
Wolf of Fire

Alpha Amusu was the feared Alpha of death. His name struck fear into the hearts of all who heard him, his wolf was deadly, vicious and mad. He spread his fangs of death,fear and dread all over like a blanket of vile sin. He was not a devil,he was THE DEVIL! But only one person could defile him...only one person could put an end to his viciousness. Aira,a young she wolf who was still struggling to discover who she was. Being trapped in slavery and torture in the Silver Moon Pack, Aira makes a difficult decision to save her people from the hands of the monster. She's tied up into a web of lies and fears, death and evil. Would she become consumed by the one thing she struggles so had to escape from? *This book is a historical fiction, situated in Africa. *However,its completely written in English. *It has been edited *Contains triggers like; Suicide, Rape, Murder, Violence, Torture and Discrimination.

Olive_Otamz · Fantasy
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25 Chs

*12* Cells and a Friend

The guard stationed in front of Aira's cell spat on her for the hundredth  time.

She rolled her eyes and scoffed at him mockingly, wondering if he knew that she had thought of four different ways to kill him.

Her shackles clanked, making as much noise as possible as she stood up and walked to the cell bars which were laced with wolf's bane.

The guard eyed her as though she was the scum of the earth.

"Get back there you disgusting filth before I turn your skin to rags!"

Aira rolled her eyes before glaring them hard at him.

"Listen to me pup! I am here because I almost killed your so called Beta." And his father.

Fire spoke within her.

"You're nothing but piece of shit in my eyes and if you want your head to remain on your body by the crack of dawn,I would suggest you kept your mouth shut like a good dog,and never spit at me!"

The guard looked like the world had come to an end.

He could not believe a slave was speaking to him like that.

"I...I will kill you!"

She huffed at his statement.

"Join the line, sick bastard!"

That seemed to snap his last straw.

He opened the cell gates speedily, like a possessed man.

Aira smirked.

Male wolves were so predictable...too predictable.

He dragged his dagger, definitely laced in wolf's bane,and struck, aiming for her guts.

But she was faster than he could ever be,even when bound.

She caught the knife with her shackles and twisted it out of his  grasp.

Before he could get the chance to be surprised,she raised her two hands with the shackles and hooked his neck, tightening the irons around his throat, blocking out all air supplies and tearing his skin.

He squirmed in her grip but she only held him tighter in place.

"I warned you...but you would not listen. You may have felt that a slave can never speak to you. But I am not just a slave! I am Aira! I am Fire!"

She released him from her grip before he could slip out of consciousness.

He slumped on the floor like the sack of dung which he was.

"Go and spread the news of the slave. The one who almost killed you and your pathetic Beta."

Gathering his sorry self from the ground,he rushed out, holding his neck and coughing in fits.

She felt accomplished.

She wanted the news to spread.

The news that someone had started a resistance, someone they could never had imagined.

It would also keep her alive for much longer. If the Alpha killed her eventually, people would accept the fact that she was truly a threat and had to be stopped.

The fear of the Alpha would reduce because people who had believed that he was invincible would begin to have second thoughts.

Aira moved back to the corner of her cell, resting her head on the mouldy brick wall stained with blood and excreta.

The smell of piss and death was thick in the air.

She silently prayed to the Spirits that she got out soon. If she stayed longer in that dark and disgusting hell hole,she may run mad.

"I like you."

She heard a voice from the cell next to her.

The voice sounded out of breath,like she had a difficulty in breathing.

"I did not know prisoners had the luxury of liking anything or person. Odi egu!"

The person chuckled.

It was a short and painful one.

"What's your name?"

Aira asked, just out of curiosity.

"Miri. What's yours?"


"Aira." The girl said, testing the name out on her tongue.

"Your name means fire. Born out fire."

Aira was shocked. No one had ever known the meaning of her name before. Other than her mother and Cheta.

"How did...how...."

"My wolf has a spirit of interpretation. I have never needed it before as I had never left the pack to know what languages other packs speak."

Aira nodded,even though the other girl could not see her.

She had never had a proper conversation with someone else apart from Cheta,her mother and  Chi.

She remembered Chi as vividly as she remembered her own name.

She never forgot how she was taken,how her best friend was killed in front of her.

She remembered how she held her in her arms while she lay  lifeless. She remembered how Chi had always longed for a mate. Now,there she was; dead because of that mate she always wanted!

Aira never believed in the mate bond. It was a luxury for her, a distraction. It was meaningless and foolish. For her, the mate bond was no different from slavery.

Being bond to a person was no better than having a master. It was the same thing,it was torture!

But Chi loved the thought of the mate bond. It was the only thing that kept her strong.

Slaves having mates was never heard of. Their wolves were expected to be dead so they were unable to feel the mate bond.

But for some reason, Chi had hope. For some foolish reason in her innocent mind,she believed.

And in a stroke of fate. She found him.

The mate she always wanted.

He was a warrior.

One of the ones assigned to watch them during their assignments that day.

Aira remembered him sniffing,she remembered Chi smiling.

The next thing she knew,he was in front of them.

He grabbed her hands, dragging her to the bushes.

She blushed like the fool she was.

Aira followed at a distance.

She wanted to be sure she was safe.

But she wasn't.

She watched him hold her in his embrace.

She watched her smile.

The next thing that happened would forever remain in Aira's memories. Haunting her!

Her so called mate brought out his dagger,and before Aira could warn her friend,he had dug it into her back.

Chi's face contorted in shock.

She tried to form the words but blood poured out of her mouth instead.

She sighted Aira from where she lay on the bare ground.

She wanted to speak. But she could not.

In a blink of an eye,she was dead.

She had died,just like that.

No premonitions.

She wanted a mate and she got one. One that killed her.

Aira remembered remaining frozen in a spot for a while before she saw the bastard retreat like nothing had happened.

That was the first Fire had shown her presence.

She took complete control of her body.

Before Aira could comprehend where the sudden surge of power was  coming from,the mad man was laying on the ground, bleeding out his heart and missing a leg.

She rushed to Chi's side as she lay on the ground,lifeless.

That was the first time Aira cried. She wept like the world had crashed on her.

Her best friend.

Her Enyi nwain was gone. She was never coming back.

"Girl...are you still there?"

The other girl, Miri asked her.

"Yes...I am."

Aira replied, forcing down the tears.

"I would soon be executed."

Miri revealed in her scratchy voice.

Aira had never known this girl before but for some reason,she felt her spirits fall.

"What did you do?"

The girl said nothing.

Aira sighed in understanding.

If the girl wanted to keep it a secret,then she was fine with that.

After a long stretch of silence.

"I...I hit...I hit the Delta's second son for trying to rape my sister."

Her words came out so lightly that one would have not heard if close attention was not paid.

"But it was not use....it was no use...they...they...they still...they still rap...raped her in front of me! I could do nothing. They bound me in chains and made me watch!"

Aira felt her heart drop.

She could hear the other girl bawl loudly. Aira hated noise but she could understand the pains of watching the ones you love get hurt.

"If I get out here before you, I swear on my friend's life,I would get you out!"

Aira's words were sure and sincere.

"Thank you Aira but I have already accepted my fate."

Before Aira could say anything more,her cell gate opened and another guard came to drag her out.

She smirked internally, knowing that by now,the other guard would have spread the news.

"Get out!"

He instructed.

"The Alpha demands your presence."

Aira wobbled a bit from sitting on her knees for too long.

"Remember what I told you,Miri."

She whispered to the other girl before walking behind the guard.

The fight had only begun!

***Author's Note***

Hey lovelies!.

I'm alive just so you know.

I'm so so sorry for the late update!

Please forgive me!

Don't forget to vote and comment.

You're beautiful,you're unique and no one can take you away from you!

Be strong.
