
Worthless Heart

Disclaimer: Pls don't read this story. I'm literally just writing this story to vent out my frustration against shitty authors who've given me enough brain damage with stories as stupid as the one I'm about to write. Literally my first story that I might take seriously, go read something disgustingly horrible to make my story better in comparison. Note: I don't have an editor. I don't really edit. Prepare your braincells.

EternalBlackDevil · Urban
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10 Chs

CH4 - Surnamed Norman

Brisbane City, St Davis Hospital

Monday, 7th of February


"Excuse me?" I couldn't help but blurt out.

Where was all of this coming from? This man, whom I've never met in my life declared to me that my surname shall be changed to Norman as I was about to be adopted into the Norman family.

"Wait... Norman family? The one my adoptive father Joseph is from?" I couldn't help but raise my suspicions. The Norman family? I was not excited. From the past 2 years I've lived with Joseph, there had been no contact with the Normans. Had he been excluded from the family? Was he an outcast? What was their relationship with him and us indirectly and why must they reach out now?

Multitudes of questions began to fly and collide within my head as my expression became more warry and uncertain.

In normal times, if a person had just lost their parent and their extended family reach out to them after the loss and that family happened to be a rich and influential family, a normal person might somewhat feel moved.

However I couldn't help but feel the shadow within my heart tighten.

"The hell?" I clenched my fist and my teeth as I felt complicated. I looked at the man who had just said that to me. I don't even know his name. My expression was complicated. Pain, betrayal, anger, abandonment, scorn, and plead could be seen on my expression.

"The hell? I don't even know who you are." I didn't know why my emotions were as such but What was their point in coming to get me after all? Joseph was dead. Did they really think giving me a new family which happened to be rich and famous make me feel better? Are they pitying me? Was this to stroke their self righteous ego as they are so big and mighty and benevolent.

I stared coldly at the man. Shit, why does it feel like I wanted to cry.

Shit. They really did it.

I knew exactly why I felt this way. They had bruised my shattered ego. To think that I would even have a sense of it in this situation.

"My name is Jonathan and I am-"

"I don't want you or your family's kindness." I cut off the man who introduced himself as Jonathan. What an egotistical being I was. My pride and everything I had was lost and so I pushed away even the expected kindness and remunerations I deserved right? Don't make me laugh. I had even said it in such a distant and cold manner.

Jonathan looked at me with a gaze as if he knew exactly what I was feeling or thinking.

"And don't try to tell me you know how I feel." I said quickly. I felt my anger subside slightly.

Just because I'm in this state do you think I'll just go ahead and do what you want me to do? Even if... do I have a choice?

"Of course. I am not presumptuous enough to say such a careless thing." Wait so you're saying you'd be presumptuous enough if the thing you were to say wasn't seen as careless?

Jonathan continued. "As I was about to state earlier, I am Joseph's younger brother." Jonathan said with a slight pause before continuing. "Well, in all senses of the word if you haven't noticed our uncanny resemblance." I stared at Jonathan's features to try to identify their similarities.

I blankly stared at Jonathan. He indeed had similar black hair, but his eyes were brown unlike Joseph's.

Something I had been proud whilst being with Joseph had been our similar facial features as it felt like we were truly of same blood. We both had black hair and blue eyes.

"You don't look the part." I said bluntly. Black hair was extremely common and not to mention brown eyes. However not all siblings shared facial features. I simply said so just to spite Jonathan.

Jonathan, as if not hearing my blatant disrespect just smiled at me and started talking once more. "Sean Benjamin Miller, soon to be Norman. 14 years of age, born November 2nd. Adopted by Joseph Norman when he was 12. Any traces of blood relatives are unknown, family presumed to be dead. Blood type is AB negative. Zodiac sign is Scorpio. Nationality is unknown."

"..." I was speechless.

Taking a few breaths, as if Jonathan had purposely not said anything to let me speak, I finally asked. "What is that supposed to mean? You know everything that is to know about me right? Now what is it that you want?"

Jonathan just smiled and later spoke. "Just your full cooperation."

"You shall be a good nephew to me and join our Norman family. It's as simple as that."

"Just like that?" I was sceptical as there was no catch. Besides why would such a rich and influential family with so many connections have anything to do and want from me? Is it because of my relationship with Joseph? Their self righteousness?

"Sean, you're thinking too much. You know that?" Jonathan sighed as if he somewhat pitied my current state. "Why must you think so much? To other people this is a godsend opportunity, a gift!"

"You get a rich and influential family! It's like becoming an aristocrat in one step."

I closed my eyes for a bit and thought for a while. "Then why come here?"

"Just to inform you." Jonathan said. "In fact, there's no need for your consent to begin with. Your adoptive mother... no. My dear sister in law to whom you adore has the rights to sign you off to us as of the death of Joseph. In fact double fact, this is due to their divorce not being settled yet. In triple fact, the Normans could have directly taken you in due to the death of Joseph and your relationship with him."

I was visibly getting angry as I attempted to calm my heart. I was powerless and without me even doing anything or being able to do so, they already have control over my identity.

"But again, why do such a thing?" I asked

"Well, with enough common sense you would know that most if not all things are easy to do secretly yet hard to do openly."

"However, thanks to this, we are able to do things more openly."