
Worthless Heart

Disclaimer: Pls don't read this story. I'm literally just writing this story to vent out my frustration against shitty authors who've given me enough brain damage with stories as stupid as the one I'm about to write. Literally my first story that I might take seriously, go read something disgustingly horrible to make my story better in comparison. Note: I don't have an editor. I don't really edit. Prepare your braincells.

EternalBlackDevil · Urban
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10 Chs

CH8 - Dream Realm

Sunshine Coast, Norman Manor

Monday, 7th of February


It had already been 1 hour since I had been appointed to my bedroom.

The room was empty and lacked any traits that would identify it as someone's room. In other words, it was bland and lacked personality.

There was a king sized bed, a desk, chair, wardrobe, mirror, gaming pc and console next to the desk, a large bookshelf filled to the brim with books, and a large bathroom with both shower and bathtub.

Though all of this sounded neat. The only thing which made the room obviously lacking was that it was almost the size of a basketball court.

I took the opportunity to take my clothes off as I lay I my bed in only my boxers.

"Jeez. The hospital was certainly not courteous." I mumbled as I looked at the dirty clothes I had warn for the past 2 days.

I lay on the bed for another minute as I attempted to ignore the discomfort within my left knee.

"They might as well have given me a wheelchair instead." Walking across the 8 kilometres of land in crutches had made me feel quite uncomfortable and unhappy.

I closed my eyes and with a fierce yet determined expression, I decided to recreate the past two experiences within my head.

Attempting to recreate a dream that you've once had is not a strange occurrence, however I couldn't help but feel that what had happened was far from a dream. The emotions, and feelings I felt were too strong and suffocating. It felt like I could fall asleep at anytime within that world.

In addition, The dream-like re-enactment of that memory with Joseph felt too surreal. Could it really have been a dream? How could I remember such a dream so vividly.

My eyes closed, I waited in silence for what felt like hours.

If a normal person tried to attempt this, they would have stopped in the first 2 minutes. However, I could feel a connection, a strange feeling of that similar dream-like state of near sleep. A state so sound I could sleep my self to death.

I felt my heart thump vividly.

Thump thump. Thump thump.

The blood vessels within my heart felt like they had frozen over as a spark attempted to light a fire within my heart.

"Ahhhhk!" I coughed out a small amount of blood as I felt my heart race back to normal.

"This, this... this..." I felt absolutely baffled.

Not only had I failed in returning to that world, but it had even created a backlash.

From those two results and that bodily reaction, even an idiot could conclude that that strange world, or realm, was connected to me to some extant. This felt unbelievable and I obviously couldn't come to a conclusion with just one test result. However, I would rather much believe that these were interconnected than believe I had gotten a random problem with blood clots and blood circulation within my heart.

"I need to try again. I need to find out everything I can from this phenomena." I felt my eyes shine as I went back into a similar meditative stage as I attempted to recreate this dream-like state.

Even if I have to sleep myself to death, I would rather die that painless death than let go of this string of hope. This string which has the possibility to brighten my heart and bring light back into my life.

I couldn't care less about being adopted into the Norman household.

I had an itch, a longing, and desire to attain this power which seemed beyond yet so close to my reach.

Unknown Realm

Date: Unknown

Time: Unknown

I felt a short breeze pass through my face as it slightly lifted my hair.

The area I stood in was desolate as only wind and ash could be seen. The orange sky surrounded me as where had used to be a vibrant city was now replaced by the burning smell of cinders. Magma, fire and ashes scatted around as I stood in one spot without moving.

This feeling I felt was very familiar. I couldn't move as if this body wasn't my own as I watched as a spectator through the eyes of this person, the only difference being, that I could clearly feel this person's emotions.

This person's eyes were of a dark emerald colour. He wore an ancient black robe embroidered with golden dragons. His hair was jet black and he had a peerless face with an equally matching disposition.

I clearly felt his emotions surging as if they were my own. My body trembled as I felt my eyes well up with emotions as they moistened.

I clenched my teeth knowing full well that all of this destruction had been inadvertently been caused by me.

"Brother..." I said these words.

The struggle for the throne had indeed been this bloody and inlaid with casualties who's lives didn't even have anything to do with the conflict between the royal siblings.

As a spectator who shared the same emotions as the person I was watching, I saw as realisation dawned on the man he crumbled as he knelt on the ash and debris as he roared to the sky with anguish the only thing that could be felt from his miserable cry.

"All of this...! All! All of this because of you Limitless! Damn it! Damn it! Damn you and damn it all to hell!" As the man cursed, he had said a name which sounded somewhat familiar to him.

Limitless? I felt as I had head that name elsewhere before, however not in the normal world of course, but in one of the strange dreams I had recently.

I pondered for a good minute however without realising the strange changes within the strange, handsome and ancient man before me.

Without me realising it. I ties, through feeling or emotions from the man had suddenly been stripped from me. I had no longer had access to the man's line of thoughts any longer.

I felt as if I now had regained my own body as I appeared 50 meters behind the man.

"What the hell?" I exclaimed internally as I was baffled to the extreme. The scent of burning ash around me and the hot and blistering temperature on my skin could be felt. At this level of realistic feeling, the pain from the heat I had felt very real. What was the possibility of me dying in this weird dream? Was this even a dream?

From the 50 meters behind the man, I could now clearly see the situation in front of me.

A dangerous aura surrounded the man as the electric sound and rumbling smell of thunder was emitted from the his body.

"Fucking hell!" I couldn't dare to believe it.

This shit was straight out of those Chinese cultivation novels!

The killing intent which was emitting from the man's body seemed unrivalled as he turned around to face me with rage the only emotion that could be seen on his face as he roared.

"Limitless!!! You dare attempt to fool me again?!"

I'm currently experimenting with my writing style :P

My home life is a bit messy so my writing also feels abit off as I try to separate my emotions from feeling unnecessary things.

EternalBlackDevilcreators' thoughts