
Worlds merger: pokemon/earth

this book is discontinued due to critical mistakes. I gave to much to the MC such as a perfectly balanced team, everything he need, money, and none of the conveniences. that in and of itself is already a mistake. this is not mentioning that I kept forgetting the Pokemon I gave to the MC and needed a list to keep track of that. then again I had no 'opponents' planned, not a complete plotline. therefore I am currently rewriting this at Leisure and also with a lot more detail.

vailein · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter POV Vailein

The rioting Pokemon keep up a charge the whole night. From 10.04 pm till 6.15 am we are on the walls slashing attacking Pokemon. My arms are dead tired and Pidgeotto and Houndour are picking up my slack. Where I was at first the main attacker I am now the last line of defense. In the final hour of our defense one squad member makes a mistake due to tiredness. This small mistake costs him his right hand. Though he can still live normally he first has to stop the bleeding and get used to using his left hand as a dominant hand before he can fight again. Maybe he'll get a different position in the army. At 6.15 am another squad comes to our part of the wall and takes over our defense.

I order my squad to go to the nurses so they can heal most of our fatigue. Then we take place about 100 meters away from the wall and start grooming our Pokemon. Everyone is done with this at 7am sharp. We each lay down our heads to rest, using one of our Pokemon as pillows, in my case Houndour.

At 1.06 pm my Pidgeotto warns us that it is time to swap with the other squad again. We make our way over, using our handguns to save a few comrades. Exactly 1 hour later we swapped with the other squad. We barely slept for 6 hours, and that after fighting for 8 hours. Not only that but 1 of our members is unable to partake in the current combat without being a burden. We will have another 8 hour fight at the very least. This time I am using a single wazaki to slice into the attacking Pokemon. In my left hand is a gun, the gun is aimed at Pokemon who are already on the wall and overwhelming other humans. By a simple shot I can save someone, by emptying a magazine of bullets I can recover a wall part. Many of our neighbors get saved due to this. After 4 hours of fighting, at 5.03 pm, I command 6 members to replace themselves with a Pokemon so they can take up the sniper again. A large threat are the flying Pokemon that swoop down to distract and wound occupied people. The other 3 people already have extra Pokemon outside to cover for the missing member.

My squad members take both the sniper and a handgun for that purpose. The sniper for as long as the Pokemon are not yet swooping down. The handgun for when they need more rapid fire because of skydiving Pokemon. At 7.32 pm my squad aims at a small group of Unfezant that fly in formation. When they point their gun at that group of Pokemon however they spot humans using the Unfezant as transport towards our city. At 7,57 pm the group is inside the wall on a square. Here they pull a lot of items from their bags and start setting up a nonogram, or a nine pointed star, inside a large circle. While the humans are setting up the nonogram their Unfezant join 3 sides of the fight. I ask one of my squad members to report on the other 3 walls since many of the attacking Pokemon have frozen for a short moment, dropping off the wall back to the ground. 3 minutes later the Pokemon are back up on the wall however. The member who uses his scope to check out the other walls reports that almost half the walls are taken over and that the Unfezants are now pushing the attacking Pokemon back right from the middle. It seems that those Unfezants are at least pseudo-king level. At 9.36 pm the nonogram is complete. At 9.37 pm the nonegram lights up and 100 people together with 9 Alakazam teleport inside the nonogram. The group splits itself into 4 groups: 30 people for each side that was previously taken over and only 10 people towards our wall. Our wall has it easier because none of the stronger Pokemon have attacked yet. But fatigue is building so it is only a matter of time before parts get taken over. My squad gets replaced by the same squad as before. They apologize for being late but while they were coming over 10 meters of the wall got taken over. They had to push that back before they could reach us.

Every hour the nonogram lights up with 9 Alakazam and 100 people. After the first group who seem to be Elite trainers, only Pseudo-elite and Master trainers are coming. Though enough to help us out a lot it won't be enough to end the riot fast. My group is finally able to take a short rest and we are just asleep for 1 hour when we hear a loud cry. It rouses us from our sleep. The unidentified cry is answered by a very loud 'Nido' cry. The stronger Pokemon on our side are now rushing up to the walls next to the weaker Pokemon from before. Wherever the high Advanced and Elite Pokemon pass the weaker Pokemon turn around and then go back to what remains of their clans.

At 5 minutes past midnight all squads on our side are summoned to the wall via a telepathic message. Still very tired, but not any sore muscles thanks to a Pokemon who healed me, we climb back onto the wall and take our places again. This time we are spread out again, each of us has again a meter of wall in front of them to take care of. The Master trainers have 5 meters of wall to take care of and the Elite trainer takes care of 50 meters of wall by himself. The real fight is about to start as soon as the second wave arrives. Of course the amount of Pokemon is a lot less but each individual Pokemon is a lot more scary. Our snipers have to hit a vital part to be effective and our blade will have trouble slicing through their thick hides. I let my Pokemon take care of the small fry and use my sniper to attack the charging Pokemon. I manage to wound 2 of the Pokemon that charge directly at my position and kill 4 of them.

A total of 4 elite Pokemon remain that come running directly towards me. While the attacking Pokemon climb the wall, Houndour rains fire and dark energy on them, but they are too strong to take down quickly. Pidgeotto joins Houndour and uses his wind energy to slash at those Pokemon. Each of the 7 remaining squad members manage to snipe and kill 5 attacking Pokemon each leaving just 3 to deal with per person. Each of us have the same amount of Pokemon to take care of. The first strong Pokemon on the wall gets its eyes pierced by a blade. The blade however gets stuck and falls together with the Pokemon, lost until the battle ends. The second Pokemon has a battle with Houndour and the 3rd Pokemon has Pidgeotto to deal with. That leaves one, though I am not directly a match for a Pokemon that strong I can last a while.

While I am Fighting however I didn't notice a Raticate slaughtering a squad next to us and targeting us. The Raticate wounds the other squad in a few strikes beyond what they could handle and they are unable to fight any further. While I was slashing with my swords against a claw of a Ursaring, who defended beautifully, the Raticate jumped right behind me with a combination of a quick attack and hyper fang. It's teeth sink in my left calf. Luckily I trained to run my aura throughout my body constantly, my aura reacts as if by instinct flooding the damaged area to strengthen it. I cry out in pain, Pidgeotto and Houndour disable their Pokemon because they got distracted and thus missed the vitals. Pidgeotto and Houndour instantly jump on the Ursaring preventing it from attacking me. The Raticate pulls back it teeth while all that happens to try and bite my other leg off. While it charges I use my own sword and point it towards the Raticate left eye, Raticate pierces itself onto the blade, directly killing it. Though the wound bleeds pretty badly the war is almost over and luckily it only bit trough the muscle tissue and didn't do any bone damage. The only reason he didn't tear of my whole muscle is the threat my weapon posed to it so it wanted to retreat and bite fast. Luckily my Pokemon are well trained in stamina and speed to rescue my leg. With the help of a healer Pokemon it'll probably only leave a scar.

seems i forgot to set them on timer so a bit late, but here they are

vaileincreators' thoughts