
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, had spent years engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  The story is in the process of rewrite Gore will be plenty, followed by excessive brutality and low-hanging comedy. Death to a chicken and or horny MCs And the harem is only for Jirciniv.

MatMax · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 33

Lex comes back to her

"Where you were when the earthquake happened? "

"We wish the team were in the sewers while the earthquake happened probably because of rats"

"rats? Are they some kind of druids that were doing ritual to summon an earthquake? don't be silly"

"It's true, they were fascinating like a force of nature twisted, because of human ignorance, sewers gave them safe shelter where they can multiply and change for the worse. I have never seen a rat that is as tall as an eleven-year-old child, in an amount that is for sure larger than the population of the city. Their movement must create a vibration huge enough to feel like a tremor

"you're joking right?"

"No, one positive is that rats are a perfect thing to grind my noobs, as there are countless training dummies"

She grabs another sheet of paper, before writing the first letter Lex asks

"How much money I earned from these 14 rats?"

"Oh yes I forgot" Winia leaves her post and goes to save where is located cash, takes money and goes back

"28 silver, 2 for one tail"

"That is quite … Small sum of money"

he looks at money while counting it, minus killing beginner-friendly mobs is their worth, he feels that by killing the vermin tide he would earn only a few platinum coins, It's nothing different why that type of quest is unpopular among adventurers. Rats are many, they are dirt cheap and more dangerous than the average low lvl goblin. Don't mention the fact that no one would want to go into sewers, after living in a hazardous environment they should be resistant to weaker or even medium poisons, so killing them in batches using that method is not cost-effective. Generally, swarms of monsters are very dangerous for inhabitants of this world, as they are low level and don't have any aoe attacks. Lex could do this thanks to the combo of [Focus battle aura] + [Void cutter] making [Void devourer] and use it in horizontal slash, but there would be no parts of rats as they would decay, and it would destroy part of sewer resulting in a possible partial collapse of the city.

As Winia is concentrating on work he says

"If you don't mind I'll leave" She doesn't have anything against that.

Later that day when it's almost time to end her work, One man with Luxurious clothing definitely an aristocrat, almost bald with folds of fat under the chin comes with guards in the form of knights in full metal plate, their armour looks expensive like a man that they serve. Knights are armoured from foot to head, on their chests are black sheets of fabric forming a heraldry of mentioned noble.

His heavy breath in the form of "Buhu!" is possible to hear from a great distance, a short statue of a man when making comparison to the surrounding him tall Knights makes a comical spectacle for viewers, but no one is laughing as then heads would fall off. Ultimately Fat short noble comes with great difficulty to Winia "It's you that Written these documents?"

When he speaks one of the servants is coming with a report that she wrote before

She speaks with great honorifics while bending over to make a perfect bow, it doesn't move a man as it is required

"It's true what's written? It is because of those vile creatures in the form of rats, that I almost died because of? Buhu!"

Winia sees a man that looks like a tortured obese bulldog that a moment ago ran a marathon

"It's the info given by a Mithril rank adventurer, I think that it's a reliable source of information " She manoeuvres with her words to not mention anything about Lex as it can have gravy consequences

Before she can hear a reply another "Buuuhuuu!" comes, Noble is angry because of her words, she expects the worse

"So those abominable beasts tried to assassinate me! Buhuu!!" she feels relief as the anger of noble isn't aimed at her

Mayor of E-Ranthel Panasolei Gruze Day Rettenmaier Leaves her and goes to the office of a guild master, but there is one problem…

Stairs, man doesn't want to go through them so he orders his servants to carry him over, there is fear in their eyes, while Knights feel at ease, even one of them takes off his helmet to wipe a sweat on his forehead. One of the new manservants, a muscular behemoth man more reminding of an ogre than a human takes the challenge, trying to earn a gratitude of a rich noble. "No, problem Lord I'll take care of it"

While being confident he squats doing a piggy ride for a Mayor

When Noble comes to his back and is ready. A colossal man with great difficulty Stands up and begins to climb stairs. He feels as if his mass increased by Three... No! Fourfold, with every tier servant, feels as if he has broken his past limits. After the Last step something "krah" in the back, an Ogre-like man falls to the floor from exhaustion, He learned that he has bitten more than he can chew and looks at Noble with teary eyes. Noble happy from the ride, goes off from the back and throws at a crippled man bag of gold coins, hopefully, it'll be enough for medical treatment from a doctor and cleric.

"Someone help that good man"

He says and servants run to the side of the giant and take him to the Clinic, It appears that they were doing this many times throughout their lives. At first, they are like thunder in a few seconds run to the man and grab him, like a storm they leave a building to the great satisfaction of a Mayor. After exiting a building their speed slows to that of a snail, servants know that if they do a task too quickly, they will be next to be carried over, as noble needs to get down from stairs.

Knights Look at the fast work of servants with envy

After a moment of fierce discussion with a Pluton Ainzach Mayor leaves his office.

Knights throw murderous gazes at each other trying to choose the last determined one to achieve the impossible task, in a matter of seconds they select a new addition to their ranks a freshly promoted squire, a martyr to be their hero

"My Knights as servants are gone how I should go off these stairs?" they push out a newbie to the meat grinder

Fresh recruit looks at his comrades with great hatred as they betrayed and sacrificed him a moment ago, and then he speaks to his lord in an act of desperation

"Milord these stairs have a handrail and going downward is easier. As I'm worried about sir's health, I would recommend to go yourself as there is a saying created by a lordship ancestor a really wise person 'in a healthy body is a healthy spirit "

Young knight uses flattery mixed with truth and lies, Learned thanks to his exposure to many noble courts since childhood.

"Your words have their merit, my ancestor was an enlightened individual" Mayor gulps craftily created mixture and goes himself through the stairs. With every tier knights hear loud "Buuhuuu!" and look with positive light at their new member.

Before that Lex goes to an inn recommended by a blacksmith. In the inn, he sees his teammates and Peter with the rest of the 'Swords of Darkness'. As he goes to his duo, one of the stupid adventurers puts his leg forward trying to trip him.