
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, had spent years engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  The story is in the process of rewrite Gore will be plenty, followed by excessive brutality and low-hanging comedy. Death to a chicken and or horny MCs And the harem is only for Jirciniv.

MatMax · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 35


It's a first level spell and is used to clean clothes, equipment and whole rooms while adding [Widen magic].

How does it work? Does it clean only dirt or also organic matter? In the case of equipment, one can imagine that it can clean stains caused by a bloody fight between two parties. Stains in the form of dry blood and other extremities, otherwise this spell would be useless, so it can also work on dead organic matter. If this is true, then how could Lex injure himself while casting the spell on himself? That's because he cast the spell with the help of an Sp. Converting tier magic to Stable magic, the developers of Yggdrasil created Tier magic based on the DnD magic system, and since it's a game, they had to take into account parameters such as

Amount of mana used

Target of a spell

Range of the spell

And what it does

For other spells, it should be more complex as [Clean] is a first-tier supportive magic with limited use. Let's assume that this spell worked in this fashion


Mana used: 10MP

Target: Item, Room

range: 1 meter/chosen item

The spell is cleaning item/room from a dead Organic matter/dirt

[Widen magic] increases the range by, let's say, 10 metres and makes it possible to clear the room. So what happened to make Lex hurt himself? Simple Soul power ergo Spiritual power= Sp is a native form of energy used by Wild Magic users like Dragon lords. It wasn't meant to be used with this spell modifying its values, not to mention Lex is able to control the amount of mana fed to the spell thanks to training provided by the multidimensional conqueror Aither Cassiel

In the game, spells have limited abilities that cannot be changed, not to mention bugs. So using the spell will always be the same, it doesn't matter if you use a spell 100 times or 1,000,000 times, it won't change.

Because of that Tier magic is a dead end of magical progression, as it was actually meant for MMORPGs and not for a game like 'Wizards of Eden' which is a single-player game allowing you to create your own spells and go on an adventure.

Mmorpg is created with the idea of fair competitiveness between players (Pay to win is another can of worms), and mainly have strict rules on what player can do, the same is used in its systems if there was an MMORPG where you could make up a spell where you can for example: Transform an opponent into a pig then slaughter it and skin it, or made ultimate destruction spell like crashing a moon onto heads of your enemies, destroying a large chunk of the playable map. No one would play such unbalanced shit, the majority of players would leave after someone would become strong enough to pull off this kind of bullshit. Balancing that kind of game would be Nightmare, so spells have a strict set of rules. Great for a game, but extremely limiting for a real life

Thanks to his mentor and Wild magic Lex can modify some parameters of spells Example:


Mana used: 10MP → How much you put in. Must use Sp

Target: Item, Room → Anything

range: 1 meter/chosen item → 1 meter/chosen thing

The spell is cleaning an item/room from dead Organic matter/dirt → Spell is cleaning anything from an Organic matter/dirt

Lex can use mana and Sp in amounts that he wants, in practice by doing so he is overflowing spell increasing power of it by many times. If a spell before needed the use of a 10MP Lex trying to use a small amount casually Puts 5 000Mp and an equal amount of Sp, in theory, it should increase power by 1000 times, but in practice the more he puts mana returns start to diminish. Other aspects were modified by the addition of Sp, so he doesn't have control over them, As he needs it to use spells.

It should be possible to learn the usage of only the Tier system, but it would take years to learn spells to tier three, as even for persons with talent it would take a long time to master it

"[Clean]" Lex says while putting half of the uncountable reserves of mana, using an Sp like a tool to control spells, because of it this and limited use of Sp, man's eye colour doesn't change. Lex is spending mana like a Nova Riche, buying many sports cars to flex at his poorer friends. The power of a spell multiplies by many thousands despite diminishing returns, because the spell itself is from a first tier, base low cost allows it to be overblown by excess mana.

Bright white light envelops the man, going through his shoulder to the rest of his body spreading like a plague, equally on every part of it.

Everyone looks at weird phenomena, for many curious casters like Ninya, all of this situation is weird, as tall men told that 'He'll free his soul' and used a simple spell like [Clean], how that should do anything? They are confused that it even worked on the body.

[Clean] comes with waves,

The first wave cleanses man from any kind of bacteria, viruses, and filth on his skin, in the process making the man be washed for the first time in his life, spell works in a slow manner, giving a man moment of relief

The second wave is worse, in the Case of Lex, man's softer parts of skin get torn off and dematerialize, places around ankles, mouth, nose, knees, and eyelids bleed. A desperate man cries from pain, as his flesh is torn off, trying to yet again free himself from a deadly hold

The third wave is brutal, as it shreds all of man's skin leaving only muscles, and eyes poop out from their sockets, turning into dust that fades to nothingness. There are no screams as the man must die from a sudden pain

Magic casters look with dread easily seen in their eyes. Thug's body goes limp, but it doesn't fall as Lex is holding it by the shoulders

Other adventurers Think that crude man must provoke a powerful Sorcerer, and experienced one of the worst deaths by doing so

Innkeeper who a moment ago, was still speaking with Brita looks in the direction of action, as a bloody corpse hangs on black gauntlets

'I should have intervened before it escalated' he thinks, with great remorse, as this situation in part is his fault.

The fourth wave comes, cleaning all of the blood that spilt on the floor. With cleansed blood comes the time for the flesh, and muscles disintegrate

The fifth wave annihilates the rest of the flesh Inner organs, and blood veins from a burly man is now a clean white skeleton as if someone bleached it and then painted with white colour

Without flesh to support the skeleton it falls off to the ground

Lex is somewhat proud of his achievement, of killing someone with a support spell, being probably the first one to do so. To commemorate the unthinkable deed, he opens the inventory and throws the skeleton there

People seeing an impossible deed and scarlet portal, are shocked beyond measure. For mages all of their understanding of magic gets flipped out, if it would be possible their eyes would poop out long ago.

Customers of an inn are even more astonished that the man with a green plate! He is a Mithril rank adventurer, why is he in this inn where are going newbies?

One of the more brave folk asks "What is Mister doing here? It's an inn for beginners around copper rank"

Lex nonchalantly replies "I'm a beginner adventurer, to be exact I registered in the guild yesterday, If you're curious I'm a Warrior proficient in martial arts not magic"

There is only one thing that registers in people's minds "Monster" one of them says, and quickly shuts his mouth