
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, had spent years engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  The story is in the process of rewrite Gore will be plenty, followed by excessive brutality and low-hanging comedy. Death to a chicken and or horny MCs And the harem is only for Jirciniv.

MatMax · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 17

"Method of training aura is pretty wild, you'll feel like your flesh is burned by liquid metal, and afterwards comes great cold"

Sara looks at him with disbelief "You can't be serious, do you?"

"I'm. from a place where I trained remained only ash, touch my gauntlet and you'll see, I'll slowly raise the temperature"

Sara touches the right gauntlet

"I'll join too," Says Ludger and grabs the same hand. He grabs fingers while Sara holds palm

'he has some big hands' she thinks

"Okay I'll make it warm" and he does like he said activating the aura in his hand

"Wooow! it's really hot"

"Now take your hands back and walk a bit from me" They do like he said

"Look at this" He takes his right arm at the front and uses aura in greater intensify the gauntlet rapidly gets hotter at some point it reaches 200C, and the air around it instantly becomes hotter and goes up creating the effect of heat waves.

"Cool! After training, I could do the same?"

"Maybe I don't know, after an incident in the forest my mentor left me, so now I need to figure it out myself"

"Mentor? Who he is?"

"From what he told me, he was a multi-dimensional space conqueror. By the way, can you see it?" Lex stops Emanating hot aura and extends it creating a 'Wall' from the aura between him and them

"No, there is nothing"

"Yeah" says Ludger"

"I clearly see it. Hmm perhaps if you learn to control aura you would see. come to me, I want to see what will happen when you go through it"

"It's Safe?"

"I don't know"

"So I'll pass"

"Didn't you want to become stronger?"

"did you think I'm stupid enough to do something that possibly can kill me?"

"Well… you come with us it tells something"

"shut up blockhead, I chose lesser evil"

"Yeah you can defend your decisions"

"You're such a dick"

"Chill folks, it's quite a nice feeling," Ludger says while being in the 'Wall' "I feel like swimming, but it's lighter and I can breathe"

"hmm good to know" Lex recedes aura to him then Sara goes to the same place as Ludger

"Hey I don't feel anything"

"First come first served, now I don't need any test subject"

"hmpf!" Upset Sara goes forward to their destination

"Next test" He grabs DS and holds it afterwards pours aura coveting a blade "Focus Battle Aura"

Blades colour shifts from pitch black to deep crimson

"This time it's different, I see a change in demeanour and a weird feeling comes from it" After a moment he hears quiet screams that say Die Devour Destroy

"I hear some murmurs from the blade it gives an ominous feeling, by the way, that was a martial art?" says Ludger

"Yes, but it's weird I don't hear anything, let's make another experiment" Lex prepares to strike thankfully 200 meters away is a tree a perfect object to test. He grabs DS in two hands and does a vertical slash, Seemingly impossible task to execute becomes reality when he yells "Void Cutter". Part of the aura on the blade fuses with the technique executed before. A colourless aura mixes with deep crimson one would expect to ultimately become red, but its wrong reaction occurs it looks like the aura boils any red colour leaving only black. Black air slash comes from the blade tearing anything at its patch, the ground splits, and air divides as the slash of grim ripper becomes faster and faster finally arriving at its destination, tree stands no chance as it rifts in two all of its life decays, leaves shrink and fall of. When the tree dies all of the soil that slash ruptures decays too, becoming barren and unable to ever again bear life

After a moment white lights come from places destroyed by martial art, and fly towards Lex his body absorbs all of it satisfying his hunger for now

"Holy fuck!" Excited and a bit terrified Lex shouts, gaining the attention of a girl, she looks behind her and sees a devastated line going from Lex to something in the distance, she can't even identify a tree as it's ravaged beyond the point of recognition. She runs to them

"What happened something attacked us?"

"No, I just used the technique to test if I can use martial arts, and the result is...obvious" He looks at his creation with a worrisome expression

"How something like that is even possible, Void cutter is just an air slash, it shouldn't be this powerful as a technique has its flaw in the way of decreasing attack power with distance travelled"

"Isn't it good?"

"No, it's bad, who knows what will happen then I use other techniques. It's weird that It worked with my first try at martial arts, maybe I'm some kind of giga-genius" After a moment of thought he changes his mind "No, even Gazef and Brain wouldn't be able to replicate the few seconds of my effort with their entire lives full of training and self-improvement, something is wrong"

Still, shocked Ludger says "Who knows maybe in your past life you were a god of war"

"Impossible, if so that piece of shit should not be able to reincarnate me as I would be reborn, by myself in a different body"

her eyes shine like stars "Now I believe in you Lex, let us do that dangerous training, I think that it will be fine"

"Yeah we need to get stronger so we won't be useless for now you would carry our team. I don't like to be a nuisance. I'll go first to check if it's really that bad"

Lex bends under their resolve "Fine but you do that at your own risk, so you both sit on the ground far apart from each other"

they do like he told. Lex comes first to Ludger and sits behind him, then he puts hands on his back "If something goes wrong shout" After a moment he starts to use his aura, which pours from the gauntlet onto his back, aura sinks in 'How to do the same as Cas did? Maybe let's try with heart?'

Aura inside of Ludger Moves to heart and tries to increase his natural production "Lex I feel thing warm inside me and it's getting hotter" Sara's gaze shifts at them expecting to see something lewd

after a moment feeling doesn't go any further "Now I feel uncomfortable hot like if I have a fewer"

Lex gets a bit irritated "All right after a while expect freezing cold" As he speaks aura stops supporting natural production and blocks it Ludger's body temperature drops. the man starts to shiver

"at present it's quite cold"

Angry Lex says "What a scam, in my case it was torture, but for you, it's like going to a spa and then going out of a warm shelter to a chilly breeze. One of the biggest bullshits I have seen in my life!. When you get hang on say stop"

Lex does many cycles of cold and hot. After a half hour, Ludger says "Stop" Then he stands ups and uses his aura, which comes from his pores enveloping him in a protective blanket "Huh who would have expected it to be this easy" Without delay moment he recedes it

A bored girl says "Hey Lex do the same to me, I waited long enough" and then the process repeats going in the same way for her

"Nice so now we're a martial arts group, what we should be called?"

"hmm good question, I Can feel that my body is stronger and lighter than ever, we'll definitely improve at a rapid pace"

"I have a good one," says Lex "We'll be called World Enemy"