
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Video Games
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161 Chs


I finished the paperwork in 18 hours even though I could speed it up but I'm lazy to do it.

I looked at the date which is February 14th, Valentine day huh ? how long i've celebrating valentine in past life ? None, yet now that cat, Koshelna, Theresa and Freyja are also my partner in "Love" but Kal'tsit is the longest with me.

I went back to my chair and looked at the latest news that had spread where the Law already been shown and some of Rhodes Island Branch had opened in Yan, some Canon Yan Operators had joined us and Sui Sibling ? well, all of them voluntarily joined us as Guest, pretty much they were bored in Yan and Emperor Yan Agree upon it but we had no right to give force them to work but they had responsibility to teach us depend on situation or they interest.

Theresa still visits here often and some Kazdel operators also visit here or work depend on their mood sometime they here just bored in home or need a hobby, there are also NPCs such as Manfred sometimes Theresis visits here survey or talk with kal'tsit, Manfred fear me while Theresis is glad i can make Sarkaz in here accepted as Sarkaz not a hideous or dangerous being and even Confessari also visits, including Nachzehrer to Cyclops Priestess.

It seems that the Cyclops race didn't migrate but still holds the rights of the Sarkaz Royal Court, they sent their representatives to Kazdel to strengthen the relationship between Kazdel and Sami.

Eblana visited here with Reed, Mandragora and Hermione. those three became our operators except Eblana that keep pestering me to marry her making she and Theresa had competition to each other. despite she down bad to me yet i plan long cons, I will play slowly to get her, if rushing will be bad for long relationship.

Sometime those two slip out Marriage proposal under my paperwork but I already mark it and keep it on my book clip in case they going to Premarital act. but i love sex before marriage though, ah shit Zero sanity thought again.

I went to my room and look on my mirrors, hair is too long, i need to cut it down but i like this hair, i take care of it like my own body.

"God, can you please seal my power in System ?"

[Power Sealed]

"Thank you" I went to take a shower, scrubbing every inch of my body from head to toe, This face soap and some beauty soaps are so substandard that none of them are really effective, I will milk this product later.

I shampoo my hair, comb it well and gently, I then rinse my hair with towel and tie it like a ponytail.

I put on deodorant and start wearing the suit I want, the impression for date now is, T-shirt, a Coat, not too long, suit pants are not too tight and shoes that matching the suit.

I use the last decoration which is my box lens glasses that had been enhanced, Although this lens is a special glass but at least I can manage its usefulness especially glare and UV.

I folded my shirt halfway up my arms and put on a cool watch that suited the mood I was giving.

I walked out of my room and saw kal'tsit in her casual clothes, I remembered her fan art which was adorable. A cream-colored knee-length skirt, an adorable knitted shirt with a cute tie and dark stockings and heels not too high but comfortable for walking.

"Such a beautiful lady" Kal'tsit smiled and I took her hand and held it tightly.

"You're even more handsome with that look."

"Really?" We walked to the teleportation room where Orion nodded and we went to Columbia.

"Wait, Mr. Orion. Where did the Doctor bring Dr. Kal'tsit?"

"Hmmm, Date perhaps ?"

"DATE !!!!!"

On the other hand we were in Frankwood, We were like top artists especially my appearance was too dazzling even to beat all the artists here.

We stopped at a restaurant and had breakfast here, Although we chatted lightly but this was very memorable especially we still joked about Geneva, On the other side where at the end of the alley there was a drone hovering watching us.

"Whose idea to follow them ?"

"Sshhh, Be quite. I can't hear what they're talking about" Closure turned up the volume to be picked up by the drone hovering nearby.

We discussed various issues in this cafe casually but when we looked at each other and then laughed about Geneva again, it was somehow always funny in our eyes.

"Do these two keep saying the same topic again and again ?" Everyone shushed together making Saria silent.

"Sigh, okay that's enough. one time is funny, two times is annoying but the third time, I don't think is funny anymore"

"Yeah right, talk about world problems. What is your plan Valtor?"

"Do I look like guys with a plan?" Kal'tsit laughed softly and sighed.

"With a superior creativity you had maybe a to z plan"

"For which blueprint ?"

"This country" I looked around and smiled softly at the sight of everything in here.

"Not worth it Kal'tsit, this country is helpless, I prefer Ursus, Sami or Iberia"

"Why ?"

"When I was 500 years old in North Thundra, Sami was the place where I rested after the battle with the North Demon. It was so comfortable Kal'tsit until I miss you, i looking for you in Kazdel at that time. Then in Ursus, a comfortable place for me which was originally an invitation without notice but with dedication and learning to be a nobleman who is more prioritize the people than personal interest because my power of politics comes from the people I rule, They are strong, im strong. They need someone to hold them tight then i lend my hand to them, we build together the place as "Home" yet somehow i fucked it out of my mistake. talk about mistake, i feel guilt about Iberia Kal'tsit, If i know that Leviathan in the sea come together seeking me, Iberia golden age will prevail until this day, I wish i can go back in time to undo it but i decide to accept the fact that time, im weak, too weak that i depend too much boo and Tyrant. They gladly help me to become strong but that strong is borrowed from them. To be honest Kal'tsit, I would gladly bear any curse to become stronger of my own. I would gladly sell my soul to devil, monster or any dark entity to become stronger. I would gladly be punished to oblivion by any being who deem me evil, monster, even treat me as disgrace of humanity. as long as I breath and live a life in hell, I will be the one the tip of the spear or be the last defense of humanity" Kal'tsit immediately gripped my hand tightly and then stood up to wipe my tears gently.

"even you lost yourself, or became a monster that cannot be described anymore. i will be there for you, i will accompany you, i promise valtor. If you lost your soul, I will become your soul, if you lost your body, I will become your body" I gave my little finger to Kal'tsit, Kal'tsit looked at me strangely but I smiled innocently.

"Promise me, When my death is inevitable. protect everyone, i trust you Kal'tsit, i know you are not strong, creative and have limitations. everyone in rhodes island gladly help you to overcome many challenges, you live a life over millennia and you have much experience dealing with world bullshit, as for me i live almost 900 Billion Year. im old and have too much experience even i hesitate to use it at fullest"

"So you are an old man"

"Even you too, at least my vigor is at peak"

"but consider the fact you are older than me, that makes you an old bone"

"Age is just number how many bullshit i survive in life, old or not are physical appearance"

"Nice wisdom old man but still" Kal'tsit grabbed my hand and put it on the table.

"I cant promise that, im so sorry. maybe we can figure it out to deny your death"

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because of love Valtor, my love to keep you beside me is keeping denying of your disappearance. you are practically making me insane"

"Well, to be fair right. You have no partner over 4 millennia wandering around like an idiot and no want to share the stories, when I came to your world or more precisely your partner in crime. everything changed because of my influence, more precisely my tampering, you indeed have a purpose to watch over the civilization and not let the future generation become your creator civilization. perish because they are arrogant, do you know what they arrogant had?"

"Man try to become a god"

"Correct, no being in this planet deserves to be called such, Even Feranmut or Feraerus. God is perfect being, No need anything because God has everything, a transcendence being whose rule doesn't apply. If That Human in past civilization is truely god, why they perish ? why they not using their godlike creation or power to save themselve? it get me a conclusion, just because you can doesn't mean you should. a simple suggestion yet those suggestion always be ignored"

"You can fuck around and find out but you shouldn't fuck around and find out because when you do that, I get pretty much tired of dealing with it"

"And im sorry for that, i will search for a partner who can deal with my shenanigans with unhinged reactions" i got hit by kal'tsit but i responded with a laugh. we joked some more about some things that made us laugh especially past things at least we enjoyed our time.

In the afternoon we went to a clothing store to buy clothes for us even though they were brand name and expensive, I didn't like these clothes, they were really poor quality, the fabric is common and the price is uncommon.

"You dont like it ?"

"Arachna Clothes is more high class than this"

"No shit, Archna clothes is more comfortable than this cheap garment"

"You like her clothes?"

"Obviously" I leaned closer to kal'tsit's ear and whispered.

"I like when you are naked though" Kal'tsit elbowed me in the hip.

"After date" Kal'tsit replied this with a whisper, we continued our journey with a VIP movie, we arrived at the booth and paid.

"Please put this on my check for the person who has this mark" I marked all the stalkers with my own mark, the employee saw my mark and nodded.

We entered the theater while the Rhodes island entourage went to pay.

"Your tickets have been paid for by the previous person, you can enter theater 1" They were surprised to hear that, they entered and saw us chatting about movies, when the movie about to get started we had a special guest, W who was dressed as a show-stopper.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, Sorry to disturb your moment we will have commercial break" Kal'tsit and I were not impressed with W's half-assed dance. Everyone else was not impressed either.

"How funny is this employee, are you interested in becoming an Idol ?" W looked at me with a laugh and then made fun of me.

"Heh ? Im here to disturb your date"

"I see, are you envious about our date ?"

"Whaaatt ? like hell i am envious, ahahahahaha your date means nothing to me"

"That is why you are still single" W gasped to hear that. I immediately acted like a Tyrant who treat her like a bad girl she was.

"Let's talk seriously this time, There is no charm from you, not even a little bit, even if there is a man who wants to be with you, maybe that man needs to go to therapy or a mental hospital or be locked up in an isolation room for less 4 to 5 years. Even if there is charm in you, only insane men want to date you hell no, knowing you is a mistake in the first place. i mean look at you, Anything that "Exciting" in you either personality which appearantly crazy or bombastic body. is just like a jack in the box, once it pop guess who popping out ? A clown, Yes, You are a clown, what is the purpose of the clown ? to give entertainment, to who ? in this case was nobody, who are you gonna impress ? your audience ? hah no. seeing you fail is most funniest thing i ever watch, here i seek an entertainment yet i found a clown with entire circus with it, yet this, is the lamest performance for almighty W who boast her ability and capability, Ahahahahahaahhahahahh, Come on is this all you got ? do you need a costume ? i can provide you one, impress me ! make me laugh ! is this capability of yours ? Ahahahahahahahah even third Rate comedian is good than your experience in boasting" W enrage and pointing her finger at me.

"STOP MOCKING ME ! I SHOW YOU !" W danced with passion every dance was full of motivation making me clap the rhythm even without music, everyone opened their phones and recorded this. W performed the acrobatics flawlessly while I cheered enthusiastically.

"Encore, Encore, Encore" I cheered and everyone joined in cheering Encore.

"SEE DOCTOR ! I CAN DO IT !" W saw that our seats were empty, no one was there and she got angry to the point her face smoking.

"YOU TRICK ME DOCTOR !!!!!!!!!!!"

The two of us managed to escape from the cinema which was chaotic because of the noise we made, me and kal'tsit had been holding back our laughter because of her innocent.

We went to a barren land without anyone here, we sat on a high cliff in the afternoon before sunset.

It seemed romantic but it was also hot, we were just waiting for the right moment.

"What you gonna show me Valtor"

"Amazing thing" We watched the sun slowly start to set, little by little the light dimmed and I pointed to the sky where it was raining, A meteor shower passed over our heads beautifully, Every 7 seconds there were 3 to 4 meteors passing by.

I sang softly and kal'tsit sang along until the night in this barren field was filled with our singing and the meteors falling.

While on the other hand, W was dead inside because her video of becoming Idol was trending in Rhodes island.

"Hello, Idol W" Ines stifled a laugh while Hoederer gave W an Idol costume.

"Use it for full immersion" Ines laughed with satisfaction but W didn't care about them because she was already dead inside.

"I will kill doctor, i will kill doctor, i swear, i swear, i swear. i will make him beg for a life once i get him, i dont care anymore, he in my death list" W whispered continuously about it while we were at the trimount booking a hotel for the two of us.

I cooked dinner with Kal'tsit, a delicious dinner for the two of us while I could feel someone watching us but I didn't care, Kal'tsit didn't care either so that person was irrelevant to whatever we were doing here.

We finished dinner and went to take a bath together, I brushed Kal'tsit's hair and rubbed it gently, Kal'tsit wagged his tail happily while I enjoyed brushing his long hair now, Her evolution is making her Artificially enhanced Android.

She can copy anything but her copy abilities are more like this. If kal'tsit sees my fighting style, she can copy it like its original even Originium Art with a simple glance perhaps more broken one was, After fighting with sui and enhanced by tyrant Cosmic Stone energy source, she can even copy Feranmut ability or the worst, Demon ability.

Is she aware of that? If she does, she is basically an enhanced recording machine, The worst part its that she can copy my power if she wants to but if she copies that, oh boy. She's a walking calamity.

"What are you thinking valtor ?" I was startled from my deep thought then shook my head and rinsed Kal'tsit's hair.

"Nothing important, just an afterthought." Kal'tsit turns and points to the front of her body.

"Tell me"

"im not telling you" kal'tsit then approached me and teased me by swirling around her finger on my nipple.

"I hate playing guessing games with you"

"Then what game do you love ?" Kal'tsit glanced at me then brought her face close to my ear.

"How about who moans louder ?"

"You win"

"One score for Kal'tsit, my mating call is the loudest"

"Honesty, 100 score for Kal'tsit" Kal'tsit giggle and start to hug me

"Say, Valtor. Do you want me to moan your name louder to show the stalker who's in charge ?"

"No, how about we fuck each other out until that stalker is agitated and envies our procreation moment ?"

"Sounds a good suggestion, Lets do it" We kissed ferociously and immediately had sex, the brutal one and the longest one. The room only fills with moans and claps.

"These two fuck like a beast" This person saw and hear us having sex without a care in the world but this person realized, that this person also agitated to see us especially seeing Kal'tsit enjoying herself so much then keep asking me giving more and more while I keep giving her the pleasure she seeks.

2 hours passed and we were still fucking without stopping, making this person sit up and play with their own, With the sound of Kal'tsit moaning and the sound of us fucking was erotic music for this person, this person squirted and looked and questioning their act.

"These two, I hate that. Stop having fun !"

5 hours passed, and we were still fucking with passion while this person was already sick of it, this person can't handle our Passionate Mating ritual.

"HOW LONG ARE THEY GOING TO HAVE SEX ? ITS BEEN 7 HOURS !" We giggle to hear that and keep fucking each other out until the next day, We still fuck each other out.

while this person just gave up, lost reasoning, There is a sex enthusiasm in Rhodes island that is Me And Kal'tsit.

We finished our sex and went to clean up then have a leisurely breakfast as if it was a normal day for us, the person left leaving a trail that will be unforgettable for us to use it as a blackmail.

"Valtor" Kal'tsit brought her face close to mine and I kissed her lips for a moment then we left, In reality we had sex for over 90 Years but in the real world we did it for only 9 hours.

Accel world is best slayer style ever. in sex and lazying around.

We came back casually and then there was a rumor that we became monsters, monsters in the connotation of being crazy.

But we were ignorant because we were already crazy in the first place, I sat in my room and took care of the files and stuff even though I knew who was behind the rumors but everyone thought it was normal thing for us to do.

That person came into my room and I smiled in greeting.

"Stop smiling, you snooping man. I thought you were a good person but behind that smile is a man who knows sex only"

"So you are a peeping tom, you and your father are not that different" This person showed me the LGD badge.

"Doctor valtor sephiroth ismael, you are under arrest of violating the law and abusing the power"

"Where do you gonna put me ? horny jail ?"


"I do believe you listened to our procreation until 3 am then left to report in here. such a naughty officer, perhaps it will be better of you go in rhat room to investigate our ritual rather than listening to our intercourse perhaps you want it ?"

"Whatttt ? Do I look like desperate girl to you ?"

"Then why are you here ? I treat you like my own niece, same as Talulah. Talulah is mature enough about my relationship with Kal'tsit and Alina Mother, yet why are you the angry one ?" Chen came over to me and kicked my desk so hard and then ruffled my desk with a very angry face.

"For the right of woman in here, stop being a scumbag and sleeze bag. I respect you before, but after seeing your foul side, i lose someone that i admire, someday when i old enough i dream become like you yet you are this kinda man, is heartbreaking"

"I'm sorry, If that you want then as you wish my niece, i will keep my composure and will make sure the idol you admire will be there when you need him. Can you please get out from my room, I must redo all my work because of your anger, have a good day" I took all my papers and went back to redo my work as casually as possible, Chen left with a displeased face.

"Chen" Chen stopped and glanced at me.

"Im sorry, My child" Chen walked back out of my room, opened the door and saw me once again where I was working on the files quickly and casually.

"Idiot" Chen left while I finished my work, I'm glad someone is advising me, I consider it a reminder.

I go out and interact with the male personnel here, Well at least with the boys and the man I can create balance, sharing some shit and doing shit together.

Ah boys will be boys no matter how they age like fine wine, I returned to my room full of chocolates, I ate them all and read the various love letters sent to me, I replied to all the love letters as well as the various idol letters that I had prepared, I sent the letters and replies to this chocolate cake to their table when they woke up later.

"You ready ?" I looked at Priestess who was looking at me seriously.

"Lets go" We left the space ship in the dark night to our next destination, the Lost city beyond Foehn Hotland.

We left the letter on my desk.

[Expedition Lost city. Location Beyond Foehn Hotland.

Paticipant: Doctor, Priestess

Signed by Doctor and Priestess]

time to find a lore

I have no note to add, Sorry for inconsistency update because the work stuff, I need money

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts