
Wolf of Fire

Alpha Amusu was the feared Alpha of death. His name struck fear into the hearts of all who heard him, his wolf was deadly, vicious and mad. He spread his fangs of death,fear and dread all over like a blanket of vile sin. He was not a devil,he was THE DEVIL! But only one person could defile him...only one person could put an end to his viciousness. Aira,a young she wolf who was still struggling to discover who she was. Being trapped in slavery and torture in the Silver Moon Pack, Aira makes a difficult decision to save her people from the hands of the monster. She's tied up into a web of lies and fears, death and evil. Would she become consumed by the one thing she struggles so had to escape from? *This book is a historical fiction, situated in Africa. *However,its completely written in English. *It has been edited *Contains triggers like; Suicide, Rape, Murder, Violence, Torture and Discrimination.

Olive_Otamz · Fantasy
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25 Chs

14* In the Eyes of a Monster II

*** Aira's POV***

Trigger Warning!!

Have you ever been subjected to so much pain that you begin to feel nothing?

It begins to feel as though your body had become one with the pains and suffering that suddenly,you forget how life was without that much pain.

Four days and three nights.

That was the amount of time I had spent here in this dark room, waiting for the next torture the Alpha would so graciously bless me with.

Four days and three nights.

That was the amount of time that I had suffered in this room, being stretched to my breaking point.

It had been some kind of game between the Alpha and I.

A game to see who would break first.

I or him.

We were no longer Alpha and slave. We were prey and predator. But the real question was...who was the prey and who was the predator?

"You know I wish my Luna was like you, Aira! I wish she could not break so easily."

His choking aura had become somewhat bearable in the past days.

I did not know how he had managed to get into my head, but it was the part of the torture that I hated the most. It was terrible. The feeling was destroying. But for what ever reason in his sick head,he had not entered my head in two days.

Fire believes that he may be rejuvenating. She believes that it takes away some power from him. Her plan was for us to escape then. But that meant we had to wait till he got into our head again,a torture that I was not prepared to go through.

"I heard she killed herself."

I whispered with a small chuckle. My body was dangling in the ropes. I could not see,but I knew that my skin,or what was left of it was now torn into shreds.

My head throbbed from his continued banging against the wall. He must have a lot of time on his hands. Maybe that was why he missed his Beta so much.

Maybe he was just a shell of an Alpha, relying solely on his subordinates to rule.

Maybe he was just a coward!

I laughed out loud at that thought.

"Are you mocking me Aira?"

His voice was dangerously deep.

I knew what was coming.

The whip with the nails sliced through my skin,twice.

The pain was excruciating. But it did not shut me up.

"You know...Alpha..."

I spat.

"I think we are starting to become friends! I mean...look at us, having a conversation without me being dead, or running away...like your Luna and daughter!"

I could not see him. I did not know the expression on his face. But the whip coming once again on my back, was enough to tell that I had struck a nerve.

"I...I...can...can not promise that I would stay though!"

I spat out the blood from my mouth.

Fire could help me bear the pain,but I had to keep her in and dormant. She needed to gather up strength for the race.

We had to be ready for the perfect time.

"I would not kill you now, Aira. I love your spirit. Maybe...hmm maybe I shall make you my Luna,and watch you break day-by-day, just like she did!"

The word struck me before they finished getting out.

"Then you should get ready to have another dead Luna in your court room." I struggled to breath out.

His laughter filled the room, it was as dark as his aura. Sickening, disgusting, unnerving!

"I hear you have a mother."

I was ready for this question. I knew that he would want to use my family to get to me.

"Your Beta, killed my mother! That was why I killed him!"

I could hear his scoff.

"Aira...Aira...Aira, do you think you can lie to me? I have the whole pack in my hands. Including you filthy slaves! Your mother's name is Ola. I have seen her. She is a beautiful one.

Her breasts are luscious. Maybe I should have them!"

The words tore my heart. Fire stirred within me, fighting to break free. She was not ready yet,it killed me to keep her locked in.

"If you dare touch my mother I will..."

"You forget that I am the Alpha of all Alphas,Aira! Your life is just like a twig in my hands. I can snap it when ever I want to! No one defiles me,not even my Beta or my own Luna! You may think yourself mighty because I have kept you alive,but that is just because you amuse me.  You amuse me, Aira and I want some form of entertainment!

His words rung in my head like the cry of a mad woman in labour. It sounded like a legion of demons. The sound was worse that that of warriors getting killed in battle.

I had pushed him to the extreme,and now I was getting the punishment I deserved.

The punishment I needed!


But the torture did not stop.

He continued his assault on me.

Soon, it stopped!

I had died!




I was in a hut.

It was a birthing hut.

Where was I?

I heard the noise of battle but out side was pitch black.

That was when I saw them_the two people who were in the hut with me.

I could not hear what they were saying,but I knew that they were speaking to each other.

Strangely,I felt as though I knew them.

They had a baby with them,her skin was strange. It had two different colours...just like mine!

Was this child...was this child_me?

I saw the man take the child from the weak woman and put her in a jar, wrapping an ornament around her hand and placing a coin in her palms.

Instinctively, I touched the pendant on my neck. Cheta had made it for me. He said he found them with me when I was a child.

These were my parents,and I was about to witness them die!

The man went back to his mate. My father went back to my mother.

He sat next to her and wrapped his arms around her,speaking  into her ears. I did not know what he said,but I knew they were beautiful words.

They were words a father who could not protect his family.

They were words of some one who had to see his whole world crumble but was unable to do anything.

Why could I relate so much?

Then in a flash,they were dead!

I saw the arrows,I saw the last drop of tears.

I witnessed my parents die,and I could do nothing!

For the first time in my life,I cried!

I wept like a widow who lost her mate on the day of their ceremony.

I wept like a woman who had watched her family die in the hands of its captors.

The Alpha had killed them!

I knew that,but seeing them die had made me realize that over again with more intensity!

"This is what my father does!"

A girl whispered behind me.

I could not see her face but I could hear her voice clearly.

"Wake up Aira! You have to wake up!"

A young boy took my hand.

He was the one whom I had seen in my dreams before.

Suddenly I was dragged out of the room and into a river bank.

"Wake up Aira!"




My body was on fire!



I had never felt this amount of pain.

I called out for Fire,but she was not there!

Where was she!

What had he done to her!!

Oh gods!

Did he kill her?

Then the stench hit me!

It was the stench of death

With great pains,I got up from the ground and looked around.

I was in the dump yard!

I had heard stories of this place,but I had never been there.

Hundreds of bodies lay, decaying under their heat of the sun.

Flies were having ceremonies on the bodies of wolves and humans!

These were living beings. These were people's brothers, sisters, fathers,mothers and friends!

But here they lay, dumped like filth!

But my heart broke the more!

I saw Miri's body amongst the other decaying bodies!

I saw the girl who was next to my cell. The girl who had spoke to me,like I was a friend. The girl I had promised to save!

Her body was still fresh, but her neck had a fine slit with dried blood all over her body!

She was dead!

Miri was dead!

I had promised to save her,but I could not even save myself!

How much more did the Alpha want to take away from me?

I had to leave!

I did not die today,that meant that I still had a lot to live for.

I bent down and closed Miri's eyes,with tears in my eyes.

Struggling to get back to my feet,I stumbled through the bodies.

I would have my revenge!

But for now, I had to run!

Every warrior knew when to retreat!

*** Author's Note***

Hey African werewolf lovers! How are are y'all doing?

I hope you're enjoying the story?

It's Olive your Authoress!

Please live a vote and a comment for me,it would mean a lot to me!

Love you 💜💜💜