
Worlds merger: pokemon/earth

this book is discontinued due to critical mistakes. I gave to much to the MC such as a perfectly balanced team, everything he need, money, and none of the conveniences. that in and of itself is already a mistake. this is not mentioning that I kept forgetting the Pokemon I gave to the MC and needed a list to keep track of that. then again I had no 'opponents' planned, not a complete plotline. therefore I am currently rewriting this at Leisure and also with a lot more detail.

vailein · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter Pov Vailein.

Houndoom walks towards the challenger spot on the ground. After a start signal Houndoom instantly gathers both his energy types and slowly mixes them, Tyranitar attempts to disrupt Houndoom by making the ground tremble. When Houndoom easily withstands that attack it switches to a hyper beam but then with a taint of ground energy. Houndoom releases dark fire just before he is hit, turning the whole chamber into darkness. The darkness moves like a flame but is more solid and redirects the hyper beam, at the same time it starts to assault everyone. Houndoom himself is comfortable since it is his element. Pidgeot, Meditite, Nidorino and I form a firm shield with our energies.

Tyranitar screams in pain but it isn't a tank like creature for nothing. After having set the room ablaze for 3 minutes Houndoom has exhausted its mental energy and stops his move before it burns down the whole building. Tyranitar uses the move rest to restore it's health. It will need to sleep for an hour to fully recover.

" Well I guess I can congratulate you on a job well done, not many of your age can use such a strong attack. Now that the battle is out of the way, tell me what you can make up of the behavior of the Pokemon you see through this window." The teacher points to a window, once I look inside I see a group of Azurill following a Merill they spot a group of Mightyena. The Mightyena look vigilant but don't move to force the Merill group away.

"It seems like a group of Merill are challenging a pack of Mightyena for territory, however it also appears that they try to bully the Mightyena because it seems they just produced eggs and thus offspring." I discribe a situation that I see followed by any and all data I have about the Merill line and the Mightyena line. After another 2 such windows with situations, that I am asked to dissect the situation and name as much Pokemon data as I can about the participating Pokemon, I am given a handshake and get sent out.

Once outside I see Kira who is sitting in a chair surrounded by a bunch of boys trying to talk to her. A minute later Mav also exits his room. We walk towards Kira and greet her again, to which she jumps up and encourages us to go home to wait for the results. Turns out those boys where attempting to seduce her right away. For god's sake we are still only 10 years old. They did know a bit about her background, she tells us.

Once outside Mav and I ask Kira how she arrived here, turns out her butler brought her in a car. I summon Pidgeot and ask if Kira is allowed on her back. Pidgeot allows Kira on her back. Kira asks what about us to which we grin and say last one there is the loser, Houndoom gives a bark from the shadows as a start signal and we both break out into a run. Both of us are running with 20km per hour through the streets followed by a low flying Pidgeot who is carrying Kira. After 15 minutes we break out into a sprint attempting to overtake the other, but since we have the same training regime neither of us managed to overtake the other, we tie. Kira is surprised seeing that both of us are just breathing slightly labored but show no further signs of tiredness.

Kira joins us for a meal and then releases her Pokemon into our park. Together we also go and play around in the theme park and have a lot of fun. Kira likes that we are not pushy even though we obviously both like her a lot.

The following 3 days Kira, Mav and I become close friends, Kira visited us as often as she could, she enjoys playing with my baby sister Lynn. On the 24th of august we check our results of the exam together. Mav scored really well and placed 53rd in the exam. Kira just barely passed on rank 981. I passed with ease but not as good as I expected, I was placed 23rd. Kira tells me the how and why, some rich kids are able to have their Pokemon enter specialized grounds for them to grow up faster, meaning they have pseudo king Pokemon and beat us in the practical exam. Kira though still technically a second generation rich kid she is almost left unsupported. Her home and butler are paid by her family, and she gains about 10.000 Poké a month for further expenses. She is trained from a young age to become an all round housewife. Kira is to be married off as a token of alliance between two rich families.

Kira teases us that as long as one of us can marry her we'd be set for life. To which we ask her why just one of us. She looks up surprised and asks what we mean, and we reply why not share if she's up for two boyfriends at the same time. Kira smiles brightly and kisses both of us on the lips. Kira now tells us though that till she is married (off) that she has to stay a virgin according to her family wishes. And we easily accept. We however ask her for permission to have multiple girlfriends just like she has multiple boyfriends and she is allowed to gain more, and gain her permission.

4 days later on 28 august we go to our school and sign in. My parents had a hard time calming Lynn down almost like she knew she wouldn't see me for 10 months. Here we get a piece of paper showing how the school works. Before being able to read the pamphlet we get shown to a dorm room, literally one super sized room with 1.000 beds in it. Placing our stuff on the bed we read the pamphlet we gained. Once you enter you are basically in a strict boarding school. Everything can be gained by your own efforts. The only free thing in this school is the dorm room we are currently in. The rest of it all costs points. Points can be earned by putting in effort to train and study. Leaving the compound and getting caught will result in expulsion. The gap between rich and poor is this way pulled to a close.

happy reading

vaileincreators' thoughts