
Worlds merger: pokemon/earth

this book is discontinued due to critical mistakes. I gave to much to the MC such as a perfectly balanced team, everything he need, money, and none of the conveniences. that in and of itself is already a mistake. this is not mentioning that I kept forgetting the Pokemon I gave to the MC and needed a list to keep track of that. then again I had no 'opponents' planned, not a complete plotline. therefore I am currently rewriting this at Leisure and also with a lot more detail.

vailein · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter Pov Thinee

While neither of us manage to pass the trainer schools exam we did find a good paying civil job. My husband works as an electrical engineer. This means we can get by as long as I hold a job from 9 to 3. I took a receptionist job in the Pokemon task center close to home. These jobs allow us to take care of 15 extra mouths to feed. We married when we are 15 which is normal in this day and age.

From our 15th to our 20th we worked on trying to get pregnant. Halfway towards my 20th birthday we finally succeeded. I got morning sickness every morning for 3 months straight. My husband Listric panics every morning seeing me throw up. Kind of cute right? Our Pokemon have all reached adulthood by now and assist in maintaining the house. Our fire Pokemon even learned to spit it's flames at exact temperatures so we can cook on a simple metal plate.

All of our Pokemon are happy that we will have a new member in the family soon. The latest echo we had did show that the baby has a pretty high chance of being stillborn. This made me and Listric cry a lot in despair. In order to increase the chances of my child being born healthy I enter the hospital a month before any chance of labour is even there.

A few Chansey use healing pulse everyday on my belly to strengthen the still growing child in there. A month later we get a healthy kid. The labour is intense and took over 36 hours. But the result makes both me and Listric very happy, we got ourselves a child. Listric the fool is fumbling around with the baby but supporting her properly.

Feeding the child feels a bit weird. After all, only Listric so far has seen my boobs naked. But I will get used to it for the baby. We decided to name him Vailein. The kid is very curious and also very active when awake. For the first year he likes to let us read to him. Mostly I guess because of our voices. What other reason could there be for wanting to listen to an ingredient list.

When my maternal leave was over we had no choice other than to bring Vailein to a baby crash. Here in no time he drives those that work there crazy. He doesn't cry but after barely 6 months he is crawling and exploring. If a door is open he will crawl through it and see where it gets him. His innocent smile when caught saves him from a lot of trouble though.

Another six months pass and the little one turns 1. In order to keep him occupied and in the right room they introduce story time. On purpose they always start story time when my child is out exploring. Tough love for them though he just waits till story time and then goes out exploring. He is so smart.

Now that he has full control over his body he starts to train his body. Running is his favorite by far. Another thing he does is gather knowledge about the world and his future plans. Though it is a bit painful to see, it is also necessary. During this time Vailein also made a friend at the crash. Though the kid is quite poor he is hardworking and very polite. In order to help both we give Vailein extra nutrition packets to share with that kid. The next 3 years he builds up a stamina base and basic knowledge. In order to support him Listric makes a morning run every morning with him. Oh this also makes me more happy when we do our private thing in the evening. Listric lasts longer and is more active in it. When Vailein turns 4 he asks to be allowed into an extreme dancing school. This school teaches you how to contort your body in a safe way. And if you start it very young it allows you to keep the flexibility of a baby's body without damaging your body in any way.

The following year he seriously starts training his stamina. 80% of a day he devotes to stamina training. The remaining time is mostly food and contortion training. For a 5th birthday each kid that can afford it gets a Pokemon from the government. Why do I say, can afford it then? Easy, you need to be able to feed the Pokemon so not everyone can afford it.

My child selects a very weird choice as the first Pokemon. This Pokemon is deemed as a sign of evil nature. But Vailein selects it anyway. Houndour, according to Vailein, one of the most loyal Pokemon you can get your hands on if properly cared for. Though it does have a dark theme on its fur and looks like how a hellhound is depicted in ancient times.

A month after the egg hatches and indeed we can already see that it is a loyal type Pokemon. Another month later Vailein together with his friend graduate into elementary school. Here they get professional guidance on how to strengthen their Pokemon. Vailein also thinks up several exercises for Houndour to gain better control over its attacks. Barely a month after Houndour hatched did they bring back a dead Pidgey. Vailein requests us to buy him a backpack that won't interfere when moving about so that all the meat Houndour hunts can be carried home.

The following year our child slowly grows up. He works hard to provide meat together with Houndour. Until he suddenly comes home with a very badly injured but still alive Pidgey. He starts caring for it just like we did when he was young. Listric and I decide at this moment we want another child. That afternoon we hear Pidgey's story and then understand why Vailein wants it.

Since Pidgey is captured in the wild it has an unknown age. It is thus no surprise that it evolves after living with us for a few months. For the remainder of this year nothing much happened. But time flies. Vailein is already 7 years old.

At the age of 7 kids go to a camp. In this camp they get thought special things that are mostly only available in a megatropolis. The first camp is geared towards getting aura or psychic training. If proven after a week that you have no talent for both they will focus on gaining one of the remaining 16 energy types into your body. The second camp is geared towards teaching what to do in a Pokemon stampede, riot or migration. Yes all of those are artificially created so there won't be any real harm done. The third camp is designed as a survival training camp, while at the same time deciding your future of being a generalist or specialist together with your team setup. The fourth and final camp is designed as an enormous tournament and laying connections for a Pokemon egg voucher. If my kid had a bit more social skills he would get this voucher easily. Most important part of the training camps is gaining friends in each city. They can guide you around when you go there and show you the places you want to see. Not going to the obvious stores that charge too much just to rip off tourists.

The first camp was a large success if he was a little bit older I guess my Vailein would be bringing home 3 girlfriends already. Poligamy is more of a norm in this society than an exception. Though according to the law you cannot have more than 7 partners. Just like there are 7 days in a week. Vailein also came home with a voucher for an egg. Though it is not as good as the voucher of the final camp it allows for either a dragon, psychic, or fairy type Pokemon to be bought cheaply. Of course there are always exceptions. Vailein decides on a multifunctional psychic Pokemon with a fighter subtype called Meditite.

The second time a camp is supposed to happen our city goes into martial law. Meaning no one is allowed to leave the city. Turns out that my child will experience a real Pokemon raid instead of an artificial created one. During a medical checkup it turns out I am pregnant again. My husband and child however have to go to the front lines. During the whole raid I am holding Meditite very close as a stuffed toy. Meditite keeps me updated the whole time about Vailein and Listric. Hearing that they are doing great helps. In the final hours of the raid Listric protects Vaileins friend from a fatal attack. This does cost him an arm but he will live. After my husband gains a high-end prosthetic he is still capable of doing his work. Vaileins asks if we can buy a larger house with lots of ground around it. Maybe pull in Mav's family too. We rented our house out cheaply to a group of orphans that are over 10 years old. We used our monetary reward to get a loan agreement of the bank to buy a new house with 5 acres of land.

My child and Mav start designing the grounds as a Play park. At first for Pokemon but slowly children are added into the plan as well. After a month of designing we add a new member to our family, a Nidoran. In order to forget the trauma of the Pokemon raid they jump right in work till they are exhausted. Then go to bed to repeat the process the next day. Each friday our kids go and earn money for materials by doing patrols.

Half a year passes by and nothing much changes. I am ready to go into labour at any time and give my child a precious sibling. When the sibling is born you can literally see the trauma vanish from both Vaileins and Mav's faces. Seems that was all they needed, a reason to forget. Both of them return to being happy children that take no self-destructive actions anymore. Oh I don't doubt that they still take risks, Gothitelle tells me they teleport outside of the walls each morning to be able to provide different kinds of meat for the family.

The next year and a half went exactly as expected. Vaileins and Mav started creating their own weapons with the help of their Pokemon. And they created two very special weapons. I think that without aura those weapons by itself are already capable of cutting an elite level Pokemon to pieces. The Final camp also went as expected. No new Pokemon will be added to our family. The only surprise would be Nidorans evolution and Pidgeottos mutation and evolution. Now it is time to send them to trainer school where they will be steamed ready into competent trainers of this generation. Not that Vailein and Mav are not getting there yet by themselves. Houndoom is currently on the cusp of breaking into pseudo-king level and so is Pidgeot. But now they are going into a boarding school to get even better. I'll miss both brats even though a lot of my attention is now on Lynn, the newest sibling.

long chapter!

happy reading!

vaileincreators' thoughts