
Worst Soul Reaper

A casual fan of bleach gets reincarnated into soul society. Unlike most others, he has very little knowledge about what goes on in Bleach besides the major stuff. See how he goes through life and tries to survive in this chaotic world

BoredAsura · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
98 Chs


The matter was quickly settled after the battle had ended. With the detention of one officer and the heavy injuries of another, the bad blood between the two divisions was set in stone. This is exactly what Ren wanted.

With the bad blood between the two, the officers of the 11th division could not be trusted to watch over their division while they were under house arrest which meant that only the 9th and 10th divisions were the babysitters after that.

Ren decided to break out the liquor and made a feast to celebrate their victory and new title. Everyone was happy and partying but when Ren saw that Tier was unable to eat or drink, he put away his food and drinks as well.

Ren brought her to the roof of his dorm to have a moment alone while watching the members celebrate below and the sky above. Tier was looking at the members below, especially her fraccion who seemed happier than she had ever seen them.

"I never thought that there would be a day where I could see them relaxing and not worried about a predator hunting them down. Even under my protection, we were never this relaxed. Such an amazing sight."

"Hmm. Indeed. One of the best sights ever."

Ren was not looking at the people below but instead has his eyes on Tier. It would be a lie to say that he did not have a crush on her in Lawrence's life but he had become truly attracted to the woman in the past 5 months.

He had gotten to know her so well over the past 5 months. The show had only shown her for 2 or 3 hours from what he remembered but Ren had gotten to know the real person.

'They always said to never meet your heroes because the reality is more disappointing than a person could imagine but she is so much better than they had displayed of her.'

Ren looked at the remnants of Tier's mask and thought that he wanted to think of a way to get rid of them without her resurrecion. He wanted to see the true face of the woman he was slowly starting to admire.

For the rest of the night, the pair sat in silence with the occasional small talk as they enjoyed the joyful atmosphere.

It took a week before Yamamoto returned and asked for Ren and the Arrancar to follow him along with the other captains. The group made their way to the first division where the rest of the captains and lieutenants were waiting for them.

Ren and his group stood in the center while all of the captains and lieutenants of the other divisions. Ren felt the burning gaze of one captain in particular but ignored it.

Yamamoto took his seat in the middle of the hall with Chojiro standing beside him. The old man slammed his cane on the ground 3 times to announce the beginning of the meeting.

"I have called this meeting in regards to the matters of the 8th division and what shall happen going forward regarding Arrancar.

After speaking with the Central 46, a decision has been made. Friendly Arrancar are to be treated like shinigami. If they dare to assault other shinigami, they are to be killed immediately.

The 8th division is currently the only division that is allowed to recruit Arrancar but they are also the division in command of dealing with any Arrancar threats. Depending on the actions of the Arrancar currently within the 8th division as well as any future Arrancar brought in, we will then decide on whether other divisions will be allowed to take in Arrancar members.

The laws regarding shinigami attempting to gain or actually acquiring hollow-like powers shall remain. If we are to find out that you have attempted to gain any of your Arrancar's abilities or find a way to give them to your members, you shall be tried as a traitor and executed.

The Central 46 have also said that duels between captains are now forbidden. Anyone caught breaking this rule shall be tried as a traitor and executed.

The last new law that has been created involves the releasing of one's zanpakuto. Captain's are no longer allowed to unleash their bankai within Soul Society unless in times of wars.

Chojiro. Pass these 5 their zanpakutos."

Chojiro walked towards the back of the room to retrieve the zanpakutos. Ren and the other Arrancar were given their zanpakutos back without any further fuss.

"Since all this turned out well and good, I have a couple of requests I would like to make."

After hearing all of Ren's request, Yamamoto felt as if he was going to have a heart attack. The old man yelled at Ren for a few minutes while a couple of the captains did their best to hold in their laughter.

They had heard how Ren had pissed off Yamamoto about the haori last week and was surprised that he would still have the nerve to try the old man's patience after he was almost tried as a traitor by the Central 46 if not for Yamamoto speaking up on his behalf.

With no other important matters, the captains were dismissed from the meeting hall. Ren and the others left after greeting Unohana, Kyoraku, and the current captain of the 6th division, Kuchiki.

The Arrancar left towards the 8th division while Ren started making his way to the forest to see how much Yoruichi and Kisuke had improved since he had last seen them.


Author's Note: We are in the Top 20!!!