
With Bare-Bones

Dying isn't the best, so why not make the most of it? Even if all you have is the Bare-Bones to keep moving forward.

grandsetter · Anime & Comics
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95 Chs

Hiatus Part III

[Word Count: 2412]


Following the marriage proposal on the roof, Ai walked back into her hospital room, her fingers interlocked with Leo's, radiating with happiness. Ichigo followed closely behind, his running-induced sweat still lingering in the air.

As they made their way down the hallway, Gorou, who had been anxiously pacing in the lobby, caught sight of Ai's beaming expression. A wave of relief washed over him, only to be replaced by a sense of unease as he noticed the black-haired man accompanying her.

The stranger emanated an aura of brooding intensity and calloused eyes, contrasting sharply with Ai's joyful demeanor. Gorou couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen this man before, but the memory eluded him.

As they drew closer, Ai's dulled six-pointed starry eyes widened with recognition as she spotted Gorou at the end of the hallway. Her voice carried a mix of warmth and excitement as she greeted him.

"Sensei!" Ai exclaimed, her smile widening. The sound of her voice momentarily eased Gorou's unease.

Gorou mustered a smile in response, though his concern still lingered. "Ai, I'm glad to see you are okay," he said, his voice revealing his relief. "But I have to ask, who's this with you?"

Ai glanced at Leo, her affection for him evident in her gaze. "This is Leo," she introduced, her voice filled with love. "He's the father."

Gorou's heart skipped a beat at the revelation. He struggled to maintain a composed look as his mind raced with disbelief. "This Yakuza-looking motherfucker is the father!?" he thought to himself, a mixture of shock and concern clouding his thoughts.

Leo extended his hand for a handshake. "Leo, I'm a Yaku-" but before he could introduce himself fully, a metallic sound rang through the hallway. Ichigo had punched the back of Leo's arm, unintentionally hitting something metal, causing a ting to echo in the air. Ichigo recoiled, inspecting his hand with a bemused expression.

Undeterred, Leo turned his attention back to Gorou and extended his hand once again. "I'm Leo Tsukumo, Devil Hunter," he clarified.

Gorou's eyes widened at the mention of Leo's profession, a mix of surprise and intrigue coursing through him. "Devil Hunter, huh? Badass," he mused silently, shaking Leo's firm hand.

With a firm handshake, Gorou introduced himself in return. "I'm Gorou Amamiya, Ai's doctor," he said, mirroring Leo's strong grip. The contrast between their occupations and appearances couldn't have been starker.

As their hands parted, Gorou couldn't help but wonder about Leo's initial introduction. What had he been about to say? Yaku? The question lingered in his mind even as they moved on from the subject.


Reentering the hospital room, Gorou broached the subject of the possibility of Ai needing a cesarean surgery. His voice carried a tinge of concern as he explained the potential complications.

"In a case like yours, Ai, a cesarean section may be necessary," he began, his tone measured. "If one of the baby's skulls is larger, it's not uncommon for the pelvis to not open enough, especially given your petite frame."

Ai listened attentively, her eyes focused on Gorou as he spoke.

Ichigo, his worry etched on his face, interjected anxiously. "But a scar on her belly will be troublesome for her career... Doctor, are there no other options?"

Gorou furrowed his brows, deep in thought, considering any alternatives. "There are techniques like painless delivery and Sophrology," he murmured, searching for a solution. "However..."

Before Gorou could finish his thought, Ai interjected confidently, her voice filled with determination. "Whatever's fine, really. I feel super healthy," she declared, dismissing any concerns. "I can handle a natural delivery. After all, they're our children, right? I'm sure they'll be adorable with small faces."

Ichigo's gaze shifted beyond Ai, silently pleading with Leo to object to the idea. Leo, however, simply shrugged, his indifference apparent. "I'm not the one pushing them out, so in the end... It's Ai's decision," he responded matter-of-factly.

Ai's reassurance lingered in the air, her confidence unwavering. "I'll be fine," she affirmed. "Regardless of their appearance, I believe they'll be beautiful. But what do you think they'll look like?" she asked turning to Leo, her curiosity piqued.

Leo looked at Ai with a quizzical expression, his eyebrow slightly raised. "Who knows," he said nonchalantly. "What they look like doesn't matter. With my busy schedule, they'll probably spend more time wondering what I look like."

Leo's attempt at a joke fell flat, met with a groan from Ichigo, and averted eyes from Gorou. However, Ai couldn't help but giggle, finding amusement in Leo's playful remark.


Time seemed to accelerate as days effortlessly melted into weeks. In the blink of an eye, those weeks transformed into months, each passing moment bringing Ai and Leo closer to the anticipated day of their child's arrival.

Throughout this journey, Leo found himself actively involved in the various tasks and preparations required to support Ai during her pregnancy. Some tasks were relatively simple, such as attending Sophrology sessions together. Leo, with his remarkable flexibility and dexterity, effortlessly embraced the practice of yoga.

Yet, it wasn't these activities that posed a challenge for Leo—it was the interactions with others that proved to be more daunting.

In social settings, Leo's braggadocious nature would occasionally come to the forefront. The desire to impress and outshine other expecting families seemed to seize him, causing him to seize every opportunity to showcase his skills and accomplishments. It became a source of both amusement and exasperation for those around him, but Ai, with her understanding and unwavering support, saw past his eccentricities and admired the genuine passion he held.

As the weeks gracefully transitioned into months, the day of the long-awaited delivery drew nearer. Both Ai and Leo diligently prioritized Ai's well-being, ensuring she remained in optimal health for the impending birth of their child. Regular visits to the doctor, carefully monitoring Ai's diet and exercise. Together, they nurtured the bond with their unborn child, cherishing each flutter and kick as a reminder of the beautiful life they had created.


The much-anticipated day had finally arrived, and Ai lay comfortably on the bed, the nurses had prepared everything for her. Excitement bubbled within her, though a hint of nervousness peeked through her cheerful facade. Today was the day, the day she and Leo would finally lay eyes on their precious children. It was a milestone in their journey, a significant step towards fulfilling Ai's lifelong dream of having a loving family. The overwhelming emotions threatened to bring tears to Ai's eyes, a mix of joy, anticipation, and a hint of vulnerability.

Beside her, Leo maintained his characteristic calm demeanor. Whether it was a coping mechanism for the impending event or simply his innate ability to remain composed, only he knew. He held Ai's hand firmly, providing her with a reassuring squeeze, silently offering his support.

"I'm so excited," Ai breathed, her voice filled with happiness and anticipation.

Leo's eyes flickered briefly, betraying a hint of sadness before returning to their usual appearance. He responded with a comforting smile, his grip on Ai's hand giving her a sense of stability.

"Ai..." Leo murmured his voice tender and filled with a mix of emotions. He gestured toward the ceiling, indicating his need for a momentary breather, but spoke the words nonetheless. "I'm going to take a quick break."

Ai nodded, understanding his need to gather himself. "Come back as soon as possible, alright?" she said, her voice brimming with affection.

"You know I will," Leo replied softly, a small smile adorning his face as he released his hold on Ai's hand.

Ai watched as Leo left the room, a pensive look crossing her features. She sensed that there were things he wasn't telling her, but she trusted him and knew he had his reasons. "In due time," she thought, a giggle escaping her lips, appreciating the irony of the situation.

As Leo stepped out into the hallway, he slid the door closed and made his way towards the stairs. Unbeknownst to him, Gorou had been observing his retreat from the door of Ai's room. Once Leo was out of sight behind the stairs, Gorou entered the room, a concerned expression on his face.

"Is everything alright?" Gorou inquired, his gaze shifting between the nurse present and Ai. Both responded with affirmative gestures, their thumbs held high, reassuring him that all was well.

"All good," Ai replied cheerfully, her voice radiating an unwavering optimism that matched her beaming smile. The excitement and anticipation in the room were palpable, casting aside any lingering doubts or worries, as everyone eagerly awaited the next chapter in their journey.




Up on the rooftop, Leo rested his head on his arms, leaning against the safety guard. Gasping for air, each breath felt heavier than the last, as if an invisible weight bore down on his chest. He gazed out into the expanse of trees surrounding the hospital, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.

"So, you've finally realized," a voice echoed in Leo's mind, carrying the rough and dry tone of the Fire Devil. "You've been avoiding it, but now the day of destiny has arrived."

Leo's gaze remained fixed on the treetops as he continued to take deep breaths, attempting to calm his racing heart.

Silence enveloped the rooftop, broken only by the sound of the wind and Leo's labored breaths. His grip on the safety guard tightened, his fist clenching with such force that the metal began to bend.

"A pity," the Fire Devil spoke again, devoid of sympathy. "I'm sure you would have preferred both homunculi to survive, but that's the way the world works, isn't it?"

The reality of the situation weighed heavily on Leo's mind—only one of the twins had survived, while the other was lost, stillborn.

"There is no forever," Yuki's words echoed in Leo's thoughts, adding to the weight of his burden. His breaths remained strained, refusing to ease.

"We will soon fade away..." Leo abruptly struck his chest with a powerful punch, the impact producing an audible crack. Time was against him, and he couldn't afford to waste it in panic when someone was waiting for him. Gritting his teeth, Leo focused on the pain, using it as a means to regain control.

Another forceful strike followed, accompanied by the sickening sound of bones snapping back into place. Leo clenched his jaw, suppressing the trembling, and took a deep breath through his nose. Leaning against the bent safety guard, he peered down below, spotting Gorou leaving the hospital.

It took a moment for Leo to regain control of his breath. With an exhale that carried a slight shudder, he observed Gorou once again, this time chasing someone wearing a gray hoodie into the woods. Confusion furrowed Leo's brow, questioning why Gorou would engage in a game of tag at such a late hour.

Rubbing his face to collect his thoughts, Leo felt the ribs in his chest align with a soft crack, courtesy of the Healthcare Devil's assistance. He straightened himself, resolving to deal with his own troubles later. Descending the stairs, he made his way back downstairs, back to Ai. She was the one who needed him now, and he would face his own inner demons in due time.


Reaching for the door to Ai's room, Leo took a deep breath, preparing himself for the moment that lay ahead. With a determined stride, he entered the room and made his way toward Ai, who was gently caressing her stomach with a mix of excitement and nervousness in her eyes.

As the minutes ticked by, the anticipation built, and Gorou was noticeably absent. A backup doctor stepped up, ready to oversee the delivery, ensuring that everything went smoothly.

At that moment, as they awaited the arrival of their child, Leo's mind briefly wandered back to the rooftop, to the weight he carried within him. But he pushed those thoughts aside, focusing solely on the present, on Ai and the life they were about to bring into the world.

Ai tightened her grip on Leo's hand, seeking comfort and support. He squeezed back, silently assuring her that he was by her side, no matter what lay ahead. The room filled with a mix of tension and determination, the air heavy with anticipation.

With the doctor's instructions to push, Ai gave it her all, fueled by a mother's love and the sheer will to bring their child into the world. Leo stood by her side, his eyes locked on her.

The doctor's words resonated through the room, the sound of a baby crying piercing the air. "It's a girl," they announced.

As Ai continued to push, Leo's emotions threatened to overwhelm him. Leo softly squeezed Ai's hand, but there wasn't any comfort to be found, he knew what was coming and his heart yearned for a different outcome, if not for him, for Ai.

The weight of his own fears and the uncertainty of the future pressed upon him, but he held himself together, determined to be a pillar of strength for Ai.

Then, the moment of truth arrived. The doctor's voice filled the room, a mix of hope and tension. "I can see the head, just a bit more." Leo's heart clenched, his gaze fixed on Ai. Whatever emotions threatened to spill were quickly bottled up. Now just wasn't the time to sink into despair, he doubted that time would ever come.

Leo saw the worst outcome, the Devil's in his body saw the worst outcome. Now it was time to see it what was predicted.

Leo saw as the doctor gently cradled the final baby, a boy, but it didn't move, it didn't cry, and a somber silence filled the room.

From the emotionless mask Leo put on, he saw the sadness in the doctor's eyes before they handed the baby to Ai to hold.

Tragedy tended to outweigh bliss, today seemed like no exception...







Then, in a miraculous turn of events, the silence was shattered by the sound of the baby boy's cries. He was alive. Their son was alive.

A surge of overwhelming emotions flooded through Leo, breaking through the facade he had carefully built. Tears streamed down his face as he watched Ai cradle their two precious children in her arms, a smile gracing her lips.

"We did it," Ai whispered, her voice filled with awe and joy, as she marveled at the new lives they had brought into the world.

Leo tried to hold it together, he truly did, but it was no use. His bottled emotions got the better of him. Tears freely poured down his face, tears mixed with bittersweet happiness.

Leo walked down a path of uncertainty, no one was allowed to know where he was headed, no one but himself, by himself.

But today... today he would help guide the next generation.
