
WOMAN OF STEEL ( love or revenge)

She is a girl who has a lot in her heart. She doesn't believe in forgiveness. She says she doesn't have a heart but is this true? She believes, she has only one purpose in life and is to reveal the biggest mystery of her life. She is strong. She is a woman of steel. She is Luna Mitchel. He is a bad boy though, but he is willing to do anything for his loved ones. He is Cole Anderson. Watch as Cole finds the key to Kelly's heart and secrets unfolds on way. Secrets that might leave their relationship completely shattered. Will Kelly choose her love or or will the thirst for vengeance overwhelm her???

Nickie_456 · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


As they get close to Luna's room they hear her screaming. Ray kicks open the door and they all show shocked faces at what they see. Luna was sitting on the floor and clenging her chest with bloody hand. She was surrounded by broken fragments of glass. She kept screaming and her breathing was becoming rapid.

Cole was the first person to rush to her and he carried her in a bridal style and placed her on the bed.

Luna coils herself into a ball. Because the pain kept going on and on. Cole pours some water and hands it to her. "Luna have some water". But she kept screaming in pain.


Ray's phone rings and he checks and rushes to Luna. "Little moon, I just got a message saying dad is out of danger. And he has even woken up".

"Really? Then I want to talk to him ", Luna says still clenching her chest. She looked like she was in no condition to talk.

Ray finally gets through to Joe on a video call. And hands it over to Luna who was still clenging her chest and screaming.

"Dad, pss, are you alright?".

"I'm fine my little KL, but what wrong with you ", Joe Mitchell was lying on a hospital bed at the other end.

"Pss, I'm fine, don't worry. When are you coming home?", Luna still wasn't in the right condition to talk.

"Well the doctors said I need at a week's rest. So I might come back in two weeks time but Auntie Lily will be with tomorrow ", Joe tries to coax Luna.

"Ok dad ", she tries getting up to sit on the bed but them she clenges her chest, screams, "look after-".


She faints even before she could finish her sentence. "Oh no, Luna ", Ray screams.

"Luna? Luna!! Ray what's wrong with her. Tell what happened. What's wrong with my baby. Luna wake up", Joe started panicking when she fainted.

"Luna stayed in the pool for too long and now she having chest pains. Dad, I'm gonna cut the call look after her".

"Ok, but take care of her and call me to give me updates ".

While on the hospital bed Joe started to thanking back to when Luna was born. The doctors had said she was a blue baby. They had said she could undergo surgery when she was 18 years or older.


Back at the villa:

Luna was tucked in to the bed. And the went the week went by pretty fast.

The next week:

Luna was fit enough to go to school. At 5am in the morning, she got up and trained until 8am. Then she went to take a shower and change her clothes. She chose a champagne wine body hugging top and a black skinny jeans. And wore a shiny black jacket. She put on light makeup and lip gloss and left her hair in its natural curls. And topped it off with black stilettos. She then went downstairs to have breakfast. Even though her dad was not back Aunt Lily had arrived last week.

Aunt Lily was her dad's sister. She had been the one taking care of Luna since her mom died. She could've stayed with Aunt Lily and not return to Springfield but at that time Aunt Lily had some issues with her ex-husband .

"Hi, Aunt Li ", Luna greets as she enters the dining room.

"Oh hi honey. You look so awesome today. Your new classmates are gonna be all over especially the cute boys", Aunt Li had always filled in the gap of a mom so well but she was never able to have kids.

"Ahh, auntie ", Luna starts groaning while eating, "not this again ".

"Hey I'm just saying. And what do you think about Cole, isn't he cute?", Aunt Li says winking at her.

"Aunt I'm going to school ", Luna says wanting to cut the story short. All her life she was used to boys drooling over her everywhere she went not the other way around.

"Ok honey but be back early ", Aunt Lily chuckles from the dining room.

"Ok bye ", Luna says as she grabs five chocolate bars on her way out.

15 minutes later, she finally gets to school. She got a text from Lovelyn to meet her at the gymnasium so that's where she was heading. The moment Luna got out of her car she met Blake,Cole and Mike.

"Seriously do you guys ever get separated ", she says as she approaches them.


"Well looks my girl is here so I'll catch you guys later", Cole says as he puts his arm around Luna's shoulder. She already got used to it so she just found it casual.

"You wound me Cole ", Blake says acting like he just got stabbed in the chest, " oh my fuck, my bestie is looking so hot today ".

"I guess I'm gonna break a lot of legs today", Cole says acting like an overprotective boyfriend.

"So where to", Mike finally chimes in.

"I'm gonna go and meet Lovey in the gymnasium", Luna says preparing to leave.

"Ok then let's go".

As soon as they enter through the door everyone starts staring at them. Of course they were gonna stare, they were Springfield High's bad boys. And Luna was looking so hot. But she was oblivious to all the stares and murmurs.

As she walked by the boys kept trying to approach her but Cole, Mike and Blake kept throwing them dagger glares. So they would stop mid way.

But as they were almost out of the crowded hallway, Luna abruptly stopped. "Hey guys, wait for me here, I want to check out my class schedule from my locker". They had already passed her locker so she went back.

On her way she run into Marcy and her sidekick Beatrice. "Oh its you", Marcy says sending dagger glares to her.

"Oh hey, are you back for round two?",Luna says smirking.

"Whatever ", Marcy was obviously scared of her now so she walked past her. Luna just shrugs and keeps walking.

Finally she gets to her locker and takes a look at the schedule. After memorising it she shuts locker doors. She turns and sees a guy leaning on the locker next to her's he was smirking for some reason. He had blonde hair which was a bit curly. Blue eyes and a full lip. He looked like jockey and also a play boy.

Luna saw him to be popular because as soon as he approached her everyone was staring at the both of them. "Is there something you need, Mr".

"Nothing much, just a date", when he opened his mouth, he had perfect white teeth which added to his charm.

"Sorry but you're not my type, so get your butt outta her", she didn't plan to be polite. This earned gasps from the students.

"Fiesty aren't we, I like ", he didn't seem to get the message.

"Are you deaf or something?", everyone turned and saw Cole coming, "don't you understand the meaning of 'not her type'?".

"Mind your own business Anderson, can't you see Hudson is trying to talk to a girl ", at this Hudson's friends were gathered behind him.

"Oh, so it none of my business if he tries to flirt with my girl ", Luna goes to look at Cole.


When did she become his girl.

"Come on baby, I bet I can make you happier than he can. You just have to let me show you ", Hudson suddenly grabs Luna's wrist and tries to pull her away but couldn't even make her move a step.

Before Cole could react Luna grabs Hudson's hand with two of her fingers and breaks.

Then there's a sound of bones breaking and Hudson screams.


Luna stands next Hudson and rubs his her like she comforting him. "Come on baby, I just dislocated your hand. But the next time you tries this with me, the doctors aren't gonna know where to reattach your limbs. Got that!!".

Hudson just nods in pain. But Luna wasn't satisfied, "I said you got that!!".

"Yes ma'am ".

"Cole, let's go. I can't believe I almost lost my temper because of this idiot ", she says leaving and Cole follows closely.

"Did she say, almost ".

A blue baby is a baby who has blue baby syndrome that a whole in its heart.

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