
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, had spent years engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  The story is in the process of rewrite Gore will be plenty, followed by excessive brutality and low-hanging comedy. Death to a chicken and or horny MCs And the harem is only for Jirciniv.

MatMax · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 16

All of the girls look at Lex trying to see any abnormality and find none, then they got confused

Enri says "For me sir Lex is normal"

Ludger interject "From what I know he is a god"

Lex: "What I was saying to you? Don't call me that, I don't want to be compared to that stoned excuse of a higher being"

Now everyone is dumbfounded

Sara asks: "By the way Lex, how old are you?"

he replies "If you only count time when I'm in this world maybe two days old?, otherwise I have 21 years"

Nemu says "So Oni-chan is 12 winters older than me!"

'Wait... why Nemu calls me oni-chan and Enri uses sir?' "Enri can you call me oni-chan?"

"w-why? when we aren't a family" the situation gets awkward fast "It's very important!"

"Yes, elder brother Lex" When saying those words she gets embarrassed.

"Did you said the same as Nemu?" she replies "Yes"

A sudden realization strikes him

"Company we have a problem, automatic translation is fucked up"

Enri gets a little bit angry "Sir Lex don't curse when Nemu is around"

"sooner or later she'll learn that, your parents should educate her about that when she gets older"

'Oh I forgot that they'll die after the year, another people to rescue'

Sara: "What do you mean by automatic translation? I can hear you fine"

"I'll give you an example" Lex grabs a stick and starts to inscribe on the ground word 'Milk' in English "Now you see a problem?" everyone looks at work of Lex "We can't read". Lex facepalms

"I can read," says Sara and takes a closer look "For me it looks like runes"

Enti asks "Sara when you learned reading?"

"from Merchant Dane, he taught me for helping with business"

"Did today's planets aligned? Who would expect a useless girl to do something useful? From today you're our mental support"

Nemu: "Don't insult Sara"

Enri: "Yeah!, you're the biggest jerk that I have seen in my entire life"

Sara: "Exactly, meathead"

Ludger: "Shut up Lex. Sara, do you want to go with us?"


"We're going today so prepare yourself, we'll wait for you in the village chef's house"

"All right" girl goes to her home for some stuff

"farewell Emmont Sisters"

Nemu/Enri "Bye"

Lex "See you later"

Nemu "bye"

Enri "Treat Sara better"

"I'll try"

two men go to the front of the chef's house

"Lex go and ask about the map, when going with Enri I realized that it's possible to take tools and other things"

"no problem" When Ludger goes away Lex knocks at the door. After a moment an old man opens them

"What's the matter?... ohh holy lord welcome to my humble house. Cecily prepare a tea!"

"Holy lord?"

"Yes, that what holiness did was a real miracle. Calming Livestock and my people, Like a union between man and animal" says the village chief with great zealously

'ehh I have no more words'

"I and the team are going to become adventurers, could you explain the map to me?"

"With the great power of a lord, it shouldn't be any problem"

"By the way how are you called?"

"My name is Ronnan and that woman is Cecily, my wife"

In the house, they are talking about map while the wife of a chief is preparing tea

"So how long it would take us to arrive in E-Rantel?"

"About two days of walk, on the horse under one"

'that is some length to walk, if I remember correctly known world of Overlord was quite small maybe this world is only based on it? On the other side, there are nations like a Re-estize kingdom, Baharut Empire, Theocracy, and others. By the way, it's a little bit weird that only Re-estize kingdom is named after a Capital city'

After a moment Cecily finished making tea and served them to her husband and Lex

He takes a sip of hot tea "Hmm. It's quite good like a green tea, but a little bit watered down" Then he proceeds to gulp it in one swoop, apparently, the hot temperature doesn't faze him

Ronnan says "We apologise for not meeting your standards lord" Before they can bow he stops them "Please don't apologize. It's a nostalgic feeling. The taste of the tea reminds me of the tea my grandparents used to make."

Their eyes become watery "Thank you, my Lord!"

"By the way I can take that map?" when the topic of gifts comes up, the chef's gaze shifted towards his wife's eyes, Even the most naive peasants are hesitant to give something away for free

"After a year we'll come back and pay ten times worth of map"

After hearing such magical words, their doubt vaporised "No problem" Lex rolled up the map, opened the inventory and threw it there. Casual acts make them more devout

"So I'll leave"

As Lex goes to the door couple stares at his back wife whispers to the ear of his husband and he nods.

At the outside Sara and Ludger are waiting. Sara wears light plain clothing, looking like a tomboyish medieval version of indiana jones without a hat, in place of a whip she has a small throwing axe, in her right hand girl holds a spear with a metal spike. Ludger on the left shoulder have three sets of outfits

"Lex do your magic portal "

"beware when putting things, I don't know what will happen if your hands go there "

"alright" Ludger carefully puts clothes and a toolbox

Sara: "So where are we going?"

Lex: "To the E-Rantel it'll take us two days to get there, even worse news is that we're broke"

"Nice, and then what?"

"Because we have no money going to a tavern is impossible, so we'll sleep on the streets and our supplies of water are enough for one day of travel, a luck in misfortune is that humans can survive around five days without water"

"why you don't prepare yourself better? It sounds like we're gonna die!"

"Chill out, we leave the village in such haste because, we have only one year to train to become stronger, like I mentioned before, I'm not human so my rations can become yours, I want to test the limits of my body"

'It's not a good idea to test my hunger, but I bet being a few days without food shouldn't be a problem'

girl doesn't buy the idea of Lex being from another species 'He must worry about me'

"Why do we have only one year?"

"I'll tell you after we begin to travel"


And so they moved in the direction of E-Rantel, After they left Carne village Sara asked another time

"So why mister 'Almighty' needs to train if his 'overwhelming' strength can 'crush' his enemies?"

annoyed Lex replies "Strength isn't everything, just in case of your test what could you do to me when I was in almost full body armour and you have only your fists? Nothing. In this world battle power rules and weakness is a sin"

Before Sara can defend herself Ludger interjects

"You are right Lex if only I was stronger in a moment of need, my son would be still alive, you said something about training can you explain"

"Yes, it's simple I'll teach you how to use martial arts ergo aura, but there is one small issue"

Sara says "Just what?"

"I don't know if you'll survive the process"