
Chapter 3

"I really am not looking forward to this." The druid beside me stated. He was an odd fellow, dressed in even odder clothing even for an humanoid. Linen and cloth formed a long scarf, no doubt for the cold climb ahead. Round leather pauldrons on both shoulders, with matching gloves on both hands. He had a coat and hood, the latter covering his unkept hair. He wore few jewellery, only a pendant made of unknown material and an engraved wooden ring.

He was armed, but even they weren't much at first sight. A staff, underwhelming, unless you consider it to be magic. A sickle was hanging on his belt, it gleamed coldly, very.... unnerving as a weapon for a druid.

I had inspected them curiously during our first meeting, which was not very long ago, and it ignited a heated response from him as I recall.

"For you perhaps, but I feel as though I am returning home." I said sincerely. I then gazed at the makeshift path ahead, remembering what Daisae told me about our current location and our destination.

The forest, my birthplace, was called Numhusen. It was, ironicly known as Dragon Free Forest by humanoids, as it was clear of forest dragons for centuries. This was why my presence caused a large disturbance, a forest dragon apperaing in the forest would not be impossible despite the name, a silver dragon however is simply unnatural.

"Figures." The druid muttered. Then he started walking at a brisk pace. I followed along.

The guardian site was located a distance away from the forest. Fortunately, it was not overbearingly far, which was why the nature spirits were able to locate it. However the journey would still take days to accomplish.

Despite my intuition that the journey would be difficult, I doubt that I would fail. As a dragon, very few creatures in the wild would be able to threaten me, even if I am a mere wyrmling. A species such as mine cannot be taken down with ease.

I'm much more worried for my companion instead, I had no understanding of him, which was quite worrying if we are to work alongside each other. Perhaps I shall question him about it later. Actually, why don't I ask him now?

"May I suggest we converse to understand each other while the journey is still young?" I suggested behind him.

He skidded to a stop and I almost bumped into his legs, he turned around and gave me a very humanoid look. "Eh, why not?"

And he proceeded to continue down the beaten path after turning around. "First off, we'll be avoiding any known roads and only use the ones that are not commonly used by people."

We are avoiding contact with other people? The thought of it dimmed my enthusiasm, I was hoping to experience meeting other humanoids. While dryads and druids are good conversation partners, I craved to see more of the world with my own eyes.

As if sensing my diminished mood, the druid said: "This is for the best, you know how many people would be willing do anything to get their hands on you? A lot. And all of them don't have good intentions."

The warning soured my mood even more. "Surely not all of them" I protested.

You glanced back at me and said: " You would be surprised by the greed of men." I faltered in my steps.

His lack of faith in his fellow humanoids surprised me. I knew druids live secluded from society, but surely it was not due to how humanoid society are ? Besides, while I knew humanoids can be both good and evil, but they can't possibly all be evil.

The druid sighed: "Daisae told me that you were looking forward to meeting people, but let me assure you, it is safer if we avoid them. Now!" He clapped his hands while saying with forced cheerfulness. "Let us move on to more... pleasant topics."

I had wanted to ask him more, specifically about the dangers of facing people, but I suppose it would be rude to refuse his wishes.

"....Very well, what do you wish to talk about?"

"About you I suppose." He said nonchalantly. The request wasn't entirely unexpected, so I was prepared for it. Then again, it was to be expected that humanoids would like to know about a dragon.

"Ask then." I had no qualms about answering him.

"Well... I can't believe I haven't asked this earlier, but what's your name?" He said, chuckling slightly, though I have no idea why.

"I have none." I replied easily. Really, I knew I was prepared.

"Uh.... what?"

"Did I said it unclear? I have no name." I have no idea why he has the reaction that he did, I was sure I was being clear.

"Wait, so you it's been weeks since you've been born and you still have no name?" he said incredulously.

"Yes I have not been given one." I must admit I was getting frustrated at him not understanding. But I suppose that should be expected from inferior creatures.

"Daisae didn't give you one?" He was still insisting the subject I see.

"Hmm... Ah, I remember her mentioning the subject once." She had brought it up while talking about the territories around the forest, as I recall.

"That's it?" My companion seems to be quite stubborn, perhaps a trait that will prove useful.

"Yes" I replied simply. "What is your name?" I said, hoping to move on. He noticed my attempt at changing the subject.

"...Fine, the name's Gell." He seems dismissive while saying his name, does he see it as unimportant?

"Gell? Does the name have a meaning?" I asked, curious.

"Ha! No, it's just your usual half-orc name."

A half-orc? I didn't expect to meet a half-breed so soon. Then again, I didn't expect anyone relating to the orcs to be a druid. The world is truly a large place.

After Gell answered, we continued walking. The sound of boots and claws crushing the gravel created an ambience in the calm forest. It was a while before I decided to ask another question.

"Can you tell me more about being a druid?" The question breaking the silence.

Gell took a moment before answering, he took a deep breathe: "Do you want the short answer, or the long one?"

"We have plenty of time to spare, so the long one I suppose." It would be best for me learn as much as possible. After all, it is not best if I relied on my imprints.

Gell glanced at me once again before answering: "Wow, you dragons really are a different bunch, aren't you? Most took the easy way out." He gave a brief chuckle at that.

"But first, let's get out of the forest shall we?"

I hadn't noticed but we were approaching the exit for the forest. A sensation built up in my chest, I guess it would be excitement.

More light shone through as the number of trees lessen, the height of grass shortening. The presence of the forest began to weaken. And finally, after a few more steps, we were now out. The plains beyond us expansive and seemingly endless.

I couldn't helped but be somewhat touched by the scene. I was in the forest for weeks, and was all I knew from my own experience. I really thought it would be years before I leave, but the prospect of a mentor changed everything.

.... A mentor, I must admit, the thought is intimidating. Another of my kind, I knew I should no worries, even my imprints urged so. Still, I'm a spirit of my species, and that could be very different from meeting a living one.

"Nervous ?" Gell asked. He was leaning against his staff, gazing at the horizon.

I too, was looking. The mountain ranges were no doubt far. But still, it was as if I could see it, picture it. I answered Gell.



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