
World peace in all the realms

This story is a Isekai about a guy called Zack Garrot trying to fix this new Fantasy world by fixing big problems like Slavery and the structures of society like the power of rich to poor and Powerfull to weak IMPORTANT:I'm young and Really trying to be a author so Please tell me if I made a mistake like Grammer or I should use different words something like that I will also try to post at least 4 chapters a week so keep that in mind and hopefully I'll be able to put a new chapter every day or something like that

TrickSplended_55 · Fantasy
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9 Chs


as Zack was going more insane as the time flew by a yellow light started to flicker Zack was too much in his mind to notice and soon the light started to flicker more and more and soon a entity appeared it's body glowed up removing the pitch black void instantly and reversing the effects on Zack, Za:ar..... hmmmm, he thought for a bit as he was staring at a angel ???:before you ask I am God I'm just here in a form your mind can understand Za;oh well you look good God, he laughed after saying that god?: thank you and I'm here to tell you that you will be transferred into a new world that needs your help Za:A demon God?

he asked with confusion god?:that you will figure out and I shall give you a helping hand into this new world. As soon as he said that a voice was heard in Zacks head, sys:Hello host, Za:uhh?? why can I hear a voice in my head God?

god?:it is a.....System from those shows and novels you have read in your life Za:Oh that's going to be really useful thank you from the bottom of my heart, god?:Your welcome Zack

I shall also give you a a basic skill card from your choosing. After he said that 7 skill cards apeard infront of Zack, He read each and everyone

Fireball Basic tier


mana cost: 20

des:it is a very weak fire ball that can't do much damage

Water bullet Basic tier

damage: 10-13

mana cost:25

des: a condensed water bullet that can be used like a sniper

Earth wall Basic tier

defense: 25

mana cost: 30

des: a wall of dirt that can protect you when necessary

levitation Basic tier

time:20 seconds

mana cost:40

des:can make you float for a couple seconds

healing Basic tier


mana cost:3 per seconds

des:can heal low tier injuries

adaptability [passive] Basic teir

des: can adapt to certain effects and tempeture

summoning Basic tier


mana cost: 50. duration: 3 minutes

des:can sumoun different creatures to help you

plant appraisal

mana cost: 0

des: when used you can see herbs and plants effects [can be used in making potions]

God?: Choose wisely as this will be extremely helpful to you

Za:Yes of course I will

after some thinking He choose one