
Chapter 2

It had weeks since my hatching, I was already stronger than when I was born. Of course, Daisae had helped me greatly. I owe her a great debt.

I was flying from tree to tree, wings flapping furiously during flight. My silver scales gleamed from the sunlight shining through the trees. I used my legs to kick off for flight, and used them again to hold onto branches. My tail helped to keep my balance, and for greater control in flight.

It had been ecstacy when I learned to fly. I managed to achieve it the day after I was born, the genetic imprints left by my parents assisted me. I had obtain a comprehension of the world at a young age, as most dragons do.

Muscle memories and other imprints were settling, but otherwise I was functioning optimally.

Launching from an oak tree, I landed onto the ground and continued moving at great strides. I had spotted a hare, a suitable prey for me. I dashed to a cover of a tree to remain hidden, the small frills on my head swaying from the movement.

The hare was grazing peacefully, unaware of my movements, unaware of my intent to hunt it down. I crept towards it, each of my claws grazing against grass. My limbs tensed as I prepare to pounce. The hare lifted it's head to glance around for threats.

Just as the hare was finished looking around and looked down, I acted. My legs sprinted forward, letting me gain momentum, and I leaped.

The hare was right under me, and I quickly pinned it down. It squirmed and bucked, but dragon claws were designed to trap and tear, it remained where it was. It squeaked, and I tighten my grip. I studied it, my curiosity intrigued, "You creatures really are inferior." There was no malice in my words, after all, it was not the creature's fault for being so weak.

A tree rustled, and a female voice spoke. "Don't let a druid hear you say that, some consider every animal here to be important. Almost all of them don't appreciate outsiders commenting on how defenseless they are. " A figure dropped down from the tree gracefully, landing without making a sound. Was it magic or incredible dexterity I wonder ?

"Would they prefer if everyone thought them to be razor-toothed and man-eating?" I engaged in the conversation, Daisae has proved to be a great source of information, essentially due to her eagerness to speak. "It cannot speak, it cannot fight back. It is indeed weak and pitiful compared to other creatures." I was unable to keep the pity in my voice from leaking.

"Other creatures such as dragons perphaps." Daisae said as she walked towards me. "But you should let go of the hare first before we talk any further, your not didn't even planned on eating it anyway, did you?"

I did at, silver dragons have an unique biology. My kind only has to eat two to four times a week as an adult, though as a wyrmling I have to eat more often. While I had some understanding of my kind, the imprints weren't fully complete. Based on the answers given to me by nature spirits in this forest, I was suppose to have a parent, or at least a guardian. I had neither.

I had relaxed my claws, and released the hare. It immediately bolted away, running into the nearest undergrowth. I watched, silent and observing, stretching my body to release the tension I had from hunting. Although I felt a shred of guilt for putting the hare through a traumatising ordeal, I needed to learn and train. Leaving scarred hares in the forest was not a big consequence.

Daisae arrived before me, a smirk on her face, though I did not know why. A cool forest breeze blew against her green hair gently, causing them sway gently. She was wearing clothing, as most humanoids do. Hers was a dress, plant like in appearance and texture, looking as if it was alive, with small flowers adorning it. No footwear, I had heard from Daisae that dryads prefer being barefoot, but I do not know the reason.

"So, the mighty beast has caught his prey once again!" She hollered, and I was pleased at the compliment. Though I wondered why she was trying not to laugh as she said that. Perhaps it's a dryad thing.

"How long are you planning to keep this up?" Daisae questioned. "Even if your 'training' doesn't cause any lasting effects, it can cause quite a disturbance."

I pondered the question, indeed my practices had not gone unnoticed. It had been some time since Daisae last conversed with me on the subject, and I trust her enough to continue discussing with her. Though I suspect she did it due to the complaints of other less..... understanding forest residents.

Still, these conversations have always been fruitful. Plans had been constructed and contacts were established. I had met plenty of individuals that were interesting to say the least. Multiple of them are able to heal, I noted. They were scattered throughout isolated areas of the forest. They would be useful in the near future, I am sure of it.

"As I had said before, until I am strong enough to not be a target." I replied, a little curtly. Through my imprints, I had discovered that wyrmlings were surprisingly vulnerable, especially those that were merely weeks old. It was paramount that I quickly learn the means of surviving.

Daisae, as she had before, brought up a great point. "I thought dragons only get stronger as they age." Indeed, wyrms are only as great as their age. Unlike another creatures that become stronger from experience, dragons are a unique phenomenon.

"That does not mean I do not have to train, I must master how to use my body as a tool to survive. Without a mentor, this is the only way." I try not to sound bitter at the last part. Without a guardian, my life was more difficult than it should be. Daisae and some of the others were excellent, but they were not dragons, they were not equipped to teach me.

At this moment, Daisae was about to speak, but then she stopped, hesitant. I noticed and questioned her. "Yes?"

"Oh! Well, uh.....you see, the others found something that might help you with your uhh... mentor problem." I straightened, paying attention at an instant, staring at her intently, which caused her to flinched at the sudden movement. "Woah!! Um.. well... ever heard of Dragon Guarded Sites?" She asked, a little guarded.

"I know of them, are you suggesting I go find one?" I said curiously. These sites aren't easy to find, they were as exotic as great ancient wyrmlings, which made sense. These sites were created from the intentions of dying dragons. I am also aware that these places made wonderful habitats for newly hatched wyrmlings and young dragons. However I was wondering why Daisae mentioned them now.

"Do you also know that you can commune with the spirit of the guardian dragon of the site?" She said, ignoring my last question.

" I do, and please answer the question." I replied, hoping that saying 'please' will appease her. Aside from trying to convince her to answer my question, her statement about the guardian spirits peaked my interests. I was aware of them, as I said, and I had indeed considered finding them, but as a newborn there was never time.

"Right, so we found one." I perked up. "But we don't know which dragon kind the spirit is." My spirit fell instantly.

"Now, now, the site is near a mountain top. Which as we all know, is the preferred lair of silver dragons." She said this with a slight smile, as if reassuring me. "So there's a chance for you."

Indeed there was a chance for me. Perhaps it is time for me to finally meet my own kind.