
Worthless Heart

Disclaimer: Pls don't read this story. I'm literally just writing this story to vent out my frustration against shitty authors who've given me enough brain damage with stories as stupid as the one I'm about to write. Literally my first story that I might take seriously, go read something disgustingly horrible to make my story better in comparison. Note: I don't have an editor. I don't really edit. Prepare your braincells.

EternalBlackDevil · Urban
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10 Chs

CH9 - Blatant Execution

"Limitless! You still dare to try and fool me?!" The man roared in indignation.

"Haven't you taken enough? Haven't you humiliated me and our siblings, your own god damned blood and kin so much?!" The man starred at me, it almost felt as if his killing intent could instantly disintegrate me into ashes.

His bloodshot eyes looked on as he gave me a twisted smile as lightning kept surging throughout his body as a power I would never have had the chance to encounter within my whole could be felt from this man.

"Fuck! Wait this is a misunderstanding! I don't know who this Limitless guy is and your relationship with him!" I yelled while putting my hands up in panic as to show as weak stance.

Damn it! This situation... I have no idea how I could get myself out of this, yet I doubt that I there was anything I could do. The threat of death felt more eminent.

Without warning, as if a trigger due to the threat of death had been unleashed, I felt my world begin to slow.

This time my state was undeniably clear.

Though the change had brought an undeniable change in my vision, the circumstances didn't leave me a choice but to accept my current ability.

Certainly, even an idiot with good memory could remember the events that had happened in the past 72 hours.

From that night.

The murder.

My world had similarly gone slow to almost a standstill as my surroundings and its shadows were extremely vivid to me.

"Bastard! You dare use that ability yet still pretend like you haven't trampled all over my dignity?! I will destroy this blatant act of mockery!" Though, the world had slowed I could undeniably hear the man's voice in normal speed whilst his lips were still moving to complete the sentence.

At this moment, the only thing I could do was attempt to figure out the properties of this strange ability.

I didn't talk as I observed the world around me.

Though in slow motion, lightning flickered just as intensely on the man's body.

"Fuck! I don't even know your name, yet you name me to a complete different person." I couldn't help but curse underneath my breath.

I wasn't a fool. For some reason, this person seems to be aware of this ability which I had not even glanced at the peak of the iceberg.

Who the hell was this person he referred to as Limitless?

If I could find that person I would undoubtedly give him a tight few slaps for inadvertently putting me in this situation.

The possibility that I had even inherited his powers were no slim. However, the only question in my head would be... how?

Wait, this was no time to have an internal monologue!

As sparks of electricity flew and crackled throughout the man's body they all swirled on his body as it flowed and concentrated itself onto the man's fist.

The man threw a punch at lightning speed as the excess energy of the punch propelled itself outwards into a force equivalent to a railgun.

I felt the immense pressure emitting form the attack. Even if I had the power to freeze time what could I do to it? If I touched it that meant instant death, so the only option was to dodge. However, was it so easy to dodge an attack at the power level of a railgun?

"F-" I was about to curse only to figure out an aspect of my ability.

"I can move in normal speed even as everything is slowed!" I exclaimed.

But could this be enough to dodge such a thing? Realistically speaking, lightning was as fast as 430,000kph and a railgun as fast as 12,000kph. Could I easily dodge such an attack?

However, I had largely underestimated this ability.

From earlier, with the threat of death, the ability had been triggered, and now, as this powerful blast approached signifying the approach of death, the speed the world had dropped to could almost be mistaken to be frozen.

In this way, I had easily dodge the fatal attack as it blasted towards me.

"Holy shit! This ability is overpowered as shit!" Though I exclaimed, as such, it was clear to me that this only triggered a wave which cleared my suspicion in guessing that I had more abilities to be cleared.

"If I could master this ability... even if the slowing down or stopping of time seemed overpowered in fights, it didn't seem to have much practical use outside of that. However, I would disagree. With this ability, I would gain something, that though everyone had been born with a fixed and shared amount of it, I would gain a huge amount of this through this ability! I would gain time!" I couldn't help but inwardly exclaim at my shocking discovery.

"If others experienced one split of a second to think of a reaction to a problem, if I mastered my ability to its peak, I could be given an insurmountable amount of time to make sure I'm thousands of steps ahead of my enemy!"

With this in mind, I no longer hesitated as I faced my opponent once more.

"I have no idea who you are, yet you seem to regard me with hate and enmity, could I at least receive an explanation or your name?" I said.

With this ability in hand I felt completely calm, as if no matter what I wouldn't die when faced with any danger. I felt my confidence sky-rocket!

"Impudence! You think I'm not aware of what your eyes are capable of? What if in your eyes time could almost come to a standstill? In front of true might, you can only surrender your life!" The man's eyes became bloodshot as he was spellbound to kill me no matter the cost, as if no matter reason was presented in front of him, he was programmed or hardwired to destroy me.

"Nine Swift Lightning Profound Saint Thunder Dragon Claw Tribulation!" Suddenly, the man's aura completely vanished as if any trace of him ever living had disappeared, the only trace and proof of his existence being his body which now stood 10 metres from my current position.

Before I was able to react, the speed of my surroundings dropped to the level of almost being mistaken for frozen.

"This...!" I was inwardly speechless! What kind of attack invoked the power inside of me to almost reach the level of freezing time?

However, what happened afterward blew away any fog which shrouded any doubt within my heart.

In that instant, the man's almost non-existent and negligible aura rose to an almost unperceivable and gargantuan height as a massive claw which resembled that of a demon overlord's might arose into the sky at terrifying speeds almost equivalent to the speed of light as it gathered enough stamina as it descended. The claw was completely made out of dark lightning bolts which snaked around its form like swimming dragons as covered the vast sky as it began to descend as quickly as it appeared.

"Fucking bullshit!" The claw was obviously larger that 10 kilometres square in diameter. Wasn't this an overkill? Bastard! This was the kind of bullshit you find in those far fetched cultivation novels or shit like dragon ball!

This, even with my abilities, wasn't a fair fight to begin with. I didn't even have attacking methods. This was a blatant execution.

Hello everyone, as it turns out I have a family and social life.

( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ)

So I took the whole week off and don't care (•◡•) (deal with it)

The new school year is comming to a start so you'll have to deal with that too (too bad).

Literally zero fucks are given about this novel, I'm just having fun and if you enjoy suffering while reading go ahead ◉_◉

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