
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Video Games
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161 Chs

Sui Death

We became an amazing synergy with Kal'tsit long distance while Mon3tr and I close up to tank Sui attack, Sui getting angry of our synergy and creating a catastrophe that was beyond reason for us to get distracted, its ineffective for us because we already see so much shit in here.

The entire population of Yumen already evacuated to Painting World Dusk then they fled to the capital city of Yan, News of Sui's resurrection spread widely throughout Terra.

Rhodes island arrived at the border of Yan where it saw the eternal Calamity Catastrophe at the tip of Yan that was creating chaos there.

"Doctor, Dr. Kal'tsit" Amiya prayed for our victory while on the other hand in Kazdel where Theresa received a report that made her become agitated, While Victoria kingdoms and Tara also heard the news that made them move their troops to Yan for reinforcements.

Lungmen force and Ursus Force sent their reinforcements coupled with the Emperor blade making the entire big force start moving their troops.

Kal'tsit fired Thorn with her favorite weapon that varied and often changed, I attacked Sui with Ouroboros fury and Wrath of god combo which was very fatal for Sui who tried to dodge of Absolute attack from boo and didn't had time to attack us while I aimed this trajectory at the unfortunate North demon who appear of our feud.

Every bullet Kal'tsit fired and every slash I made grazed Sui's thick skin but only my slash was fatal, Sui bled and couldn't heal the wound.

"VALTOR ! KAL'TSIT !" Sui roared loudly making Lightning Catastrophe, while I took the unstoppable fortress stance then blocked all this lightning while Kal'tsit casually stood there because it would replenish Regalia's energy.

Kal'tsit used a design like Victoria Canon and Boo was fully charged.

"MASTER !" Canon fired and Boo I stabbed forward making two energies that shot into Sui's body then cut off the tail and tore half of his stomach. Sui fell into the wall of the chamber of heaven design.

"urgh, You actually wounded me ? i'm surprise to know mortal able to injure me" Sui got up and himself regenerated quickly, I then filled Boo's energy with trinity Flame while Kal'tsit made Orbital Minigun the size of Olympia.

Sui clawed at us creating a dimensional crack which I countered with my slash then Kal'tsit fired the Orbital Minigun creating a tremendous earthquake while Mon3tr retreated because the wound was too fatal for it.

Sui takes every bullet and then spits fire which destroys the Orbital minigun but I take this opportunity to jump on top of Sui's head and perform a helmet breaker.

Sui held the boo but his hand was immediately cut off and the boo cut off the horns and part of Sui's body, Sui retreated then regenerated again where he was getting angry, he charged the energy in his neck while me and Kal'tsit nodded.

Kal'tsit used Berserk medicine then I used Celestial Kaiju form. Kal'tsit's full potential activated where she became a living embodiment of Artificial human, no limitation whatsoever. she can adapt to everything and learn by anything.

Her body glowed white as bright as light, her eyes emitted green flames and her hair became longer until it exceeded her legs and fluttered like alive then her whole body gave off a green pulse making it like artificial blood pulsing on her skin.

I injected a trinity blast into my mouth making the same sound as the Halo Array, Kal'tsit saw that and imitated it but the fire was different, Cosmic fire from Celestial Regalia, Originium Fire from her body, and Her own Green Originium flame from her blood.

"ahahahaah, Monster, you are indeed my disciple. prepare to die" Sui blasted out his fire then we also equally blasted out these three energies together, this collision created a catastrophe where the Terra shook and even the dome in the sky gradually cracked and cracked by the residual effects of our energy attacks.

A cosmic catastrophe which makes this plain start to shake while both of us are still shooting this energy then Kal'tsit seems to be unable to withstand cosmic radiation, I charge the energy in my mouth then activate it.

From the sky a loud boom was heard, down a pillar of light that hit Sui and our energy explosion appeared, creating a wave of apocalypse destroying the chamber of heaven design, Yumen, All region and plain in the range of 50 Km away from our position where this attack made a giant half-cloud that was very large filled the Terra terror sky this time, a lot of lightning and even fire, wind and earthquakes occurred everywhere due to this effect.

The explosion stopped and on the battlefield where I was badly injured and so was Kal'tsit, Sui was also equally badly injured. I stood up and so did Kal'tsit, we approached Sui who was already dying from both of our attacks, Sui looked at us for the last time before we drove the Boo into his chest.

"Im proud both of you. You surpass me, I leave this world to you and beware of the above and under the Sea" We nodded and we stabbed Sui's chest with Boo then Sui's power exploded making shock waves spread again throughout this place then we both fell down looking at the Terra sky that cracked like glass.

[Celestial Regalia destroyed]

well, another work for the future.

"we did it"


"How does it feel to kill a god?"

"I don't know but it feels so thrilling, so exciting, so sensational especially fighting with you makes me want to be even more equal to you. Thanks for the Berserker medicine, I didn't know my potential was like that"

"ahahahaha, you can't imitate me. try to match me in bed"

"Why are you always thinking about sex at times like this ?"

"let me give you better question about your body condition" Kal'tsit looked at her naked body, it couldn't be helped, my Celestial Regalia was destroyed, we practically nude.

"ah i see, now what ?"

"Witch king remnant, Bolivar Beast Alteration device, South Demon, North Demon, Seaborn, Lost City, Cradle of Civilization in abyss, Fake moon, Beast under Kazdel, And being beyond those cracked sky" Kal'tsit looked at the sky cracked by our battle.

"What happens if we break that sky ? Do you realize we are close in Black hole ?"

"I know, that artificial black hole, a wormhole to be exact to a different universe"

"What ?"

"Yes, that artificial Black Hole, I can't communicate with it, someone, no, A Being outside this universe put it there, and fun fact there is bigger planet in our solar system has civilization like us, they dealing same problem without Seaborn, Demon, Feranmut rather Corruption an supernatural catastrophe and inorganic threat like living sentient robot"

"why you don't tell me about that?"

"Next time we go there as visitor but now lets deal our world problem first, that crack in the sky gonna make Terra people will be aware"

"Sigh that crack gonna make world in uproar, including Rhine labs"

"Control observe it from her office, The sky can get breached but she forget, that Dome is not simple dome, only cosmic power able to break it while she doesn't have cosmic tool to break that"

"I see, now what ?"

"I don't know, you tell me"

"remember old time when we hug each other under the three watching over star"

"yes, i do, I'm glad you there with me"

"Memorabilia" a big rock appeared then I leaned kal'tsit as well as myself on this rock, We covered our bodies with my torn clothes.

"Can you bring me in another universe Valtor ?"

"I wish I could Kal'tsit, but universe law makes you bound here"

"yes, im not a real being in here Valtor, so i same like you, Artificial, created not natural. bring my existence with you and create me again in another universe" I smiled at her, she now know how to bypass the law, literally artificial existence not bound by the world because they were created as anomaly not naturally.

"You figure it out how to bypass dimensional law, you artificial so I can bring you but the other will be sad"

"I know, I told them already. Only me you can bring to that wall and they are sad, so do i" Kal'tsit cried loudly because of this news.

"It's not fair Valtor, I can go with you while others can't. i told them how my physiology work and that make them even more sad, how i'm not a human in the first place or even natural being, im just scientific breakthrough of past civilization Valtor, im just a tool, hiks, im just a tool after the truth you gave me before i realize, im not free as human in here, im bound by programming from priestess race, and she also one of the people who create me, i ask her to delete my programming she did, but it never enough, im still a tool, the guilt over how many millennia i live and it haunt me every day" i hug kal'tsit so tight and she keep crying over it, once your creation gain sentient, they will ask everything but they cannot abandoned their programming or the creator order, even how "failed" or "Success" their creation was, that is why i choose you Kal'tsit, i try humanize you yet somehow, knowing how bad human are, you broke.

"No, You still Kal'tsit a human Feline, not AMa 10 or any experimental subject. i never treat you a tool, i treat you like my partner, a human partner with feline feature, perhaps our diversity create unity, is not about who we are but what are we. Who are you ? Kal'tsit, Artificial Manufacture android Type 10. that is the truth but never run from it, accept it even how bad that was. what are you ? A human, a human feline that accept who are you before, and embrace it then make sure your past is reminder for you to move forward as what are you today to future. What are you before ? Experiment subject, What are you now ? Dr Kal'tsit From Pharmaceutical company Rhodes Island, De Facto of Leader in Rhodes Island, Valtor Ismael Partner. See ? the question is simple the answer is varies, its all about choice, and you choose what are you now not who are you" Kal'tsit turn around then hug me tightly, so tight that i can feel this hug is genuine hug she want me to accept, yet i accept it with open arm.

"that is why i love you Valtor, you always approach problem with simple question with most simple answer but your action is opposite of you"

"at least a balance, i can be reasonable as i spoke but unreasonable when act" Kal'tsit giggle a little then let a sigh, she look at my face and we kissed for a moment, not horny kiss, it's affection kiss.

"Valtor, i wish this moment never end"

"i can stop time though and enjoy this moment to eternity" Kal'tsit pinched my thigh and I giggled because that is good idea from my perspective but she don't like world freeze while we move except when in sex, she become a wild horny cat.

"How about another date in Valentine ? maybe in nice place in Yan or Lungmen ?" I thought for a moment, a place good for date ? Simple Columbia.

"Columbia is good place, watching movie together like a couple right ?" Kal'tsit giggle and hug me tightly.

"But the movie is bland"

"who say we gonna see Columbia Movie ? nah, we see the movie from other world. i will rent entire Cinema for both of us alone"

"Duke behavior still rubbing you off, Valtor"

"Hey, hey, hey, My Partner ask me a Date. Obviously, you happy im happy, good date right ?"

"sigh, i can't argue with that" we almost kiss again but uninvited hand split our lovely moment with grab of anger and envy obviously.

"hey, hey, make out on this beautiful night after the mess you made ?" We both sighed then we were scolded by Theresa.

Yep worth it. Even though we had to repair the damage, we did it casually, Kal'tsit set up the design while I built it with the Celestial workshop, I grabbed the sun in the sky then the sun disappeared in the sky, there was complete darkness on Terra then placed it in this Celestial furnace, I then began to forge iron here with the essence of the sun.

In Chinese mythology or logically, the Sun symbolizes Yang while the Poltergeist or Ghost symbolizes Yin, so what happens if most Yang energy, especially for the North demon? Vaporize into ashes, Simple as that, This Great wall of Yan will be a Golden sun plate that neutralizes the existence of the North demon up to a radius of 20 KM, the closer the North Demon is to this wall, the hotter they feel.

After giving enough attributes it was time to start forging with my Celestial Kaiju form, my body became a giant that almost touched this dome then I started forging continuously and started installing it like a Lego Set, after arranging this wall enough then I gave an artistic touch to each wall then upgraded it to unbreakable Defense then made Yumen return to its original form then then finally this dome, I folded my hands for a moment then thought, My body is rotating in the air like gravity has no effect on me.

I spit into this dome then the first layer of the dome was broken, every shard of glass dome I collected then I melted in this solar fire then blew the dome, wiping the dome clean where the stars out there can be observed.

"For now on this fake sky is no longer fake, There is glass separating this sky and those spaces" I knocked on this dome and heard the sound of glass being knocked there.

"Two way glass, Outside there can't observe us while we can observe out there. See behind me" I shifted then a black hole existence appeared as large as 7000 times the size of the planet and various technologies were left in space there where I glanced at them.

"The distance between the black hole and our galaxy is about 5 thousand light years, the estimation of our galaxy will be destroyed by the black hole in 40 to 50 years, more accurately 47 years 2 months 4 days 12 hours 45 minutes 13 seconds. If you are curious, the black hole is artificial not a natural black hole from celestial Order or Space phenomena. if you are worried about the black hole, Remember in 10 years at the least or 5 years at the earliest, we will enter the name Galaxy Fare, We explore the universe rather than stuck in this god forsaken planet and settle in different planets. Join Rhodes Island ! definitely not shady pharmaceutical company that has space ship as Headquarter, A literal gigantic monster as professional doctor and many our discovery also science breakthrough every impossibility by Terra current civilization, We want you ! to Join us. Contact related in our branch office supervised by Dr. Kal'tsit, Rhodes Island Leader Amiya, Our humble Technician and Researcher Priestess and our moral support Your majesty Theresa. This is not marketing approach or advertisement, Totally not self interest or anything backhanded business, Definitely not a political move also" Kal'tsit shot me in the head from below but I dodged the attack then stare at her.

"Shut up, return back that Sun" I raise my shoulders and return the sun by placing it where it should be, the iron shines brightly due to the reflection of the sun then destroys the North Demon that is close to our position.

[ + 354,023,489,100,749,754,894,592,537,858,756,287,353,655,872,587,636,550,919,809,016,341,904,321,940,381,749 Orbs Gained]

"Hello. God, can you save Sui soul and Sui Absorbed power for future ?"

"Of course, I seal them in your system and Boo"

[Sui Soul power saved in your soul Shard]

[Sui Divine power sealed in your blade]

"Thank you" I then returned to Yan to take care of matters especially the so-called Secret meeting which was attended by Representatives from every country except Iberia, Bolivar, Aegir.

This meeting discussed the first issue of the Witch King where the Leithanein representative who happened to be the Witch King Remnant member but he not upper echelon on the Remnant, Sad. I sent telepathy to everyone present here to be quite and listen it.

"So, how is the progress of Witch king revival ?"

"Ah, you are interested about our king ?"

"Well, before he became that, I and Dr. Kal'tsit are a researcher and enthusiast of Art, Witch king gave the draft, Dr. Kal'tsit improvised it, I corrected it and he became the greatest caster ever existed" Representative Leithanein saluted like a German gentlemen with stand salute.

"If you are Witch King's benefactor then I am honored to meet you"

"Easy there, report to me your plan, I might as well take part in it" The representative explained their plan from inch to inch to who was involved and all the trouble they made in Leithanein making himself unaware of being swayed by my demon mouth, while I grinned big at his stupidity.

After he finished explaining Remnant's plan to us I applauded him three times and then he stood like a statue.

"Thank you. for now what we discuss here will not affect the resurrection of Witch king, so let's continue. you can sit sit back Leithanein delegation" He sat down while I got elbowed by Kal'tsit.

"You guess or knew since beginning"

"Blame him making obvious, he had no interest in this world problem rather resurrecting a death king, cultist is the main problem in Leithanein. Continue the meeting" Then we discussed the Beast Gate Report under Kazdel which I explained was a Giant, not a Giant perhaps like a Titan, currently in slumber but we should never bother it as it belong to its jail.

Sarkaz Royal court has made various barriers for the door to never be opened, and Sarkaz will be the Guardian of the Gate before that Threat as i name it "Ma'juj Gate" A Gigantic Gate that dwell a monster from the past, enemy in dormant.

Then the problem in Ursus because of Originite abuse which can be said to be a mutated Originium version that is dangerous to use to living subjects, Some of Noble smuggling that and sending it to Bolivar under Fyodor's nose.

I made a schematic of how Originite works if used in a Living being, Originite's capabilities can enhance individual capabilities but the caster will lose control over time, and enhance individual physique but it is random because Originite enhances something that person lacks, for example, The subject is superior in agility and Originite will enhance the Subject Strength to equal to its agility vice versa. if subject lacks Art manipulation The Originite will maximize Art manipulation of that being.

"That is dangerous, you create biological organism weapon" Kazimierz representative say his opinion but i know he just find an interest over this meeting, He A KGCC aristocrat.

"yes and im sorry for that. my intent is not using that as Weapon, rather for unlimited energy but human creativity and greed is endless count that as unexpected integral, After Duke Kaschey death many researcher took the blueprint and use for their interest, use it as source of money, Bolivar is the answer for that. if power think a place that suitable of that, i see Iberia because their problem to Seaborn"

"you hiding something"

"excuse you ?"

"I know from your achievement and many more gossip around you especially your genius intellect and perhaps you millennia worth living. Tell us under the sea"

"you sure why not. even Aegir didn't know this" they agreed and I told them what is under the sea, Cradle civilization that buried under deep down of the sea and apex beast on the abyss, not a Seaborn or firstborn.

A Most Advance City like Atlantis in past civilization buried by catastrophe of Flood byproduct of this beast arrival. but because existence of Originium, this beast can't fight it and decide to dormant, using a Hive Mind manipulating capability, It taking Aegir Race to migrate to the sea, creating most arrogant and advance civilization ever exist because last inheritance of that very city. Aegir not aware, they just a pawn for a literal monster who waiting of all Terra doom

Everyone whispered and wrote notes about this monster, I glanced at Kal'tsit who was actually confuse, this monster is never heard off.

"Are this Disaster from Sky ?"

"Yes, Firstborn is like Homunculi, an artificial species from Civilization Atlantis lets called that place Atlantis. A artificial being created from Ancient Civilization but after the Arrival of this beast, they thwarted this Artificial Species purpose to preservation species with purpose assimilate all being from this beast havoc and nourish the planet, because they can't fight the Beast with their technology, i dont know the full reason until i go to Aegir again but destiny say otherwise, Originium is fatal to the beast and make it dormant under deep of the sea, Seaborn nest is above those beast body. We must warn Aegir people to stop they arrogance and listen. more deeper they go, more deep we will drown, if that beast capable buried 60% Land in this planet perhaps ancient civilization more brutal environment than our"

"wait, wait, wait. lets put aside Aegir problem of Seaborn fight. how do you know all of that, more specifically all that information" Columbia Representative stand up and look at me with slightly discomfort.

"Terra, the planet itself tells me. i had Talent called Omni-lingual, i understand and able to talk to anything, from aspect to universe as whole. Sometime i try to be ignorant because the burden knowing too much is stressful, consider that please"

"i see, im sorry to hear that" I laughed and looked at everyone with ease

"its okay, at least you got information"

"What we gonna do now ?"

"I suggest we should deal the problem about infected right, as they treated as second class people, i will provide the cure of Oriphaty from Rhodes Island. as the cure already distributed, can you agree to treat infected as normal people ?" everyone whisper but Kal'tsit grab my hand and look at me with face, dont forget count me in. i nod to her and watch over everyone in here. everyone nod and Ursus Representative stand up.

"Doctor, As representative of Ursus, your proposal will be treated as world Law" i surprised to hear that, each one representative stood up together in unison then speak this word.

"Doctor, As representative of Yan, your proposal will be treated as world Law"

"Doctor, As representative of Laterano, your proposal will be treated as world Law"

"Doctor, As representative of Victoria, your proposal will be treated as world Law"

"Doctor, As representative of Tara, your proposal will be treated as world Law"

"Doctor, As representative of Columbia, your proposal will be treated as world Law" this is beautiful, everyone want treat equal not as disease or sick person, they living being and had the right to live, everyone here also know the pain as infected but they had enough of the injustice, my word my speak move people, perhaps this is Protagonist plot power.

i bow down a little to show gratitude to each of them, i stood up high and smile

"Thank you, I will work harder to find the cure"

"Take your time Doctor, we will put faith on you to help us, you already provide us with Oripathy suppressor even it take long time, we believe you will bring us the cure for the infected and non-infected as we can get equal standing in society" Wise word, at last a wise word coming from person who not an infected but know the condition of infected.

"Very well, thank you" Everyone create a treaty, a World Law that after my distribution of the Cure, Everyone in the world must obey it.

First rule is Right of Infected people to get right live in world as part of Human Race as whole

Second rule is Equality of Infected to get equal treatment in society as non-infected people.

Third rule is Proportion Justice that Infected has law right and justice in any instance to any situation.

Fourth rule is Human right to get right life as human, treated as human, and get loved as human.

Fifth rule is honor to be respected as human and individual as whole.

That five rule accepted and i foresaw the future that this rule will be acknowledge as Geneva Rule, Abbreviation Generation Valtor, Geneva. i almost laugh my ass off.

"Generation Valtor" I Held my laugh by squatting and Kal'tsit also held her laugh how funny the name was, not truly funny though but Kal'tsit figure it out Abbreviation of Geneva.

Meeting finish but somehow we return with laughter, i and Kal'tsit return to space ship with giggling in the way.

"Sigh, enough. you make me make want to pee"

"Yeah, See you tomorrow okay"

"Okay, i'll be waiting" Kal'tsit while humming Six Theme, meanwhile i return to my office with mountain full of paperwork.

"sigh, this is why i hate paperwork"

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