
Worlds merger: pokemon/earth

this book is discontinued due to critical mistakes. I gave to much to the MC such as a perfectly balanced team, everything he need, money, and none of the conveniences. that in and of itself is already a mistake. this is not mentioning that I kept forgetting the Pokemon I gave to the MC and needed a list to keep track of that. then again I had no 'opponents' planned, not a complete plotline. therefore I am currently rewriting this at Leisure and also with a lot more detail.

vailein · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter Pov Vailein

Houndour is frustrated at not being able to protect me. Channeling this frustration into himself causes Houndour into a early evolution. While I am killing the Raticate, Houndour glows and uses the growing strength it has to claw open the Ursaring. In order to make his evolution successful he eats the heart of both the Ursaring and Raticate. This allows him to glow more and slowly change it's shape into a Houndoom, this is 1 year earlier then expected. After evolving Houndoom uses it's increased strength to spew a lot of fire and kills a dozen Elite Pokemon right in front of my squad. The leaders, are a pair of Nidoking and Nidoqueen, show themselves to take front line command of the charge. The Nidoqueen however seems to be holding onto something round.

Now I order Pidgeotto to start flapping it's wings with all it's might creating a small twister. At the same moment I encourage every flying type Pokemon to join my Pidgeotto to do the same. As the hurricane grows it sucks in a lot of Pokemon tossing them high into the air and paint a part of the ground red with their blood and tissue, sometimes a Pokemon even lands on another killing that one as well. To increase lethality I yell for people with fire Pokemon, of course my Houndoom shows them how to, to trow embers into the hurricane. This way we get a fire storm right in the middle of the Pokemon horde.

At 5.23pm my squad is reduced to me and 5 members, we are one of the most complete squads still. Due to all the reinforcements that joined us we can rest for a bit, I let one of the nurses look at the wound in my calf, that I kept under control with my now almost exhausted amount of aura. She cleans it and has a Chansey use a healing skill on it. 1 minute after treatment all that's left is a dental mark like scar. The 6 of us eat something and rest. Then climb to a higher position and use our sniper rifles to shoot at Pokemon that attempt sneak attacks on someone.

At 9.53 pm we suddenly hear a roar again, this time however it sounds a lot more panicked then before. Instantly the tide resides, I pick up my sniper and run to the wall, using it's scope I look around to see if I can find what happened, then I see a big ass Nidoking together with a Nidoqueen attacking a Snorlax. The Snorlax however let's them hit him and swings his arm killing both of the Nido's instantly. The Snorlax vanishes in a flash of red light. The Poke-ball returns to a man on top of an Aerodactyl. With a few flaps of it's wings it moves to the next side of the city, I assume to kill more King level Pokemon. As the tide retreats back into the wild I spot that the Nidoqueen might have been carrying an egg. So I jump up to Pidgeotto and have Pidgeotto fly towards that location, people around me are yelling at me to be careful. I am correct and find a Pokemon egg very close to the dead Nidoqueen.

After the tide recedes past the egg I go down and take the egg but doubt why a Pokemon that just laid an egg would coordinate an assault. But we have more sad things to think about. We lost about ¼ of the population of this city. The population right now is 967.000 people, if on 3 years time the population doesn't increase to above 1 million people it will be reduced to a town. In the chaos I cannot find my dad, I just hope my dad and mom are okay, I do wish Mav and his family will live passed this as well.

Turns out Mav was close to my father, my father saved Mav from an attack. My father used his arm to block an attack of a Pangoro, it tore my dads arm off right below the elbow, Mav 's dad managed to live with just a few bruises and 3 broken ribs, Mav's mom was less lucky she lost a leg due to a poisonous bite of Ekans, by cutting of the leg on time she was rescued from a certain death. Both of Mav's parents hold a single grass Pokemon, they can sustain themselves with photosynthesis so take almost no resources. It also seems our side of the wall was lucky, all the other sides had a king Pokemon going on a rampage. The opposite side of our city had a pseudo-champion level Pokemon rampaging there. They pulled a lot of the reinforcements meant for our side towards there to barely hold the lines. The trainers that joined later were pseudo elite or elite trainers from the Megatropolis. Snorlax is a champion Pokemon from the strongest trainer in our zone.

The city promised a lot of rewards for all participants of the raid. Each participant gets a monetary reward depending on the amount of Pokemon killed as recorded by several Porygons. If you'd rather have Items from the raid that you didn't loot yet you can put in a request to exchange it from your monetary reward. If you got a injury you can get free treatment including mental health care and prosthetics for limbs that are now missing. Even though those prosthetics won't replace the function of your own body part, they do a good job to live a good life. Also all the weapons you used get rewarded to you. In my case two katanas of 70cm and two desert eagle pistols which I can use for a long time and a sniper rifle which is mostly useful to scout and take out a single target, sadly no grenades are left. If you are under 15 you can go to a military compound for systematic training in said weapons on designated times. Another reward is that kids under 15 can join Military patrols outside of the wall. Last but not least, you get the right to hold your 11th Pokemon.

seems i forgot to set them on timer so a bit late, but here they are

vaileincreators' thoughts