
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, had spent years engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  The story is in the process of rewrite Gore will be plenty, followed by excessive brutality and low-hanging comedy. Death to a chicken and or horny MCs And the harem is only for Jirciniv.

MatMax · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 34

...trying to trip him.

This adventurer is too cocky, stupid or both for his own good. He has the face of a typical thug, the right side of his jaw thicker than the left. At some point in his life he must have been fighting with metal objects in the street and got hit in the right place, causing part of the jawbone to be broken..., the bone must grow back a lot during the healing process. The man obviously hasn't washed in a long time, because Lex's sensitive nose sensed the stench of a tramp spreading in the entrance of an inn. After a moment, his mouth opens to reveal a Dantesque scene: most of his teeth are missing because he has been fighting or because he lacks vitamins.

When man speaks, Lex has difficulty understanding him

"Ohh, look who's gone with the wind, a new guy with exotic armour. What are you doing here, son of a noble? Didn't your mommy tell you to watch where you're going?"

As he speaks, another stench comes in waves. Lex almost vomits from a smell.

No one taught the man any kind of personal hygiene. The Middle Ages were famous for their foul smell, as many people didn't wash because they believed that: Often washing shortens life, or their assumptions that if you washed in the river you'd die from a plague.

No shit, Sherlock, you'd die if you bathed in a river where people are throwing their faeces out

Lex is starting to regret dying in the bar, even though it's chivalrous thing to die for your crush.

When faced with reality he'd gain nothing, his subpar looks of an average dude, wouldn't win the favour of a girl from a higher realm even if he sacrificed his life for her. A peerless beauty would look at him with a superiority in her eyes disregarding his attempts as there is too big a gap between them.

He thinks about how clean and fresh where people from modern times. Unstrained from a destructive beliefs

teammates of simple brute as bad as him begin to laugh

"hahaha, go back to your mum to drink hjer dry!"the man says as he looks at the adventuress's butt with lustful eyes

"Huehuehue, I bet your father has visited all the whorehouses since you were in her belly!" the drunk burps and then "PPPFFFHHHH!!!"

A fart of gigantic proportions comes out of a man's ass, like the sound of fire from a cannon. Man expecting to let bee fly, released a dragon. The other people look at him like a freak, he gets a bit nervous and tries to relax the situation "because your mother pussy must be as lax as the beast in my pants".

He turns the fart into a joke, whereupon many people start laughing. After a moment, the man awkwardly goes to the toilet.

Thanks to Lexe's sharp nose, he realises the whole situation. The fart was too glorious to be just that, as the smell of sewerage comes up in his nose. The mighty dragon was actually a volcano spewing lava, drunkard while speaking shitted himself. It's a level of conversation in which Lex participates.

He reflects on the words of Ainz, which say that 'People from this world are beautiful'. After the Third World War, humanity must have sunk to its lowest point. Degradation of the environment and the possible use of tactical nukes, must have almost destroyed mankind, to assume that people like these are 'beautiful"

For Lex, nothing has changed in how he sees humanity after being transported to the New World: There will always be a few bad apples, like the psycho killers who killed him. The more he thinks about it, the more he realises that he despises them.

Lex looks at lowlife with iron plate below their necks, if he could change their rank, he'd put them in Adamantine rank, because such people are a perfect example of how to become a better being'. This thugs have educational value if you don't act their way.

The lustful one after a moment of laughter as the looks again at ass, when woman changes position of staying. His mouth opens and saliva drips out.

"After hearing your voice in the form of reek waves coming from a filthy mouth, I conclude that you're the best example of degenerates who only reach for the lowest hanging fruit. All words, no deeds. Are you playing the role of a politician from my country, or are you just retarded?"

in the meantime, he walks forward and sees an unruly leg covered with leather stripes, stomps at it with the force and weight of armament, and breaks a bone, perhaps this experience will make a moronic adventurer better.


The burly man falls off the chair, not realising what has just happened, and grabs an injured leg, which bends in an unnatural direction. Lex kicks the man's head with light force, trying to shut man from using a foul mouth spewing stench and possible curses.

The action is successful: the smelly man pass out by giving him a concussion

Lustful comrade hears the scream of a friend and with great resistance changes gaze to the man lying on the ground. Seeing his buddy lying on the ground, something in his tiny brain shatters. The desire for flesh turns to blood as the man with his stocky physique lunges at the man in the prestigious armour

Lex sees a man with salvia on his chin and says

"My armour is cursed, if you start hitting me while yelling 'Muda!', I'll die a horrible death after a few attacks"

The moronic man hearing this gets cocky, "Arje you fool? Who says wjeaknjess, prjeparje to DIJE!!!"

Lex looks incredulously at the man who has been tricked. Who would be so naive to believe the words of an enemy --World Enemy?.

In matter of seconds, the man comes up to Lex, Delivering a punch in gut While shouting "MUDA!"

Then the man looks into Lex's face and sees a single tear running from his right eye. His smooth brain thinks it's working and pounds many punches on the blows across metal plate covering stomach.

Lex remains motionless in the same place under the barrage of primal attacks

"muda, muda, muda, muda muda muda muda muda muda,MUDA ,MUDA ,MUDA ,MUDA, MUDA!!!"

After a series of blows, the hands begin to ache. The skin covering the knuckles is shredded, reviling bones blood flows through the injury onto the floor. The tired man looks at Lexes visage, and sees tears streaming from the dead eyes, they're as numerous as a flood. An inhuman, wide smile that literally reaches from ear to ear

At the sight of those fish eyes, the idiot thinks he has killed a man. That unnatural smile must have come from a terrible curse placed on the domineering armour. The man turns backwards to proclaim victory

"HAHAAH! Idiot djed, bjecausje of cursje" Then the brain turns back to the state of before, his inflated ego because he has defeated a powerful enemy breaks all social norms that limit his actions.

The lustful man casts another glance at the sexy woman: "Bjecomje my wifje, or thje samje will, happjen to you!"

In an instant, two gauntlets land on the man's shoulder. The more animalistic a man is or the dumber, the stronger are the instincts that control a body. Before the man can react, his body senses the impending doom legs try to run forward, but it's no use, because the black gauntlets hold man in place

"I can't fathom that there is anyone so stupid to be fooled so much, and believe me, I've seen dark shit as sinister as a guy drinking his own cum believing that if he doesn't do this, it'll run out.

Your ignorance has brought me great joy, the tears on my face are from inner laughter"

Man with great despair tries to look back, but his neck isn't flexible enough, sweat is pouring out of every part of his skin

"As a reward, you'll receive a Darwin award that will free your soul from the shackles of a retarded brain"
