
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, had spent years engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  The story is in the process of rewrite Gore will be plenty, followed by excessive brutality and low-hanging comedy. Death to a chicken and or horny MCs And the harem is only for Jirciniv.

MatMax · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 15

Lex looks at Sara and says "It'll be better if you stay here, we plan to become adventurers and with that comes danger, for a girl like you staying in the village is a better prospect"

she looks angry in her eyes one can see fire "No! You don't know anything!, I don't want to die here, plague, beasts, raiders. If I stay there sooner or later one of those will happen to me. As well I can go with you" When Lex looks in the eyes he sees unyielding conviction

'Fuck she got some points' "What would say your parents about travelling with two guys?"

fire in her eyes dims a bit "They are dead" then fire reignites "They died because of this boring shithole! if I stay here my destiny will be the same! please let me go with you! I'll do anything"

Nemu joins the conversation "Mister Lex please let Sara go with you"

When Lex is not looking Sara gives thumbs-up to Nemu

"Do you really want?"


"Well if you're ready for possible death I'll not gonna stop you, let me ask one question"


"What are you gonna do in our team? I'm a fighter, Ludger have a bow and when shit gets real he has two shanks, I've seen what he did with them, so what can you offer?"

Her passion got crushed under the weight of reality "Eee… I can cook and carry some luggage"

"That two things are taken care of by my talent" She gets embarrassed and blushes when saying those words "Still I can serve you!"

"I'll not lie you are a pretty girl, but you are useless"

"No! I'm not useless… at least for now. I'll train to death to become stronger!"

"What the hell happened in this village to get you that courage?"

"I can't tell, at least for now"

"Ehhh… do you have a special ancestor?"


'After part of me awakened my killer's intent leaked and scared villagers, lets's test if I can use it on one person, if she survives I will let her become part of a team '

"If you pass the test we'll take you with us. Nemu goes to a house and closes the doors. Prepare yourself I won't give you a second chance" Nemu does like Lex said

"Come at any time!" Sara makes a boxer stance, she keeps her arms close to her chest giving her a lot of flexibility. It looks like she has some experience in street fights

'oh she probably expects something normal, too bad for her I don't play fair'

Sara looks at the man towering over her and thinks 'He will probably try to test me physically like he said he is a fighter, after I evade his punch and make a counter it'll be over… wait what is he doing?!'

Lex grabs DS by the hilt, sword slowly raising with killing intent building tension until DS cowers the sun, beforehand thanks to Lexes heir over half of the weapon was hidden. Most people would think that he wants to take a lump of metal to the blacksmith to forge anything, not to use it in battle

Lazy teens that are viewing a spectacle feel the air turning cold, their legs began to shake

After Lex grabs DS with second-hand phenomena intensifies, the temperature drops by 30C.

All of them flee, now only remain, Lex and Sara,

She looks at Lex, and when he grabs the weapon her vision begins to darken limiting her view to only him.

As he pulls out DS man starts to grow from a man to a giant then a colossus lastly titan, the weapon does the same, and the strong wind starts to blow into her eyes, but she stands strong like a reed moving between air current, an inflexible and stubborn tree would be blown away by the unforgiving force of nature.

Then Lex prepares to make a vertical slash second-hand comes to help in the endeavour.

Sweat pours down on her forehead when Titan prepares to strike DS covering the sun like a sign of apocalypse.

When tension reaches breaking point Titan strikes, sword at the size of the sky comes at the girl.

Sara tries to evade but her legs are frozen to the ground, despite impending doom her fearful

eyes never leave Lex. When she accepted her fate, the upcoming strike never reaches its destination as it at no point in time was aimed at her, person with experience in swordsmanship would see from the only grip that the sword was never directed at the young woman, After the sword hits the ground, she relaxes legs after a moment of gigantic tension go limp as she sits on earth, like if by luck she survived "What was that jerk!"

"I don't know why you expected your enemy to play fair, we'll fight against beings more terrifying than what I demonstrated to you. Do you still want to go?"

A girl starts to think after a moment of rest and says "Yes!"

Lex stretches his hand to the girl and says "Welcome to the team" Sara doesn't refuse when he helps her to stand up "Nemu you can get out"

'Hopefully, she is all right, I tried to condense killing intent as much as I could, but still, some of it spilt out. It would be a funny prospect if I did master it, just imagine I'm in a serious fight with some goons, I use killing intent, mid-fight from fear they shit themselves leading to loss of concentration and an easy finish afterwards'

Nemu leaves her house with a smile on her face and looks around "Where are others?"

"Lazy buns realized that if their parents don't see them working there will be no food today. so they go to fields"

In the meantime, Ludger with Enri come to them with a bucket full of water

"I'll store it in inventory, and Sara goes with us" When Lex opens the Crimson portal girls look with surprise on their faces Nemu says "Onii-chan what is that pretty thing?"

'uhh' like a thousand knives penetrate Lexes heart 'I don't expect to ever in my life hear this phrase, on earth, I always thought that it was cringe, but in real life, it hits differently actually it is quite adorable '

"Sara do you when I said that you are useless? This talent allows me to store and preserve things, so we don't need to carry things and cook"

little bit agitated Sara replies "Okay, but even if the food does not spoil, you still need someone to prepare meals"

"For now we are broke, but when the situation changes, we could just buy food from the tavern, and have it stashed"

"It'll definitely cost us a fortune, and what about equipment?"

"I have something in mind, but I'm more worried about you"

"I'll train to become as strong as you!" she replied with great faith in herself

"Well… you can dream about that, maybe in future if my assumptions become correct and training won't kill you, and I'll be lazy as fuck and you literally train yourself to death only then you'll surpass me in my strength"

Sara becomes angry when hearing the words "You can't be serious!, from what I have seen your swing was average no finesse only brute strength!, if not for that weird feeling I would evade it!"

"And then what? You would try to hit me in the face? A moment when I grab one of your limbs it's over. With an inhumane force of my physique, I could reap off your head with the spine attached to it"

She angrily yells "Bullshit!"

Interested Enri Asks "What do you mean by 'inhumane force'?"

"Simple I'm not Human, at least no longer any more"