
Worlds merger: pokemon/earth

this book is discontinued due to critical mistakes. I gave to much to the MC such as a perfectly balanced team, everything he need, money, and none of the conveniences. that in and of itself is already a mistake. this is not mentioning that I kept forgetting the Pokemon I gave to the MC and needed a list to keep track of that. then again I had no 'opponents' planned, not a complete plotline. therefore I am currently rewriting this at Leisure and also with a lot more detail.

vailein · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter Pov Houndour

After I hatched I see 4 creatures on 2 legs another that looks like a delicious meal. One of the larger two legged creatures picks up me and one of the shorter two legged creature. The other larger two legged creature picks up the meal and the other short two legged creature. All of us get carried towards a new place. I get put on the ground together with my two legged companion. The large two legged creature pulls open something. A bright light comes behind that thing he reaches in and pulls a round container out. The other large two legged creature also reaches in and pulls out something similar both containers go into another thing. It turns a few times with a lot of noise. After a little bit of time it brings loudly. Then the objects go into another something. This doesn't turn nor makes noise.

Watching all this I suddenly feel something going from my head to my tail, oh so comfortable. I look around me and see my carried companion using his stubby short arms to pet me. While he is saying food will be ready in a bit. Some time later the grown up retrieves the container from the machine and says: "Now careful it is warm Vailein, feed your Houndour slowly." So I guess this creature is a Vailein. "Yes teacher Minnie." How can they be different creatures? I don't understand. The creature that is called Vailein comes sits next to me and pets my muzzle. I open it slightly from enjoyment and he slides the top of the container inside my mouth. As if by instinct I start sucking on it. The creature tells me about their world and the humans. My eyelids get heavy and I fall asleep in the middle of his story. I think I finished the milk though.

When I wake up I am in a different environment. The human as I now know they are called, calls this place his home. He shows me around the place. When we meet two larger humans he calls them mom and dad. We also meet several Pokemon that are way stronger than me but are happy to play around with us.

The human tells me the history of this world as he has been taught it. Then he talks about something he calls fairy tales. He describes a Houndoom who is so strong that the world is under his rule. He makes me want strength. So the next morning when he wakes up and prepares to go outside I join him. I might be young but so is he so we should train together. I can feel him holding back for the first week. In the second week however I am catching up, my mouth starts inching, Vailein tells me it is because I am getting my teeth. Vailein is the nickname he has, while his species is named human. In the 3rd week he asks me to spit out fire and launch a dark attack. On instinct I do what he asks but it scares me a bit. Seeing my reaction he starts talking about what the humans know about my species.

He thinks of a few ways to train my dark and fire energy release. Still mesmerized by the stories he told me about one of my species who ruled the world I practice real hard. Since my teeth are now present I want to hunt my own food. So when I see a Rattata during our morning run i sprint towards it. The Rattata is long gone before I can catch it. I spot a Pidgey and this time I spew fire. The Pidgey panics because of the sudden attack, this gives me enough time to run towards the Pidgey and bite his head right off. The human looks surprised at me then starts praising me. In the end our run is cut short and he asks me next time not to make the meal bleed. That makes transporting the meal easier to our home.

When we get home the human adds something to his back. He explains to me that the food I hunt will go inside the bag on his back so they can complete their training runs. I notice that the humans prefer Pidgey and Spearow meat above Rattata meat. After a year if training with my human I get more confident in my hunts and provide enough meat for the whole house to eat from. One fine morning we encounter a flock of weird acting Pidgey. They are focused in trying to kill one if their own. My human commands the attack and attack is what I do, when I want to kill the suffering Pidgey I am commanded not to. But instead hunt the others.

When we are finished my human quickly stuffs the dead Pidgey into his bag and then carries the remaining Pidgey in his arms. We continue our run but change direction towards home. Once home he takes a few peaces of meat from yesterdays park hunt. While cutting the meat small Vailein explains to me what is happening. How this Pidgey is special and that he wants it as a member of the family. He chops up the bug Pokemon from the park. After chopping he tosses it into a device which slices everything into very tiny pieces. He adds plenty of water and turns the device on.

He stores the slush as he calls it into a bottle and takes a spoon to feed Pidgey a spoonful of slush. At school he holds the Pidgey close so he can help it recover better. I in the meantime go to my spot, where Combusken will join me shortly. Here I practice my fire and dark abilities as usual.

In the afternoon Pidgey is a lot better. Vailein explains to both of us what is special about this Pidgey. In this world a Pokemon that looks different is called shiny. This means that a mutation had found a place and that the shiny Pokemon is extra talented. Leaders of clans are scared of shiny Pokemon, and thus encourages his whole clan to hunt and kill shiny Pokemon of its line. Humans on the other hand love these Pokemon cause once tamed they are easier to train. A shiny Pokemon has a higher chance to become champion strength. Not much else is known about shiny Pokemon so anything can happen.

After the Pidgey fully recovered it quickly evolved into a Pidgeotto. This encourages me to train harder so I keep being Vaileins strongest Pokemon. By the way I now understand the meaning of Fairytales. They are a spinsel of the mind to motivate young lings. But since I now am used to spending my time thinking about training and training it's a habit. Habits can be good or bad, in this case according to Vailein good. The world is dangerous, inside the wall and outside the wall just has a different danger. Humans are a species but they are not united unless confronted with a outside threat.

Another year passes full of training and eating, a happy life. Vaileins for the first time shows us our Poke-ball and tells us how it works, why? Because we have to be in it during a bus ride. After the bus ride we will get taught by elite level Pokemon about our elements. I get taught by a king stage Houndoom. The Houndoom teaches me to develop a core that houses my elemental energies. When I can mix the two elements freely in the core that will be when I am king stage myself.

just have fun reading, i dont require anything else.

vaileincreators' thoughts