind of monster.

"That makes 10 fighters that have fallen by his hands," said, Zeno on the right.

The Zeno on the left agreed.

Yamcha turned to a very surprised Goku.

"U-Ur, thanks Yamcha," said, Goku.

"No problem," said, Yamcha. "I just thought I was more suitable to face off somebody who can change their weight. After all, you are conserving energy" and then he instant transmissioned to the group.

Vegeta was waiting for him.

Suddenly Vegeta grabbed him by his cloth.

"Vegeta!" said, Gohan.

However, Yamcha won't back down.

"What Vegeta?" said, Yamcha, not backing down either. "Are you upset that I'm not getting my ass kicked like I normally would, so somebody can beg you to save me? Well, I found a training method and it produces results that I should have had years ago. If you have a problem with that, then take it up with me after the tournament not here and now because if you haven't noticed, I'm out here busting my hump making sure everybody here has a higher chance of survival unlike you, who goes off on his own the moment somebody looks at him funny. Tell me who is getting more praise from a god of destruction right now, me or you?"

"What was that!?" said, Vegeta.

Everybody was shocked by Yamcha suddenly balls against Vegeta.

Usually, it was Vegeta who had the higher ground because Vegeta life was a thousand times better than his own, but only that they were leagues apart in terms of strength as well.

Now Yamcha was catching up in terms of lifestyle and nobody knew about his strength.

Suddenly they all felt a huge way of power and heard screams as lots of Pride troopers were blasted out of the stage and everybody went to look to find Goku talking to some girl and her teammates.

What the hell?

"I am the warrior of Universe 2," said, a green haired female. "Brianne de Chateau!"

"Sanka Ku!" said, the female with brown hair.

"Su Roas!" said, a female with purple long hair in a yellow poncho.

"Let it bloom. Let it sing the song of love and victor" said, Brianne.

"The song of love and victory!" said, all their teammates.

Yamcha was wondering if he should hit any of them.

"Now, it's time to transform," said, Brianne.

A long transformation sequence began and Yamcha was really wondering if he could really hit them.

Luckily 17 did it for him, but was berated for it by Goku and even Toopo who turned out to be crazy when it came to striking poses.

The former android shrugged and walked away, bewildered like him.

When the girls finished transforming, Yamcha felt like clawing his eyes out, they were even worse than how they looked before but some guys loved it.

And then the slim girl who was now much larger, throw a giant love heart and an aroma filled the stage and beyond.

Those who sniffed it , were effected and froze with a daze.

Yamcha was not affected because he had over 10 gorgeous women at home who put them to shame, he wouldn't call himself a man if he was affected by it.

Luckily Jiren was kind enough to clear the fog with a beam and everybody agreed to split up to face Universe 2 attack.

However, Yamcha soon realised that nobody was after him which was very depressing so he stood next to Piccolo, Gohan and Goku who had nothing to do.

"Why are Vegeta, 17 and 18 having all the fun?" said, Goku before he left.

Yamcha wanted to buff him, but he knew Goku would never accept it unless he absolutely had to.

Suddenly all three of them were confronted by two of the three fighters that were left for Universe 10, Yamcha walked away the moment the two started talking.

"Aren't you going to watch?" Piccolo said.

"Nah. You two go and fight them," Said, Yamcha, he felt like he was wasting energy just by turning around towards them, he saw the instant transmission fighter blast the third fighter left out of the stage.

Now there was two left, and both of them were right in front of Piccolo and Gohan.

Yamcha knew this was the end for Universe 10, and he had been right.

The moment Gohan powered up and Piccolo revealed his craftiness, it was over for Universe 10, both fighters were sent flying out of the stage and into Universe 10 spectator stands.

It really was over for them.

Both Zeno's happy raised their hand up and they shone.

Just like that Universe 10 was gone.

And scene!

Next chapter, Yamcha is stuck with trying to figure out why he can't advance while Goku and Vegeta fight a powerful fighter from universe 11 but it isn't long before somebody takes a crack at Yamcha and he finds himself fighting fighters one off, another and Yamcha goes badass on all of them. Review/fav and follow!