
Worthless Heart

Disclaimer: Pls don't read this story. I'm literally just writing this story to vent out my frustration against shitty authors who've given me enough brain damage with stories as stupid as the one I'm about to write. Literally my first story that I might take seriously, go read something disgustingly horrible to make my story better in comparison. Note: I don't have an editor. I don't really edit. Prepare your braincells.

EternalBlackDevil · Urban
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10 Chs

CH10 - Smells of Conspiracy

Sunshine Coast, Norman Manor

Monday, 7th of February


I opened my eyes as my whole body shook as if I had just had an epileptic seizure, before finally spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Wiping the blood from my lips and looking at the bloody mess I had spat on my new bedroom's floor I couldn't help but feel gloomy.

This was obviously a backlash from my death in that dream realm. Of course I hadn't survived that fatal attack.

Thinking of that encounter, the ridiculous odds, the odder exchange I had with that unknown yet powerful man and the ridiculous position I had been put through, I couldn't help but frown even deeper.

Knock, knock, knock.

3 rhythmic knocks could be heard as someone knocked on my door.

"Young master, it is time for the family gathering." After hearing that melodious yet innocent voice coming from the other end of the door, there was no doubt that it was no one other than the Victorian maid, Emma.

"On my way." I answered my mood slightly lifting as I reached out to grab the formal clothes that had been given to me to wear that I had put aside for this occasion.

Putting the black suit and tie accompanying it with a black leather belt and pair of leather shoes, it didn't take me more than 2 minutes to meet the maid Emma outside of my room.

As my eyes landed on Emma once more, I couldn't help but inwardly sigh at her beauty. She had a refreshing and innocent temperament. Just like before, her long blonde hair was still tied in a formal bun as her innocent eyes were laced with a subservient glint within them, giving any man who laid eyes on her, either the urge to protect her or the urge to dominate her.

I was by no means a gentleman, however I couldn't help but feel biased towards Emma as my previously soured mood vanished as if it hadn't been there at all.

Emma respectfully nodded as she led the way without a word.

As we walked in one of the many corridors of the manor I couldn't help but intensify my glare at her figure from behind as she led the way.

An hourglass figure that'd make most women envious, a nice perky yet modest derriere, and beautiful skin that of which looked sun-kissed by the Mediterranean.

I felt like crying at my own inward behaviour yet no tears were there to cry as I felt somewhat shameful.

Just like that, after passing through multiple corridors, a few expensive paintings, and multiple luxurious decorations, we finally arrived in front of a large double wooden door which was wide open clearly in a welcoming manner.

We walked into a dining room with maids and servants awaiting our arrival as more than 20 people all ranging from the ages of 13 to late 50's already sat in their seats at the dinner table filling all of the seats, all with the exception of one seat.

Emma turned back to me, bowed her head once more and along with the other maids and servants, as if a rehearsed ceremony, all took their leaves while leaving.

However from the corner of my eye, I couldn't help but manage to catch Emma's glance which seemed half playful and half innocent as her figure finally vanished within the exiting servants and maids.

Before turning back onto my new family, I couldn't help but notice my vision begin to slow...

There was some sort of danger, however it was almost impossible to detect as the speed of my surroundings only slowed to an unperceivable level as if it had not been slowed in the first place. The speed was only by one bit slower than normal so it mustn't be a huge or immediate risk.

This was too odd.

Something was brewing and not only do I not know what it is, I'm in the open as everyone here looked at me while anyone of them could affect my life.

Well I wasn't surprised either.

Would I really expect no one among any of the gathered here to accept me like a good new little brother? Of course not.

I was merely a hidden threat to them who's motives were unclear.

Truth be told, whether I wanted it or not, I was now stuck within their struggles for power.

"Are you not greeting your new family?" The eloquent and cold voice of a middle aged man broke the short silence which had descended in the room.

The words the man used were quite harsh, even a bit sinister, he said it in a way which drew a line between me and the rest of the Norman's. He was subtly and bluntly making it clear that I was an outsider. Why do such a thing when you planned on adopting me?

I was inwardly indignant however suppressed the urge to curse at the man as I knew exactly who his identity was.

The man was Robert Norman.

His features were about 60 percent similar to that of Joseph's. He was tall, had a broad chest and stature, had slicked back black hair and blue eyes which were similar to about 80 percent of everyone in the room, and brooded of the aura of a domineering CEO. Fucking stereotypes.

I couldn't help but curse.

However, when I looked at him, I couldn't help but notice how my surroundings slowed by one more percent, still making it imperceptible that I as in an impending danger.

"Ah- uhm- well, hello everyone." I stammered before respectfully bowing my head to everyone, but before I could continue, Robert cut me off as he snorted.

"Humph, get lost." He said in a cold tone.

"Excuse me?" I was taken aback by this blatant show of coldness without realising how rude I might have sounded.

"Kid, are you deaf? I asked you to get lost. This was simply a formality, and now that we've all gotten a good look at you, you can leave back to your your."

Yet again what he said hadn't failed to startle me. What the fuck was the point of any of this to begin with then?


Before I could say anything, Robert backhanded me across the face as I stepped a few steps back.

Immediately, myself and the rest included were all startled. However, my surprise among any of them easily toppled all of theirs's combined. Not even Jonathan, Robert's own younger brother who was among the seated expected this turn of events.

My power. My power failed to slow down time in that instance. Why was that? I was immediately startled as I took a few steps from Robert.

"What still not scramming? Dissatisfied? Well let me put this bluntly. You have no value within our eyes whether you were my elder brother's adopted son or not. What stands is that both of you identities due to your relationship with him lead you back to our family." Robert began.

"However, do we want you? No! However, such a deed can easily be used against us by the media and a useless country bumpkin like yourself can easily ruin our reputation. This is the truth of our modern society."

"Tonight, you shall go rest. Tomorrow we shall introduce you, our newest adopted son, to the public. Think of this more as a public stunt. And then you shall contribute in building relations with the rest of the 10 families."

As Robert's words rang through my ears I couldn't help but realise this ploy.

No, this wasn't a ploy. They didn't owe me anything, thus they could do with me as they saw. I was nothing more but a glorified servant.

Sup bitches, I'm still playing around with the story and the plot doesn't start till like CH12-13 so have fun with waiting for something actually good to happen :p

EternalBlackDevilcreators' thoughts