
Worst Soul Reaper

A casual fan of bleach gets reincarnated into soul society. Unlike most others, he has very little knowledge about what goes on in Bleach besides the major stuff. See how he goes through life and tries to survive in this chaotic world

BoredAsura · Anime & Comics
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98 Chs


Ren arrived at the forest and did not sense anyone in the area. Seeing that neither of the two was there, Ren decided to head inside of the cave and deal with the business that had been bothering him for the past week.

Ren set up several barriers around his body when he remembered what happened to Ichigo during his vizored training. He then sat in the lotus position and placed his blade across his lap and began performing Jinzen. Ren soon entered the inner world that he had done so for a long time that was filled with bone and brass.

"Khorne! Get your fucking ass out here!"

A loud rumbling was heard as the rivers began to overflow and the towers around the world began to shake.

"You dare to..."

But before Khorne could finish, Ren interrupted him.

"It is you that is daring! You dared to hide Dryae from me for over 100 years! I did not use kido to try and please you. To try and make concessions for you since I did not want you to feel like my slave.

But now! I will beat you into submission. Before, I was borrowing your power. I am here to claim it as my own!"

Khorne walked out of the fortress with his head held high. The god was 5 meters tall and covered from head to toe in armor so thick that a space marine would get wet seeing it.

"You wish to challenge me in combat? Fine. The winner shall possess all that the loser owned. If you are victorious, my powers are yours and will be as if they are only yours. If I am victorious, I shall be taking your body and that other spirit's powers all for myself.

You can use anything except for my abilities while I will exclusively use my abilities. Do you accept this battle between us?"

Ren did not even need to think for a moment before he answered.

"That is exactly why I came here."

As soon as he said that, a large amount of wood that was at least 8 meters in diameter rose out of the ground beneath Khorne and slammed him into his fort. 10s of smaller trees rose up and stabbed into Khorne's body as well.

Ren tried to make them as sharp a possible but he was pretty sure that the trees would be unable to pierce Khorne's armor. The trees were shattered and blown away in thousands of splinters.

"Haha. These can not pierce my armor but you were hoping that they would pierce both my armor and flesh? You forget that the gifts I give you are truly a part of me. You merely borrow their power. I am the source of it."

4 ethereal weapons appeared behind Khorne. The greatsword and great ax, that Ren was only capable of wielding each one with both hands, were held casually in each of Khorne's hands.

"I will show your the true power of these weapons."

These were the two weapons Ren had the least control over due to how powerful they were. The ax had the ability to temporarily multiply Ren's physical strength by up to 10 times but his body was barely able to handle 3 times even with the Gift of Flesh.

As for the sword, it allowed one access to several powerful warpfire abilities. This weapon could be considered a fire-element zanpakuto's bankai if it was fully mastered. Khorne pointed the blade at Ren as a ball of white fire formed at the tip of the sword.

Knowing what Khorne was planning to use, Ren was very worried. Ren created hundreds of trees in between himself and Khorne of various sizes and thickness. He also added several kido barriers between certain layers to increase the blockade.

"Molten Beam!"

A pure white beam of concentrated flames left the tip of sword. The beam was so bright that it was blinding while its size was well over 10 meters in diameter. The beam tore through the various layers of defense and would have killed Ren if the layers had not slowed the beam by the slightest or margins and blinded Khorne from seeing Ren.

Ren looked at the hole that the beam had created and the trees that were supposed to be fire resistant burning easily.

'Wow, that thing is dangerous! I never saw the old man's bankai but I am pretty sure it would be something dangerous like that. With those flames, hoho, shikai, and hakuda are not all I can use.

I will need to use my bankai to buy time and use my most powerful spell to kill him'

Just as Ren was about to enter his bankai, he heard a growling sound that he was far too familiar with. Ren looked around and saw seven wolf-like creatures with powerful scaled bodies and mouths filled with sharp and dangerous teeth.

These were Fleshhounds that Ren could summon using his second gift, the gift of beasts. These creatures were naturally resistant to most reiatsu/kido based attacks and had incredibly powerful bodies. Most lieutenants would struggle against a single one of them.

The worst part was their sense of smell. Once one of the creatures had caught onto the scent, they all did. And they could track a target thousand of miles away.

Ren looked around but he could not find the hound he was most afraid of. Ren kept looking until he looked right beside Khorne. Standing next to him on all 4 legs was a 3 headed Fleshhound. This was Karanak. He was the most dangerous of the group.

Not just because he could fight a captain with his physical body alone but also with how he tracked others. The others tracked with just their noses in normal ways. Karanak could track targets through different dimensions, could track where they had been years in the past, and could track their target by thought.

With him by Khorne's side, Ren could no longer plan out strategies since Karanak would be able to know them and tell them to Khorne. All he could do was fight by instinct and improvisation now.

'Just when I thought this would not have gotten any more difficult. He is not only stronger, faster, more durable, and has an assortment of weapons but he also outnumbers me too.'

Ren stood on his tree branch and let out a chuckle as he pitied himself.

"Whatever. Bankai!"