
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Video Games
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161 Chs


We stopped at Sargon Tribe to do some supplying especially the Priestess who's currently giving me some information regarding Demons.

"Do you have a reason for just the two of us to go there ?" I use the resident evil Wesker clothes with glasses and resupply our box.

"I can't sit around doing nothing, I need to fix it now, I need your help to banish those demons" I thought that for a moment, my plan isn't to banish demons but to enslave them.

The ability of psychic space time manipulation is very good, as the main reward I got that is, Ghost Army.

"I agree to help but promise me Priestess, Dont die"

"Why you sound like your time has come"

"yes, you are the last human in this world. i know your race before creating many mistakes that need to be fixed because originium, Kal'tsit is your best product and making everyone try it out but that is also the one making the downfall, i fear someday my creation will get inspiration for any lunatic out there, it will repeat the history" priestess came to me and gripped my hand.

"You too are Human, Valtor" I saw Priestess smiling then I stroked her hand.

"That's true but I am a human from another world, the Demon and the monster in the abyss are also from another world, they destroy and I build i can't keep up if they pinch me from many side"

"Don't be like that Valtor, I know the burden you carry for you alone, I know that and that's why I will carry the same burden. Indeed we brought the Demon here and I as the last human in the world will banish them, you could use me as a sacrifice" I immediately covered Priestess mouth with my hand.

"Don't say sacrifice, as long as someone is in my custody, I will not let them sacrifice even one drop of blood. never, never let that happen" I removed my hand from Priestess, Priestess smiled then asked for a kiss. we kissed for a moment then I immediately did one last thing.

We were about to enter the Demon's lair, we needed a catalyst for nullify demon corruption so Priestess and I had to experiment with the Shard I took from North Thundra and Seaborn muchus.

We experimented in Accel World, the priestess and I exchanged opinions and ways to make this Shard can counter Demon power to us, then I got a brilliant idea especially in terms of taking care of wicked spirits, after taking references from my previous fights and heavenly chamber design, I made a pendant that literally counters demons, then I made a weapon that counters Demonic Entity, A Holy Weapon.

I gave the Priestess a magnum type pistol with the unique modification of Holy essence while I was a Promethean Blade which was enough for me.

We both nodded and went to that place, the place where I found a tunnel buried in the sand dune, a hidden tunnel connecting Lost City with Sargon but the tunnel was perfectly buried only I knew how to find it.

We arrived at the sand dune that I had marked long ago, I dug for a moment and found a red cloth inside the dune.

"We're here, back off" Priestess backed off and I used Bio Metal convergence to activate this hidden gate.

The giant gate opens, sucking up all the sand on top of it to reveal an enormous hallway.

"Let me remind you once again, are you sure ?" The Priestess took out her communication device and smashed it before my eyes.

"Is this enough ? Whatever happens to the two of us in there, they have nothing to worry about" I don't know what's going through the Priestess' head but I'm sure she's determined to end the terror of the demons.

I took out my communication device and destroyed it too, the priestess smiled and nodded then we went to the dark of the abyss under the tunnel of demon with many sand hissing in there.

The gate closed and a catastrophe sandstorm blocked our exit on the other hand there was panic in Rhodes Island, two of their members resigned not resigning but going into dangerous expedition with no return.


"Calm down Dr. Kal'tsit"


"But Kal'tsit, why don't you trust Priestess? I mean" Kal'tsit glared at Closure with an extremely annoyed look, while Closure noticed that and shut up.

"Trust her ? I admit, I do trust her capability as a researcher, but she is not someone who can fix Past civilization threat. she can help but she shouldn't do the job, Only valtor"

"Why always Him, Why you trust him so much that neglect all reasoning and other opinions"

"Let me give you a simple question as Valtor always says, if I had everything what i'm going to do about it ?" everyone was silent hearing that.

"Do you have the courage to fight demons ? Don't go far, Abyssal Hunter like Skadi is already considered a monster because of her assimilation with Seaborn and then to make matters worse, Firstborn Ishar-mla assimilates with her that one day when she returns to the sea, a great flood will come to silence all of us. she fear something inside her hurt her friend in here yet he treats her like a normal Ægir girl, even though she is a ticking bomb" Kal'tsit was irritated and continued to be irritated until Kal'tsit lost consciousness and fell down.

"DR KAL'TSIT" Medic came to check and they sighed with relief.

"Dr. Kal'tsit only has severe stress, her body can't withstand the mental pressure she received, rest for 3 to 4 days she will recover but not completely" Amiya panicked because she will be the leader in 4 days until Kal'tsit wakes up.

"Amiya, let me become de facto, I will subtitue kal'tsit's position until she awakes, cheer up, never let this stress make you burn out" They went back to work normally while we were in this giant hallway which was a huge railroad tunnel. only the locomotive wasn't there as far as our eyes could see.

"I will activate this facility" I touched the wall of this hallway and activated it forcefully using Bio-Metal power.

The entire Hallway was activated and from afar we heard the sound of the locomotive activating coming towards us, the Priestess was impressed with the efficiency of my power.

"If you were back in the days when we were still glorious, this problem would have been easily solved Valtor"

"Indeed, but it doesn't help anything because of humanity's own arrogance, Priestess"

"Valtor, I hate the name priestess, im not a priestess in religion believe. Give me a new name"

"You want abandoned your original name ?"

"Let the name be buried in the canal of history valtor, you created me with your own rib. as you my own creator"

"Wrong, I never created you. I fixed you as new as the original but if you wish a new name, Carmen Angela. how does that sound ?"

"Carmen Angela ? I like it. thank you Valtor"

"Yes Angela" Priestess gasped then looked at me shyly.

"Can you call me again ?"

"Dr. Carmen, Angela, Carmen Angela"

"No, that one"



"Stop flirting please, we have work to do" Angela giggled and elbowed me to tease me, I just amused by our jokes until this locomotive came, I glanced at Angela and Angela knew what I meant, we took out our weapons and prepared.

The locomotive stopped in front of us and we saw the South Demon, Angela shot the North demon to death and left the Demon shard on the locomotive platform, I nodded and climbed into the locomotive to check inside the locomotive.

This locomotive is sophisticated but only the head while the carriages are not there, I have scanned this hallway that at the end there is the entrance to Lost City closed railroad cars.

"All clear" Angela got on and we sat in the driver's seat, I operated the locomotive and it ran backwards.

So this is the thrill of driving a train, I just need a railroad driver's license and a jet fighter license, am I going to apply to be a marine ? Ah so I want to participate in the world war in modern time, eh I didn't participate in the three emperor war? I forgot.

"Do you have any other goals Valtor, since we can enjoy this trip at a leisurely pace ?" I looked at Angela who was sitting in the seat near the exit while I was sitting in the driver's seat.

"In context ?"

"When you retire"

"hmmmm, if I retire then I'll go to another world"

"take me"

"What ?"

"I heard from kal'tsit, only kal'tsit can be taken by you out of this universe because she is artificial being not born by natural means. As for me, literally the part of me that is my mind and will has been inputted into the AI program and then you gave me a new body, so you can say that I am also an artificial being. You can take me with you to other worlds" I don't know why I'm so indecisive and doubtful, is this the worry I've been getting since before.

I thought seriously, seeing two women wanting them to come with me to another universe is normal because I have a harem of EX Skills, Sorry shirou, im not ntr kinda guy. i love widows ans old virgin ehem.

But there are things I need to underline here. New Game Rule, New Character creation during creation, if I go to another world analogize the new game with the character that is me, automatically Kal'tsit and Angela are new characters from that world.

I'm afraid that they will lose the originality of this world so I will negotiate with God even if I have to reset everything.

"Are you sure ?"

"The only human here is you valtor, if you go, I will be lonely, do you know loneliness can make sane person become insane"

"I can't argue with that, Muelsyse and Ho'olheyak are also the last race on the planet"

"Yes, I know their pain yet I'm glad that you as the last human prevail and make the world better place"

"But there are also humans in other planets"

"Them ? They're not a human, after knowing our advancement about Originium research, they abandoned us here stuck with any extraterrestrial entity and endless catastrophe" Priestess started to get angry and I could see her emotions peaking.

"Stop, calm down"

"I CAN'T CALM DOWN, THEY NEGLECT US AND LEAVE US TO OUR DOOM, THEY TAKE EVERYTHING YET WE GET NOTHING, THIS CITY WE GONNA VISIT IS MOST PROSPEROUS CITY BEFORE THAT WE HAD MANY ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY THERE THAT....." Angela realized her emotions were taking over, I just looked at her normally then shook my head for her to remain calm and patient.

"Im sorry, you are not the one should be blamed"

"I know you created Kal'tsit as the biggest achievement of Living Artificial being but also get blamed by them after what happened after that, I know the pain as scientist to seek advancement of research and contradiction of human empathy and sympathy. just like originite prime i create before, i want use it as renewable energy and harmless yet someone other than me use it to living being and become something i do not wish for, i understand that Angela, i know your guilt, i understand that. i also have that before, the guilt also haunt me until this day and i swear even i become monster to fix my problem and mistake, so be it. I will gladly take that"

"NO, YOU CANT TAKE EVERYTHING FOR YOURSELF. LET ME SHARE THE BURDEN....." I shook my head and walked over to Angela and hugged her tightly.

"no, you can't handle the burden"

"WHY! WHY! WHY WHY!" I gripped Angela's cheeks firmly and glared at her.

"Listen to me. Listen to me. Listen to me. Listen to me, Listen to me Angela. Do you listen to me ?" Angela nodded and just as she was about to speak I covered her mouth with my finger.

"I don't want you to feel sorry for yourself like a loser here, We are only human, we do what we can do, we know our limits and our capability as human, You must know that. Dont compare to me or want to share my burden, We already have so much responsibility in our hand dont add more, stop, dont add more, Finish what we can finish before adding more. Today we must finish the South Demon Problem, Don't let this sharing is caring become something hinder our purpose, Understand ?" Angela nodded and I removed my hand from her face, the locomotive stopped and shut down, I stood up and got ready.

"Valtor" I turned to see Angela who wanted to hold my hand, I took it and we walked to the lost city, the city buried under the sand.

3 hours later, Olympia arrived at the last signal of our communication device, they saw a huge gate that was very sophisticated and tried to open it technologically.

"It's impossible to open, something is blocking me from accessing it" Closure reported to Amiya, Amiya looked at the gate worriedly while Kal'tsit was still unconscious and everyone was also waiting for something until the sound of connection was heard.


"DOCTOR!" Closure immediately tracked down the connection and everyone was happy.

"Closure, here. hello, Hello! Shit!" Closure went back to messing with the communication machine.

"Anyone.....There?" The connection immediately lost and then there a loud radio static and then a creepy roar.

"Shut it down, shut it down !" Closure shut down the device and destroyed it.

" Thank goodness, thank goodness. That's not doctor... that is" Closure pointed behind them where there was a sandstorm that had eyes looking at them sharply.

"Dont move, Stare at it, dont move" Ho'olheyak commanded and the sandstorm moved away into the dome.

"We must get out of here before Zhayedan Sargon's army comes"

"What is that ?"

"South Demon, Currently it is trapped in that dome, Khagan and Darling created that Dome to prevent them out, They can detect us by moving sand, that is why never move when they are nearby"

"It is known, now we must go away before something bad happens, We must retreat to a safe place"

"Fame absorption ?"

"Yes, Darling already figured it out before. The more they known the stronger their psychic power was. its like ghost, possesing a thing. Oripathy destroying our body, Seaborn destroying our mind, Demon destroying our soul leaving our body and mind an empty husk. Now we must retreat and wait until the boss wakes up we can't risk it, lets go" They left from the border of Foehn Hotland while from afar at the far end of Foehn Hotland a magnificent city buried by sand, A city that was once the most advanced city that was now buried in the desert, in a place where there were guns and Demon screams everywhere.

Angela and I fought without stopping for 3 hours straight, if I had used Abyssal dominance it would have drawn something.

Poltergeist king, A new variant. The former Poltergeist king was already dead before by the sigh of king Light power, now the new variant has 4 times the power of the past, you could say this is already dangerous.

Flame demon Timeline has said to me, the only way to kill demons is nuclear power, but nukes are not the size of cities but Supernovae but Continent size level.

"There is hidden facility in this city. Use that to wipe out the south demon. I used that but I lost myself as well, Remember that thing is last contigency, Dont waste it" that was the message given to me from Flame Demon Variant of me, now I have to find the Facility especially with the pressure from the south demon and angela making me unable to focus on multitasking.

"We retreat, now" I used Divine blast to make all the demons run away, me and angela ran away from here, as I turned Angela fell in quicksand but I came in time and caught her.

"Hang on" I pulled Angela from the quicksand but I saw something strange from the quicksand, I blew it away and found a door to the building.

"You're fat, Aaw" I was hit by angela and we entered the facility casually, we searched and fought here even though we had to play hide and seek with them.

Later that night, Angela rested in this room that we made into a temporary camp, I stood guard and Angela slept comfortably.

I'm still thinking about what Angela said earlier, Angela wants to bear the burden I have, to be honest I have no burden at all because I don't really think about it or take care of it, I do whatever I can do as much as I can and whatever effort I can do even though I have to improvise a little in the middle of the activity but I'm sure and have a guideline, If I always know everything then what's the point ? Therefore I have to know when and what I'm doing.

I then slept on the chair with my head resting on the table.



"VALTOR" I woke up and saw Angela vanished, I panicked and searched for her until I found Angela standing at the end of the room facing the wall. I used my power and this whole reality shattered and the real me woke up to see the Demon penetrating our defenses, Angela. Possessed.

"STAY AWAY!" I let out a gigantic demonic bloodlust, making all demons in a 30 KM radius instantly killed without remaining, I caught Angela who fell and carried her, I saw that her body was contaminated, Angela took off the pendant I told her never to take it off. I cried and regretted, I lost someone under my watch again.

"Carmen, wake up" I woke Angela up but there was no response, its just cold body of someone already dead. I almost lost myself if she didn't move her hand to me.

"Im sorry Valtor, looks like i didn't listen to you"

"dont be sorry, Angela. Be better" I took a medicine that I have been keeping for a long time a medicine that I have developed to overcome North Demon power but can this medicine be used for South demon? I don't know but I have to try.

I injected this medicine and Angela's body returned but she was in a coma, I had to speed up her recovery with my power. I could practically absorb the South Demon essence but there was something I had to sacrifice in this situation.

"God, Deactive my system and let me take Demon corruption by myself"

[System deactivated]

I transfused the south demon essence and I can feel the tremendous pressure of the Demon's influence but with my experience of 800 billion years in hell, this is nothing.

It's just that my body has transformed into something I don't want, my skin has turned dark black and only my eyes are visible which are 6 in number, I try to control the south demon power and I change it according to my will.

"Demon power is opposite of Angel, not about accepting, it is about rebelling. The stronger the power is, the more arrogant and untameable that power is, you need to be more arrogant than the power itself to gain another breakthrough of true demonic power" That is Satan's advice to me in hell, Is not about accepting, Its about rebelling to the power that we are stronger than it.

My body was shrouded in dark smoke that made the room shake then I roared loudly making all the glass shattered all the furniture shattered and everything beside us shattered but I swiftly protected Angela.

I threw away all the debris of this building and moved away, my body is arguably the form of prime evil Diablo but bulkier than him possessing his daugther.

"Ummm" Angela wakes up and sees me carrying her in a princess carry.

"Im glad you awake" My voice is so creepy but Angela not scared but sad.

"Am I ?"

"Yes, You get possessed by them. i transfer all of their corruption to me. with this power of Demon i have, No demon will get close to us when we asleep. Lets go, We have much time to explore" We went further into the facility but I could feel how guilty Angela was, If she listen to me not to take off the pendant I gave her then this problem would never happened but whatever happened, happened, so there was no other choice.

As we went deeper, we were targeted by something. The Poltergeist King was watching us and I aware of that thing observing us.

You will be my test subject and my ultimate reward

This expedition will be short arc because lack of Reference but i will keep it simple for future plot

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts