
World Powered by Breasts

Adam is insanely luck in the afterlife and got chosen to host the Gamer system, he isn't sure what the Gamer System is for that matter, but what he does know is that he is stuck in a world with insanely op assholes, dumb main characters and a plot that makes no sense. All he wants to do now is relax. OC/GamerFic (Lemons)

ChineseChung · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Dealing with dragons

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

World Powered by Tits

Chapter 3: Deal making at it's finest

Waking up from something stirring next to me I open my eyes and see a mop of white hair resting on my chest. I remembered the events from yesterday and slowly brought up my hands to stroke the snowy locks. I feel her 2B freeze before she scrambles out of bed. Watching in mild amusement I see her frantically straightening her uniform to gain some modicum of professionalism, though the atomic blush and bed head ruin it completely.

"My Lord, I apologize for showing such a disgraceful side of myself." She mutters. All I could do was let out a gut wrenching laugh. She really thinks after everything that happened and my relationship with her would still be the same. Calming down after a couple minutes I let out a deep sigh, finally getting out of bed all while she stands there calming her nerves.

"2B, I already told you to drop the act when it's just us with no title. I'm just Adam to you. Now let's get ready and get some breakfast. I think your sister would like to spend some time with you." I remind her.

After that funny little incident we eat and the 2 sisters get to work cleaning and all that jazz. Though I wonder how 2B kept the castle clean by herself. Probably magic now that I think about it.

I pass some time by heading to the backyard to figure out how my magic works.

I found out some very interesting things. I have 2 different systems of magic, one granted by the System that instantly allows me to use forms of magic from the class I choose. It's just thinking of a command and the magic shoots out where I aimed it.

The other is the regular devil system using imagination. It was rather easy and weird to use. This body had memories of learning magic, but never training with it. Rather arrogant, but I did get saddled with the sin of pride.

But I plan to use both. With my current class as a wind mage I can use it in combination with devil fire magic and with my frankly ludicrous magic reserves as a level 1 it's viable. I even figured out how to teleport, it's really convenient.

Skill Gained

[Teleportation] [Active]

Allows the user to travel vast distances and even cross dimensions with the right coordinates.

Costs: 500MP

After messing around with my magic a bit more, Grayfia came to get me to meet with Serafall and get my evil pieces. I walked back into the castle to see a skittish Serafall, standing next to 2B.

"Greetings again, lord lucifer-leviathan I'm here to take you to get you evil piece set, but based on yesterday's conversation I wanted you to remind you that to do that we are going to meet with Ajuka Beelzebub formerly Astaroth the one who did ended you mothers life. I just want to avoid any alterations that may occur." She stated.

"While I don't particularly like him for that. I understand that in war there will always be casualties and they were on opposing sides, so I won't hold it against him personally. Also I feel as if it isn't as personal seeing as how I never met her once." I responded feeling a sliver of rage showing this body didn't really care for her either, but was rather upset.

+5 affection with Serafall Leviathan for being mature although slightly remorseless

"I'll hold you to that." She replies, summoning a magic circle as the 4 of us are teleported to a different place.

We appeared on the roof of the tallest building in the city. I look around and with my enhanced devil vision can see for miles. It's honestly breathtaking if a bit weird with all the mish mash of cultures. I see what looks like an irish bar next to a sushi restaurant next to a strip club. I even see what looks like a devil version of chinatown, I'll have to stop by later to try out the food. My internalizing was interrupted by a poke for 2B.

"Master the faster we get this done with the quicker we can explore the city. It has been 500 years for me and this is your first time out of the house." she explained and begrudgingly I listened. We walked towards an elevator that led us in.

Stepping out of the elevator, we arrive inside the room where there are two people talking while waiting for us. The first being Sirzechs, who now that I think about it has that true form he can enter turning into the embodiment of destruction combined with his master hand to hand combat skills. The other is a bewitching looking young man who appears to be in his mid-twenties. He has green slicked back hair with blue eyes. His atmosphere is completely different from the rest of the world. Ajuka Beelzebub. One of the four Great Satans and one of three existing Super Devils.

Title: Equation Supremacist

Name – Ajuka 'Beelzebub' Astaroth

Level - 1620

HP – 2,175,000/2,175,000

MP – 7,500,000/7,500,000

Affection – 0

Obedience – 0

Honestly he scares me way more than Sirzechs. One is a pure power type, the other has the ability to control all phenomena using equations and formulas. With it, he has shown the ability to take control of his enemies' demonic power attacks, change their shape, direction, and also increase their power. That tacked on with his genius intellect and being a master tactician makes him that much scarier. That's not even considering his inventions. Though I don't think he can affect the magic I use through the system.

"Hmm… So this is the son of Tsufaame & Rizevim. Nice to meet you my name Is Ajuka Beelzebub, the satan of technological affairs.'' Ajuka comments.

"My name is Adam Lucifer-Leviathan." I reply with a polite smile on my face. Keeping the slight rage in check.

"I'm sure all of us are rather busy, so let's get this underway." Sirzechs quips more than likely trying to keep me from interacting with Ajuka too much. With the rest of us agreeing

I am then led back to the monument where Ajuka pulls out an ornate box and hands it over to me. The box contains a set of crystal clear chess pieces. The Evil pieces. I pick one up and they are surprisingly heavy.

"Well how do I use them?" I ask putting the queen piece back in the box.

"Well the box is designed to be a conduit for magic so you simply pour mana into the box and it links the pieces to you." Ajuka explained.

I did so and there was a dull glow that emitted from it that slowly condensed into the box dimming until it was back to normal. I opened the box and saw they changed. The pieces now had a dissipating dark blue glow with a tinge of black in the center. The queen, a knight and 2 Pawn looked abnormal though the four of them looked more defined than before and were a deep ebony black. It looks like Lady Luck is getting a whole fucking church at this point. 4 fucking mutation pieces. I see the other's eyes widen slightly at that. Normally only one in 10 Devils get a mutation piece, me having 4 means about 1 in a ten thousand chance.

"Ohh my it seems you really have the luck of a devil. You got 4 mutation pieces. They were a bug in the system that I created, but decided to leave in. A mutated piece allows you to reincarnate someone into a devil with fewer pieces. It could be that your potent demonic caused the glitch to happen more than once." Ajuka detailed with that mad scientist glint in his eye. I felt a shudder down my spine.

"Oh well that's useful. So I can use one now right?" I comment looking at the mutated queen in my hand.

"Yes, the pieces are already linked to you. I assume you want to use a piece of the Lucifuge under your care?" Ajuka inquires.

"Yes 2B come here I want to make you my queen." I call 2B forward, she hesitates for a second before speaking while walking towards me.

"While I appreciate the offer I think I would be much better suited as the knight piece. I use speed as my main component to fight, you should save the piece for someone more qualified." Surprising all those present besides me of course, it makes sense she mainly used a sword in the nier games and while she has that bs gojo power speed is still the most important aspect.

"Very well stay still." I say picking up the mutated knight, with how much stronger she is than me it needs to be the mutated piece. I place it on her chest and it slowly sinks in. Slightly copping a feel. She surged with power before reigning it back in.

Title: Infinite Knight

Name – Yorha '2B' Lucifuge

Level - 324 → 486

HP – 435,000/435,000 → 652,000/652,000

MP – 700,000/700,000 → 1,050,000/1,050,000

Affection – 99

Obedience – 100

What the hell?! Everything went up by 50%? I would understand this boost if she went from human to devil, but she was already a devil to begin with and I used the knight piece not the queen. I turn back to Ajuka.

"That boost was larger than I imagined. Can I ask why a knight piece boosts the user's magic capacity?" I asked with wide eyes.

"The knight piece usually boosts pureblooded devils by around 25% all around and mainly improves their speed. But from what I can deduce the mutation piece caused a larger boost than normal. Anyways as I said earlier I am going to be extremely busy so I'll see myself out." He explains casually dismissing himself. Even 2B is surprised by her growth in power.

"Yes, so shall we. Let's go 2B. I want to explore the capital for a bit. Grayfia, if it isn't too much trouble can I ask you to be our guide?" I ask, getting a positive response.

We end up parting ways with the two of the satans and Serafall decides to tag along. I'm thinking it's either to show we're close in public. Creating rumors about me and they'll use the rumors to announce my existence. Or to establish friendly terms with me. Don't know which it could even be both.

We stop by the Central bank so I can claim my right over the Lucifer Vault and withdraw some money to use in town and for the system shop, though I didn't mention the second one.

Once we got my papers filed with the approval of Serafall as proof of my lineage we were taken to the Vault. Let me say this the door was massive around 50m all around with what looks like hundreds of defensive spells and formations carved in the metal. Opening the door I balk at the sheer amount of wealth in there. The amount of gold and jewels in here alone would make Scrooge McDuck green in envy.

Would you like to link the system shop to you bank?


Link formed. [Current total 12,350,060,000 Rias]

Holy shit. HOLY SHIT! I'm rich! The shop is going to be my bitch. OP peerage here I come!

Coming back out with some money in my inventory to spend in town I head towards the group.

"Alright I'm ready to go!" I shout in an ecstatic mood that's picked up by everyone there, causing Serafall to let out a mirthful laugh. Grayfia and 2B try to keep themselves in check, but can't keep the smiles off of their faces.

And no matter what anyone says I did not pout like a child while we left the bank and headed out.

After eating at one of the chinese restaurants that caught my eye earlier, with multiple people sending looks our way. Or rather my way for being in the company of the 2 strongest female devils. We stopped by a clothing store with some of the money from the Lucifer vault footing the bill. I buy a couple pairs of casual clothes with some formal clothes for special events. Since I've been wearing clothes that 2B made for me since I was about 8-9 years old, I thought it was time for an upgrade.

The sisters reluctantly left me alone with Serafall or rather 2B did and Grayfia was sticking to her like glue. After assuring them that i'll be fine and I wanted to get more well acquainted with Serafall while giving them some space. 2B agreed and left with Grayfia to do some 'special' shopping whatever that means?

"So Adam, can I call you Adam? " Serafall questions in a chirpy attitude. Trying to get more comfortable with me.

"Only if I can call you Serafall." I responded jokingly with a grin on my face, nothing could affect my mood right now.

"Just call me Sera-tan Adam-kun. But I wanted to ask, What did you do for fun? Being in that castle for 500 years with no access to the outside world must have been really boring." she asks, somehow adding a kun to my name for some reason.

"Umm I'll stick to Serafall for now." I say with a slight chuckle. "For fun I liked reading, relaxing and recently I've started to train in my magic. There wasn't much to do in the castle, but I picked up chess too I guess. I am still trying out new hobbies, I might find something new soon. How about yourself?" I spew out. Chess is Sona's hobby so I just have to divert her attention towards her.

"Well I like spending time with So-tan, filming my show 'Miracle Levia-tan', and watching magical girl shows every now and then it's hard to have hobbies as a Satan." She responds cheerfully, going into the dubbed Sera-tan mode.

"I figured, but what are Umm… magical girl shows?" I played ignorant since I've spent the last '500' years in a secluded castle, can't exactly know shit like that.

*GASP!* " I forgot Luci-Chan was stuck in a castle! That won't do! You haven't witnessed the greatness of a magical girl show?! We need to fix that right now mister." she demands, dragging me across the street to a cinema, and let me say when Serafall comes into your store and tells you to put on a magical girl show you do it. So for the next 2 hours we watched her show and it was surprisingly enjoyable. It ended when a distraught 2B and Grayfia came in. After we separated, Serafall promised to come by my castle to deliver the rest of her show.

Looking over the shop once more I grin at the options I have available to buy everything short of world ending items are in my grasp, but I want to spend it wisely. I can't do anything too quick either or people will be suspicious.

After getting permission from Serafall and Sirzechs to enter Kuoh in order to get a better read on Rias' situation I sent out a contract to the future 'Oppai Dragon' and waited for the summoning.

While I'm waiting though I buy the Companion bot and store it in my inventory when I suddenly feel a slight tug and teleport out, already having informed 2B that I was heading out for a bit. She was rather jumpy after that shopping trip, saying that she needed to prepare some stuff while I was out.

Teleporting into a rather small room I look over to see an average looking brown haired teenager. Looking around the room I see the walls plastered with half naked women with a stack of porn in the corner.

"EHHH! It worked! What the hell, I thought it was a scam! Who the hell are you?! You damn pretty boy! How did you get in my room?!" He screams. Thankfully I casted a soundproofing spell right when I got here.

"First of all owww you don't have to scream I'm right in front of you. Secondly I'm a devil you summoned. You had such a strong desire that I felt it in the underworld, so I sent a contract, you accepted and voila here I am." I answered calmly, trying to get the ringing out of my ears. Fuck enhanced senses.

"You still didn't answer me, you damn pretty boy, who are you?!" He questioned pointing at me with a rather stupid expression on his face.

"Well, allow me to introduce myself. I am Adam Lucifer-Leviathan, I am here to grant you your deepest wish. So tell me what is it that you truly desire?" I introduced.

"What the hell devils are real? I always thought it was some bs my neighbors used to spout so they could feel good about themselves." he muttered to himself, while going into a concentrated state.

"Right well on with your wish I am rather busy." I said after a few minutes of silence. He looked up at me with a strange look on his face, if I had to describe it the face looks like it belongs on a taco bell commercial. Before grinning like a mad-man and shouting.

"OPPAI! I want big bouncy Oppai!" He states with the confidence that even shocks me. It's one thing seeing it on screen, it's another to see it in person, I can't help but burst out laughing. Holding my sides from how much it hurts.

OH my god-oww- I never thought I would see anyone so damn passionate about something so silly. Finally gaining a modicum of self-control, I take a deep breath., to calm myself.

"Sorry about that. Yes I have the perfect thing in store for you." Pulling out the companion bot. "This right here is a state of the art companion bot. You can upload any image and any personality and it will follow your every command no matter how dark." I explain turning the bot from a blank puppet into a copy of Akeno with it striking a pose saying 'Ara Ara'.

"It can literally be any person you want. All I need is what you'll never miss. Something God's system gave you, but you'll never need. So tell me do we have a deal?" I propose sticking out my hand.

"So… you won't take my soul right?" He asked, finally coming back to his senses that were focused entirely on the Akeno doppelganger.

"No you have my word I won't take your soul. Just something special that God's system gave. So do we have a deal?" I say never having moved my hand. After a couple moments he reaches out and hesitantly shakes my hand.

"Good I just need you to lay down and when you wake up in the morning the companion bot will be right here and I'll be gone." I order with him nervously laying down. Casting a quick sleeping spell I check the shop again and look up 'sacred gear extractor'.

Sacred Gear Extractor : 30,000 Credits

This device allows the user to safely extract a sacred gear without killing the original host.

Buying it with a click it appears in my inventory and I quickly pull it out. Putting the device that looks suspiciously like a cross on his chest I click the button in the center and it activates. Making some beeping noises for 5 seconds before a glowing red orb pops out the top just floating in place.

Leaving the companion bot in its Akeno Mode with some instructions on the side on how to use it and some advice to not take it out of the house I vanish appearing in the forest bordering Kuoh.

"Ugh… WHO DARES TAKE ME IN SUCH A MANNER!" Ddraig shouts from the glowing orb.

Wow, that was fast. But it makes this all the more surreal. I just got the Red Dragon emperor for a sex bot. Oh my fucking god-oww- that is hilarious, but I need to be serious for this conversation.

"Hello, to you too Ddraig. Why are you so upset?" I ask casually. Yup, I was already prepared for such a conversation from the very start.

"Why am I upset? You stole me away from my rightful host and killed him in the process. Tell me one reason why I shouldn't just kill you right where you stand." roars the orb, which kinda looks funny when you think about it for a moment.

"Okay, let's start with the explanations. First I didn't kill your previous host. I have a device that safely allows me to extract sacred gears. Secondly I didn't steal you. You were traded for a sex doll. Oh by lady lucks silky smooth thighs I can't get over that! Next you're stuck, do you really think you are in any situation to threaten me?" I laugh half way through my explanation.

-10 Affection with Ddraig for the low blow on his state (-10/100)

"A sex toy… a sex toy… A FUCKING SEX TOY! THAT DAMN DEGENERATE REALLY TRADED A HEAVENLY DRAGON CAPABLE OF SHAKING THE HEARTS OF GODS FOR A SEX TOY!" He roars even andreing with issei than he was with me. After calming his tirade of insults he speaks again. "I have an assumption, but tell me why you have seeked me out."

"The 'why?' is simple, I wanted to have your power to help me. Isn't that what dragons are known for? The race that stands at the top. That is so fierce and powerful that whole pantheons have to combine their power to face them. I traded for you so I could truly gain power." Gotta turn up that charisma

+10 Affection with Ddraig for praising the dragon race (0/100)

"Why should I lend you my power? You could absorb my gear, but I won't actively help you and would screw you over the first I could get." Good at least he is talking to me. The point of getting him mad was so that he won't stop talking and cut off the connection.

"Good thing you asked. If you lend me your power I can assure you that this time around you will be the one that wins your fight against Albion. The current host of Albion is the strongest one to ever exist.. So while you got that pervert from earlier with pitiful magic reserves, Albion got a half-devil Lucifer. That can utilize Juggernaut drive without spending his life force or going insane." Giving him a moment to grasp the information.

"Next if you help me out, I'll find a way to change the Boosted Gear to an independent avatar type of sacred gear. I'll even do you one better. I will completely unseal you from the gear and give you your own body. Because if Regulus Nemea can do it you sure as hell can. And being with me is only temporary until I can retrieve the real sacred gear I want." Yup, tempting a prideful Dragon with his petty rivalry, and freedom.

"What Sacred gear could you possibly want more than me?" Ddraig asks clearly, understanding what I just said, but his curiosity about what I wanted more than him was stinging his pride.

"Sephiroth graal. It has the ability to bring back the dead, heal, and even reproduce copies of other sacred gears, even you." I state confidently.

"That's impossible! No sacred gear has that much power to even copy other longinus." He replies.

"That's if it was a normal longinus. But it's a sub-species with three grails instead of one. That's not considering that some of your abilities are still locked away and by the time you get them back I will most likely have gotten the Grail by then." I reply, shocking the dragon into silence.

"I could see how that would be more useful than my sealed state, but how do I know you'll keep your word? For all I know, you could be spewing out lies to get my help and back out from your words when you are done with your work." Though it stings his pride that something out there might be better than him. That was rather simple, of course he had to show some caution, he is making a deal with a devil.

"Well I don't think anyone would toss out the Boosted gear like yesterday's garbage and you can see the memories of your current host, so I'll absorb the gear and you can decide after. Besides, even if you stuck with that other host you would have been known as the 'Breast Dragon Emperor.' " That should give him some idea about my sincerity and show that not being with the borderline sex offender is the right choice.

"Very well, if you're even allowing me to scan your memories that is enough conviction. And don't even call me that disgraceful name; it would tarnish my legacy if people started calling me that." Ddraig agrees with a shudder going down his spine at the horror of being known as the 'Oppai Dragon'.

I reach out for the orb carefully as if it will burn me, but it's just like a warm softball. I look around before moving it to my chest and slowly push it in.

[The Boosted gear has been assimilated.]

"Hmm… partner, what is this weird text that I can see? Also I just realized I never got your name." Ddraig says, confirming what I thought. That while linked with me he can see the system too.

"That's a part of my power and why I was so confident in being able to unseal you later. But allow me to formally introduce myself. I am Adam Lucifer-Leviathan a descendant of the original Lucifer and Leviathan and now the current wilder of the Boosted gear." I replied happily at the end.

"HAHAHA it seems Albion is in for a rude awakening when we face off. Though from what I can sense now you're rather weak for being a descendant of those original bats." the dragon states.

"Yes he is and while that's true for now, I've never trained before and my abilities allow me to grow quickly. Let's just see if you say the same thing about my power in a couple of months." I replied confidently.

"Yes we shall see." The red dragon snorts.

"I can't believe I'm even doing this, but let's go back to school." I say with a shudder before walking out of the clearing towards Kuoh Academy.

Rias Gremory

Rias Gremory was having a terrible horrible no good very bad day. Her father just informed her that they were moving the engagement forward and that they were going to have a meeting in about a month. Worse is her brother didn't even have time to talk to her all he did was send her a text. Saying something about help will be coming soon enough. Nothing else, just that ringy dingy ass text isn't easing her worries whatsoever.

So after school she was in a meeting with Sona discussing some of the issues in Kuoh she wasn't really paying attention until they felt a supernatural presence enter the barrier. Both of their heads snapped to the direction of the disturbance and tensed. No one was supposed to stop by so she and Sona rushed with their queens through the school and out the entrance.

Coming into view was an empty school ground with one teenager standing facing the door with his arms crossed and a disarming smile on his rather handsome fac-no he might be an enemy. He was rather tall, decently muscled though his clothing was loose so she couldn't tell. His magic was below everyone in the clearing though he may have been suppressing it. Although his easy going posture would have normally been placating enough the aura he exuded was dangerous. She would give him the compliment that his eyes were like warm pools of honey, then he opened his mouth.

"Hello there, I came to gather information on something Sirzechs left to me." Maou his voice was doing things to her that she didn't want to admit. Then he made eye contact with her. "You're Rias right? The crimson hair is a big giveaway." Never wavering in eye contact.

"Y-yes! I am Rias Gremory." She says beratering herself for stuttering. Akeno titters a bit before composing herself and Sona speaks next.

"My name is Sona Sitri, we are the rulers of Kuoh. Now if you can identify yourself and state what you came to investigate." Sona says in a professional no nonsense attitude even though she can see the small hardly noticeable blush on her cheeks.

(Back to your regularly scheduled program)

Damn it's like all devils just turn stupidly hot. Rias and Akeno are straight 10's, while Sona and Tsubaki aren't far behind, though they don't measure up to 2B.

"Of course my name is Adam and I was talking to some of the Satans recently and Sirzechs called in a favor and me being such a good devil I just couldn't say no, so here I am and I'm currently looking into Rias' betrothal." I say with the same inviting smile I had to practice while working customer service awhile. Rias' eyes lit up like fireworks completely dropping her guard while Akeno did so to a lesser degree. Meanwhile Sona and Tsubaki still the

"I see and… Adam, what can you investigate while here? From what I know of the betrothal all the information is in the contract itself and the two houses in the underworld that are discussing them." Sona replies, getting a nod from Tsubaki. While Rias and her queen see the wisdom in Sona's statement.

"They are in the underworld and I already have that information from Big Red himself. I came for the most important thing to this marriage though." I reply easily. This little girl can't compare to the countless discussions I had with the boys on PS4 group chat.

"And what would that be?" The Crimson princess asks scowling slightly.

"Well the bride-to-be of course, I need to get your opinion on the matter first hand." Tilting my head giving an are you dumb face. She thinks about what I said for a second before blushing like a fucking tomato. Oh my lady luck that shit looks hilarious with her red hair. 'Tomato-hime' is going to be that fucking weeaboo nickname from now on. That thought pushed me over the edge and ball over laughing, I called her a tomato making her bristle slightly and gain a tick mark, the blush turning from embarrassment to anger.

-30 Affection with Rias Gremory for making fun of her (-30/100)

I wipe my eyes that were clouding with tears and try to calm down. I was expecting one of my own fictional crushes to be a religious moment and she ended up making herself look like a fruit. I honest to god -oww- can't push down my laughter from the sudden rudeness of my joke. While I was trying to catch my breath I felt goosebumps, I quickly jumped back lightning hitting my previous location.

"Ara-ara it seems we have someone who doesn't know their place." Akeno says with a dark look in her eyes.

-30 Affection with Akeno Himejima for making insulting Rias (-30/100)

Suddenly I find this situation a lot less hilarious. I unleash my wings 12 coming out not coming from strength, but rather my lineage and fly up. Observing I see their levels.

Title: Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess

Name – Rias Gremory

Level - 57

Affection – 0

Obedience – 0

Title: Priestess of Thunder

Name – Akeno Himejima

Level - 52

Affection – 0

Obedience – 0

Title: The Tactician

Name – Sona Sitri

Level - 59

Affection – 0

Obedience – 0

Title: N/A (Sona's Queen)

Name – Tsubaki Shinra

Level - 47

Affection – 0

Obedience – 0

Honestly not too strong, but definitely higher than me. Summoning 2B who suddenly appears shortly followed by Grayfia who left a mark on me for this reason. I scowl that damn mixed race self hating masochistic bitch really fucking attacked me. The 2 maids quickly look around to assess the situation, seeing a singe mark on the ground with me in the air scowling down at the other 4 teenage devils looking up in horror between me and the maids. They came to the same conclusion. With 2B coming up in the air to my side and Grayfia approaching the scared girls.

"Heiress Gremory, Heiress Sitri, why is it that Akeno attacked Lord Lucifer." Grayfia said in an angered tone. They all looked like they were about to shit themselves, Rias flinching from being called her title by her brother's queen the rest from hearing my family name.

"It's all my fault he called me a 'tomato' and started laughing. All Akeno did was defend my honor." Rias frantically states trying to protect her queen, but Akeno finally comes too with how absolutely moronic she was in attacking me. Slightly too the side I can see Sona is relieved that she and her queen didn't fuck up.

"Rias do you realize that you're Queen just attacked the last neutral descendant of not 1, but 2 of the original satans bloodlines?" Grayfia said through clenched teeth. With the 4 devils doing a double take to me up in the air looking down at them with a glare though it's mostly focused on Akeno.

"B-but I d-didn't know!" Akeno mutters with panic in her eyes as she looks up at me. I take a moment and take a deep breath to calm myself, my pride flaring up trying to keep me enraged. I barely stopped myself from calling on the boosted gear.

'While normally I would say to just kill the wentch and be done with it, I have seen your memories and it is best to say that patience is a virtue. She is the queen of the fake Lucifer's sister and is the daughter of a 10 winged crow.' Ddraig inputs.

'Thanks partner, I needed some advice.' I thought seeing the wisdom in Ddraig. I drop down 2B following my example. Taking one more calming breath. I approach with Rias and Akeno flinching even Sona and her Queen slightly tense up.

"It doesn't matter if you 'didn't know', do you know the potential consequences of your actions? The contract bringing him back into the pillars was just signed and he was going to publicly support the New Satan government. This incident alone can push him to side with his family and reignite the civil war!" Grayfia seethes, and if before they were scared now they're horrified. Akeno, who was looking at Grayfia when she was speaking, turned her eyes to me who was still slowly approaching.

"Please my Lord I didn't know I was just defending Rias' honor as a proper serva…" Akeno gets out before I hold up my hand to cut her off.

"Honestly I don't care why you did it, I'm pissed." I state in a calm tone causing them all to flinch even Grayfia though it must be from the implications of not seeing her sister or some shit. "But I won't escalate this matter because I was here on a favor for Sirzechs and I gained something valuable on this trip and I despise war. However, I'm going to call off the favor here. If you Rias can't even control your servants from me laughing at a simple jest then I see no reason to help you." I continued. Rias looks even more distressed than before and Akeno just looks broken. Meanwhile Grayfia just looks relieved.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Lord Adam and though it wasn't my servant I apologize for the attack. If I can do anything to make it amends just let me know." Sona says, slightly throwing Rias under the bus.

"It's fine Sona none of this was your fault and it was a pleasure to meet you despite how short it was and I'm sure we'll see each other again and if you're anything like your sister it will be rather enjoyable. Rias it has been a rather… laughable experience meeting you." I joke turning to 2B.

"Are you ready to go home now? And Grayfia can you inform Sirzechs of what has occurred, I'm still trying to figure out technology." I ask with a smile on my face. Getting a nod from both maids. I form a magic circle to take us home. Honestly that's a weight off my shoulders, not having to deal in all that political crap, and I have an excuse now. Plus I have a 2B that I can be with instead of dealing with this shit. Potentially even Grayfia if I play it right. So yup this is the right decision. Busty maid sandwich and no redhead to deal with. And if I can get an in with Sona that can lead to Serafall with her sis-con tendencies leading to 2 pairs of sisters.

"Wait! Please Lord Adam, I made a mistake. But don't punish Rias for-" Akeno pleads before I disappear.



Mutated Queen: N/A

Rook 1 & 2: Secret

Bishop : Rossweisse

Bishop : Ingvild Leviathan

Mutated Knight : 2B

Knight : Secret

Mutated Pawn 1 & 2: Secret

Pawn :N/A

Pawn :N/A

Pawn :N/A

Pawn :N/A

Pawn :N/A

Pawn :N/A

Honestly took me awhile to write this chapter, but ehhh I had some fun and I'm taking this story in a different direction from cannon. I have a plan for Rias and the whole Phenex debacle that will come a few chapter later after my boi adam has had a training montage. Also with Sona though it would be ideal to have her interact with Adam this chapter and she will be more relevant than Rias for a couple chapters, but will end up taking a back seat later. He's going to try for 2 sets of sisters.

And I found it hilarious that Ddraig was traded for a sex-bot. A rather advanced completely customizable sex bot, but a glorified fleshlight at the end of the day. Was going to draw out Ddraig reaction about it, but decided against it. Going to make some jokes about it later though.

Next chapter will finally be a lemon with the mc and 2B, some training and the consequences of Akeno's actions.

Was going to say something else, but lowkey had a brainfart and forgot, so... I may update this chapter.