
World peace in all the realms

This story is a Isekai about a guy called Zack Garrot trying to fix this new Fantasy world by fixing big problems like Slavery and the structures of society like the power of rich to poor and Powerfull to weak IMPORTANT:I'm young and Really trying to be a author so Please tell me if I made a mistake like Grammer or I should use different words something like that I will also try to post at least 4 chapters a week so keep that in mind and hopefully I'll be able to put a new chapter every day or something like that

TrickSplended_55 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Za:I will pick the Plant analyze skill God:If that's what you want okay and now you will be put this new world, then Zack got blinded with a white light once he was able to see he saw himself in a forest type area Za:soo this is where I.... spawn?,

as he looked around he found a river and started to drink up Za: not bad, Hey system can you show me my status page please and soon a white screen with black text appeared infront of him

Name:Zack garrot




level:1/100 exp:0/10


mana: 10/10






spiritual sense:0




Skill page

Plant analyze exp:0/100

Za:hmm my stats seem--- a loud screech was coming near a tree behind him

Za:what's that?, He fell to the ground from the noise and soon 2 small ugly green monsters came out Za:a-re those goblins?

he found 1 large wooden stick in the water and picked it Za:okay found a weapon, the goblins were rushing at him as they got closer Zack waited for the best opportunity to hit and once one of the got close enough he swung the stick to the goblins in the chest sending him straight into the water then the other one knew that he couldn't swim he decided to run away

Za:Oh no you don't, he threw the stick at it hitting it straight in the head doing extreme damage

as it fell to the ground and it's head gushed out blood making it scream in pain Zack got close to it and grabbed the stick and slammed it at its head killing it instantly sys:10 Exp gained from each goblin good job host Za:Thanks it wasn't that hard though sys: for your first fight it was good Za:Thanks again and Plant Analyzation

Zack then spent a couple hours using his skill and killing any goblins and soon Za:is that a Slime

and why's it Red? sys:it's a fire slime host you should go and I mean quick you don't want to die in the first day do you? Za:if it's the powerfull it should give good exp right? sys:enough to level you up yeah Za:in that case I'll kill it I just need to go real quick Za:now where's that weird log thing thing I found, after a minute he found it Za:okay this log is like a big cup and if I put water in it and throw it at the slime it should die, He then filled it with water and got back to the slime as it was sleeping Za:hopefully this works, He dumped all the water onto the slime doing extreme damage and soaking it wet turning it black and removing the red, It woke up because of the pain and jumped at him Zack was able to dodge it but went flying into a tree Za:what was that I dodged that sys:basicly that was the force of the air because the slime Weighs alot it can do that

Za:that's not fair it can fight better because it's fat

he felt the pain on his back and quickly found medium sized stick near him and grabbed that the slime then jumped at him again

but this time Zack stayed still and put the sharp edge of the stick up and once the slime realized what was going to happen it couldn't stop It then got impaled by the stick killing it Za:that was amazing, sys:good job host and you leveled up too you earned 10 Stat points you have also been recovered from injuries , his status page showed up Za:I should put some into strength and senses because that is the 5 senses right? sys:yes its is host Za:okay then put 5 into strength and senses

he then felt his arms get stronger and could see and hear better his nose was able to smell weaker scents Za:this feels amazing I'll do the same tommorow sys: your exp amount to level more is now 0/150 Za:okay that shouldn't be much of a problem and he kept on using Plant Analyzation and keeping the herbs and plants the system told him too and killing more goblins soon enough

sys:Your skill has leveled up Host, his page showed Plant Analyzation moderate tier

mana cost:3 des:you can see what potions and medicine that herbs and plants can be used to make. Za:so now this uses mana Sys:yes you should increase your intellegince for more mana and wisdom so that spells do more damage and faster regenerate Za:okay sure and the night seems to be coming, after 40 minutes Zack made a small bed sac(the thing people use for camping) and slept well After he woke up he washed his face and grabbed a apple from a tree

Za:how come I didn't get hungry yesterday Sys:you experienced holy energy wich helped you in a lot of ways Za:like how Sys:your stamina Hunger thirst and a bit more Za:hmm that's cool

Sys: You should do the thing you did yesterday hopefully you can level up Za:I'm already on it let me grab my bed and let's go, for 6 hours Zack continued fighting Slimes,goblins and found a lot of helping plants/herbs and Etc

Za: how much longer until I can level up? Sys: 55/150 Za:that's so going to take alot and with these injuries I don't know if I can fight more

sys:Don't give up Host use some herbs for a weak Pain medicine Za:I totally forgot I feel dumb

sys:make a wooden board and put some hogweeds and milk thistles on it and I can help with some of your mana,as Zack did everything he put his hand on the mix and the system earned him a new skill called Medicine creation Basic tier

des: can make simple medicine with the right ingrediants and puts it in a small pill mana cost:5 Za: okay now I feel better as the pill quickly dissolved in his mouth sys: now that should help numb the pain Host,Za:Thanks Ori sys: what did you call me? Za:Ori I like the name it's better then saying system all the time Ori: Thanks I like it too