
Worthless Heart

Disclaimer: Pls don't read this story. I'm literally just writing this story to vent out my frustration against shitty authors who've given me enough brain damage with stories as stupid as the one I'm about to write. Literally my first story that I might take seriously, go read something disgustingly horrible to make my story better in comparison. Note: I don't have an editor. I don't really edit. Prepare your braincells.

EternalBlackDevil · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

CH5 - Robert's Ambition

Before I had realised it I had already left the hospital and found myself riding within the back of a black Rolls-Royce Phantom.

Right now. I. Sean Benjamin who for now would refuse to be called Norman, and seated in the back seat of such an expensive car while being chauffeured by a bald elderly man with a neatly trimmed moustache and grey hair as Jonathan sat in the front passenger seat.

The car was obviously well air conditioned as I felt slightly cold as I turned down the air conditioning system at the rear without paying head to the luxuries surrounding me.

I tried my hardest to ignore all of those flashy gadgets surrounding me. There were even small water bottles.

"Damn, these water bottles are probably over 3 bucks per bottle." I muttered to myself before deciding to close my eyes.

I shook for a while attempting to find a comfortable position for the cast on my leg.

As it turned out Dr. Hoang was the personal doctor appointed for the Norman family. At the end he was surprised that I could leave the hospital on the same day. I hadn't even stayed for more than 24 hours.

However, as expected I would still require crutches to walk with for the next few to dozen months.

Those guys were really hurrying to get me out of the hospital.

However, isn't it too fast?

What is it that they want in the end?

In retrospect I have nothing of value that they could acquire from me.

"Where are we headed?" I asked.

I of course knew the answer to my own question and so did they. However, I just wished to fill in the blanks within this quiet space.

To be completely honest, I don't mind long silences at all. I quite enjoy them in fact, I don't wish to talk much so when everyone is in a tacit understanding of no verbal communication required, I would often inwardly rejoice.

However I couldn't help but feel different today.

"Norman Manor." The butler-esque chauffeur answered in a monotonous tone. This was the first time he had taken the initiative to talk during the whole car ride when I asked a question. Until now, only Jonathan had been the one to answer my questions such as; can I go to the bathroom? and such.

With such an answer, I slouched back onto my seat and prepared myself for sleep during the ongoing 1 and a half hour drive until arrival.

Sunshine Coast, Norman Manor

Monday, 7th of February


Situated on the third floor of the Norman Manor, in one of the many rooms which had been split and shared among the two habitants of the floor; Robert and Elizabeth Norman was a study room specially picked out by Robert as he sat in front of his desk behind his laptop and a stack of documents.

Robert had specially chose this room for it's view over the Norman Manor Estate. This room was possibly the best room on the third floor and he had fought over it with his wife Elizabeth to claim it. The windows were on the north and south respectively as to avoid direct sunlight during morning and late afternoon hours, perfect for him to go over his documents. There were even light gusts of wind coming from the north east carrying the scent of the ocean.

Robert looked over another stack of documents before typing once more on his computer as who would also sign some paperwork. He was going over basic estates handling and deeds and managing some of his other properties.

After learning of eldest brother, Joseph's death, he had gotten busy and was even doing basic reallocations of Joseph's belongings.

"Elder brother, even without the support and money from the family you managed to own so many items and even small businesses. Though none that you have can compare with family capital, you managed to own two cars of which are a Porsche and a Ford, one fishing boat, equipment included, and two cafes." Robert mumbled while looking threw the documents once more.

"Alas elder brother, you are dead now. To which I now have to inherit the position of house family head which belonged to you..." Robert sighed while looking at his gold watch, the time read 7:20.

"They must have left by now..." Just as he said so, Robert found that a message had been sent to him 10 minutes ago about their departure.

"Sigh. Who would have thought that within that time, you would have gotten yourself an adopted son."

"Though we could have left it at their and have left him, with the police finding out the identity of my brother and that Sean having been with him, there's no way that such a thing would have left the eye of the public." Robert averted his gaze from his desk as he stared at the picture frame which was standing at a far corner of his desk.

The image within the frame was that of he himself and his two brothers in their youths. Joseph, Robert, and Jonathan all in descending age order. The photo of the boys was taken possibly over 35 years ago. Within the picture, a 17 year old Joseph was frowning along with his brothers while resting his arms above the shoulders of his two younger brothers. This was a picture taken for the rugby team.

They were all 1 year apart from each other. Joseph was 17, Robert was 16, and Jonathan 15 at the time respectively.

Robert smiled slightly while staring at the photo. "Back in those days you had to frown and look like a tough guy while taking a photo. This sure does bring back memories." Robert said while looking at himself and his siblings faces with a twinge of reminiscence in his gaze.

This went on for a full 20 seconds before he broke free from gazing at the photo. The glint in his blue eyes now ever so faintly with a mysterious light of ruthlessness and ambition.

"It is but a shame that you've gotten yourself stuck within this mess." Robert said absentmindedly while looking once more at the picture with Joseph before reaching out to make it face downwards as to obstruct himself from looking at the photo again.

"Truthfully speaking, elder brother was a fool. Though in name he was the only thing obstructing me from becoming family head, he long since isolated himself from the family, even his own blood related children have but a faint recollection of him. He had no influence within the family and the servants so to speak."

"Now that elder brother has sadly passed away, though the possibility of it is slim, that younger brother of mine, Jonathan is a potential risk to my position." Robert said.

Even to himself he would speak as if he had nothing to do with the death of Joseph. In fact, there was no evidence of whether he had hired someone to murder Joseph. Robert, whether he acted or actually was a devastated but serious younger brother who had now taken place as family head not only in position but now in name after Joseph's demise, would still have to do the formalities.

"Everything is under my control. The estates, the family's various businesses, money, fame, the face of the name of the Norman family. I have it all. The only variables of which I am unsure of are my younger brother Jonathan, and the kid Sean." Robert looked out the window to his office which had a nice view of the whole estate as he began to ponder.

He didn't place much importance on Sean as he was just a 14 year old kid right now. Though he was a variable, he was still a kid, he could be manipulated or anticipated. He only stared gloomily towards the sky as he found dark clouds forming within the horizon.

"Brother, do you know how much you've got me worried about such a trivial thing which is basically as good as mine that I have to think of ways to plot against my younger brother?"