
WOMAN OF STEEL ( love or revenge)

She is a girl who has a lot in her heart. She doesn't believe in forgiveness. She says she doesn't have a heart but is this true? She believes, she has only one purpose in life and is to reveal the biggest mystery of her life. She is strong. She is a woman of steel. She is Luna Mitchel. He is a bad boy though, but he is willing to do anything for his loved ones. He is Cole Anderson. Watch as Cole finds the key to Kelly's heart and secrets unfolds on way. Secrets that might leave their relationship completely shattered. Will Kelly choose her love or or will the thirst for vengeance overwhelm her???

Nickie_456 · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


"You're finally back. And why are looking so angry", Blake asks as Luna and Cole arrives, "Cole, what did you?".

"Me? I did nothing it was all her", Cole unable to keep his excitement, " she broke Hudson Humphrey's hand ".

"She did what?", Mike and Blake says in unison.

"Why, is that such a big thing ", Luna asks looking calm.

"You don't get it Luny, Hudson Humphrey is the big shot of this school. Except for us no one in this school goes against him ".

Blake tries to tell Luna of the trouble she's gotten herself into but Luna just gets more excited about it. "Wow looks like a caught a big fish this time. I think this school might not be so boring after ".

This makes Cole think. This girl, what is she made of. "Seriously girl are you some kind of enemy magnet or what. First it was Marcy and now Hudson?".

"Whatever ", Luna rolls her eyes and enters the gymnasium. When the opened the door Lovelyn was also coming out.

"Where were you? I got tired of waiting so I was coming to find you. What were you doing?", questions flooded Luna the moment she opened the door.

But she just shrugs at it. "Oh not much just breaking the hand of a guy named Hudson ".

"You just have to fight wherever you go don't ya", Lovelyn says rolling her eyes.

"And that's why I love you so much", Luna says acting like she crying, "you get me so well ".

Before anything else could happen, the bell rings. And that means classes had began.

"Ok so Luny which class are you going to?", Blake asks casually.

So Luna relying on her holographic memory of her class schedule says, "I have I.A. History and I'm in class A".

"Me too ", Lovelyn says.

"Us too, Luny ".

"Cool then let's go ".

3 minutes later they get to class. The moment Luna enters the class becomes quiet. It was like she was a school inspector. Everyone's eyes were on her. And then someone shouted out loud. "Hey look, it's that hot chick that broke Humphrey's hand ".

Then everyone else started to murmur in response:

"OM GOSH, she's so hot, I'm so jelly "

"Duh and I heard she beat up Marcy. She really puts her in her place"

"Really, she's so fierce. Finally someone put that Marcy bitch in her place "

"Whatever, she's too arrogant. Walking around like she owns the place "

"Well Duh, I heard she Joe Mitchell's daughter "


"Wait that's not all, I also found out that she's internationally famous cricketer Ray Mitchell's sister "

"What!!, no wonder she's so arrogant and proud "

"What she my sister in law? FUCK YEAH!!".

Hey, I never said all the murmurs were positive. They can't all be winners.

Luna took the seat next to Blake. Because that was the only available seat left.

"Looks like were meant to be", Blake says enthusiastically from his seat.

"So Flakey how is the teacher like ", if she was gonna be in this class she at least had to know a little.

"Oh you're gonna love Miss Feiyun. She like the best. She doesn't give us too much work and gives us room to express ourselves freely. You're so lucky you didn't end up in class B. Their teacher, Mr. Albert is the worst. He like a total-", Blake gets interrupted by a very melodious voice, "Good morning, Class ".

The woman was really beautiful. And judging by her looks alone, she looked like a Chinese woman. Her hair which was as black as ebony was tied into a tight bun. Giving her an even more professional look. She was a middle aged woman who looked like she was in her early forties. But she still had a sweet million dollar smile. "Good morning class. So I learnt we have a new student with us. Miss Mitchell please come up here and give the class a formal introduction".


"Hi everyone. I'm Luna Mitchell. I'm 17. And I'm from Colorado".

"Ok thank you Miss Mitchell, you can take your seat", then she gives her one of her 'million dollar smile'.

Luna goes and takes her and Miss Feiyun starts marking the attendance register.

After the marking of the register:

"Ok so class we're going to have a oral test today. Because first of all as you all know we have a new student and unfortunately she came in the ending of the second semester. So she has missed quite a lot. Secondly I want to assess you guys and see how much you've learnt so far because your exams are coming on next three weeks. Ok so let's begin ".

"So question one; where are some of the places or countries where the mayans can be located", when this question was asked, a girl sitting on the next row next to Luna was going to answer it when Luna beat her to it.

"The mayans occupied the northwestern part of the isthmus of Central America, from Chiapas and Yucatán, now part of southern Mexico, through Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, and El Salvador and into Nicaragua. So they were mostly in Mexico ". The moment she started speaking, everyone whipped their heads towards her, staring at her with amazement. Even Miss Feiyun looked shocked. But some were still giving me 'the stink eye'.

Finally she broke out of her trance, "oh my goodness, I thought I was gonna have to back and teach you everything again but I guess you don't need my help. I guess your reports from your old were not lying when it said you were a straight A student. Girl you are you're not on fire, you are fire, woo". Her sudden outburst made Luna shocked. She finally understood why her class was packed to the max. She wasn't just beautiful but also enthusiastic and fun and not to mention she sometimes acted like their age.

The whole two hours in I.A.History was spent on the oral test which Luna had answered almost all the questions. After that class it was lunch time. The others had already gone to the cafeteria before Luna. She was delayed because Miss Feiyun because she wanted to talk to her.

After talking to Miss Feiyun, Luna left for the cafeteria. Halfway through the hallway, she was pulled by someone into the janitor's closet by someone. And that someone was no one other than Hudson Humphrey. "You ", seeing it was him she felt really pissed.

"Miss me baby", Hudson said smirking and wiggling his pinky.

"Aww sugar poo, you know I worked so hard in breaking your pinky and you already fixed it, that's too bad", Luna says sarcastically and clicked her tongue.

"You know I love this new name you've given me, sugar poo, just give me a chance and I promise I'll live up to my name ", Hudson said leaning in closed to Luna.

"Sure why not ", Luna says using a seductive tone, "you are the one who needs give me a chance. And I'll show you ". Even Hudson was taken aback. Luna leans as coming to kiss Hudson and he closes his eyes waiting for his kiss. But her next action stuns him. She kicks Hudson in the balls. And then grabs jaw. "The next time you try this with me, I'm gonna make sure I burst your balls".

Luna says and storms out of the closet and heads towards the cafeteria but then someone taps her back. Thinking it was Hudson she says before turning, "Do want me to burst you're balls, do-", but is taken aback because it wasn't Hudson. It was another guy who was giving her a shy look.