
Chapter 4

A freezing torrent of ice spewed in a rapid speed into the open space. The air turned misty and the ground was covered with frost. The temperature had dropped considerably.

The makeshift camp had not been affected much, it was still serviceable for my companion. Even if it became ruined, Gell would only have himself to blame. He was the one to request a demonstration of my [Breathe Weapon] after all.

"That was impressive," Gell praised. He was watching from his tent made of long branches and leaves. "I would have thought it would be weaker considering you're a very young wyrmling."

"That is a logical assumption," I said, feeling proud from my companion's praise. "And one should avoid making."


He then settled into lying down, staring at the small campfire he started a few moments ago. Following his example, I soften the ground with my claws, using a weaker [Breath Weapon] to cool it, and finally lied down.

There was a brief moment of silence, before Gell broke it with a chuckle. "I have heard stories of dragons, both the epic and scary ones, and I was amazed by them as a child. Never would I have thought to meet them, or even accompany a tiny one."

While being called tiny wasn't very dignified for a dragon, it was true for me. Still, I wonder why he was saying this.

I shifted my position to face him, to signify that I was listening.

"I guess I'm saying if you think I'm not somewhat honored to do this, to help you, well you would be wrong. Acting casual is just how I deal with stuff."

I actually recall that, there had been occasions where danger was immediate, and still he had been rather lax about it. If I had not seen him in action, I would have assume he was actually putting up an act. However, I knew better.

"I suppose if anyone has as much experience as you are, it's hard not to take meagre threats seriously."

He frowned at that. "I never said I don't take them seriously."

"Really ?" I must admit I found that hard to believe. Especially after I saw him maul a goblin as a bear and was as unaffected as ever after. I told him as much.

"Well maybe I'm just good at hiding my inner turmoil." He said with a trace of a smile.

I huffed at that.

It had been three days since we left the Numhusen, the forest, and both of us were in fine condition. We were attacked, stalked, threatened and sometimes trapped all in a short span of time. Gell was not exaggerating when he said people wanted my skin.

Even with all the risks involved..... The trip was all that I had hoped for.

Although I wished that the few humanoids we met did not react.... violently. However, I was quite content with my situation.

Still, I can't wait to meet more of them.


"Man, I can't wait to rob more of them." A cheery voice said.

"Let's just get this over with." Another voice replied curtly, sounding slightly annoyed

"Come on, you gotta take a moment to enjoy these types of things. I thought you halflings were more enjoyable than this."

The halfling simply grunted and walked away, arriving at the corner of the bar. He blended into the surrounding, which wasn't hard considering how rowdy the place was,

His partner, a medium humanoid with a growing beard on his face, had picked up a lute and was now chatting happily with the bartender, who was also the owner.

"I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity, sir." The partner said, sounding sincere.

"Just prove yourself today, and you'll have earned a job here."

The halfling discretely began observing the patrons here. Eight tables, two empty. 20 people in total, all of them intoxicated, even if just slightly.

The empty tables would be useful, it helps they were in the darker region of the room. He was short enough to sneak under them as a species of such short stature.

He had his targets in sight, he just had to wait for his partner to start...

"Patrons of this fine establishment!!!" The shout was followed by a sweet tune. "I bid you all a fine evening!"

This was his cue. He began to move.

"Now this is my first time, so do be lenient. However, if I do perform horrendously, would you all be so kind to laugh at this sorry sod?"

The patrons, who were all mostly halflings, chuckled, but they mostly ignored the bard. It wasn't enough for him to move yet.

"Now, a fine tune for my fine employer." He strummed a chord, and then another. The sounds eventually began to form the foundation of a song, as a rhythm began to form.

The music was enough for the halfling, it was enough to distract the patrons.

He moved away from his corner, striding to the empty table. He moved quietly enough that no one noticed, then again, his partner's performance was approaching it's peak.

The music was becoming enthralling, his partner even became to move, moving closer towards him he noticed. Just as well, his targets won't notice him now. They would be too busy enjoying the show.

At the empty table, he watched his target's behaviour, he simply bid his time for an opening.

Which was when his partner pulled a trick, he threw the lute high into the air. Gasp and exclamations were heard, but he didn't care, instead he dove straight in. Straight under the table of his target.

None noticed of course, but he did not want to stay here long. Too risky. He went straight for the job.

The target was cheering, his partner had caught the lute perfectly. The purse hanging from his hip bouncing, and he could barely hear the sound of coins clinking.

"Thank you, thank you!!" the partner said as he continued to play.

The target stopped moving for a moment, which was when he striked. A simple slash with a knife and a hand to catch the purse was all he needed.

He didn't count the coins there, that would be idiotic, even if he was a little excited. He moved on to the next phase, which was once he succeeded in the first phase, he would steal the coin purse of others.

A little greedy perhaps, but what was it his partner said ? Go big or go home ?

He did it, all four who sat at the table just lost all their coins. He was pretty proud of himself, although he almost dropped one purse, which would've been an amateur mistake.

Now, time to leave. The door to the bar had been opened, and he recognize the boot of the man who entered. It was the bouncer.

The halfling swore to himself, now he needed something aside from his partner's performance to distract the bouncer. As amazing as the performance was, it cannot distract a professional hired. Something big was needed, something like-


An explosion rocked the building. And the halfling could see sparks of flames. People screamed and shouted. His instincts kicked in, he ran for the door. He slide through the legs of people, possible only for someone of his height, and reached it without injuries.

"Ah! There you are!" A familiar voice said and he was pulled out of the building. As he regained his bearings, he heard the sound of a door being locked.

Preparing for the worst, he turned towards the sound.

His partner stood there, slightly charred and with a big grin on his face. "I was beginning to worry you wouldn't make it ! I would feel so guilty over that."

"What did you do ?" He probably would have been more angry if he didn't expected this

"Oh I just use [Firebolt] on a few barrels of ale, the effects were quite stunning." Came the cheery reply.

"You mad half-elf. If I didn't know any better, I would say your kind inherited the worst of both races." The words were harsh, but the tone he used wasn't.

"You wound me, Alton!" The half-elf admonished, but he could tell his partner wasn't serious. Carrick never was.

"Did you really have to lock the door ?"

"Yes, yes I did."

"They're going to hunt you down."

"Oh? I'm just an innocent bard caught in an attack!"

"They probably saw you lock the door."

"Nah, I was attacked, remember?"

"They're not stupid, Carrick."

"You would be surprised."

During the conversation, the bar was burning down. The bashes against the locked door was increasing in intensity.

Alton sighed and said: "Always I up to me to fix your problems." He turned to Carrick and ushered him: "Go. Find a place to hide or something."

"Roger, roger." He said and then left in high spirits.

Sighing, he reached up to the door knob. "Why am I always with that madman?."

Then he shouted to the people in the building: "Hello!!? Is something going on in there!!?"

"We're TRAPPED!!! Open the door, there's a fire in here!!"

Alton obliged, and was later hailed as a hero. However, he only had one thought, "I hate people."

Enjoy y'all. Leave a review to help me improve!

Railjackcreators' thoughts