
World End: The Successor's Contract

Author: Kirito_K5
Ongoing · 339.9K Views
  • 89 Chs
  • 4.3
    20 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is World End: The Successor's Contract

Read ‘World End: The Successor's Contract’ Online for Free, written by the author Kirito_K5, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, REINCARNATION Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: #Wpc Bronze Winner: Reverse Isekai.IT WAS HIM! HE AND THAT ACURSED BLUE FLAMES!The Demons of sin, well told in the histo...


#Wpc Bronze Winner: Reverse Isekai. IT WAS HIM! HE AND THAT ACURSED BLUE FLAMES! The Demons of sin, well told in the history of mankind were known for the sins they harbored and titled with. Satan... Demon sin of wrath. Lucifer... Demon sin of Pride. Asmodeus... Demon sin of lust gluttony. Abaddon... Demon sin of sloth and Mammon .... Demon sin of greed When all five demons escaped from heaven and took refuge on earth, the goddess sought to destroy the earth and create a new one in other to balance the scale. But one Angel spoke up and begged for the chance to save mankind before it was destroyed. His pleading was heard and he was gifted the power to help destroy the Demons, the Flames of Leviton. With this power, he helped mankind fight against the furious monsters that brought mankind to its knees. Although he didn't do this alone, he had help from his servants known as Ankias, each one having a specific role to play in serving him. As his journey continued, he earned the nickname The Successor and was famous for his good deeds, but all good things must come to an end at one point. Read as Zeno Ayato, struggles to bring the world back to its order while facing trials from fate , deceit and pain along the way. Note: Although the first vol wasn't my best, but I can promise you that second vol has its perks. P.s Smut involved. 100 powerstones - 1 bonus chapter. 200 powerstones- 2 bonus chapter 300 powerstones - 3 bonus chapter

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Galanar · Games
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175 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :The eye of seer
Volume 2 :Lust and will


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  • Character Design
  • world background

Yo Author here. Rewriting this review after editing errors from previous chapters. I should explain this before you guys think of starting this book. The first volume will seem a little confusing, with a lot of unknowns happening. But the second volume will be made specifically to reveal the mysteries before moving to the mc's reincarnation. If you still have any questions about this book, feel free to ask and I'll answer to the best of my abilities. Thank you.


1 question, is this harem??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Reveal spoiler


A great book from a great author. It's been great so far. Zeno cheating death, getting a powerful side chick and main chick too. The world building at the beginning was great too. Character design and introductions are lit too. I just think you need to work a bit on the pacing. It's a great book.


The storyline is pretty good, I almost needed music to feel every emotion that it can bring out in one.


So this was actually good. I started with the thought of it being mediocre since it has grammar errors and such but boy was I surprised. Yup I enjoyed it and would 100% recommend.


Author san, why is there anime tag in this story. Will any anime characters will appear ?[img=Why][img=Why][img=Why][img=Why][img=Why][img=Why]


I like the idea of this book, I can see the building blocks that you have for it and what you are going for. So couple major things that are holding it back and some things that are going for it. Things that are holding it back is this, grammar and details. This feels very rushed and instead of the narrator telling you things they should have the characters do so. For example, the demon that shows up and attacks the mc. Instead of you telling us his name as the narrator, have him introduce himself. Also, one thing I noticed going through this book is you give us information about a place or creature without it being introduced organically. For example the glinx. You dont mention that name until you mention the plants that were found. But by then, you already mentioned the creature so you could have told us the name of the creatures then. This happens a few times and it makes the reader go back and check what you are taking about which takes you out of immersion. The good, it has decent characters and it’s quite obvious that you spent a lot of time thinking about them. However, they also feel very 2d and do not have a lot of emotion. For example the little girl early on. The way she talked in the middle of her dad being eaten made no sense. “ mom? Mom?” Doesn’t sound like she is freaked out it should read like “ mom!? What’s going on?! Where is dad!?” Just add more emotion to your characters. Also, the book jumps around a lot when it isnt necessary. For example, again I will bring up the little girl scene. It’s just kind of placed there. Whereas you could have had that in the begining of the book instead of just explaining that these monsters the glinx showed up. Make that the beginning of your book and have that be the first time they showed up. I would also be way more descriptive regarding places and creatures epecially if they are a major plot point. Over all I like what you are going for, it just needs some editing and more details in both the characters and what they are feeling and the setting and world building.


The story is decent and was solid I must say. This hooks right you up at the start! Also this novel is up to my alley. Can't wait to finish this one out. Also, a nice description of the narrations, frighteningly splendid!


it was pretty good .the opening really pulled me in. if you keep going I could possibly see this becoming a movie or show


While the plot is nice and all, you could do better with your story telling. A whole lot better.


Amazing storyline really enjoyed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This book has a captivating start. Post-apocalyptic books are always intriguing to read if they have a good storyline and characters. And, this book has both. Highly recommended, keep writing author 🙂


Nice start. The book has potential. There are some errors here and there but it is readable. Need a little bit of rereading and this will become a masterpiece. Has high potential. Explain a little more power level and methods to obtain it. That's all. waiting for more chapters.[img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]


well done author but update so we can enjoy 😎


Is this book already dropped or are you gonna update it after some time... can't wait to read more it is somewhat new concept [img=gift]


I don't know what to say. The story is well written and expressed feelings in it. The world building is nice. I love the author explaining a character's appearance. It got me hooked instantly.


I like the story the premise is great but the first few chapters need to be reread for grammar errors and there are times where a better use of word choice is best. Character’s are suddenly introduced and there are quite a few in the first few chapters. Interacts are great and fights are descriptive. But I can’t really visualize them well enough. The world had many things I want to know and would wish they were described in more detail. Possibly describe the village, city, buildings, ground, and air.


Hello, I am here to review this. Honestly, I am gonna recommend this one. While I was reading I wanted to tell you something. At first, I noticed that in the first chapter, you have add a author's notice in the first chapter. But you don't have to do it there You have a section to add author's thought. When you write choose that option and write your notices there. So it won,t bother to the story. I noticed a few mistakes with Pnctual marks. But it's not that remarkable. So you can be more careful... Anyways, The plot is flowing smoothly and I think the story will get more and more better in the future. So recommended! Keep going author, 👍


The writing is okay, there are some grammar mistakes as well as misplaced and misspelled words, even in the synopsis. But this can be edited and fixed easily. The plot seems interesting, however, it seemed a bit too fast-paced, not to mention, the storytelling was honestly mid. The buildups were not tense because of this. The introduction of the Mc was also a little lackluster and boring, I see what you were trying to do but the execution wasn’t good. All in all, the novel isn’t bad, it’s easy to tell your a inexperienced but I’m sure with the right amount of time you could deform this and make it much better.


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