
Wizarding World with Modern Knowledge

Self Insert(OC) into Harry Potter

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My Childhood

My name is Richard Osmond and I am four years old and today I regained my past life's memories. I was a Computer Engineer in my mid-twenties finally getting a job until the Coronavirus hit. Now I am a four-year-old son of a farmer in a small village in Britain. I have seven siblings, four brothers and three sisters. My mother passed away last year from getting sick. I don't know the year yet, but I will find out. We have a king his name is Henry the eighth so that narrows it down to to to I do not know history so let's hope I figure it out later.

A year has passed and I have noticed some weird things happening around me. When I am upset or angry at the other children weird things happen around me. Like the fact one kid I was angry at crapped blue for a week. Then there was another time plants started spitting acid at the mean lady who blamed me for eating her bread when it was her kid. Her kid probably blamed it on me, and he also became sick. I think something is wrong with me or this village.

As incidents like this kept on happening I began to think maybe I am a cultivator like in those novels. The only thing I could really do is meditate and meditate and meditate. It took a year to actually feel something. It was like a cool haze inside my body. I could feel something from it and I tried to pull it and when I did I disappeared and appeared in the animal pen. I got covered in pig crap. I asked my dad if there were any strange things about Britain because I sure did not feel like a cultivator. He told me about the witches and magical creatures of the world. He told me how they were worshipers of satan and they would burn witches and kill their children for good measure. I think I am a wizard, I better keep quiet about this.

Another year has passed and I am around six years of age. They do not really keep track of your actual birthday because no one in this godforsaken village can read. I do not even try to help them with their farms with the Norfolk method because they would probably treat me as the son of the devil by the way their mentality is. I never noticed it before, but every family is suspicious of each other. My father explained that weird happenings have been happening in the village and they suspect a witch to be the cause. He names off a couple of incidents I have caused and some sick people which was probably not my fault. Even my mother was suspected of being killed by the witch. I suspect she just died of illness, but who cares about these people.

I am eight years old and I think I figured out the family dynamic. We children are just seen as future workforce I guess. The firstborn is the most important and the rest are spares. I am not very close with my family I straight up do not like these idiots. Imagine being an adult in the 21st century and having to deal with these filthy children. I at least wash myself in a stream daily. These people do not know hygiene. I honestly cannot stand there smell. I am still trying to guess the year, I think this is the 16th or 17th century. I can't really tell, but since there is no school that takes out the 18th century, but there are etchings I guess it is passed the 1500s. I really cannot tell you.

I finally figured out how to properly use the haze or magic. After months of meditating and clearing my mind I am able to direct an intent from my mind into the magic to produce an effect. The first thing I did with this knowledge is to make myself clean. I am going to treat magic as I would chi in a cultivation novel for now. I don't know how to interact with it so I just have to guess. I try to feel the magic in the surrounding. That did not work, I try again this time directing my magic to give me the ability to feel magic of the surrounding. I was then able to feel it and it felt like a fog was surronding me. It was not too thick but was there. I then tried to absorb it and integrate it into my body. I felt pain unlike anything before, I felt like my body was paralized. I told my magic to stop and so it did. I was not doing that again. I then noticed my magic inside me was thicker. I realized I would have to do it again.

Though it was painful, I figured out how to do it with it with the intention of strengthing and purifying my body. Intent is what I needed to focus on. I then focused on how my intent would interact with my magic. I made some successes in different tests. I was able to make myslef invisible, boost my strength and stamina, and teleport at will. With intent, I was able to make the process of absorbing ambient magic painless and more efficient. I was found experimenting with color by my sister, she called me a warlock and called my family. They came at me with fire and a scythe. I knew I did not like them, I tried to make them forget this incident with my magic. Side effect though I made them forget everything and I mean everything about me.

I had to run away at this point and I made the entire village forget me. I set up a cabin in the woods with my magic and decided to dedicate myself to magic. I would teleport and steal food from my family or their neigbors. I experimented on the animals in the farm of my foregone neighbours while invisible, trying to rewrite their DNA. I cannot see DNA, but many were failures leading to deformities and died. After that, I experimented on kids around my age. Luckily I was meticulous with the animals and no one died or gained a deformity. I then removed all my the changes and reverted it.

I focused on trying to rewrite some of my own DNA. I noticed if intent was all you needed then I could transform my body into the perfect being. I felt like I was going Orichmaru on this, but I found myslef thinking there is no other way for me to continue to live with this filth. I set my goal to be immortal. I went back to experimenting on animals to give them regeneration and made sure no cancer would form. I was basing my intent on how wolverine in the Marvel universe would regenerate and not grow old or gain cancer. With that in mind, I changed my DNA permanently and drastically.

I finally succeeded in my quest for Wolverine-like regeneration. I cut my finger off just to check and low and behold it grew back. A side effect though I gained skeletal claws that could retract out of my fist. I then thought of ways to make me stronger and faster and focused my intent based on Captain America. With this I think I need another goal. I want to learn about this magic and stretch my creativity. I need something to push myself. I don't feel any urgency as everything came easier for me.

An incident occured when I turned nine, two wizards in robes arrived at my cabin. They were surprised about how tall I was for my age as I looked around twelve, I wouldn't know because I don't really interact with my age group. They told me I was a wizard and had to attend Hogwarts. As soon as they said Hogwarts I knew I was in the Harry Potter universe, a world where there was only one spell needed to kill someone. I told them a simplified version of what happened with my family and how they wanted to burn me alive. They gave me their sympathies and knew how muggles were as this was not the first incident.

I showed them some of my magic and they were surprised by how I used wandless magic. They explained how they take in muggleborns early to teach them how to read and write. They also do not teach magic until you are eleven. Though I can stay at Hogwarts permanently till I graduate as they do to all orphans. I distinctly remember the location of the room of requirements and I knew from then I would abuse the hell out of it.


My main fanfic is Minecraft Player Reborn as a God and I try to update that every day. I will try to update this fic every other day. This is my new fanfic, I will see how the plot goes and if its good I will keep at it. Feel free to check out my other fanfic.