
Wolf of Fire

Alpha Amusu was the feared Alpha of death. His name struck fear into the hearts of all who heard him, his wolf was deadly, vicious and mad. He spread his fangs of death,fear and dread all over like a blanket of vile sin. He was not a devil,he was THE DEVIL! But only one person could defile him...only one person could put an end to his viciousness. Aira,a young she wolf who was still struggling to discover who she was. Being trapped in slavery and torture in the Silver Moon Pack, Aira makes a difficult decision to save her people from the hands of the monster. She's tied up into a web of lies and fears, death and evil. Would she become consumed by the one thing she struggles so had to escape from? *This book is a historical fiction, situated in Africa. *However,its completely written in English. *It has been edited *Contains triggers like; Suicide, Rape, Murder, Violence, Torture and Discrimination.

Olive_Otamz · Fantasy
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25 Chs

*13* In the Eyes of a Monster

     *** Aira's POV***

People used to say that whoever beheld the darkness of the Alpha never stayed the same.

It was a strong belief in the Silver Moon Pack.

The locals whispered amongst themselves that the aura he emitted was strong enough to take one's sanity away, locking you in an endless cycle of darkness,madness and hallucinations.

As I walked behind the tall warrior, I would not lie...I was afraid. No one had defiled the Alpha of darkness, until I did.

I had begun something that had never been heard off,and today I would see what fate had in store.

But I knew something really well, I was not backing out without a fight!

"Go in!"

The warrior wolf's voice spoke with authority.

I took a deep breath, looking around for a while before walking in.

Only a few people had ever stood in the presence of the Alpha,and only fewer had ever lived to tell the story. But more than that,women were never invited to the Alpha's court room... especially not slave women.

The time passed slowly as I stood in the dark court room.

My heart beat was so fast,I could not feel it.

The bodies tied up to various stakes and hanging off the roof, did nothing to remove the tension.

But I had been trained to hide my emotions,and any one who would have seen me, would see a warrior watching out for her prey and not a slave in the court room of an Alpha.

My body was stiff like a rock,I dared not breath too loud for the fear that he may strike without me knowing. I needed to be ready. Yes, he was the Alpha. But I was Aira! Á bûm onyé ará. I was a mad person.

He should be ready for a fight before he could do anything to me.


A voice asked.

I had never heard a voice filled with so much darkness. This was not the voice of a man,but of a deadly beast. I could feel the choking power of darkness and death.

I could not think. The question could not register in my head.


My body shook. My blood froze.

Who on Earth was this werewolf? How..how..how can he have so much power?

"Y...yes! I am the one that is called Aira!" All my courage had suddenly evaporated. It felt as though something was suffocating me. I had never ever felt so helpless. I had never felt so vulnerable.

Suddenly,my legs felt weak. It felt like my body was not a part of me,like it was an uncontrollable extension of my self. My heart pounded behind my chest erratically. The thump thump sound was my only reminder that I was still truly alive.

The next thing I felt was nothing.

A wave of an eerie feeling of nothingness washed over me.

In a split second,my legs finally failed me and I felt the strong inpact of my head against the hard floor. I had collapsed!




When I was a young slave child, I never truly understood why big nwoke nkitas, the wolf men always beat mother and the others up.

I never understood why more than two hundred people stayed in a space that even dogs could not bear to stay.

I could never understand why we were locked up for no reason.

I could never understand why a wolf man would just kill a slave for pleasure.

I could never understand why sometimes,my mother would be taken away in the night to a wolf man's house,and come back bleeding from her privates, not saying a word.

I finally got the courage to ask mama the question that had burned my heart, when I was just five red moons old.

Why did we suffer? Were we different? Despite the fact that we had been starved and were smaller,we still looked like the wolf men.

"Because the Alpha said so."

My mother said with a flat voice, staring into my eyes with a look that said 'I was calling for death by asking that question.'

Mother's answer would haunt me for the next seven red moons of my life. It birthed another question. 

Did the Alpha have such power.

Could he make people suffer any way and time he chose?

But only when I was thirteen red moons did it finally dawn on me. The Alpha ruled on the fear of men. He drew power from fear and terror.

I made a decision back then to never fear the Alpha.

Even though the Alpha drew strength from the fear of others,my fear would never be part of theirs.

I will keep my part of my bargain for the next four red moons. I will live, free of fear. I will live, not for the Alpha but for my mother,for Chi and for Cheta.

Until today...




Waking up to throbbing pains in my head was a usual occurrence.

It was not something of great concern to me. However, gaining conciousness in the court of Alpha Amusu,was something to be worried about.

I was tied to a pole,right next to the skeletal remains of some body, whom I assumed had been tied to another pole some time ago.

The room I was held in was tiny and quite. I could hear my own heart beat. I could see tools of torture laying all around the room like decorations.

I had to leave here!

I had to leave here fast!

I tried frantically to remove my self from the ropes,but my body did not feel like it was mine. I felt possessed.

This was a strong juju. There was no way that this was natural.

"Do not try to release your self,Aira! You are going to get more wounds than you can ever imagine."

The words were not spoken,they were heard. He was in my head!

***Author's Note***

Hello people!

I hope you're enjoying the story so far?

Sorry for the short chapter.

Have a great day

Be safe y'all ❤️