
World peace in all the realms

This story is a Isekai about a guy called Zack Garrot trying to fix this new Fantasy world by fixing big problems like Slavery and the structures of society like the power of rich to poor and Powerfull to weak IMPORTANT:I'm young and Really trying to be a author so Please tell me if I made a mistake like Grammer or I should use different words something like that I will also try to post at least 4 chapters a week so keep that in mind and hopefully I'll be able to put a new chapter every day or something like that

TrickSplended_55 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


It's been a couple days since Zack got transmigrated and here are his stats

Name:Zack garrot




level:4/100 exp:0/250


mana: 60/60






spiritual sense:0




Skill page

Plant analyze moderate tier exp:368/500

medicine creation moderate tier

Critical hits [passive] Basic tier

Scavanger moderate tier [passive]

Za:my stat page looks pretty good Sys:for what your going for it could be better

Za:How? every Stat I put in makes sense

Sys:if you put more in wisdom instead of strength

it would help more because the mana regeneration is better when there's less mana

Za:I need to kill monsters so I don't die

Sys:... Za:so I was right, nice

Zack was putting down his portable bed

until he heard some rustling in some near by bushes Za:What's that??? Sys:let me see it so I can tell you, Zack nodded and went closer and what he saw a injured wolf it had white fur and some small black fur near its legs stomach and face which was covered in blood because it's leg was bleeding

Zack was surprised and worried for the Wolf? as he didn't want it to die so young Za:Ori tell me what is that? Sys:That is a Direwolf Za:yeah and how do I Heal its leg cause that looks Bad, the wolf wimperd in pain Sys:you can make a pill for it just...

after Zack made the pill he gave it to the dire wolf

Za:Hey buddy I'm sorry for taking some time but here eat this it will help you, Zack put the pill in the wolf's mouth and it swallowed it Zack:now what do I just wait? Sys:Just let it sleep and it should heal Za:okay then if you say so Ori

While it was morning Zack was woken up by his face getting licked Za:what the he'll Sys:it's the direwolf from last night

Zack opened his eyes and saw the Direwolf licking him Zack laughed a bit and smiled

Za: Hey buddy how's it going, the wolf was running and jumping around Za:Okay that's great-

Sys:You can keep it as a pet if you want Za:Yes

Sys:First you have to name him , Zack took some time then he near down Za:Hey buddy, the wolf went close to him Zack continued

would you like the name Fang? the wolf nodded not knowing what he nodded to but felt it was good

Another white page with black text showed up


species: Dire wolf

level 1/50

Xp: 0/50

Hp: 20/30


Stats: Strength 8 speed 13 intelligence:5 agility: 10 Defense:8


Za: why doesn't Fang have skills?

Sys: it's very hard to explain but in simple terms

He's a child like 6 for human age

Za:Can it Evolve like in shows I've seen?

Sys:Yes once at 10 another at 25 then at last at 50, Za:Okay then Fang you wanna hunt with me?, The Dire wolf nodded in excitement

Za: okay then

soon they found their first enemy A single goblin with no weapons and barely any amour

Za: okay that should be good for you Fang now go and kill him, he points at the goblin Fang nods and runs at it, the goblin noticed It and got ready

Fang dodged it's his first punch then bit it's leg the goblin yelled because of the pain

Za: okay that's good, Sys: for its age it's going good, the Goblin then kicked Fang making him go back a couple feet. Fang then runs at it again but this time because He bit the goblins leg it got slower so he was able to bite his other leg

and the goblin screamed in pain again the goblin tried punching him but he was too much in pain to put strength into it Za:He's doing great Sys: yes he is it's kinda surprising Zack nodded

Soon the goblin died to blood loss and pain

Sys: you have gained 5 exp,Fang has gained 5 exp

Za: why did I gain 5 exp Fand did everything

Sys: both master and pet should grow together

Za: That sounds weird but it's good that I got Exp

Fang ran back to Zack barking and jumping in excitement Zack patted his head,Yeah good job buddy

for the next couple of hours He and Fang hunted goblins and slimes until

Sys:Fang has leveled up after he heard those words Fangs Status showed up


species: Dire wolf

level 2/50

Xp: 0/100

Hp: 30/30


Stats: Strength 8 speed 13 intelligence:5 agility: 10 Defense:8

Avaliable stat points:10


Za:I can put stats for him?

Sys:Yes you can

Za:okay then put 5 in strength 2 in speed and 3 in agility. Sys:Okay Host, soon the stats changed

they hunted for a couple hours and and Zack collected any good plants and herbs

soon the night came

Za: okay Fang let me make a quick leaf bed

With the night here and a full moon shining

Fang decided to Howl


Zack just watched in amazement after Fang finished Zack said

Za:Great job bud now I made a small bed for you now just sleep here,Fang ran up and got in a sleeping possion and quickly slept

Sys:You seem to act like a dad to him even though you just got him today

Za:I've always wanted a child I just never was able to get one Sys: that's something

Za: yeah it's something, a faint smile appeared on his face and soon he got on his bed and slept