
With Bare-Bones

Dying isn't the best, so why not make the most of it? Even if all you have is the Bare-Bones to keep moving forward.

grandsetter · Anime & Comics
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95 Chs

Hiatus Part II

[Word Count: 3027]


Walking through the hushed and dimly lit corridor of the hospital, Gorou, an average-looking man with dark hair and square-rimmed glasses, made his way toward the first room down the hall. Concern weighed heavily on his mind as he thought about Ai's well-being after hearing about her hiatus and hoped for her recovery and comeback.

As he approached the door, Gorou noticed a tall figure standing near the tinted window, their features concealed by a hoodie and matching sweats. The person seemed lost in their own thoughts, staring intently through the window. Although Gorou couldn't see their face clearly, he noticed a faint smile playing on their lips.

A sense of unease tingled within Gorou, his instincts warning him that something was amiss. But as a doctor, he knew it was his duty to address any potential threat to his patient. Summoning his courage, he mustered the strength to approach the hooded individual.

"Um, excuse me," Gorou spoke up, his voice betraying a hint of anxiety as he stood beside the hooded person. Though their face was hidden, a strand of their blond hair peeked out from the hoodie.

"Can I help you?" Gorou asked, attempting to maintain composure as he met the gaze of the mysterious figure.

The person glanced at Gorou but remained silent, their hand slowly emerging from the pocket of their hoodie. Gorou's heart skipped a beat, apprehension building within him. The hooded individual then pointed behind Gorou, causing him to turn around, expecting to see something alarming.

With trepidation, Gorou turned around, only to find an empty hallway awaiting him. Bewildered, he faced the hooded figure once more, who had now started to walk away. A slight tremor ran through Gorou as he strained to hear the person's snickering and muttered words, "Never gets old." Gorou couldn't help but feel a mix of annoyance and relief, realizing that he had let his imagination get the best of him.

Suppressing his wounded pride, Gorou released a sigh, his nerves gradually subsiding. He gathered himself and composed his thoughts before opening the door to the room he had been heading to.

"Hello, thank you for waiting," Gorou greeted as he entered the room, his professional demeanor taking over.


Leo walked briskly out of the hospital, still snickering to himself as the automated doors closed behind him. The memory of the man's anxious reaction played in his head, causing him to chuckle at the absurdity of it all. It was a small amusement that helped to improve his mood, which had already been brightened by leaving Miyako behind.

Back at the studio, Miyako had offered to take Leo to the hospital where Ai was being examined. At first, he had agreed, but the moment they stepped outside, he swiftly took off, leaving Miyako searching for her keys in his dust. Though he didn't know the exact location of the hospital, Leo had a vague idea since it was near the spot where he had first emerged when he left Hell.

Stepping further into the night, Leo felt the cool air brush against his face, bringing a sense of calmness. He had the urge to see Ai and ensure she was doing well, but he also had standards to maintain. Showing up looking disheveled was out of the question. After all, he was a damn Yakuza, and Shouzou would undoubtedly scold him to no end if he met his baby mama looking homeless.

Scratching his head in contemplation, Leo let out a sigh. It seemed he would have to make a quick stop at home to change his clothes. Going back to the laundromat was unlikely to yield any results, as Hitoha probably didn't bother washing his blood-stained clothes, even if Cosmo had suggested it. He figured his chances of finding a new suit at a thrift store were higher than getting any assistance from Hitoha. Plus, he needed to pick up "That" from his apartment, so might as well kill two birds with one stone.

Stretching his legs in preparation for a sprint, Leo readied himself for another run. Masking his presence as he traversed back and forth between his home and the hospital would take less than an hour. The desire to see Ai during these challenging times fueled his motivation.

"I'm going to be a dad," Leo thought to himself, a mixture of happiness and uncertainty swirling within him. The cold wind brushed against his skin, leaving a slight sting as he sprinted through the Japanese mountains. Normalcy wasn't something he was accustomed to, nor was it something that seemed feasible given the current circumstances.

Devils like Makima and the ones Leo had made contracts with all sought to shape the world according to their own desires. Leo, however, didn't include himself in that category. He was content to live his life as it unfolded, but with the direction, his life was taking, he realized he would have no choice but to plant his own flag and shape the world as he saw fit.

Leo found solace in the idea of creating a world where Ai could pursue her dreams as an idol, but he knew that his responsibilities would soon extend beyond just her. Their children would soon enter their lives, and considering the state of the world, they wouldn't have the opportunity to live freely. The world would inevitably come to an end, but Leo was determined to ensure that his children had the chance to experience their wildest fantasies before that happened.

"Things just keep piling up, don't they?" Leo mused to himself moving at breakneck speeds.



After all the tests were completed, Gorou stepped out of Ai's hospital room. Uncertainty clouded Ai's decision regarding her children, as she wanted a second opinion from a specific person. As Gorou walked out, a chilling realization hit him—he remembered the hooded man lurking outside Ai's room. His previous encounter with the mysterious figure had slipped his mind due to his wounded pride and the presence of his beloved idol, but now panic set in.

Before closing the door, Gorou asked Ichigo if they could talk outside. Sensing Gorou's anxiety, Ichigo complied and stepped out, leaving Ai alone in the hospital room.

Sitting by herself, Ai occasionally rubbed her growing belly while her gaze drifted to the floor. She felt a deep sense of happiness, especially after discovering she was expecting twins. However, something nagged at her, preventing her from fully embracing the joy of the moment. Maybe it was the desire not to celebrate alone but the longing to share this special occasion with a particular someone.


In the lobby near the vending machines, Gorou brought up the topic of the hooded man to Ichigo as clearly as he could. Ichigo furrowed his brow, deep in thought, as he absorbed the information. Just as they pondered, a familiar face passed by them, heading back toward the room he had previously been lurking near.


The room where Ai waited remained unusually quiet, allowing her thoughts to consume her. Leo's absence weighed heavily on her mind. It wasn't uncommon for him to vanish suddenly and then reappear as if nothing had happened, but this time, his absence had extended longer than usual. Did something happen? Ai missed him.

As Ai contemplated Leo's mysterious disappearance, the sound of footsteps approached her room, coming to a halt just outside the door. Curiosity filled her as she stared at the closed door. Suddenly, three quick knocks echoed through the room. Confusion washed over Ai—why was someone knocking? Gorou hadn't knocked when he initially entered the room. Who could it be?

With a sense of urgency, Ai rose from her seat, cradling her belly instinctively as she neared the door. Each step felt elongated as if time were playing tricks on her, urging her to hurry and open the door.

When her hand finally reached the handle, the door slid open slowly, revealing a dapperly dressed Leo. His suit exuded sleekness and was impeccably ironed, shimmering under the hospital lights. The sight of him caused Ai's face to light up, and her starry eyes traveled up Leo's figure until they met his face, where a smirk began to form.

"Yo," Leo greeted casually.

Before they knew it, Ai had her arms wrapped tightly around Leo's chest, resting her ear against him, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. It quickened for a moment before returning to its usual tempo.

"You smell like a field," Ai mumbled, her words slightly muffled, catching a whiff of Leo's scent. But she made no effort to pull away.

"Tch," Leo playfully clicked his tongue before fully returning Ai's embrace.

The hug seemed to last for an eternity, although it was only a few precious minutes. Ai didn't want to let go—no amount of time could make up for their separation. So she held onto him even tighter.

Releasing the embrace just enough to make Ai look up at him, Leo admired her soft features. He contemplated making a remark about her growing belly pushing against him, but he decided now wasn't the best time. Leo found himself captivated by Ai's radiant smile, the largest cheek-to-cheek grin he had ever seen from her. It was moments like these that kept drawing him back to her.

Pointing towards the stairs, Leo whispered, "Want to go watch the stars?"



Walking back to the hospital room, Ichigo and Gorou had troubled expressions etched on their faces. The conversation about the mysterious hooded figure had left them on edge, their instincts telling them that something was amiss.

As they approached Ai's room, a sense of dread started to creep up within them. With every step, their worry intensified, fearing what they might find behind the door.

Sliding it open, they were met with an empty room. The stillness and silence hung heavily in the air, exacerbating their growing concern.

"Damn it," Ichigo muttered, his voice filled with frustration and anxiety. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to gather his thoughts.



Meanwhile, in a secluded spot on the rooftop, the night sky adorned with a canopy of stars, Ai found solace in the embrace of Leo. She nestled on his lap, feeling the comforting rhythm of his heartbeat resonating through his chest.

The gentle breeze caressed their faces, carrying away their worries and replacing them with a sense of peace. Time seemed to slow down as they gazed up at the vast expanse of the starry sky.

In the serenity of the moment, Ai's fingertips traced tender circles on her burgeoning belly, a gentle symphony of connection between mother and child. Each stroke mirrored the steady rhythm of Leo's heartbeat, forging an unspoken bond between them. The warmth radiating from within her served as a constant reminder of the life blossoming inside.

"I missed you," Ai whispered, her voice carrying a symphony of emotions—longing, relief, and a touch of vulnerability.

"Hmm," Leo hummed, his voice a deep resonance that echoed in the stillness before he posed a simple question. "Why?"

Ai paused, her thoughts mingling with the intertwining of their hands. In that tender gesture, she felt the reassurance of Leo's unwavering presence. Their palms connected, fingers entwined, and she drew strength from his touch.

"I'll always come back," Leo affirmed his voice a gentle caress that tugged at her heartstrings.

A soft shimmer graced the corners of Ai's eyes, reflecting the starlight above. "I know," she whispered, her grip on Leo's hand tightening as if to anchor their connection.

A gentle smile curled Ai's lips as she leaned her head against the steady rhythm of Leo's chest, their joined hands resting tenderly on her growing belly. The synchrony of their breaths melded harmoniously with the hushed nocturnal symphony.

"So?" Leo's voice resonated softly, like a lullaby carrying the weight of infinite possibilities. "How's the baby?"

A sweet giggle escaped Ai's lips as she playfully shook her head against his chest. "Babies," she corrected, the sound of her laughter echoing like a joyful melody in the night.

Leo let out an impressed whistle, though Ai felt it was more for him than it was for her. She laughed, the sound like a cascade of musical notes harmonizing with the night.

As Ai's laughter subsided, the weight of the upcoming future settled upon Ai, and a mix of emotions swirled within her. Her grip on his hand tightened, her silent signal of the courage she mustered to voice her deepest yearning.

"Will..." she paused, her voice quivering with vulnerability. "Will you stay?"

In that pregnant pause, time seemed to stand still, hanging in the air alongside the weight of Ai's question. Leo's soft voice carried a profound tenderness as he responded.

"For you? or them?" Leo's words conveyed the depth of his commitment, tugging at Ai's heartstrings.

Ai's determination blazed within her, momentarily dimming the six-pointed stars in her eyes. "For all of us," she declared with unwavering resolve. "I want you to stay for me, for our children, and for the life we can build together."

Leo's eyes softened, his gentle gaze caressing Ai's soul. A coy smile graced his lips as he began swaying gently from side to side. Ai listened intently to the cadence of his heartbeat, the rhythm of his decision echoing through their connection. The gravity of the moment hung suspended between them.

Taking a deep breath, Leo finally spoke his affirmation. "I'll stay."

A wave of relief washed over Ai, her heart swelling with joy at Leo's commitment. It was the confirmation she had yearned for, a promise of the future she longed to embrace. Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over, and her grip on Leo's hand tightened once more as she sought solace in their unbreakable bond. Leo squeezed back reassuringly, offering his unwavering support.

"There's just one more thing to do now, isn't there?" Leo whispered, his grip on Ai's hand loosening. A playful smile danced upon his lips. "Handholding before marriage, honestly."

Confusion flickered in Ai's eyes as she wiped away her tears, but her curiosity was piqued as Leo reached into his pocket, retrieving a small black box.

"Children born out of wedlock are considered bastards," Leo teased, attempting to lighten the mood. "Let's avoid that."

Leo extended the box to Ai, who examined it with anticipation. Slowly, she opened it, revealing a ring adorned with a simple yet elegant diamond that shimmered under the moonlight. Its beauty captivated her, the significance of the gesture sinking in.

"It's an heirloom," Leo explained, his voice tinged with a touch of nostalgia. "Supposedly, it's a blood diamond."

But Ai hardly registered his words, her attention consumed by the ring before her. Its radiance mirrored the hope and love that blossomed within her heart.

Ai's fingers trembled as she reached out, delicately lifting the ring from its cushioned bed. The diamond sparkled, casting a mesmerizing glow that seemed to mirror the newfound light in Ai's eyes. It was a symbol of commitment, a tangible representation of the love they'll be sharing. Tears cascaded down her cheeks, mingling with the radiance of her smile. It was a moment of unadulterated bliss, of dreams becoming reality.

With an air of anticipation, Ai handed Leo the ring before she extended her trembling hand, offering her ring finger to Leo. He delicately slid the ring onto her finger, and as it settled into place, it felt like a perfect fit.

They stayed in that embrace, cherishing the weight of their commitment, as the world continued to turn.



Downstairs, Ichigo was in a frenzy, his parental instincts on overdrive as he combed through every nook and cranny of the hospital in search of Ai. With each passing moment, his worry intensified, propelling him forward like a sprinter in the final stretch of a race. Skipping steps, he raced up the stairs, driven by sheer determination.

Security cameras confirmed that Ai was still inside the building, ruling out the possibility of her having left unnoticed. Ichigo had scoured nearly every floor, leaving only one place unexplored—the rooftop. It was the final destination in his relentless pursuit.

Reaching the rooftop door, Ichigo's breaths came in ragged gasps. His body was drenched in sweat, his suit clinging to him uncomfortably. Amidst the chaos, his iconic sunglasses had been lost, a testament to the urgency of his search. Grasping the door handle, he strained to catch his breath, his senses heightened by anticipation.

As the door swung open, Ichigo's eyes widened at the sight before him. There, overlooking the rooftop, stood a tall figure with familiar black hair. It was Leo. The shock of seeing him there was overwhelming. How had Leo managed to arrive so fast? It had only been a few hours since Ichigo had spoken to Miyako. And speaking of Miyako, where was she?

Ichigo stepped onto the rooftop, the metal door slowly closing behind him, capturing Leo's attention. He glanced at Ichigo, his expression momentarily unreadable before a small twitch of his lips betrayed a hint of amusement. Ichigo's eyebrow twitched in response, a mixture of annoyance and suspicion creeping into his gaze.

As the door finally closed, Ai's attention was drawn to the sound. She looked past Leo and spotted Ichigo standing there. A bright smile illuminated her face as she gracefully made her way toward him, leaving Leo behind.

"Ah, Mr. President!" Ai greeted cheerfully, her eyes gleaming with joy as she approached Ichigo.

With Ai no longer huddled in front of him, Leo leaned against the railings, a silent chuckle escaping him. Going back for his suit had proven to be worth it, especially now that he could witness the competition he posed to Ichigo. He could feel the weight of Ichigo's glare on his back, but it seemed to fade as Ai drew nearer to her manager.

"Look, look!" Ai exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement, as she proudly displayed the ring on her finger. "Isn't it beautiful?"

Ichigo's gaze shifted from Leo to the diamond ring, his eyes widening in astonishment. He found himself caught in a silent exchange between the ring and Leo, his shock and surprise palpable. The pieces were slowly coming together, leaving him with a myriad of questions, but for now, he could only marvel at the undeniable significance of the ring on Ai's finger.

As the shock began to ebb away, Ichigo's expression softened, his gaze shifting between Ai and Leo. He could see the genuine happiness radiating from Ai, her eyes sparkling with love and anticipation. It was a sight for the ages.